Read Romance books for free

A big variety of genres offers in Today we will discuss romance as one of the types books, which are very popular and interesting first of all for girls. They like to dream about their romantic future rendezvous, about kisses under the stars and many flowers. Girls are gentle, soft and sweet. In their minds everything is perfect. The ocean, white sand, burning sun….He and she are enjoying each other.
Nowadays we are so lacking in love and romantic deeds. This electronic library will fill our needs with books by different authors.

What is Romance?

Reading books RomanceReading books romantic stories you will plunge into the world of feelings and love. Most of the time the story ends happily. Very interesting and informative to read books historical romance novels to feel the atmosphere of that time.
In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

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Read books online » Romance » Sometimes mistakes happen.. by K. Harris (free ebook reader for pc txt) 📖

Book online «Sometimes mistakes happen.. by K. Harris (free ebook reader for pc txt) 📖». Author K. Harris

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asked hesitant. 

"Aaron has fixed your Dads car and said yours is half way, all thats left are your windows to be replaced." He half smiled before going back to the sad expression he had. 

"Wait.. My car? Surely it would cost too much to fix?" I asked puzzled. 

"No, yours was the easiest, your Dads windows were harder to replace actually." he repleid looking down. 

"So what?" I asked still confused where this conversation was leading. 

"Aaron rang every shop, even the ones our Dad's don't own and my car will cost $6,800 to fix." He replied quietly. I was shocked. 

"I told you I'll help you." I replied placing my hand on his leg. 

"Sarah, my cars only worth about half of that. There's no point. It's just a pain because it took me and Dad a year to build him up and only a week for him to be destroyed. I'm just devistated. That's all." He explained with a soft voice. 


This is my fault. All my fault. If I hadn't asked him to be mine, if I hadn't invited him over that first day or kissed him repeatidly that night at the suite this wouldn't have happened. It's my fault. 



Marks P.O.V


I looked up to Sarah, she was white as a ghost and her eyes were puffy. She was crying. Surely she wasn't blaming herself?

"Sarah, it's not your fault!" I choked as I grabbed her hands. 

"Yes it is." She cried. This is the worst feeling, I've made my girl cry. 

"No! Don't ever blame yourself, this is all Angela. Look at me?" I whispered holding her head up to mine. She was looking into my eyes. 

"She can destroy my car, even my home. She can attack me herself but that won't chage a single thing. I'm with you because I want to be and that's not going to change just because yourm mum makes it her mission too." I explained drawing circles with my thumb on her cheek. She had stopped crying and was now relaxed. 

"Thank you." She smiled as she kissed my lips gently. I loved when she did this. 

"Now, tell me how you went on your finals." I laughed as I let her go to get out the car. She paused. Like she was thinking whether to tell me or not. 

"I passed with 99%." She smiled. I was thrilled. When we both reached the front of the car I wrapped my arms around her and kissed her forehead. 

"I'm proud of you." I said quite loud. 


"Mark?" A voice spoke from behind me. I turned and Sarah remained behind me. I couldn't believe my eyes. Hannah was standing only a few metres away. 


Can't handle.


"Hannah." I groaned. 


I couldn't believe she was in front of me, did she really have the nerve to come here? I was beyond angry at her. She's beyond stupid. 

"Who's that?" Sarah asked from behind me. 

"No one important. Go out to the room I'll be in shortly." I said glaring towards Hannah. 

Sarah actually listened and went out the back without a word. However I know she'll ask me about this later. 


"I didn't plan on just showing up but you didn't answer my calls." Hannah mumbled walking towards me. 


She had changed slightly since I last saw her. She now has jet black hair. It suited her and her personality. 

"That's because I'm trying to avoid you." I hissed. 

"Common, can we please talk?" She started whining. The exact whine that won all arguments, but not this one. 

"No. I'm done talking." I argued. 

"Who was that girl behind you?" She question looking me straight into my eyes. 

"Her names Sarah. My girlfriend." I smirked. She hated when I done this. 

"Well you moved on quickly." She groaned. 

"Coming from the one who cheated on me!" I laughed. I mean common she won't win this argument. 


Her bottom lip dropped. She then had a tear running down the face. I actually managed to win, I won against Hannah-Lee! 


"I guess there's no use me being here." she sighed. 

"I told you I didn't want to see you." I groaned. She's trying to make me feel bad. 

"But we need to sort things out and I need to sort it out!" She cried. 

"Why? Because you're visiting? That makes no sense!" I said confused. 

"I'm not visiting. I live here now." She mumbled. 


WHAT?! Wait.. WHAT!


"Say what?" I asked basically yelling. 

"Yeah, Mum and Dad are having financial issues, so I'm leaving with Aunt Dee and Dan." She explaiend. 


I couldn't listen to another word. I placed my hand up and signaled for her to go away. I then walked out the back. I headed into Alex's new study. All the painting was done and all the windows were fixed and replaced. 

"Alright, all that's left is carpet which is getting done in one hour, so tonight we can start moving furtiture in!" Sarah smiled. Everyone cheered. 


We all headed inside for food, Sarah had ordered pizza for everyone and it arrived within 20 minutes. 

I was lucky no one mentioned what was going on outfront eariler. Although I wouldn't know how to explain it. I mean saying 'Oh that was just my ex who cheated on me with my now ex best mate. Oh and she's moving to Brisbane and just so happens to be going to the same school.' would make me sound like a absolute retard. Like common. I gotta tell Abby though. 


"Hey Abby?" I asked looking over at her. 

She glanced up and mouthed 'what' to me. 

"Need to talk." I said standing up, I gestered towards the backyard. She followed without questioning. 

"What's up?" She asked gently punching my arm. 

"Hannah's here. In Brisbane." I coughed. I know what reaction I'll get. Her eyes glared and anger come across her face. 

"SHE'S WHERE?" Abby yelled louder than needed. 

"In Brisbane. She was out the front eariler trying to sort it out with me." I groaned. 

Abby shook her head and headed inside. I followed her in and she was standing in the centre of the kitchen looking over at Sarah. 

"Hey Sarah, if I flog someone, who deserves it. Will I get kicked off the team? Abby questioned with rage still firing her up. 

Sarah looked confused and worried. she walked over and placed her hand on Abby's shoulder. She instintly relaxed. 

"Well no, if it remains off school grounds then I can't kick you off the team." Sarah spoke smoothly. 

"I'll make sure it's no where near school." Abby smiled. She then turned to me. 

"Call her and tell her to come back, I wanna have a little chat to her." Abby laughed, a bit scary. 

"Abby I don't thi-" she cut me off. 

"Do it." She yelled. 


I done as she asked immediately. I rang Hannah. 


Hannah: Mark?

Me: Sorry about earlier. Your should come back so we can talk. I was just really surprised about what you said. 

Hannah: Yeah I did spring it on you a bit quick. I'll be there in 10 okay?

Me: Okay.


I hung up. Abby looked satified. 

"Can someone please explain what's going on?" Sarah asked confused. Abby looked to her and realised what was just caused. 

"I'll tell her Abs, you wait outside, she'll be here in 10." I said walking over to Sarah. I lead her into the lounge room and sat her down. 


"Do you want it all at once? Or bit by bit?" I asked softly. 

"All at once." She said calmly. I took a deep breath. 

"Well, the girl that was out the front, her name is Hannah. She's my ex. We dated for about a year and she found out before me that I was moving. Now, the best friend I had at the time, Vince, was living down the road from her. She apparently freaked out and he happened to be close by. Offered her some comfort. More than once. So She cheated on me. She told her best friend Celeste who aodres the crap out of me because I got her out of a situation but that's another story. Anyway Celeste came straight to me and told me. I was a wreck leaving. Then she's been calling me the last two days and rocked up here earlier. I told her I'm with you. Abby is still angry at her hence thw whole threatening to bash her. Which will occur any minute now." I explained slowly. Hoping she was keeping up. 


"I actually get it. Now I want to see Abby flog her." Sarah said as she ran towards the back door. I got up quickly and followed her. Everyone was waiting by the back gate (3 of them had phones ready to record.) and Abby was in the mix. She had her hair in a pony tail and she'd taken all forms if jewellery off. I know my sister and she was literally about to kick the shit out of Hannah. Within a few minutes Hannah was walking into the driveway. She gave a funny expression as everyone piled into the front yard. I walked out along side Sarah. 

"Sorry, but Abby wants to.. chat." I said gripping my teeth. 

Abby then appeared in front of Hannah. 



Abby's P.O.V


She stood there, frozen. Staring at me with regret. I was about to get every bit of anger I've built up these past few months and lay into her. 

"Abby.. I don't want a fight." Hannah croaked.

"Really? Should have thought about that before cheating on my brother with his bestfriend and my boyfriend! You little bitch!" I yelled. 

I've been in a few fights. Ive even wrestled with Hannah before. She's in for a rude awakening. 

"He didn't tell me use two were dating still!" Hannah yelled, basically crying. 

"Even if we had broken up YOU cheated on MY brother." I yelled more angry then ever. I can't hold back any longer. 


I launched myself at Hannah and she fell with her back to the ground. I immediately started clenching my fists and aimed straight for her face. I stood up after a few punches and stood back a bit. I'd given her a blood nose and a cut lip. She was crying. But she looked angry. 

"You know what? You're the one that wouldn't put out so Vince cheated on YOUR sorry ass!" Hannah yelled. 

This, is where it got ugly. 


Hannah launched towards me and grabbed my hair, classic bitch move. I started punching again and she let go after a while. However she pulled it occasionly, scratched and even slapped me. Nothing stopped me from laying into her. She finally gave up and fell down. I won. 


"You broke my brother's heart. You even broke mine. You deserve every punch you recieve." I spat. 

I turned to Sarah and Mark, they were both smiling. 


"One other thing. You're no where near as perfect as Sarah. At least she knows right from wrong. Oh and she's SO much prettier then you." I laughed. Hannah stood and walked off down the road. 


"I love you sis." Mark smiled. I have never seen him so happy. 



*Later that night* 


Sarah's P.O.V


"Mark?" I asked. 

"Yeah?" he replied looking up at me. 


We were all in the lounge room piled with pillows and blankets. Me, Mark, Abby, Xavier, Kyle, Vern, Jane and Kerry. However everyone but me and Mark were asleep. 


"The night at the suite, you said that-" I paused. Was I really about to ask this?

"I said you were my first. It's true." Mark smiled resting his head against the couch. 

"So you and Hannah.. What did happen?" I asked curious. 

"Honestly? It was mostly making out. I took her bra off a bit however. We planned on.. you

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