red moon by dancingmilklover246.aka cristal Santos (phonics reading books txt) đź“–

Book online «red moon by dancingmilklover246.aka cristal Santos (phonics reading books txt) 📖». Author dancingmilklover246.aka cristal Santos
The smell of pancakes and bacon wakes me up. I sit up onto my elbows. Rubbing my eyes I yawn and stretch. Slumping back down I look around my surroundings, forgetting for a second were I was. Yawning once again I get up, walking to my bathroom. I turn on the shower, brushing my teeth I wash and untangle my curly hair in the shower. Putting on some jean shorts and a blue flannel shirt a brown undershirt underneath. Tying up my converse I brush my butt long black curly hair. My green eyes refreshed and awake I walk downstairs towards the smell of food. Entering the kitchen I see Sebastian sitting at the kitchen table a huge plate of pancakes and bacon in front of him. Shara eating her portion of pancakes. “Good morning” Meredith smiles and hands me a plate putting her hand on my back she leads me to the table. “I heard omelets were your favorite.” I sit down and look down at the omelet. I grab my fork and take a piece biting into it I chew and swallow, seeing merideths face spread into a larger smile than it was already. I finish my omelet slowly, finishing up my dad walks in and tells shara that they were going to go meet friends that works in the school, were she will be attending. They leave as I put my plate in the sink. “Well Hun bunches will be going to yoga and then to the mall for a few hours. I’ll be back later!” merideths calls as she walks out the door. I stand din the kitchen staring out the window when Sebastian yells at me. “Im going outside goona skateboarded around. Wanna come?” I turn my head toward him. “Oh um yeah I’ll be out in a few gonna go find something.”
Aiden diditn understand why he let Darren drag him down the street to their neighbor’s house. Aidens sitter carra called and told him to come and so he goes. Dragging me along. Were standing in front of a huge wood house, carra is standing in front of the lawn hugging some tall guy with black hair. “Sebastian?!?” Darren calls over OT the boy who pulls away from carra. I see his face. Green eyes, black hair. Aiden runs ahead and high fives this Sebastian kid. I walk there slowly getting there. Darren clasps my shoulder. “Aiden this is Sebastian, my best friend since we were like born, then we moved here and communication got lost.” He looks around. “Weres melody?” Sebastian shrugs. “Melody! Get down here you wont believe it!” he shouts to a window upstairs. I look across the street to the lake and I don’t notice Darren mutter “wow” under his breath until I smell her. She smelt like strawberries. I turn around and face them. Darren is spinning her round, and I can hear her laugh. Once she pulls away I am left with no breath once I see her face.
“Darren!” I laugh at him punching him in the shoulder. “My god I missed you so much.” I look up at him looming over me. “And when did you get so tall?” he laughs and picks me up again. “When did you get so small?” I throw my head back and laugh. “Hey I’ve always been short. Now put me down!” he sets me down gently and I look over to see carra. “Carra!” She turns and her eyes look different. They’re not green anymore. Their dark brown. Almost a hazel color. She pulls me into a hug and I hug her back noticing a small tattoo on the back of her neck. I pull back, my eyes widening. She must have figured it out cause she smiles small almost as if it’s a secret I couldn’t know about. I decide to drop the subject and look past her at the lake the sun was hitting the water perfectly making the lake water glisten. I looked closely and saw houses across the river too, and noticed houses surrounded the whole lake. The blue, whitish water tempted me to go and just swim all afternoon. “You are allowed to swim there you know.” I jump turning around to see a tall boy with green with hazel spots eyes and black brown hair. Of course he was taller than me. “Oh um, how did you know I was thinking about that?” I looked at him perplexed. This town just gets weirder and weirder. “Oh, well you’re easy to read.” I feel my checks flush and im pretty sure a deep scarlet colored my pale skin. I push my bangs out of my eyes looking behind him to be my brother stood surrounded by Darren carra and a boy and girl I don’t recognize. I look down to my shoes and bend down picking up a book from the ground, the cover pink and the title written in script. I brush off some dirt with my hand before looking closely at the title. “Romeo and Juliet” I mutter to myself. I put it back down and get up brushing my hands on my shorts. I look towards the front of the house were they all stand talking. I start walking towards them when I blink multiple times and fell my throat closing. It starts getting really hard to breath. I can’t see either. I stumble up to them and I poke Darren in the stomacke. “Im... going to go... inside, I... I don’t... Feel well...” I stagger my breathing and don’t wait for a response before running up my driveway. Slamming the door behind me I stumble to the staircase, my breathing getting heavier. I can’t see anything and all I need to do is get to my inhaler. I am almost to to my drawer when the breathing gets tiring. I reach and I fall, hitting my floor with a small thump. I roll back on to my back and try to take a deep breath. The room ceiling spinning. I can hear the faint slam downstairs before I close my tired eyes.
Aiden saw melody running towards them, her eyes looked puzzled. I try not to look into her eyes and so I look away. “Im... going to go... inside, I... I don’t... Feel well...” she pokes Darren and then runs. He looks after her and curses under his breath. “I’ll be back in a sec. just going to go check on her.” I see him run inside. Everyone seems to follow without question. I run behind carra and then we enter the house. I pause at the door for a moment, before see everyone run upstairs. I start up the stairs slowly, until I hear Darren and Sebastian’s voice together call melody’s name out.” I take them two at a time finding the door they were crowded in I see melody in Sebastian’s arms, an inhaler in his hand. We wait for a crutiating moment until he picks her up. He pushes past us and towards the car. Placing her in the backseat. Turning around his eyes look calm, as if he has done this multiple times. “Weres the closets hospital?” Carra and Darren look at each other and start arguing. Frustrated I yell over their voices to a very confused Sebastian. “Heterridge.” He nods and motions with his head to the car. I jog to the passenger side and we get in, the other two oblivious they were still arguing. He pulls out of the driveway, going down his street. Looking back in the review mirror the two both look over OT the car ad waves. He drives for a few minutes as I tell him to go and we pull into the emergency room entrance. He doesn’t even park correctly he r gets out picking her up, he runs. Her limp body small in his arms. I run behind him and see him running with a nurse, and I let them go, not wanting to see her limp anymore.
There was beeping coming from somewhere in the room. I open my eyes, blinking. I raise my hand but got stopped midway. I look down mad, to see an IV needle poking into my skin. My forehead scrunches up as I go to pull it off. “Don’t touch that” I gasp not knowing there was another person present. My brother smirks at me, seeing my scared reaction. I try to talk but until now I didn’t notice this piece of a mask on my mouth. A nebulizer. I take the mask off, taking a deep breath. “What happened?” My voice comes off weak and quiet. He takes a seat next to me. “Well you had an asthma attack. Nothing out of the ordinary. They say since you haven’t had one in a while it’s getting better but we figured out your aren’t drinking your pills.” He raises his eyebrows looking at me as I look down to my clasped hands. “How long has it been?” he shrugs. “A few days, really you get to go home today so ill call him over and were gone.” I nod. I see him walk across the room and towards the brown wood door. He turns the brass knob and I see him stop momentarily before opening the door and closing it behind him. I look down at the white sheets covering me and take a deep breath before pushing them off and getting up. The floor seems cold to my bare feet and I fell the room spin. I close my eyes taking a deep inhale the smell of disinfectant over powers my nostrils and my nose flares. I grab my bag from the side of the chair and walk slowly towards the bathroom. Inside the small cramped bathroom I put on a pair of jean shorts and a tank top my brother get for me form home. Shoving my dirty clothes in the bag I look at myself in the mirror. My hair was loose and my curls were everywhere. My green eyes bright and rested. I braid my hair fishtail style the tip going past my butt. Time for a haircut. I wash my hand, letting the cold water refresh me. Walking out of the room I see the doctor with my brother and they are talking in the hallway. The white form everything, from the walls the windows the people lab coast and floors, blinded me. My converse walking down silently I walk down the long sad hallway almost turning the hallway when I see my dad and Sebastian talking. We can’t call lira. Shell comes get you kids in a second. You know she doubted my responsibility.” I can hear my dad plead and my brother sigh. I can imagine his face. I turn the corner pretending like I didn’t eavesdrop and pretended to be all shock when I see them. “Oh. Hio dad!” he looks at me as Sebastian scowls and looks away. “I hope you didn’t call mom, shell be all stressed!” my voice goes an octave higher, as I cough to hide it I see Sebastian raise his eyebrow his eyes knowing. I cough a little more before wrapping my arms around his waist. “Come on I want to go home and gets showered.” I walk ahead of my dad dragging Sebastian with me. Walking outside I feel the heat hit me and the sun burn my eyes. Getting into the jeep I push my face into the air conditioner. Driving back up mysterious roads we end up at home. Home. Im not sure if im used to calling it that.
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