red moon by dancingmilklover246.aka cristal Santos (phonics reading books txt) đź“–

Book online «red moon by dancingmilklover246.aka cristal Santos (phonics reading books txt) 📖». Author dancingmilklover246.aka cristal Santos
We walk in the house and try to find melody. Everyone goes downstairs to the living room. Carra and Sebastian get some popcorn and snacks ready while I adventure up the stairs to go get her. I walk down the hallway looking into Sebastian’s room I see broken glass. What the hell? I start to panic. “Melody?” I walk to her room. I open the door. Oh damn.
She is on the floor by the bed a big bruise starting by the side of her head, her clothes were ripped and her pants were on her ankles. She has scratches on her arm and back. Her lip was bleeding. “Sebastian! Guys come quick!” I call OT to them. Scared to touch her. I put a blanket one her. Covering her. I can hear their laughter filling the hallway. “What the hell happened in my room?” I can hear Sebastian’s voice rise. He comes to her room where he finds me standing next to her, his sister crumpled and broken on the floor.
After getting her dressed properly we all stand over her on her bed. “It smelt of wolf. When I got near her. And this scratch marks are not of a humans.” She whimpers in her sleep and she looks anything but peaceful.
Throughout the night we all take shifts on who stays with her. She wakes up for brief moments crying and then falls asleep again. It was my shift and I was looking at her breath and whimper. I was mad at that man for doing this to her. I was mad that we left her alone. And I was mad at me. I... could have been there, if I had kissed her she would’ve wanted to stay with me and I could have fought him off. Looking out the window I curse at the full moon. Why? Why here? Why is the world so cruel?
“It’s not your fault.” I whisper. He turns around and I can see small tears in his eyes. “It was nobody’s fault. I want you to know that.” His face was confused. “Did I say that aloud?” he asks his voice low. I nod a small nod before my head starting hurting. He walks over and sits down next to me. Even though I knew wasn’t going to do anything to me I flinched at his closeness. His eyes portray hurt when I flinched. “Im sorry” I whisper looking down at my hands. I can hear him and fell him reach out towards me but I tense up and hold my breath. “Its. Not your fault you don’t have to be sorry.” He holds his hands out for a second before dropping it beck on the bed. The silence is over powering and I can fell the anger rolling off him. I look around to the small digital clock the green numbers saying it was 3:32. I sigh and roll my neck a few times. I turn my head and see him staring at me. His lips in a small smile. “Yeha you’ve been sleeping a lot. Are you feeling okay?” I nod and get up. Falling to the floor. A wave of dizziness hitting me, before I hit the floor he caught me and put me back on the bed. I tense up. I sit up and try to stand up slowly. Regaining stability I walk across my room towards my bathroom. I close the door behind me. Right away I can feel the small sobs and tears form. I wipe them away with cold hands and step into the small shower, showering without looking at my bruised body I put on some shorts and a long slaved black shirt. Braiding my black hair back I try to take a deep breath before looking at myself in the mirror. There were a few bruises lining my nick and a bruise on the side of my head. A cut on my lip. The amazing thing is though it happened only a nigh ago my bruises were fading already. And the cut on my lip was sealing. I look away before I could center on my eyes and the sadness they held.
I wonder why life is like this to me. Why things have happened this way. Sitting up I undo my braid and let my curly hair fall back into their ringlets down my back. I let Aiden go downstairs earlier to hang out with his friends after I was sure I convinced him I was going to take a nap. Getting up I tie my converse and open my brass door handle slowly taking a deep breath while turning it. I step into my hallway and I can hear glasses clinking and forks scraping downstairs in the kitchen. I walk slowly. As if every step was leading to my death. Taking a lat deep breath I walk into the sunlit kitchen. No one noticed for they all had their back to me. Looking at something on Sebastian’s laptop. I open the fridge grabbing a water bottle; I open it taking a small sip. Looking out of the kitchen window I look out tot the sun lit garden and the lake. The blue water glistening, when the sun hit it perfectly, small waves rippling. I sigh out loud before I have a chance and open my water bottle taking a small sip. My throat all of a sudden dry. “Oh hi melody! Um good morning!” I strain a smile. “Oh good morning carra.” Everyone looks over OT me and smile their eyes all portraying sadness and anger, my brothers and aidens and Darren’s looked mad. Of course they were blaming themselves. I got mad. “Listen. Don’t you dare blame yourselves? It’s okay. Really it was nobody’s fault but that man. Please just forget about it just pretend like it never happened!” I sigh in frustration. They all nod solely and I look back to where my father and merideths came in. my brother was ready to tell him when glace at him and gave him a small shake of the head. His eyes look tortured. “No” I whisper and he nods. Understanding.
For the next few weeks we pretended like it didn’t happen and even though I was a little tense with the hand holding I was softening up. Everyone was on the deck the barbeque scent wafting down towards me. I was sitting on the dock my feet touching the cold water. I still haven’t had a chance to go swimming and I have the urge to just strip down to my bathing suit and jump in but of course im to scared. I look over and up when I hear someone’s presence next to me. Aiden was smiling down at me and held out his hand. “Come on!” I look over behind him to see a boat all set up oars on the side. I tentavly grab his hand and let him walk me over to the boat. Helping me get in I sit down and watch his muscles flex as he unties the boat and starts oaring. I see another pair and try to start oaring but ending up making us go in circles. I laugh.
I look at her. She has not laughed in a while. Her smile was breathtaking. Her head thrown back she continues rowing and then after realizing that were getting nowhere she put them down chuckling slightly. She looks at me the sun hitting her perfectly. She looked heavenly. I smile back at her and before I have a chance to realize it she splashed cold water in my face. Smiling even more. I laugh and make a little dip form with my hands filling it up she was laughing when I splashed her and I couldn’t help but notice how she had small dimples when she laughed. “Hey!” I chuckle and stand up. “Okay let me just get a bag from over there.” She stands up and moves so that I could grab the bag, the boat was wobbly. As I bend down the boat tips over. I can hear her sequel in delight as she falls over into the water, followed by me. I pop my head up and look over to see her floating a huge smile on her face. I swim next to her. She smiles and grabs my hand. I smile to her. Loving that she trusts me again.
After flipping the boat over I help her over and then climb in behind her. I lie down on the benches spreading across the boat and take a deep breath, letting the sun dry me. I feel an arm brush me and I notice she has laid down next to me. Her hands holding mine. I turn my head over and stare at her. “Hi” she smiles her breathtaking smile and turns her head. “Hi” she breaths slightly to me. And that’s when I kiss her.
I turn around and respond hi back to him, the sun hitting his hair and eyes, making him look like a god. I didn’t notice what was going on when suddenly his lips were on mine. I close my eyes and try to enjoy it when his lips leave mine. My eyes fly open. “What, what’s wrong?” I ask softly. He is looking at me worry in his eyes. “Im sorry. I didn’t mean for you to feel UN comfortable. I know I shouldn’t rush you. Are you okay?” his low velvety voice sounds worried. So worried I had to laugh. “Im fine Aiden. I’ve been waiting for that kiss since the day on the beach.” His face relaxes and a small smile goes on his lips. I hold his hand and then after hearing Sebastian call us over him starts rowing us. “By the way, I never felt uncomfortable with you. You make me feel safe. And you don’t lie to me you’re always the one telling me things. And I appreciate that.” I smile at him and he nods though his eyes look strained.
God dang it. Watch tonight when they tell her. Im gonna be the most hated of hers. She looked so happy, peaceful and im gonna screw I up. Walking up the dock she runs ahead and helps Shayas with the plates. My dad and merideths behind her. Her little sister looks just like her and she is so cute. I would love OT have a kid like her. Wait what I am saying!? Did I just say I want a kid? I shake my head and go over OT Sebastian. He pulls me aside. “Hey what did you do to melody, she came up and hugged me. And I heard you guys laughing over by the boat. What the hell happened?” he looks at me his incredioulus. “I
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