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What is Romance?

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Read books online » Romance » Waiting for Superman by Makayla Hanks (ink book reader TXT) 📖

Book online «Waiting for Superman by Makayla Hanks (ink book reader TXT) 📖». Author Makayla Hanks

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happy, mad, etc. I want one of you to paint a corner of the canvas and the second to paint the other corner. Then I want you to write a poem about the other person’s side of the painting. This is going to a home project so you’re going to have to hang out after school." She says giving me an I’m-sorry look

I get glares from all around. I sink in my seat. I look at Connor he smirks at me. I slap him in the chest, and he winks at me. I flush and look up at him through my eyelashes. He stiffens again. I need to look into that.

He smiles at me after a second and says "So my place or yours babe?"

"Don’t call me that, and yours." I glare at him

He raises his hands like he’s surrendering. "Sorry sunshine, didn’t mean to offend you."

"That isn’t my name either." I say blushing.

"You’re adorable when you blush, you know that?"-Connor says with a smile.

I blush even more. "Great. I’m adorable, like a little kid or a kitten." I say with a little sarcasm/attitude

"I was gonna say hot, but I was afraid I’d offend you."-He says clearly amused.

I look over and he’s looking me straight in the eye with a look I can’t determine.

The bell rings breaking me from his spell, I quickly gather my stuff and head for the door. I’m walking and he shows up beside me. I look at him confused.

"I just wanted to start over. We had a bad start."-Connor.

He puts his hand out, I flinch. He looks a little confused. I go to shake his hand when Alec shows up between us, glaring at Connor. Connor glares back. Oh God.

"He bothering you Sis?"

Connor visibly relaxes, a little.

"No Alec, we’re just talking."

"You flinched. I saw you." Still eyeing Connor. Connor just stands there looking at us, probably realizing we’re twins. We do look a lot alike, even though we are fraternal.

"He went to shake my hand and it scared me." I say looking at him. His face softens. He understands.

"Oh, okay. Who are you?"-Alec says not as hostile

"I’m Connor. I have poetry with Brier." He says offering Alec his hand

Alec takes it and they shake hands.

"I’m Alec, Brier’s Big Brother."

"I noticed. You two look a lot alike. Are you twins?" Connor says smiling

"Yeah. Sorry for snapping at you. I got to protect my lil sis."-Alec says smiling back then at me then messes with my hair. I give him
"the look", and he puts his hands up, backing away. He is only three minutes older than me and he treats me like I’m two.

"It’s cool, I understand. This is very blunt but, we have a project for Mrs. Davis, she said it’s a home project. Brier said that she preferred to do it at my house. I would like to know if that is okay with you."- Connor says then holds his breath. Why is he holding his breath?

Alec looks mad at first, then he has a strange look on his face. "You have impressed me Connor. First you bow up to me when I walked up. I’m guessing you thought I was Briers boyfriend, correct?" He is always so proper when he speaks. Connor nods. Where is this going?!

"Not very many people do that. Usually I don’t give them time to. I guess you’re just lucky Brier was here, because I don’t like to fight in front of her. If she wouldn’t had been here you would probably be on the floor, knocked out and bloody."

"Then you offer to shake my hand. No one has ever done that."

"Then you ask for my permission to have my BABY sister at your house, probably alone." He looks at me and says "Not that I don’t trust you, or think that you can’t handle yourself. From what happened last year I have more faith in you." He said with a smile. Looking at Connor he says

"Yes, she may go over to your house."-Alec

I stand there dumbfounded and my mouth hanging open.

"But so help me God if you do anything to hurt her, I will pummel you into Connor pudding and feed you to the school sluts." He says with an evil smile.

Connor, surprisingly, smiles and says "I understand completely." Then they look at me, with my mouth hanging out.


"You never let anyone sit by me at lunch, not even your best friend. You never let any guy talk to me, or stand by me. Even the guys you have known forever. You haven’t known this guy for 5 minutes and you practically handed me over to him! He could be a serial killer, and we wouldn’t even know it."-I say still shocked.

Alec looks at him trying to hide a smile and says "Connor are you a serial killer?"

"Nope"-Connor says popping the P

"There. You should be safe."- Alec says now smiling

"What if I don’t want to go?" As I say this I realize it isn’t true, I really want to go. I push that though back and focus. Connor has a sort of disappointing look on his face, I smile to let him know I do. He brightens and smiles back. That smile could melt me. Alec has been watching the whole time. When I realize this I blush.

"I don’t think that’s an issue. Now I have to get to class, and so do you. You go straight to his house and stay there until you’re done with your project. He has a car he can drive you home. I have to work late, so I will be home by 8 instead of 6:30, so stay safe."

I understand what he is saying to me. He turns to Connor and say.

"I am putting my world in your hands right now. Keep her safe, and watch her like a hawk. No funny business, if you try something on her she will probably beat you up, but if she doesn’t I will."-Alec says with little humor in his voice. I blush because he made me sound like a child, I glare at him.

"Sorry B, but I have to know you’ll be safe."-Alec

My face softens and I let this one slide. I look at Connor and he is smiling.

"What?" I say still flushed

"You two are just really close and it’s weird to me." He admits smiling

"Don’t you have siblings?"

His face darkens a bit and he shakes his head.

"Anyway, remember what I said. Brier I was going to give you this on our birthday but I want you to have it now."-Alec says pulling something out of his pocket. Its two phones! And one of them are mine! They are touch screen, and not as up to date as most kids phones but it’s the first I have ever had! I smile, pull him into a tight hug, and stand on my tippy toes and give him a kiss on the cheek.

"Thank you! When did you get them?"

"Yesterday. I know they aren’t the coolest but they work. My number is in there and 1 on speed dial. Call me if you need something. And I mean it. You need anything you better call me."- Alec says after he kissed the top of my head

"I wouldn’t care if they were flip phones I would still love it. Thank you again and I will call if I need anything. Okay"-I say smiling. I notice Connor stiffens again. I want to know why he does that.

I look at him and say "So meet at my locker after school?"

"Yeah but you’re gonna have to show me where it is."-Connor says with a shy smile. Oh my God. That is the most adorable thing I’ve ever seen.

"Well love birds I have to go."-Alec says. I hit him hard in the chest with the back of my hand. He holds the spot where I hit him and says "That hurt. Bye brat." And he walks away leaving me alone with Connor. I look up at him, I flush and bite my lip. He stiffens, again. I am going to ask him about that.

"My locker is over here." I walk to the left and then a right down the next hallway. Number 390 is my locker, 392 is Alec’s locker. How he managed to do that I have no idea.

"This is mine."

"I see. Do you want to come to my house after school?"-Connor says with a strange look on his face.

"I thought we already arranged that."-I say confused.

"I know, but I noticed that nobody asked what you wanted to do."-He still has a strange expression

"Yeah you did, in Mrs. Davis classroom."

"I mean do you want to, like really want to?"-His expression changes to what looks to be fear or anxiety.

"Yes."-I blush because the word came out kinda fast.

"Really?"-His face lightens and he smiles sweetly

"Yes. Now can we talk about something else?"-I say blushing. I have never blushed this much in my life.

He smiles big and (it’s like he read my mind) says

"Why? Do I make you blush too much?"-with cockiness’ in his voice

"Yes, you do. What kinda car do you drive?" I say trying to change the subject. He smiles, knowing what I just did.

"I drive a black challenger."-Connor says still smiling

My jaw drops. You have to be kidding me. A freaking challenger.

"What year?"

"1986. Why?"-Connor beams

"That’s like my ultimate dream car!"- I say smiling

He stiffens.

"…Really?"-He hesitates

"Uh yeah! That car is seriously sexy."

"So… Your only gonna hang out with me cause my car now huh?"

"No… but mainly that… pretty much yeah." As I chuckle

He has a pained look on his face. Does he think I was serious?

"I’m just kidding."

"Oh, I knew that"- He shyly smiles, he clearly didn’t

The tardy bell rings!

"Oh my God! I have to get to class. See you after school. My locker, don’t forget."-I smile sweetly and quickly get to third hour.

After a long day I finally get to seventh hour, history, and I take my set at the front of the class. I know, I’m a nerd but it’s easy to avoid people that way. I mean who wants to sit in the front row?!? I was reading, deep in thought, when something softly runs down the spine of my back, I get chills and slowly turn around. It’s Connor, smiling! Oh great I have seventh hour with him.

"Oh great you have this class too?"-I try to sound annoyed.

He grins "Yeah actually I do, but that just means I can spend more time with you."

I blush and smile at him. He stiffens.

"Jesus, why does he do that?"

"Do what?"- Connor

"Did I just say that out loud?"

"Yeah, you did."

God I didn’t mean to say either of those things out loud. What is wrong with me?

"Umm nothing."- I turn around quickly

"Okay?" He mumbles

Seventh hour finally ends. It consists of Listening to Mr. Hall teach and feeling Connor run his pencil down my spine the WHOLE hour. I turn around to tell him to stop but he pretends to look at Mr. Hall or the clock, trying to hide a smile. The bell rings and everyone gets up to leave. I glance at Connor and he is smiling to himself. I blush. I pack up my things and finally turn to him.

"You ready?"

"Yes, are you?" –Connor says smiling

"As ready as I’ll ever be."- I smile and wink, and he blushes! I smile even more and he blushes harder.

"Okay, let’s go."- Connor say with a shy smile

I follow him to my locker so

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