Read Romance books for free

A big variety of genres offers in Today we will discuss romance as one of the types books, which are very popular and interesting first of all for girls. They like to dream about their romantic future rendezvous, about kisses under the stars and many flowers. Girls are gentle, soft and sweet. In their minds everything is perfect. The ocean, white sand, burning sun….He and she are enjoying each other.
Nowadays we are so lacking in love and romantic deeds. This electronic library will fill our needs with books by different authors.

What is Romance?

Reading books RomanceReading books romantic stories you will plunge into the world of feelings and love. Most of the time the story ends happily. Very interesting and informative to read books historical romance novels to feel the atmosphere of that time.
In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

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Read books online » Romance » The Royal Wedding by Shree Lakshmi (best motivational books for students txt) 📖

Book online «The Royal Wedding by Shree Lakshmi (best motivational books for students txt) 📖». Author Shree Lakshmi

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pongee dress with loose hair and simple jewelry. She had pale skin and reflected beauty. She has a long black hair curled at the end. Her smile is like a radiator.
“Well she looks beautiful,” he thought.
Few days later.....
“So, what do you think,” Stefan asked his best friend Edward. He had been his friend since high school and shared everything to him. Stefan seeks to advise from him and mostly consult him in various situations.
“What? Are you having second thoughts?” He eyed him suspiciously.
“Now I am just asking about her,” he casually leaned back in his chair.
Edward smiled” don’t worry she is perfect for you,”
They were in Stefan’s room and Edward was watching Elena’s photo. Stefan raised his eyebrows in the comment of his friend. Edward saw that and smiled while shaking his head.
“You know, you should talk to her. I mean meet her so that you guys can know about each other,” Edward lifted his shoulders and a smile formed on his face. He has a muscular body, being the same height of Stefan, with brown eyes along with an Italian accent.
“So, you think I should proceed with her,” there was a hint of doubt in Stefan’s voice.
“Hmm..... I think so you should. At least give her a chance. Who knows when you may fall for her..,” Edward began teasing him.
Stefan remained silent and nodded. He knows very well that he couldn’t fall for anyone. He still thinks of the girl who made his life. Edward was watching him curiously.
“Is there anything you want to talk?” Asked Edward.
“Hmm ... Nothing. Okay then arrange the meeting with her. Let’s see” saying this Stefan left the room.
Two days later, Stefan met Elena for tea on the lawn. She was wearing a light pink top with denim jeans and Stefan in his casual blue shirt and black trousers. It was a causal meet. Elena looked more beautiful than in the photo.
“Thanks for inviting me,” she said sweetly after settling in the lawn chair.
“It’s my pleasure,” Stefan smiled. The servants came and poured the tea along with some snacks.
“So, you met my mother and I think she already told you about this meeting,” he started the conversation after looking how uncomfortable she looks.
“Yeah, actually she told me” Elena said looking embarrassed.
“Listen it’s all your choice. I mean… I am not forcing you into anything. It's only my mom who forces me,” he smiled.
“Which girl will lose this chance?” She teased
Stefan raised his one eyebrow while smiling. She saw that and said quickly,” ugh… well I was just kidding, I mean it will be my honor to be your wife,”
Stefan knew the answer. Well every girl will love this opportunity but Elena is different. She was true from her heart and not any teen-age girl that believe in fantasy. She is a highly educated and independent girl. So far she didn’t have any bad remark.
They chatted for a while when the queen arrived there. Stefan left them talking.
“So my dear you enjoyed here,” she asked Elena.
“Yes, your majesty,” she nodded her head and bowed before her. The Queen smiled and made her stand straight.
“Hope I will hear the bells ringing,” she smiled.
After one week, the official engagement was arranged and Stefan was engaged to Elena. All the media people came to take their photo and finally released them. Sitting now in the office, he would only glance at the photos and think about his future.
“Hmm…” someone cleared their throat. Stefan rolled his eyes knowing well who came inside.
“When did you come inside?” Keeping his glass on the table he turned to see Edward.
“When you were busy in thinking something,” he teased and stood before him.
“It’s nothing,” he smiled.
“Why it is always nothing when I ask you what you are thinking?” Edward asked him irritated.
When he didn’t receive any comment from Stefan he reluctantly sat on the sofa and took the newspaper from the stand.
“You guys look great.” He turned the paper to show him, Stefan just smiled.
“Thanks,” he muttered.
Edward saw the look on Stefan’s face. He didn't want to interrupt his friend. So he stood up and fixed his suit.
“Anyways I just came to tell you that the queen wants to see you,” he informed him.
“Why?” Stefan doesn’t need to ask that. His mother was busy about this wedding and always asked him to join her.
“She wants you to meet the wedding planner,” he said while shoving his hands into his pockets.
“Oh great! The wedding planner," he sighed, “okay I will go. You are coming?”
"Nope, you carry on and don't scare her away," Edward teased him.
"You bet," Stefan chuckled.
Edward left for wedding arrangement so Stefan has to meet the wedding planner alone. He entered the hall and saw a girl wearing in jeans and white top. She was standing backwards to him and looking at the royal family portrait. She looked familiar from the backside.
“Ugh…” he cleared his throat.
She turned towards Stefan. His eyes popped wide open and heart beat thumped harder. That face he saw two years back and longed to see was standing right in front of him.
“You…. You are the wedding planner...?” He asked her shocked.

Chapter 3
Few days back:
Sam sat on the sofa motionless trying to stop the tears that already formed in her eyes. The man in the video had not only affected her heart but also her peace of mind. It took nearly two years to forget him because he was the only one guy with whom she was crazy in love.
They were together when things turned abruptly different and from that day onwards she lost the hope on any man. She never loved anyone nor dated anyone. Her heart still aches for him but now it’s just meaningless since he is going to get married.
Has he forgotten her? Or is it really an infatuation for him or was she really any other girl for him who he played with her?
Anger boiled in her thinking about him. She was so much lost in thought of him that she didn’t hear the phone ringing. Suddenly she jerked back to the reality and looked at her mobile. It has 7 missed calls from only one person—Rose.
She called her back.
“Yeah,” Sam managed to say, while controlling her tears.
“Did you see the news?” She sounded excited.
“Yes rose, I saw,” Sam sighed.
“So what do you think?”
“W... What thinking Rose, you mean you got that royal wedding contract…?” She could hardly speak.
“Yes dear, finally I got it,” Rose sounded over excited.
“H… how?” Sam couldn’t believe her ears.
“Talk to you when I get home. Bye dear,”
“Hey wait...” She hung up.
Oh god she can’t mean it. I mean if she does that wedding then I have to go with her. This means that I have to meet him. Oh no no no….. Sam thought
She never expected to see him again. She thought harder. She couldn't face him again. She would say no to Rose and stay here. But Rose expected so much from her now she can’t step back this last moment. She has to convince her. How to escape? She has to…
Finally the dinner time arrived for which Sam was fully prepared. They were seated in the dining room having their dinner
“What do you mean you can’t?” She spat out and looked angry.
“Listen rose, I mean it’s far away, its big, and more even I don’t think I can help you,” Sam said to Rose avoiding her eyes.
The entire evening Sam kept on thinking the possibilities. When Rose came home, she looked so happy Sam didn’t dare to tell her and disappoint her. Rose went on chattering how the queen heard about her and how she contacted her and all. Sam was busy thinking about the plan but with all that chattering she couldn’t make out.
“Oh dear, your presence means a lot to me. Please for god sake don’t say no. I planned everything.” Rose was trembling inside because she can’t handle this big wedding. Sam knew this very well. Even though Rose is an expert in her profession she can’t do it alone. But still…
“Wait! What have you planned?” Sam asked confusingly. Did she hear her correctly?
“Hmm… I planned our tour,” she said helplessly.
“What? You already have planned this and saying this to me now,” Sam was getting irritated.
“So what? You promised me. You better remember that,” Rose gave the warning teasingly. She began eating her dinner as if the argument had ended.
Sam knew she was losing it. She has to fight till the end. But what if she doesn’t listen again? Oh god how I am going to convince her… she thought.
They finished their dinner and Rose was washing the dishes. Her phone started ringing.
“Sam I think you can pick up the call,” she yelled from the kitchen.
Reluctantly she picked. ”yello”
“Pardon me,” said a male voice. His English accent was in bits but was quite Italian.
“I mean… hello,” she calmly answered him.
“Can I talk to Miss Samantha White?” He asked her in his Italian accent.
“Yes it’s me speaking,” she signed.
“This is Edward Ross, PA of Prince Stefan,” he sounded proud.
Sam wouldn’t speak for a moment. She was in shock. Her hands were trembling. She knew by this time He probably would have known about her arrival. At first the wedding news and now his personal assistant is talking to her. Why life does is so hatred towards her… she thought.
“Ugh… is you there Miss?” Edward interrupted.
“Yeah I am, what I can do Mr. Ross," she swallowed the lump in her throat.
“Well actually it’s been said that you are coming alone so I thought I could get some details of your arrival,” he asked her.
She didn’t expect. She was going alone. No ways. She narrowed her eyes at her aunt and she motioned her to hand over the phone.
“Hello...” He waited
“Sorry… can you just hold on a second,” she made sure she doesn’t sound rude.
“Sure,” he answered politely.
She handed the phone to Rose. Rose took the phone and went towards the balcony. After a few minutes she came back.
“Would you care to explain me?” She looked at the aunt irritatingly.
“Oh c’mon dear, I was going to tell. Listen I am in a middle of an assignment. I can’t drop out now. Please understand my situation.” She pleaded.
“First you forced me to go. Fine! And now you are saying that I have to go alone,” she looked at her as if she was her greatest enemy.
“What’s your problem Sam? I never saw you like that. You were adventurous and active. You used to help others. And now whom I see? A girl who’s afraid to be alone? Go somewhere far from home.” Rose spoke irritating to her. In her whole life she never saw Sam being so broken only when her parents died. Rose couldn’t understand why she is against going to this marriage.
Her aunt has every right to yell at her. But she can’t explain her. She looked pleadingly at her aunt, Rose was very angry. She left Sam and went to her room banging the door.
She went to her room and collapsed on her bed. She couldn’t sleep. She knew that she has hurt Rose... Oh how could she do it? She closed her eyes and took a deep breathe. After lots of thinking, finally she decided on going and ready to face him. She slept knowing that she has lots of work to do tomorrow.
Early in the
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