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Read books online » Romance » Unexpected by Kate Spellman (best selling autobiographies .TXT) 📖

Book online «Unexpected by Kate Spellman (best selling autobiographies .TXT) 📖». Author Kate Spellman

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other guards. chapter two

“I thought guards, guarding the Alpha wouldn’t be afraid of a little o’l me,” I whispered to Aiden who had the same smirk on his face as mine did. He was thinking the same thing. Aiden looked at me again and I captured what his eyes where saying, they had guilt and regret in them. Why, I thought to myself determined to know.


 Why does he feel this way? My wolf asked me. I simply try to ignore my wolf, but it made me wonder as well. I was about to break, when Aiden pulled me closer to him and seemed stern. I looked up at what he was sternly starring at and saw Head Alpha, Aiden’s father. Aiden’s grip on me tightened the closer Head Alpha got close.


“Hello Dakota,” he said taking my hand bring it up to kiss my knuckle. I heard Aiden growl once Head Alpha’s lips were on my hand, but I just rolled my eyes. Head Alpha looked down at my hand and his eyes widen in shock as he eyed my birthmark. I arched my eye brow wondering what it means, surely Head Alpha knows if it make him have such an expression. Does he know?


“Do you happen to know what my birthmark means,” I asked skeptically slowly bring my wrist back and away from Head Alpha.


“I’ve read about it, but I thought it was a myth, surely we’ll talk about this later.” I eyed Aiden he was confused just as much as I was.


“Come; we are going to talk over dinner,” I heard Aiden’s mother call from the dining room. I stifle a laugh and saw Aiden doing the same. We walk over to the dining room and I gasp as I look over at the table ten times as large as my room. I frown, I remember when I was younger with my parents we had a table like this, once I think about it this place reminds me a lot of my old mansion. I felt an arm drag me to the table and I arch an eyebrow.


“Why were you just standing there?” I closed my eyes shake my head, wishing I was truly doing what I was sent for, hunting. I miss my arrows truthfully. Then I remember where I was and Aiden talking to me.


“Oh, um I was just startled by how big the table was,” I lied trying to escape the subject, all it could lead up to the subject of my parents’ death. Realizing I was still standing I made an o with my mouth and sat next to Aiden. It felt awkward in here, like I was meant to be in a large dining room with my parents and sister, not Aiden and his parent’s. Well it might just be nerves, meeting his parent’s not knowing if they like me or not. Common right, wrong? All of the wolves in this village know and love each other as family, that’s what a pack is. My nerve’s is coming from that though, probably because of the way Head Alpha reacted to my birthmark putting me on edge. I’ll be fine, I reassure myself. Guards having no job at the moment came out as servers giving us food. I saw the two I disagreed with, they were both still scrambling because of it. I felt a tad bit horrible because of it, but I wasn’t in quite the mood. One of the guards gave me a plate and winked, stifling a laugh. How odd, I tell myself, I wasn’t familiar of that guard I usually know them all. News spreads like wild fire here. I look over at Aiden and he didn’t seem to notice anything.


‘Who’s the new guard,’ I asked telepathically with Aiden. At first I sensed shock from him because he nearly jumped out of the seat then he calmed down to process the words, and then became startled again. His parent’s observed his mood as well as I did and they stared at him confused.

Chapter three-

“We don’t have one,” Aiden said to me, as his parent’s listen. I looked down at my food and smelt something off.


“He tried to poison me,” I said standing up to go after the guard who probably was an imposer. I could feel Aiden tense and heard his mother’s gasp. Starting to run towards outside the castle like mansion, I heard footsteps behind me. I didn’t dare look I could tell it was Aiden. Rolling my eyes slightly I push through doors and turns like a maze. Finding my way out I caught a glimpse of the guard-server-imposer in his wolf form running into the woods. I drew out my knife from my boot and threw it aiming at the imposer spotting it to hit right when he intersects with it. I heard a soft whimper and knew that I hit. Not wasting anytime I ran after him and my knife. I can’t just leave my knife, I thought to myself.


 Catching up to him I withdraw my knife from his back and walk up to him.


“Shift,” I force my voice from being like the Alpha’s, I don’t like being that powerful, but I need to enforce things. Soon enough the guard-server-imposer dude shifts into his human form, to which I cover my eyes and throw him my jacket. You would think I’d be used to it. I look back over to him and lean against a tree near me. Hearing footsteps made me quiet, unsure of who’s their owner. When Aiden came into view I settled down and look back at the dude.


“State your name,” I commanded, and then shifted at the way my voice sounded. Looking down at the ground ashamed I put myself back together and gave him that evil glare of mine.


“Setae.” Weird name, I think then refocus on him.


“Why did you run it makes it obvious,” I stated stifling a yawn from escaping my mouth.


“You’re smart, he warned me and I assumed you figured it out.” Who is he was the only question that popped up into my head and apparently it popped up in Aiden’s to. He took control from here.


“Who is he,” Aiden yelled in his Alpha tone, the one I despise very much. Setae flinched a little, and then shame flashed in his eyes.


“My leader, we don’t belong to a pack we’re all runaways.” Runaways, leader, what is this?


“Why target me,” I cut in. Aiden shifted his glaze to me, I saw his eyes, and his wolf was making his way out. His eyes were an unnatural yellow that glowed, one that wouldn’t be mistaken as anything but a monster. Forgetting about Setae I make way to Aiden and hug him, trying to calm him down. I look back up to his eyes and sigh in relief as they were back to their meadow green eyes, not even they were too bright to be a meadow green, they were an abnormal green that compares to nothing. I step out of my embrace, but continue to hold his arm.


“Well,” I snapped. Setae looked at me with awe, and then shook his head clearing any thoughts.


“The leader said you’re the chosen one, because you have the birthmark.” He pointed to my birthmark and I hid my arm behind me, like I’m hiding my dairy or something to be embarrassed about. I am embarrassed about it, and it shows that I’m different. Not only am I embarrassed but the story behind it is a secret, the people I love gave it to me making it a constant reminder of something I hoped would forget someday. Who am I kidding I’ll never forget my parent’s.


“Did he tell you anything about my birthmark?” Setae looked shocked he must’ve thought I knew what it means.


“He didn’t,” Setae says after a moment to recover. I’m tired, I thought to myself.


“Setae go back to your leader and tell him I went south and that you followed me. He’ll go south.” Setae shook his head.


“He’ll find out, besides if I say that I’ll be killed,” he stated.


‘Go to your leader and don’t come back unless you’re going to help us.’ I persuaded him with my mind. He nodded and shifted into his wolf, running north. I put my hand on my head and let out a breath that needed to escape.


‘Aiden, I feel dizzy, can y—‘ I couldn’t finish mentally talking to him, I had already fainted.


My hand flew to my head as I began to awake. I feel awful, I thought to myself while getting ready to sit up. As I tried to attempt to sit up a hand pushed me down, and then it cupped my cheek.


“Are you okay Dakota,” Aiden asks quickly while piercing his green eyes into my aqua blue ones. I smile to myself knowing that he cares.


“I’m…fine,” I lied with my hand still on my head as if it were preventing it from exploding. Aiden looked at me with concern burning in his eyes.


“Don’t lie to me Dakota,” he said then laid next to me in the bed. How did I get here, I ask myself.

chapter four


The leader’s p.o.v -

“WHAT DO YOU MEAN SHE DIDN’T GET POISONED,” I yelled at Setae. How could she know? I wrinkle my nose at the thought of her.

“She knew it was poisoned and didn’t eat it,” Setae said fear itching through his words. I gave a sigh in frustration, she needs to die. Werewolves shouldn’t be equal to leeches, and other supernatural creatures, we should be powerful and rule over them. If she dies they will have no way to insure that they will have equality.

“Go back and kill her,” I snapped to him. Setae looked fazed.

“I can’t.” I felt my insides burn and

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