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A big variety of genres offers in Today we will discuss romance as one of the types books, which are very popular and interesting first of all for girls. They like to dream about their romantic future rendezvous, about kisses under the stars and many flowers. Girls are gentle, soft and sweet. In their minds everything is perfect. The ocean, white sand, burning sun….He and she are enjoying each other.
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What is Romance?

Reading books RomanceReading books romantic stories you will plunge into the world of feelings and love. Most of the time the story ends happily. Very interesting and informative to read books historical romance novels to feel the atmosphere of that time.
In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

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Read books online » Romance » Waiting for Superman by Makayla Hanks (ink book reader TXT) 📖

Book online «Waiting for Superman by Makayla Hanks (ink book reader TXT) 📖». Author Makayla Hanks

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that I can put my things away, and Alec is at his locker with some of his buddies. This should be interesting. Alec sees me and smiles "So you got everything you need?"

"Yeah, I’m just putting my stuff up." The guys behind him are gawking at me and I feel Connor step closer, nearly touching me. The guys smile because they think Alec is gonna jump down Connors throat, but all Alec says is "Remember what I said Connor. You do anything to hurt her, I’ll put you six feet under. Don’t let her leave by herself, she stays at your house, nowhere else, got it? If you go somewhere she better stay with you. Understand?" The guys jaws drop out of surprise. They give Connor a hateful look, and Connor smiles. This is supper weird. What is happening?

Connor turns to me "Ready?"

"Yeah, let’s go."

We get to his car and I have an eye-gasm, He must notice because he laughs "You really like my car, aye?"

"Hell yeah, it’s a hot car."

"Yeah, its owner is pretty hot to right?"- He smiles


"You know I’m hot just admit it!"- He says chuckling

"I can’t… cause it’s not true."- I say as I laugh

"Haha, very funny. You know, your very mean Ms. Madden, I think your brother is rubbing off on you."- He says smirking

"Nope, I think it’s just you."- I say popping the P. He walks around and opens the door for me "Okay, get in, you’ve hurt me enough for today."-He says playfully

I get in while eyeing his car. It is the best thing (besides him) that I’ve seen all school year. He shuts the door and as I’m admiring his car I realize there are tons of girls staring at us and they are pissed. I hear what some girls standing in front of the car are saying

"Are you fucking kidding me?! Why does she get to ride in his car?"-Dumb Bitch 1

"I know right I am like so much prettier than her, like WTF?!?"-Dumb Bitch 2

"Just because you guys have DSL’s (dick sucking lips) and every guy here wants to get into your pants doesn’t mean everyone on the planet does. Get over yourselves."-Some chick I kinda like now. I smile.

Connor has been watching me the whole time and listening to the conversation as well. He laughs when he sees my reaction.

"I have gotten so much attention from girls I don’t like because of you and you think it’s funny?" I say kinda mad but to amused to sound mean

"I just think it’s funny that they’re jealous of you."- He says giving me a big grin

"I don’t see why. You could be a complete jerk and they would still acting like this."-I say while rolling my eyes

"Am I a jerk?"-He says anxiously

I think for a moment "No Mr. Moore, you’re not a jerk." He smiles and turns the car on "Conceded, maybe, but not a jerk."-I say playfully

"I only know I’m hot because girls throw themselves at me. It’s not my fault I’m good looking." –He says with a smile

"That’s true."-I say not realizing it

Connor whips his head around grinning

"You just admitted that I’m hot." He says giving me an even bigger smile

"I… Umm… I just… Oh my God, yes, Connor you are very attractive. There I said it! Go ahead and tease me all you want!"-I say blushing bright red

He doesn’t say anything for a while and as we sit at a red light he turns to me and say

"You are the most beautiful girl in the school Brier."-He smiles shyly

I momentarily lose my breath, and blush. I look into his eyes to see if they are filled with lust, and they aren’t. There is that emotion I can’t determine again. I smile shyly back and bite my lip. He stiffens. This is the perfect opportunity to ask why he does that, I think, when all of the sudden a car honks making me jump. Connor smiles and drives away. Opportunity missed.

Chapter 2: Connors P.O.V.- She's Different


Chapter 2: Connor P.O.V.: She’s Different

When I first see Brier I had to catch my breath. I look at her and smile, but she gives me a dirty look. It shocks me because girls usually throw themselves at me. I mean I like it but I don’t like them, I get a lot of attention, and it makes me happy. It’s good to have some attention cause my parents are never around. And when they are, all they do is fight and argue, so I leave. In Mrs. Davis class I over hear her say that she will never like me, I hope that’s not true. And I don’t really know why she would say that, she barely knows me.

Brier though… she acts like she doesn’t like me but I know that she does I can see it in her eyes. I grabbed her hand and she got scared. I didn’t hurt her, I would never hurt her. I wonder what that was about. What if something is going on at home? I hope not, for some strange reason I feel the need to protect her. And not just because Alec says so, I just feel it. When I first met Alec, he was right, I thought he was her boyfriend. Until he said sis and I realized they look a lot alike. I mean they looked like twins, but I guess that makes since considering they are. I know Alec and Brier mean a lot to each other. They are really close, and it just seems weird to me because I’m an only child. Well, I am now anyway. I had a little sister, Emma, but when she was nine she got really sick. When we took her to the doctor they said she had Leukemia. They tried treatments for three months. Then we had to stop because she wasn’t responding to the treatments anymore. They said that we should just take her home and enjoy the time we have left with her. Those last few weeks with Emma were the worst weeks of my life, but also the best because she was finally happy. She could be with us instead of stuck in a hospital. When she finally passed, it felt like a piece of my heart was taken from me. I don’t think anyone can fill that whole in my heart, but I continue to look. Emma was my light, she was what kept the family together. But now, we can’t even stay in the same room with each other, without getting into a huge argument. We had to move to a different town because everything we saw was a memory of Emma. Now we hardly talk to each other, unless we have to. I don’t think it will ever change. Anyway, Brier really is the most beautiful girl in the school, but for some reason she doesn’t believe it. I mean come on, every guy here eye rapes her constantly. They probably would actually rape her if Alec wouldn’t have been her brother. Thank God for that. I like Alec, he would protect Brier with his life. I don’t know why I feel so strongly for her, but I do. I have never felt like this for any other girl. Maybe it’s because she doesn’t throw herself at me. I wonder why? I am really good looking (not trying to sound conceded) and rich. Most girls would open their legs if I told them that they were beautiful. She is so different, I can’t mess this up. She could be the one. The one to fill this whole in my heart.

Chapter 3: Brier's P.O.V.


Chapter 3 Briers P.O.V.: He’s loaded

Well I’m guessing we are here because there is only one house at the end of this road. And it’s a giant house, almost a mansion. I knew he was rich, but not this rich. It’s has to be at least three stories. With two other cars in the drive way. A red Camaro and black charger. Oh my God they are really rich. There is an old GTO Pontiac sitting off to the right side of the house. I stare at his house with awe. I look at him and say

"THIS is your house?!"

He laughs "Yeah, it is. You like?"

"Yeah! I like your cars even more. That’s a GTO right?"

"Yeah. You really know your cars huh."-He says smiling

I blush "Yeah, Alec and I are muscle car freaks."

"Why do you and your brother talk so proper?" –He chuckles

I shrug "Alec hates to sound stupid, and he hates when people use words incorrectly, he always make me correct myself if I say something like "TTYL or BRB" I don’t really know why."-I lie

Alec does that because April is a drunk and when she talks she messes up her words Alec hates it. I don’t really know why, but he can’t stand when she talks. I am not about to tell Connor that.

"That’s weird. But come on let’s get inside."- He says still smiling.

I go to open my door, but Connor says not to. I stay put while he gets out, runs to my side and opens the door. I give him a confused look when I get out of his amazing car. He just smiles. We come up to his door and he pauses, he is listening. After a beat he smiles and say

"No bodies home!"

"How do you know?"

"You would be able to her them yelling."- He says very nonchalantly, That’s weird but I don’t address it. He opens the door for me and says

"After you Ms. Madden."- Smiling

I smile and say "Why thank you Mr. Moore" Then laugh.

He stiffens. After a second he says "You should laugh more, it’s a very pretty sound." He is being completely serious, I blush and walk in quickly. I look up and I can’t even describe the house. It is amazing. The entry way is huge and there is a giant beautiful staircase that leads up. To the left of the stairs is the living room with an enormous TV and huge speakers. The whole place look very modern. To the right is an amazing kitchen. I love to cook, and I’m pretty good at it because April

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