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A big variety of genres offers in Today we will discuss romance as one of the types books, which are very popular and interesting first of all for girls. They like to dream about their romantic future rendezvous, about kisses under the stars and many flowers. Girls are gentle, soft and sweet. In their minds everything is perfect. The ocean, white sand, burning sun….He and she are enjoying each other.
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What is Romance?

Reading books RomanceReading books romantic stories you will plunge into the world of feelings and love. Most of the time the story ends happily. Very interesting and informative to read books historical romance novels to feel the atmosphere of that time.
In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

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Read books online » Romance » Waiting for Superman by Makayla Hanks (ink book reader TXT) 📖

Book online «Waiting for Superman by Makayla Hanks (ink book reader TXT) 📖». Author Makayla Hanks

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makes me cook on the horrible weekends she has off. I cook on the week days for Alec and I. Alec couldn’t cook a decent meal if his life depended on it. Anyway, His kitchen is amazing, it has a fire oven to cook things like homemade pizza and stuff like that. They don’t have a dining room table, but they have a bar with four tables. They even have a dishwasher, lucky. I have to do all of the dishes. It sucks. I look at Connor and he just shrugs, like it’s not a big deal. I mean we aren’t poor, we have a three bed room house, with one and a half bath, a kitchen, living room, and a garage. We don’t have a lot of money, but we spend it wisely, well Alec and I do anyway. Connor finally says

"Okay let’s go get started." He reaches from my hand and I flinch again. He looks at me questionably. I just take his hand and say

"Yeah let’s go start." He picks up the hint and starts to lead me up the stairs. I seriously need to stop flinching. He is gonna start asking questions and I do not need that. If anyone found out they would call DHS and get us taken away. DHS would separate Alec and me. That is not okay. I need Alec and he will never admit this but he needs me to. We finally get upstairs and we turn right we pass three doors. As we go he says what is behind each door.

"Guest bedroom… Bathroom… My study…"- Connor

We come to the last door and he looks at me and says with a smile

"My room!"

I narrow my eyes and say

"Don’t get any ideas."

He smiles and says "I wouldn’t dream of it. Especially after Alec’s speech I mean wow. Making Connor pudding and feeding me to the school sluts. That’s pretty harsh. I would much rather hang out with you than the sluts."

"Really? I mean they would probably sleep with you. I am so not ready for that."- I say feeling a little bit weird for admitting that, but being completely honest.

"I don’t care if they would sleep with me, I’d rather be with you. Even if you aren’t ready. I would never force you to do anything. I could wait if you let me." –He had that look in his eyes again. I can’t determine what it is yet. I just looked into those grey eyes and hoped that I saw some lust or something bad so that I can turn away without feeling bad, but all I see is that look. This is starting to scare me, I don’t want this to happen, but then again I do. I don’t want to find love, but I kinda do. But what if I end up like her, like my mother. I can’t be like her. No I won’t be like her. Love destroyed her. I won’t let it destroy me. This isn’t love anyway, we just met. He can’t love me yet. Can he? I smile and say

"Well, we should get started."

He looked at me for a second and say

"Yeah, come on in. Don’t judge my room if it’s dirty or something."-He chuckles

"I would never judge you. Where did you get that idea from?"-I say being sarcastic. I walk in and the room is spotless. The only thing on the floor of this gigantic room is dumbbells and shoes that are neatly stacked in a row. His room is so big that he has a treadmill and a workout bench in one corner and a huge bed in the other and still have room for big couch and TV with an Xbox and a PlayStation. I turn around and say

"Yeah, this is destroyed you seriously need to clean." –I say jokingly he laughs and I laugh to. He stiffens again. That’s it. I’m asking.

"Why do you do that?"

"Do what?"-Connor

"When I smile or laugh or bite my lip (I turn bright red at this point) you like, stiffen. Why do you do that?"

"Umm… I don’t know."-Connor

He’s lying. I can see it in his eyes. I narrow my eyes at him.

"I have ways to get the truth out of you. Don’t make me do it. Just tell me now."

He laughs! "I don’t think you could Ms. Madden."-He says grinning

"Bet."-I say smiling sweetly

He stiffens again

"See! That right there! Tell me, or you’ll have to suffer."-I say playfully

"Nope"-He says popping the P

I smile and slowly walk up to him. I put my arms around his shoulders. He stiffens again.

"Please tell me."-I batt my eyes at him

He smiles nervously "Umm… Uhh.. no"

I look at his lips, then his eyes, back to his lips, I bite my lip then slowly lean in. His eyes widen and he starts to lean in. He is standing right in front of the bed. I rub my hands down to his chest. Still slowly leaning in and right before our lips touch I push him onto the bed with all of my strength and jump on top of him, grab his arms and hold him above his head. I smile and say

"Tell me."

"You tricked me! That is so mean!"-He says smiling.

"Tell me."

"No."-Still smiling

"Why not!"-I say pouting.

"As adorable as you are when you pout, I still have to say no." Suddenly he wraps his legs around my waist and turns really hard. All of the sudden I’m on the bottom with my arms pined down. He is smiling really big and says

"Thought you could hold me there huh."

I didn’t say anything. When I realized that he was on top of me a shock when through me. I want him. No! No I don’t, don’t say that. I need to know so here goes another shot. I look at his lips then his eyes, I start to breathe a little harder to make it look like I’m nervous. He looks at me like I might try to trick him again. I just look at his lips again, then his eyes. He thinks I’m being serious. He starts to lean in, I raise to meet his lips. I let him kiss me for like two seconds. Then I rip my hand out of his hold and grab his ear lobe and I pull, a little hard. I pull him underneath me and I cross his arms over his chest instead of above his head. I am still in shock from the kiss, I just look at him in his beautiful grey eyes. Crap. I just fell. He smiles. I smile in return and say

"Please tell me."-I again batt my eyes at him and he smiles again.

"Fine." His face grows serious.

"Every time you smile or laugh, which you rarely do by the way, it takes my breath away because of how beautiful you are." He blushes and smiles shyly

I look at him stunned. Does he really think I’m beautiful? I know that guys want me, but I’m not beautiful. April tells me all the time how ugly I am. And that the only reason guys want me is for sex because I’m a slut and a whore and that’s all I’ll ever be. I have never even had my first kiss. Well, until now. Oh my God I just had my first kiss. I realized I was still on top of him so I blush and slowly get up.

"Umm… I’m gonna go get the canvas and paint out of the car."

"No it’s okay I’ll go get it. You can stay here and make yourself at home, I’ll be right back."-He smiles and runs out the door when he’s finally gone, I bring my hand to my lips. I can still feel the kiss. It wasn’t anything special, just a peck. But that is a big deal to me. I can’t believe someone who looks like Connor was my first kiss. I start to look around the room and there is a picture of Connor and some little girl sitting on his bedside table. She’s pretty, kinda looks like him. I thought she was his sister but he said he didn’t have any siblings. They were both smiling. He was looking towards her but you could still see his smile. There is something sad about it. Like he’s happy, but he’s not at the same time. I was looking at the picture when

"That’s Emma."

I kinda jump because I didn’t know he was standing in the doorway. He softly smiles.

"Who is she, if you don’t mind me asking?"

"That… is er was my little sister."-He’s looking at the floor. He obviously doesn’t want to talk about this so I change the subject.

"So did you get everything?"

He smiles "Yeah. I just figured that we could lay on the floor and paint. It’s kinda hard for two people to paint standing up like that."

I smile in return "Yeah, that’s cool."

I helped him get everything ready. I put the canvas in the middle of the room and he puts paint on a paper plate. I am still a little shocked that he has paper plates. I chuckled when I saw it.

He smiles "What?"

"Nothing."- I say still smiling

"What corner do you want?"-Connor

"Mmm… the bottom right."

"Cool, I’ll take the top left."-Connor

We start to paint and talk a little bit. It turns out that the GTO is his, but he likes the Challenger better so he hasn’t been taking care of the GTO.

"Does it still run?"

"It should. The last time I drove it was about six months ago."-Connor

"So you didn’t like the car anymore so you had your parents get you a new challenger?"

He smiles "Yeah, pretty much."

"You are lucky. I’ll be 22 before I’m able to get myself a car."

"Really? Why?"-Connor

"Alec and I don’t have money like that."

"What about your parents?"-Connor

"Well our dad walked out on us around seven years ago, and my mom didn’t take it well. She lost a really good job. Then she realized that she need to help pay bills so she got a job at the post office. She hasn’t been the same since."

"Oh. Well you can the GTO if you want."

I laugh but then I realize that he isn’t joking. I just look at him for a second.

"You’re serious?"

"Yeah. You can have it. At least someone will use it."-He is being completely serious

"I am not taking your car."

"Why not?"-C

"I’m not just gonna take your car for one. For two that is taking advantage of you. Third that would look really bad. And fourth I don’t like GTO’s. And I wouldn’t just take it I would make payments or something."

"How would that look bad?"-C

"I go over to your house one time and come back to school with a new car. Everyone knows your rich. So put two and two together and it looks like I’m a gold digger."

He laughs "Whatever and I thought you liked muscle cars?"

"I do but Alec likes GTO’s more than me. He called dibs on it."

He laughs even harder "Dibs? So you’re going to reject my birthday present because your brother called dibs on the car?"

"Yes. We take dibs very seriously." I smile

"So do you guys call dibs on everything?"-C

"Yeah, pretty much."

"Does that mean I can call dibs on you?"-He has a cocky smile and he winks at me

I laugh "You can call dibs all you want, but I dough it will work."

He pouts "Why not?"

I smile and say "As adorable as you are when you pout, I can’t tell you."

"Hey! That’s not fair! Please tell me. I’ll beg

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