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Read books online » Romance » Unexpected by Kate Spellman (best selling autobiographies .TXT) 📖

Book online «Unexpected by Kate Spellman (best selling autobiographies .TXT) 📖». Author Kate Spellman

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my eyes turn black.

“What do you mean you can’t” I yelled, my wolf coming out ready to kill her myself.

“She did something so I can’t go back,” he stated taking a few steps back. She can’t be that powerful, I thought to myself.

“Annabelle,” I hissed. Annabelle came into the room with her chains dragging behind her.

“Yes,” she said softly.

“Your daughter, what’s her ability?” Annabelle’s eyes widen as she took a step back into one of my guards.

“Her mind, anything with the mind she can do,” Annabelle chokes out. After the words slipped Annabelle widen her eyes even more in disbelief. So she didn’t lie, I thought to myself. I smirk and tell the guards to take her back.


Dakota’s p.o.v


“MMMMMMORRRRRRRRRRNINGGGGGGG,” Kayla shouted running into the room jumping onto the bed.


“Brooter, mum said to bring Kota down stairs for food,” Kayla said in her child accent. I smile at it and pulled Aiden out of bed. He groaned but got up anyway. When he was standing up he wrapped his arm around my waist and hugged me tighter to him.


“Why do you think that the leader is after me,” I asked Aiden carefully, trying not to master up bad thoughts.


“It has something to do with your birthmark so why don’t we ask my father what it means.” I nodded and stopped walking. Slowly I turned around and went on my tiptoes to kiss Aiden. He kissed back our lips started moving magically together and my arms found their way around Aiden’s neck. Playing with Aiden’s hair I deepen the kiss putting more force into it. Aiden backed me up so that I was pinned against the wall. His hands roamed my body and stopped when they touched my knife on my hip. He pulled back and looked at me. I slowly look away and went under his arm getting out of the space between him and the wall.


“Come, let’s go before Kayla notices,” I told Aiden pulling him down the hall.


Reaching the dining room I felt my head spin, and I lost balance almost falling, but Aiden carefully held my hand tightly. Placing my hand on my forehead I wonder why that happen, while thinking carefully it did it again and I fell into a chair.


“Kota,” Kayla said my name worriedly, which made Aiden worry even more. I looked up at them and felt my head spin even more.


“What’s going on,” I asked my voice cracking horribly. Pain erupted in my veins and mostly it was directed towards my birthmark. I bit my lip to keep from screaming, the pain was agonizing. Aiden looked in concerned. I adverted my eyes away from Aiden and repeatedly said words in my head to calm myself, somehow it worked and all the pain went away leaving me emotionless. Standing up from the chair I walked out of the dining room and down the hall to a door that leads outside. Stepping outside I breathe in the fresh air and felt relieved that whatever that was over and confused to why that had happen. Looking down at my birthmark I had expected to see the half-moon I had always had but I was surprised to see it has been added to swirls and circles intertwined with the half-moon leaving me astonished. Starring at my birthmark in complete awe I didn’t hear the door open behind me but Aiden was there standing in front of me looking completely pained and confused. Fixing my eyes so that they were looking at him completely I hugged him, in a way to say ‘I’m still here,’ or ‘stop looking like that.’


 “What happened,” he asked anxiety spilling in his words. I didn’t answer with words instead I simply removed my hand from my birthmark and showed him. He took a step closer to me and traced over the new additions, completely in awe.


“How,” he asked the same question that was running through my mind.


“I don’t know.” My voice sounded unfamiliar, and Aiden noticed, what does he not? He took his hand in mines and stormed into the house I was unsure of what he was doing. Pulling me into the dining room I saw the king and queen sitting on different ends of the table and Kayla was sitting in the middle. When she spotted me she ran over to me and attacked.


“You’re okay,” she exclaimed and I smiled hugging her. Pulling away from the hug Aiden pulled me over to his father.


“What does her birthmark mean,” Aiden asked venom dripping from his voice, it made me shiver. His father was shocked and starred at my birthmark, his eyes grew wider.


“The addition happened already,” he asked dumfounded. I nodded and he stood up towering over Aiden and me. He started to walk away and then turned around motioning us to follow. Aiden grabbed my hand tightly and pulled me following his father.


 We followed him into the study room.

chapter five-


Annabelle’s p.o.v (Dakota’s mother)


 I stare down at my birthmark, tracing over the new additions, Dakota has the same now. A tear slipped from my eye and I thought about how much I put my daughter in danger. Wiping the tear away from my cheek I saw the leader walk in and I adverted my eyes away from him.


“Your daughter is the Atrides and I will kill her,” he hissed then walked over to me. Lifting my chin up to face him he slapped me and I felt a bruise already forming, but I didn’t care. All I care about is my daughter.


“You won’t,” I retorted, then continued “she is the Atrides there is no way you can get to her.” He smiled as if he thought he plan through. Laughing at me he turned around and left, slamming the door behind me. I went back to looking at my birthmark, tracing the circles I remembered what it all meant. The moon for the werewolves and shifters, swirls for the vampires and demons, and circles for any other supernatural creature in this mad world. I couldn’t help but wonder how Dakota is doing and if she could handle this. Of course she can she is Dakota.


I love her, she can’t get hurt.



Dakota’s p.o.v


 Reading over the fine print again I couldn’t believe it. The Atrides, the one born destined to bring all forces of the supernatural into peace. I read on about what the new additions meant, all three together meant the forces. I looked up from the book and pulled my eyebrows together looking at Aiden. He read the book also and was pacing back and forth. Walking over to Aiden I put my hand on his shoulder and he stopped pacing but looked hurt.


“What if they kill you,” he asked fear leaking into his words.


“They won’t you won’t let them,” I told him insuring that he will save me.


“You’re right,” he stated and pulled me into a hug as if I would soon disappear. I promised to myself that I won’t, I can’t if I want everyone to be peaceful. World peace, I thought to myself then corrected myself, supernatural world peace.


“I’m hungry,” Aiden whined and pulled me out of the library back into the dining room. I smiled at him and sat down next to him. The queen sat on one of the heads of the table and I smiled at her but she looked distressed and had an apologetic look on her face when she looked at me. Pulling my eyebrows together I looked over at Aiden.


“What’s your mother’s ability,” I asked Aiden unsure of what she was apologizing for. He was hesitated for a moment then turned in his chair to explain to me.


“She can tell if two people are mates, also she reads emotions.”


 “Hmmm.” He turned back around in his chair and looked at his plate which was now full of pancakes, mine was too but I ignored it. I was too busy wondering why she was sorry, does it have to do with Aiden and I? Pushing the plate forwards I prop my elbows on the table and lay my chin in my folded hands in wonderment. Deep in thought I didn’t notice Aiden and Kayla left but when I looked up it was only the queen and I. I stood up from my chair and headed for the seat next to hers. Pulling it down and plopping down I gave her a ‘please help me’ look. She gave a small smile and it faded too soon.


“Well since Aiden told you my ability I don’t have to,” she said then continued but her voice changed now it sounder sad, “you two are not in fact mates I can tell, you guys are in love but not mates. It’s horrible, you’re so lovely and all.” When the words left her small perfect mouth I could not believe it. I sat there astonished and heart broken, this is surprising and horrible. Aiden came back, his energetic mood after eating soon vanished at seeing my face. I gave out an exasperated laugh and went over to hug him.


“Aiden, I love you, sorry,” I whispered with a lovely smile, the one time I would give a smile full of love, why would it have to be like this? My face etched back into an anxious frown. I was determined not to break in front of them, so I twitched my lips into a small weak smile and hugged the queen. Pulling away from the hug and turned on my heel heading towards the hall to the outside. Once outside I broke down into tears and walked towards my house where my sister was, hopefully she will still be mine. If we aren’t mates, our love would just be a hindrance once we find our real mates especially since he is the new alpha after his father.

chapter six

It feels horrid to just leave without saying goodbye but he won’t miss me, he won’t have a yearning to get me back. Walking into the woods I make no noise just silently let tears fall. I heard a crack and I stood in mid step, swiftly I hid behind a tree. Peaking from behind it I see a group of three people all werewolves two my age, and one who looks to be 12. The twelve year old is a girl and the other two were boys. Concentrating on their conversation I slowed my breathing and listened in.


“He said she would be around here,” one of the guys implied sadly, annoyed at the most.


“Why do we

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