Unexpected by Nikki Plotner (an ebook reader .txt) đź“–

- Author: Nikki Plotner
Book online «Unexpected by Nikki Plotner (an ebook reader .txt) 📖». Author Nikki Plotner
Ugh, I hated my mom. I was so mad that she was making me move away from all my friends and in my senior year. I really didn’t want to go and I have been fighting her every step of the way, but there will not be any more fighting, because we're happening to be leaving this morning. I was lying in my bed for the very last time, when my little brother came in my room.
"Hey Lyla, mom said you better be ready to leave in thirty minutes."
"Get the hell out of my room Ayden;" I yelled throwing my pillow at him.
He just stood their laughing at me. I got up out of my bed and grabbed the only outfit I left out. I went into the bathroom to take a shower. I stood their pissed off, wishing I could just stay. Then I remembered what my mom told me, when I asked her why we were moving anyways. I remember her saying that we were going to live with my dad, which made me mad even more because he left us when I was eleven years old. Why would we go live with a man that abandoned his family, I would grasp the situation here. My mom just told me that I will understand it all sooner than I thought. I didn’t understand what the hell she was talking about. I wish she would just tell me what I am supposed to understand right now and not make me figure everything out, but that’s not how things work. There was knock on the bathroom door, it brought me back to the present.
"Lyla, if you are not out of that bathroom in five minutes and ready to go, there will be consequences." My mother said.
"Whatever, it’s not like you can do anything I said," while turning the water off.
"Don’t talk to me like that; I am getting sick of your attitude." She said.
I just ignored her, as I started drying off and put on my short black shorts and my purple tank top. I brushed my hair into a pony tail and then put on my purple flip flops, going downstairs where my mom had a look of disappointment on her face.
"Are you ready to go guy," my mom asked.
Ayden said he was. I just shrugged my shoulders and glared at her. I went out to my mom’s Hummer. I got in the front seat and before she even got in the car, I put my headphones in my ears and turned my IPod on. I ignored my mom the whole ride, which was a day and a half drive. None stop, except to eat and get gas and things like that. We finally arrived in Quinault, Washington, population 191.
"Can you please take those things out of your ears?" My mom asked me.
I glared at her, while removing my earphones.
"What do you want?" I asked.
"I want you to listen to me. We are moving in with your dad, for reason’s you don’t understand, but hopefully you will one day soon. Can you just act like you’re a little bit pleased?" She said.
"Wait you want me to act happy, when you are ruining my life. You moved me across the states, to live with someone who walked out on us and left us and now you want me to act like I am happy. I am about to begin my senior year and I left all my friends, people who I’ve known my entire life. Why would I do you any favors and act happy, when obviously I am not." I said, putting my earphones back into my ears.
I looked out my window, I knew what I said upset my mom and I didn’t want to see it, so I wouldn’t have to feel the guilt, but then again she deserves it. I hated her for making me do this, I wish I was older so I could have just stayed, but no things like that don’t happen. My mom, pulled into this long drive way. I couldn’t believe this is where my dad lived. There was a huge yard with a basketball court to one side and a miniature golf course to one side. On the other side of the yard were a swimming pool and a tennis court. At least they have a tennis court I thought to myself. In front of the drive way was a huge house. It was white, there was six garage doors and then in the middle there was a huge wooden door, obviously was the front door. The house was at least a three story house, maybe even more from the inside. I wasn’t sure; I looked at the house in awe. My mom parked the car and we all got out. We walked up to the front door and my mom opened it up. There was a huge walk in area and to the left was a dining area and then there was a little hallway to the right. There was a living room in front of the walk area. There were a couple of people sitting on the couch. They stood up all at once. I looked at them wondering who the hell they were. Then this guy came into the living room, he had a huge smile on his face.
"Jasmine he said to my mom." My mom walked up to him and hugged him.
"Nathaniel it is so good to see you again, she said."
I looked at her like she was fucking crazy acting all warm like to the guy that left us. How could she even want to be in the same room as him? I was getting pissed off. Nathaniel walked up to us with my mom holding her hand.
"Lyla, Ayden it is really good to see you both again." Nathaniel said.
I looked disgusted, how dare he say that. He could have brought us with him or kept in touch with us at lease, not just completely disappearing. Ayden walked up to him and gave Nathaniel a hug.
"Dad, it is so good to see you again, he said."
I was furious now; Ayden didn’t even remember my dad when we were little. He was only nine when he left. I remembered everything; I stood up at night crying over him for years. Nathaniel stood their looking at me questionably; he tried to walk up to me. I stepped back.
"Don’t you dare come closer to me, I said in disgust."
"Lyla don’t be like that please. He asked."
"No, you left us. I don’t even want to be here left alone seeing you" I said walking out the front door. I got back into the car and slammed it shut, locking all the doors. I sat in their crying for an hour. My mom came out to the car and told me to unlock the doors. I ignored her, still crying. She grabbed her keys and unlocked the door, opening my door.
"Lyla, you have to give him a chance to explain why he left. He left for a really good reason, please go inside and talk to your father. She said with pleading eyes." I looked at her and said fine, just give me a minute. She shook her head okay and then walked back inside. I wiped my face, from all the tears and tried to pull myself together. Then I got out of the car and went inside. I found my dad in the kitchen.
"I heard you wanted to talk to me. I said with anger."
"Yes, I do Lyla. I want to explain everything to you. Can we go outback and talk?" He asked.
"Sure, but you better explain it all. Or I am leaving and I am not coming back." I said. I followed him out back. We sat at the glass patio table.
"So, start explaining I said."
"When you were little I left, to come here. My dad died and I had to come to take over the family ritual. I didn’t want to leave you guys, but I didn’t want you to know what we are at that time, but I guess I should have just told you guys anyways, because now you are here and I have to explain it anyways. I was trying to protect you guys, but I realized I just hurt you instead."
"That doesn’t explain anything." I said with agitation.
"I know, the thing is, is that we are werewolves Lyla. I am the Alpha werewolf, ever since my father died. I had to come back here and take over, I didn’t want you guys to know, but know you guys do anyways."
I started busting up laughing; when I got myself together again I started talking. "You expect me to believe that. Werewolves don’t exist. Stop lying to me and come up with a better excuse." I said getting pissed off.
"Lyla, I am not lying to you. I swear I am telling you the truth."
He got up and walked out to the grass. The next thing I knew is instead of him being a human, he was a giant wolf. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing; I thought I had to be hallucinating it. Werewolves aren’t real, I kept thinking to myself. I looked at him again and walked over, putting my hand on his fur. No, I can feel it, this has to be real. I thought to myself. I looked into his eyes, they were my dad emerald green eyes, and instead it was in a wolves’ body.
"Okay, fine you weren’t lying to me I said," going to sit back in my chair. A minute later, he was back in his human form and sitting back at the table. He smiled up at me. I was admiring him; I realized I looked a lot like him. I had his black hair and emerald green eyes. I looked like him, just in a girl’s body. I didn’t look anything like my mom. She had blonde hair and blue eyes. Ayden looked exactly like my dad. They were both muscular and tall. My dad waved his hand in front of my face. I blinked and looked at him.
"I think I may have put you in shock." He said smiling.
"No, I assure you I am fine. I was just thinking how Ayden and I look a lot like you and nothing like mom."
"Yeah, my DNA is stronger, I guess." He said laughing.
It felt so good to have my dad back, I wasn’t really mad anymore. I could understand why he didn’t want us knowing, but then I started thinking to myself about other stuff.
"What are you thinking?" He asked.
"I was just thinking, why didn’t you just bring us with you, when you knew
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