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What is Romance?

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In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

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Read books online » Romance » Everything That Glitters Ain't Gold by Danielle Martin (sneezy the snowman read aloud .txt) 📖

Book online «Everything That Glitters Ain't Gold by Danielle Martin (sneezy the snowman read aloud .txt) 📖». Author Danielle Martin

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so long and never given him an exact reason why. Blake was one of the most handsome men that she ever laid eyes on. Absolutely drop dead gorgeous. With caramel colored skin and full luscious lips, Blake had a baby face which was still masculine, strong and well structured. His skin was smooth. His hair was curly from the roots and neatly trimmed. Not only was he good looking, he was well established in his career. Blake was a top shot defense attorney with a guaranteed 6 figure salary plus commission. He was fine as hell and Ava never denied the fact that he was attractive. But emotionally, the connection was not there. Physically, her attraction was with someone else…

  “Alright then,” Blake interrupted her thoughts by throwing his hands up in the air in surrender. “You win. I guess.” Ava watched him collect his glass and stand to his feet. He smiled at her. He was disappointed, but thankfully he was not upset with her decisions. “Maybe one day you'll realize.” He spoke one last remark before winking at her.

Ava laughed and shook her head. She had heard that line from him before. But she was happy to see he was still understanding. She truly admired that about him.

Blake smiled at her one last time before turning on his heel, heading towards the dance floor and disappearing into the crowd.

“But she caught me on the counter (It wasn't me)

Saw me bangin' on the sofa (It wasn't me)

I even had her in the shower (It wasn't me)

She even caught me on camera (It wasn't me)”

The old school Shaggy track began to bump from the speakers.

“Ohhhhh yessssssssss!” Ava immediately got back into her groove as the D.J. switched the song. She began to move her hips again in a rhythmic motion dancing to the beat. Quickly, she forgot all about the conversation she had with Blake and lost herself in the music…






Chapter 2.

Chapter 2.


“I swear I’m done with his no good, lying cheating ass! I want him out of my house and I want him out tonight!”

Ava cradled her cellphone in her right ear as she sat in the driver’s seat of her Toyota Avalon, which was still running and parked in her driveway. It was late as hell. A little after 3 in the morning. She had just arrived home and hadn’t gotten a chance to get out of the car yet prior to receiving a rather irate phone call. She sat parked listening to the woman’s voice ranting on the other end.

“Can you believe that bitch came to my job, Hazel?? Says she’s been fucking my husband for almost 6 months! And she said he gave her chlamydia!” The woman took no breaths as she spilled her guts on the other end.

“Damn…” was the only thing Ava could say. She shook her head while listening to her friend Jade Isabella Castaneda vent about her husband on the phone. One second she was shouting at the top of her lungs. Now she was on the other line sobbing and bawling her eyes out. “I can’t believe he would cheat on meeeeee Hazel! How could he doooo this?” Ava could hear the pain inside Jade’s devastating cries. She felt bad for her but at the same time, she had warned Jade about Theo years ago. Theodore Isaiah Atkinson was a player. An all-around pig. Ava had known Theo back in high school, and even back then he had a reputation. Those who knew him knew that man was no good. He was a cheater. A liar. Ava had been a good friend and gave Jade the heads up years before they got together, but he swindled her. She still married the fool anyways.

“You need to go to a doctor and get yourself checked out, Jade…” Ava spoke firmly knowing that was the last thing Jade wanted to hear. She hated playing the devil’s advocate, but Ava cared about her friend’s health and her overall wellbeing. Jade continued to lightly sob on the other line. “I know…” she sputtered in between her cries. “I’m going to kill him! I’m going to fucking kill him!”

Ava shook her head. She knew her friend well, and once Jade became upset, there was no calming her down. “No you’re not." she stopped her before she could go any further. "Get some rest. Call a locksmith first thing in the morning and change the locks.”

Jade sniffled on the other line. “Okay.” She answered quietly. “I can’t believe this Hazel. Why me??? Why couldn’t I have a relationship like yours??? Desean would never do this to you…”

Suddenly, a smile curved across Ava’s lips. Her thoughts immediately drifted. Although, this was not the appropriate time to unknowingly crack a smile, she couldn’t help but think about him after hearing Jade mention his name. She shuddered, pushing those thoughts into the back of her mind as she continued to console her friend. “I will call you tomorrow, Jade. I will be over to help you with whatever you need, okay?”

In return, she sniffled into the phone. “Okay girl, I love you…”

Ava smiled. “I love you too, girl.” They both said their goodbyes and disconnected the line. Quickly, Ava hung up the phone and shut off the engine. She glanced at the clock on her dashboard. 3:24 a.m. Shit. She never arrived home this late but it took a little longer than usual shutting down the bar at the club. She pushed open the door and stepped out into the calm breeze of the night. Her neighborhood was quite as usual. Ava breathed in the fresh air and shut her car door behind her. She peered up at her 1 story, 4 bedroom 2-bathroom house in awe. Her dream home. Built in 1997, the house was somewhat still modern, brown bricked and had been exquisitely renovated from the inside to the out. Everything was almost brand new. Ava absolutely adored the large white shutters and the large wrap around walk way that led to the front door which was lightened by several LED white lights. The grass was green and well maintained. The garden was up to date and the plants were green. The house was perfect. Everything she had dreamed and worked so hard for. Her escape. Her peace of mind.

While clutching her hand bag by her side, Ava trailed up the walkway towards the front door. She still wore a smile on her face as she approached the lock, placed the key inside and pushed open the door. She stepped into the foyer and Ava quietly shut the door behind her. The aroma of vanilla and apple cinnamon immediately floated through her nostrils as soon as she stepped inside. She shuddered and kicked her shoes off at the door. Vanilla and cinnamon had always been two of her favorite scents and she made sure to keep the house smelling good just the way she liked it. Ava placed her key on the key holder by the door and proceeded towards the living room. The house was still, quiet and darkly shaded. She stepped forward.

“Babeeeeee….” Ava called out while tiptoeing barefoot in the living room. She smiled from ear to ear as she walked through. “Babeeeeee….” Ava called out again. No answer. She continued to smile, loving it when he played these types of games. “Babeeeeee… I’m home.” She called down the hallway, broadcasting her arrival. Silence. The house was eerily quiet. Quieter than usual.


Suddenly, Ava felt a strong grip tightly grab her wrist from behind. “Ahhhh!” she cried out in shock, the sudden grab taking her by complete shock. Quickly, she whipped her body around to face a tall figure standing directly behind her. The grip on her wrist was tight and strong. She could feel a pair of finger nails digging into her skin as the grip tightened. She looked up with widened eyes, staring at a pair of hazel brown pupils glaring at her in the midst of the darkness.

“Desean!” she finally managed to call out his name. Her jaw hung wide open. She looked up at the man’s 6-foot figure in shock. 30-year-old Desean Nathaniel McCarthy stood over her dressed in a tank top and pajama pants. Beads of sweat trickled down his brown skin as he glared down at her in anger.

“Where the fuck have you been???” He growled at her in a dark tone. “Do you know what time it is????”

Ava continued to stare at him with her jaw hung open. He stood close to her. She could smell the stench of alcohol on his breath. Shit, he’s been drinking. Again…

“Yes, I know what time it is!” she shouted back to him “I left the club late. What the fuck is your problem???!!!” Ava began to wiggle her arm in his embrace after quickly turning defensive. Desean continued to glare at her. His grip around her wrist tightened even more. “I don’t believe you, Ava!” he shouted at her. “I’m tired of you coming home whenever you want to like your single! Let me see your damn phone! I better not find out you’re talking to other guys!”

Her jaw dropped even wider. The look in his eyes was horrifying. “Are you fucking kidding me Desean???” she gasped in disbelief. He stared back at her without breaking his psychotic expression. Clearly, it was no joke. “If you’re not doing anything wrong, prove it!” he held out his other hand, expecting her to hand over her cellphone. She stared back at him with a stunned look on her face, noticing he still had not removed his grip from her around her wrist. “Hell no!” she shouted out at him.

In response, Desean’s expression quickly turned even darker. He wasted no time backing her into a wall, pressing her body against the mantel which was in the center of the living room. “No???” he repeated her. Quickly, he reached for her handbag which was still strapped over her shoulder.

“Nooooooo!” she attempted to fight him off but he was too strong. Immediately, he snatched open her purse and forcefully dug inside her pocketbook to retrieve her phone without her consent. She watched helplessly as he pulled it out and stepped back. His breathing was heavy. He swiped to unlock the screen and silently went through her call log, text messages and web searches. Ava was out of breath. Her chest weaved up and down as she watched him inspect her phone, completely violating her privacy. She couldn’t believe her eyes. Her body was shaking heavily. After a few moments went by, he looked back up at her. Surprisingly, his expression had softened. Slowly, he approached her. “I just wanted to see your phone…” he spoke calmly while handing it back to her. She stared at him in disbelief. He attempted to approach her, immediately she jumped back.

“Don’t come near me!” without thinking, she cocked her hand back and forcefully swung it in his direction, slapping him hard clear across the face.  CLAP! The slap thundered throughout the silence of the living room as the palm of her hand clearly connected with his face. “How dare you???!!!” she screamed at him. Slowly, Desean turned his head back to look at her while still holding his left

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