Unexpected by Nikki Plotner (the beginning after the end read novel TXT) đź“–

- Author: Nikki Plotner
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“Wait, you said that it is a royal family. Why when I asked my dad about it tonight, he said I wasn’t one and he would know if I was”.
“Lyla, I am not the person that should be telling you this, but they are not your real family”.
“How would you know, they have raised me and been there for me”.
“I know this because I am your uncle Lyla. You were kidnapped when you were four months old and we have been searching for you ever since. Please just trust me and believe what I am saying”.
“How can you say that? I look just like my mom and they would never do anything like that”.
“But, they really would. Plus, you look nothing like that women, yes you may have some look a likes of her, but you look exactly like your real mother and every other women that is in our family. Please, I will prove it to you. Come here tomorrow night after dinner and our family will be here”.
“Okay, I’m just supposed to believe you and go back to the people who kidnapped me”?
“Yes, until we get everything sorted out, that is exactly what you are going to do. Please promise me you will be here tomorrow night and that you won’t tell anyone about this conversation”.
“I promise. Thanks Michael”.
“You are most definitely welcome. Now, go back to your house before they get worried about you”.
I walked back to my supposedly fake dad’s house and went straight to bed. I had a long exhausting day and I needed my rest. I just hope that Michael isn’t lying to me, but then again I sort of hope he is, because this is the family I have known my entire life.
Chapter Three
The Next day, I laid around watching TV, thinking about what I was going to do with Taaron. He is my mate, and if I go back to my supposedly real family, than I will have to leave Taaron. I'll ask Michael about it tonight when I meet up with him. After I ate dinner, I told everyone I was going for a walk. I walked by to the park and sat on the swing again waiting for Michael.
"Lyla, thanks for coming." Michael says appearing out of nowhere.
"You're welcome. If I go with you, can my mate come too?" I asked.
"After we get you out of here, we will go and grab your mate Lyla. You don't have to worry, he will be there with you." Michael says reassuringly.
"Now, how about we meet your real family." Michael said, motioning them over with his hand. I was shocked to say the least. He was right, I looked exactly the the three woman that was standing in front of me.
"Lyla, I would like you to meet you mother, father and two of your siblings. That decided to come along with them." Michael says.
"My name is william. I'm your father Lyla. This is your mother Victoria." William said motioning to the older looking woman.
"We are you sisters lyla. My name is Megan and this is our younger sister Heaven." The girl next to my so called mother said.
"Okay, how do I know your not just some freakishly look a likes of me and you're not the ones trying to take me?" I asked questionably.
"I had a feeling you would say that. We brought some photo's of your when you were really little and your birth certificate. The real birth certificate." Michael says, giving me the pictures.
It does make since, after all my so called parents never had a birth certificate and never had pictures of me when I was first born. I had to believe these people. I just couldn't believe the life I had was all a lie.
"I believe you guys. But, is Taaron really my mate than? Since, everything else was a lie." I asked them, about to break down, if he wasn't really my mate.
"Taaron is your true mate Lyla. You wouldn't be pregnant if he wasn't. Now, I need you to go back to that house and get Taaron. I don't want to separate the two of you. Don't grab any bags, and levee you phones there. Then meet me back here." Michael tells me. I just nod and walk back to the house. I found Taaron in our so called room.
"Hey babe, is everything okay?" He asks me worriedly.
"Will you leave with me, I mean away from all of this?" I asked him.
"I would go anywhere with you. You know that love." He was getting worried. I could feel it radiating off of him.
"Okay than, then get up leave your phone and act like we are going for a walk. I promise I will tell you everything, when we get where we are going." I say.
Taaron wasn't sure about this, but did as I said anyways. Once, I knew we were almost to the park I stopped him and told him everything I found out.
"How do you know it true?" He asked cautiously.
"I know because they have proof, plus they look exactly like me Taaron. More so than my so called family."
"Okay, lets go to them than." He says grabbing my hand. We walk to the park and find Michael there alone again.
"Thanks for coming guys. Are you ready to go home Lyla?" Michael asks me. I just nod and follow him to his secured limo. I sat there quietly the entire time, feeling like I was going to break down. We stopped at the airport and got on a private plane. Michael said we were going to England, where all of our family is at.
"So, if we are royalty. How did I get kidnapped?" I asked Michael.
"Your mother was out shopping, with only two guards. The guards were killed and they stole you from Victoria. She couldn't fight back, being pregnant again and begin there was ten wolves and only her." Michael said again.
"How do I know I will be safe and I won't get stolen again? I asked.
"First no royalty is allowed to go alone anywhere. They have to have more than one family member with them and we have twenty guards to one person now. If you can see, theres a lot of guards with us on this plane."
"Okay, I said." I stayed silent the rest of the way and somewhere between the flight I ended up falling asleep.
ImprintText: Nikki Plotner 5/22/12. (please don't steal my work)
Publication Date: 05-22-2012
All Rights Reserved
To all of my friends, family, and fans.
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