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What is Romance?

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Read books online » Romance » Everything That Glitters Ain't Gold by Danielle Martin (sneezy the snowman read aloud .txt) 📖

Book online «Everything That Glitters Ain't Gold by Danielle Martin (sneezy the snowman read aloud .txt) 📖». Author Danielle Martin

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cheek, completely shocked that she just slapped him. Ava didn’t wait for him to respond.  Immediately, she reached forward and snatched her phone out of his hand. Maneuvering around Desean, Ava ran away from him, across the room and down the hallway towards the master bedroom. She ran fast. Fast as if she were desperate to get away before he grabbed her again. Upon entering, she slammed the door shut behind her.

“Ahhhhh!” Ava finally cried out, letting out a piercing frustrating scream that she could no longer hold in. Forcefully, she punched the back of the door letting out all of her anger. “I can’t take this shit anymore!!! I can’t take it!!!” Ava kicked and flailed her arms around in midair while screaming to the top of her lungs. After all the promises! All of the lie!. It happened again…

Heading towards the king sized bed centered in the middle of the room, she plopped down on the foot of the mattress facing the bedroom mirror. Ava stared at her reflection, noticing just how flustered and winded she appeared. Initially, she had been so excited to come home and end her night with the man she absolutely adored. Quietly, she glanced down at her wrist, which was still tingling from where he grabbed her. Ava couldn’t hold it in anymore.

“Ahhhhhh!” Suddenly, she burst out into a loud bawling wail. Tears came rushing down her cheeks as she cried out. Her body was trembling. Her nerves had been completely shot. Immediately Ava began rocking back and forth feeling like a damn fool for crying. A weak imbecile for allowing herself to be treated this way after so long.   Lifting her head, she caught another glimpse of herself in the mirror. For a moment, Ava stared straight forward attempting to figure out who she really was and how she had allowed things to go this far.

Knock knock knock

“Ava…” she could hear his voice softly calling out to her behind the door. She did not answer. Instead she sobbed into the palm of her hands even harder.

Seconds later, the door slowly crept open. “Ava…” he called her name again through the partially cracked door. Hesitantly, she looked up at him with tear stained cheeks. Just seeing his face made her cry even harder. She didn’t know the person standing before her anymore. It felt as if she were staring at a stranger.

Desean opened the door and stepped into the bedroom. He walked slowly to where she sat on the bed, being careful not to get too close. His head was hung low. His shoulders were slumped. “Ava, I’m sorry…” he extended his arms and reached for her but she quickly snatched away.

“Don’t touch me, Desean!” she shouted back at him, ordering him to keep his distance. He halted in place and immediately backed away, obeying her commands. Desean’s expression was soft and remorseful. He dropped his head even lower. Ava could see the guilt written all over his handsomely structured face. She shuddered at the sight of him. Desean was so damn attractive. Too attractive to be so damn angry all the time. His skin was smooth as a baby’s bottom and dark brown like sweet milk chocolate. He had full luscious lips and gorgeous hazel brown eyes that practically hypnotized her since the day she met him. He was the perfect man on the outside. But on the inside, Desean had demons. Skeletons in his closet that he had yet to get rid of regardless how long Ava patiently waited.

“I’m sorry baby… I love you so much to the point that it makes me insecure. I didn’t mean to hurt you.” He looked down at her wrist while shaking his head. He cussed under his breath, knowing very well he fucked up once again. Ava wiped the tears that had reached the corner of her nose. She looked up at him in pure disappointment. “You been drinking, Desean.” Ava spoke almost below a whisper. She didn’t have the strength to raise her voice anymore. She continued in a calm voice.  â€śYou told me you quit. You told me I would never have to come home to see you like this again… You lied to me Desean… AGAIN!” she quickly called him out on everything he had promised her. He looked away, obviously stumbling for an answer. Desean knew she was telling the truth. They had been here before. The memories immediately came rushing back.

 â€śI’m tired!” Ava exclaimed. “I’m tired of your relapses! I’m tired of lying to my friends about our relationship like we are the perfect couple! I’m tired of you treating me this way!”

Desean watched her closely. He was absorbing every word which ultimately didn’t matter at all. She had said it so many times. Now she felt like a broken record.  

Desean walked towards where she sat on the edge of the bed and kneeled down before her. “Ava…” he grabbed her hands. “Please look at me.” He pleaded. Ava flinched, a huge part of her wanting to snatch away. But she didn’t. She looked up at him. Desean continued.

“Baby, I’m sorry... I’m sorry I keep doing things I have to apologize for… I know you heard this before, but I hate to see you cry. It kills me on the inside…” he reached forward and brushed a tear away that fell down her cheek. She shuddered feeling his soothing touch against her skin. Desean consoling her made her want to cry out and scream at the same time. This was all she ever wanted. To be touched sensually and compassionately. She didn’t want to hurt.

 â€śI love you, Ava. More than I have loved any other woman. I promise you, I am going to change. If it’s the last thing I do… I’m going to be a better man to you… I never want to lose you baby…” he pleaded, begging her for her forgiveness. She stared back numbly listening to him plead. For a moment, his tone sounded sincere. But he had promised to do right so many times before. If only… If only I left in the beginning… If only I hadn’t given him a second chance… I should have never tried to make things work… I should have never fallen in love…. Ava had it bad. She was in love. head over heels in love with Desean Nathaniel McCarthy. No matter how much he hurt her on the inside… No matter how many times her heart told her to give up…

He stared at her with puppy dog eyes. Once upon a time, that look would have swept her off her feet. She had grown weak for that look so many times.  Ava clamped her eyes shut and mentally blocked the images before they could resurface.

"4 years….” she finally spoke up breaking her silence. Ava wiped the tears from her face then continued. "4 years and you're still doing the same shit you were doing when we first met. What makes this time different???" she asked, demanding a serious answer. Ava was sick of hearing the lies. Sick of dwelling inside a living fabrication.
Desean shook his head then stood to his feet. She followed him with her eyes as his 6-foot figure stood over her. He looked down staring her deep in the eyes while clenching his jaw. "Let me show you how serious I am." he spoke below a whisper in a deep seductive voice. She stared at him with a blank expression, wandering what his next move was going to be. They both gazed in silence, both trying to read each other’s minds. Ava smacked her lips. His expression was extremely mellow. She hated how handsome he was when he was calm. She wished he would stay this way all the time. 
Suddenly, the hairs on the back of her neck stood up as Ava felt his hands caress her thighs. She flinched, her entire body jumping on the bed. "Desean, don't..." she reached for his hand attempting to stop him before he went any further. He obeyed and drew his hand back. Desean gazed at her passionately with so much desire in his eyes.  "Please Ava..." he pleaded again as he kneeled before her. “I just want to make love to you... I want to show you how sorry I am." He gave her that look again. That look that instantly made her panties wet. Her heart weakened. Her stomach did flip flops. Ava tried to fight the desire but she could not ignore the tingling sensation in-between her legs. Desean had this undeniable effect on her. Almost as if she were under his spell and completely hypnotized by his toxic love. Slowly and cautiously, Desean continued to try his luck and lean in for her kiss. Her body was frozen. She sat on the edge of the bed still as a rock as his lips lightly brushed hers. She closed her eyes, feeling him softly press into her as he kissed her. As usual, his lips were soft and soothing against her. She couldn't fight the urge. She closed her eyes and lost herself in the moment. Unknowingly, Ava kissed back.
“I love you so much.” He pulled back and spoke in-between kissing her. She didn't say it back. Instead Ava reached forward and wrapped her arms around his neck, pulled him back in and kissed him even harder. For a moment, she tried to forget about everything that happened. She wanted to pretend everything was perfect like a fairytale even though that was far from the truth. Slowly, she began to feel his hands travel down to edge of her dress. The passion was stirring in the pit of her stomach. After 4 years in a monogamous relationship, her attraction to Desean had yet to fade. Physically and mentally, she wanted him even more than the day they met. His hands dropped down further. Her muscles finally relaxed. “Mmmmm…” Ava softly moaned as she felt his fingers move across the top of her clit in a circular motion. He now had his hands under her dress and was massaging her with light strokes, her juices beginning to drip on the tip of his fingers.  “Baby…” he moaned out to her in a sexy voice as he continued to stroke her. She was completely distracted now. Her guard had been let down. He had her exactly where he wanted her. Ava didn’t respond. Instead, she looked up to where he stood over her. They locked gazes as he inched forward, positioning himself in between her open legs. She could see the remorse in his expression. As if he were truly apologetic for all the pain he had caused. But it didn’t matter. She didn’t want to think about it anymore. She didn’t want to feel any more pain.

Suddenly, he pushed her down on the bed. Ava fell back in shock, her long weave spilling over the comforter set. 
“Desean…” she called out to him, her eyes following him as he reached for her panties. She bit her bottom lip as he slid them down her waist, past her knees and over her ankles. He dropped them down to the floor and rubbed his hands together as if he were preparing for a hearty meal.  Her bottom was now bare and exposed. He licked his lips after noticing her juices dripping from her clit running down her inner thighs. Desean continued to watch her closely while he unlaced the strings around his pajama set and pulled his pants and his boxers down to his knees. Instantly his long, 9-inch brown dick fell out of his pants, practically slapping her in the face once it was let loose. Rock hard.
“Mmmmm…” Ava couldn't help but moan while licking her lips after glancing down at his rather large package. Desean was so well endowed and his muscles were toned, just looking at his firm stature made her body shake. Against her better judgement, he had pulled her

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