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Read books online » Romance » Unexpected by Kate Spellman (best selling autobiographies .TXT) 📖

Book online «Unexpected by Kate Spellman (best selling autobiographies .TXT) 📖». Author Kate Spellman

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have to kill her, we want be on her side,” the girl whined. Both of the boys let out a frustrated breath and started to walk again.


“We should go to the village and ask if anyone saw her, for all we know Dakota could already be dead,” the other guy said a bit worriedly for someone he never meet before. Walking around the three I popped in front of them and smiled, which they saw right through because my tears were slightly drying into my skin.


“I can take you to Dakota,” I offered them taking a step forwards my hands ready to draw a knife or arrow if needed.


“You probably heard us we don’t want to harm her so you better not,” the girl informed me, then there was a silently moment which gave me time to study them. The twelve year old had blonde hair, pale, and very skinny. One of the guys had brown hair that was shaggy, the same skin tone as me, and he had crystal clear blue /grey eyes, somehow I was drawn to them but I ignored it. The next guy to his left had black hair, tan skin and regular muddy brown eyes, they all had the same type of outfit like it was a uniform. Who were these people, and why on earth are they trying to kill me.


“Do you work for the leader guy,” I asked him remembering Setae. They nodded but the one with the pretty eyes didn’t he stood still then took a step closer to me.


“How do you know,” he questioned his position ready to draw any weapons he has.


“Someone said he was trying to kill my cousin Dakota, I’m,” I stopped for a minute mastering up a fake name, “Charlotte.” His hand that was ready to withdraw a knife at any moment ranked through his hand and I felt like fainting then remembered Aiden clearing the thought of any boy. It was too soon to think of that name, my eyes glossed over, quickly I sucked it up and faced the group accordingly.


“Well Charlotte, want to join us, we decided we will fight for Dakota rather than against her.” He offered a hand and I took it tingles and sparks escaping through me down my whole body, much more than Aiden’s, but instead of assuming anything I ignored it and stepped next to the other two.


“What’s your name,” I asked the girl next to me, my voice cracking from the tingles being sent through me still. The girl smiled at me.


“I’m Elizabeth, call me Lizzy,” she introduced herself then held out her hand, only a fool would touch it, she has the power to kill someone with a touch I can tell by her creepy smile. She withdrew her hand and smiled approvingly. Her guts for her small body made me let out a little huff.


“I’m Nathaniel,” the guy with brown eyes said nodding to me. Wiping the now dry tears from my cheeks they started to walk and I wondered why they first guy didn’t tell me what his name was. Following them I wondered where they were going.


“How do you guys know if you meet her, well besides having me,” I asked them as I almost trip over a vine. Looking behind me at the vine I cursed at it and everyone laughed, by everyone I meant Nathaniel, Lizzy, and myself.


“She’s my mate,” the guy up front grumbled and I looked at my hand which was still responding to our hand holding. Quickly looking away from it, I wish everything would be normal.


“Also, her birthmark looks like a tattoo,” Lizzy murmured secretly to me. My eyes widen and I slightly saw my birthmark in the corner of my eye.


“Maybe we should go to the village she likes to shop there,” I suggested, maybe there I can get something to cover my birthmark. They nodded and I started to lead them out of the forest, stepping over the edge of the forest I felt safe. Walking into the Village, I remembered that everyone knows that I’m Dakota and I froze in place.


“What’s wrong Charlotte,” Lizzy questioned from behind me and I turned my back to the village and smiled at them assuring that everything was fine.


“You guys go first I have to do something real quick,” I told them and they walked around me into the village completely token aback by my behavior. Running the opposite way they went in the village I rushed into Missy’s store, in the store I smiled at Missy the owner and noticed a hooded long sleeved robe. Taking it I walked up to Missy and smiled a ‘please’ smile.


“How much,” I asked quickly and her eyes bulged out of her sockets.


“Free of course,” she stated dumbfounded.


“Thank you,” I called already half way out of the door slipping on the robe like thing. Stepping into the street I saw Lizzy and Nathaniel searching it completely determined. When they saw me they rushed over to me.


“Have you found Dakota, Christian said his wolf was yearning him to be in the village, so she must be here like you said.”


I shook my head and felt my hands shaking, what if they find out I’m Dakota will they hate me?


“Err, no,” I said lying through my pearly white teeth. Christian walked towards us like he was in a trance and I hid behind Lizzy, hopping he won’t know I’m his mate. Standing in front of Lizzy, Christian looked confused.


“She right here, but Lizzy is right here,” he explained, and Lizzy moved exposing me.


“Traitor,” I exclaimed at her and she looked confused. Ms. Wills came rushing over to me breathlessly.


“Dakota, your sister needs you,” Ms. Wills told me and Lizzy, Nathaniel, and Christian’s eyes were on me.

chapter seven

“Where is she,” I questioned ignoring their stare. Ms. Wills pointed down the street and I saw my sister. My breath caught in my throat and I started to run over to her. In inhumanly speed I was by her side.


“Who did this,” I asked breathlessly trying not to cry in front of all these people. They shrugged and I placed my hand on her side where she was wounded and urged it to heal, partly my ability. Crying I pushed even more energy into her wound pleading the gods to help her. She cried out my name and I sighed in relief.


“You’re okay,” I exclaimed hugging her. She whimpered and I released her murmuring an apology. I stood up and then helped her up. Once she was standing she looked frantically around the village as if to spot something.


“Some random guy came and stabed me then whispered 'atrides must die',” Daniela said frantically and my eyes widen and shot over to Lizzy, Nathaniel, and Christian. They looked at me mad and regret filled me. Ignoring their glare I hugged my sister again happy that she is still healthy.


“Thank god you’re alright Daniela,” I exclaimed and searched the village with my eyes and I spotted someone I didn’t know. I pushed Daniela behind me and walked over to the guy. Stepping in front of him he looked pissed. Who can this be? I thought to myself and as I was wondering he had me in a choke hold, but it didn’t hurt me.


‘Let go of me,’ I commanded in my head and he slowly released me. Taking a step towards him he took one back and I smiled.


“Did your leader send you here,” I asked my voice low and deathly, which I even flinched to. He nodded frantically and backed up some more.


“Are you the one who hurt her,” I questioned taking a step towards him.


“Yes, but I had no choice, if I didn’t I would be the one dead,” he exclaimed and looked like he was about to pee himself.


“You did have a choice,” I told him my voice still low and deathly, “but you chose to listen to him, if you hadn’t run away from your pack you could’ve avoided this situation.” He listening to that he cried and slumped in defeat. Falling to the ground on his knees he begged for forgiveness, and sadly enough, because he did not kill my sister I said,


“Don’t kill anyone and leave your leader and I might forgive you fully, for now I’ll let you live.” He thanked me and stood up running off into the forest. Turning around to face the village I saw that everyone went back to their regular work and my sister was making her way back home. Running up to her I punched her in the arm and she whined.


“That’s for almost getting killed, go home and don’t leave unless it’s with your mate,” I ordered and she bowed her head walking home. I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned around to see Lizzy and Nathaniel staring at me and Christian looking away. Regret filled me and my eyes became glassy, slowly I back away shaking my head then turned around. I don’t understand myself, I’ve only known them for a matter of minutes why am I upset and regretting my actions?


“Wait, Char—Dakota,” Lizzy pleaded and this caused me to quicken my pace to avoid them and catch up with my sister.


 Shaking my head I still heard their footsteps behind me. Taking my dagger from my boot I began to play with it, somehow it calms me.


“Dakota, put it away you might kill someone,” Daniela exclaimed and I shook my head.


“I don’t kill people, killing is…. Just no, I don’t kill.”


 Daniela looked over at me lament filling her eyes, then she adverted her eyes to behind me.


“Who are they,” she asked her voice weak and low, not looking behind me I shrugged and then felt air being pushed against my back. Nathaniel probably done it, it’s his ability to use earth elements, air isn’t exactly earth but it counts.


“I’m Nathaniel,” he said walking beside my sister.


“Why is she ordering you around aren’t you older than her,” Lizzy asked from behind us. A smile taunted to blossom at that moment, Daniela hates when people point that out. Daniela almost as if she heard my thought let out a frustrated screamed and my smile did shine. I shook my head and Lizzy looked confused.


“Just because she orders me around doesn’t mean anything, she still is my LITTLE sister, maybe she is controlling and took over our mum and father’s place doesn’t mean anything! I’m the one in charge,” Daniela proclaimed as she started to stomp towards the house. Letting out a laugh I looked over at Lizzy’s dumbfounded face also Nathaniel’s ‘what just happened’ look. I continued to laugh as Daniela screamed again.


“Oh my lord, that’s hilarious, look at your faces,” I exclaimed without even acknowledging Christian.


“What does she mean, ‘took over your mum and father’s place’,” Christian asked stopping me from my laughing fit. The scene flashed in my eyes as I thought back to it.


 The house was still and quiet it was at night, my sister and I were sleeping in the same room since we were scared and young. I heard the floor creak and I shook my sister awake.


“Sissy, did you hear that,” I whispered to Daniela as she slowly awoke.


“Hear, what,” she grumbled into

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