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Read books online » Romance » AUTUMN ROSE by Lisa Ann (latest books to read txt) 📖

Book online «AUTUMN ROSE by Lisa Ann (latest books to read txt) 📖». Author Lisa Ann

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CH. 3 Mr. Badass

{Hunter's P.O.V.}

I felt like some kind of stalker just standing there at the end of the hall way watching as the new kids talked with Zoe.

Being a Shifter or werewolf, whichever way you wanted to call it, aloud me to have great hearing, sight, strength, and speed.

So I listend in on the coversation that Zoe was having with them.

I watched as Zoe got closer to the girl who seemed to shrink back away from her like she was afraid.

When the guy saw that he put his arm over her shoulder and she relaxed a bit.

I heard the guy introduce themselves to Zoe.

He said his name was Blake and the girl next to him was his sister Autumn.

The guys name sound familiar to me.

Then I thought back to over the summer when I met a guy named Blake who was like me and had a sister that I never met yet.

So that's them. Well, since they go here now that means Blake can't keep me from meeting his sister.

The whole time Blake and Zoe were talking I noticed that Autumn was trying not to shake.

As Zoe was looking at Autumn's schedule I felt someone's gaze on me.

I looked to up to see that it was Autumn.

She seemed to relax even more because she turned to Zoe and asked if they could hang out together.

Wow! Did that just happen? She can't be my mate? Can she?

Oh man! I then felt the need to get to know her better.

I knew that Autumn wasn't like most of the girls in this school, which was a great thing.

Most girls here think I'm a badass, a player or a man-whore.

Well, I was a badass and sort of a player too, but if Autumn's my mate then my ways are going to change.

{Autumn's P.O.V.}

When we heard the warning bell ring telling us that we had four minutes till class started, Blake turned to look at me.

"I'm gonna head off to 1st, but I'll see you and Zoe in 2nd, ok?" Blake said hugging me.

"Yes and if something happends I'll ask the teacher if I can leave then I'll make sure to call you," I whispered that last part so Zoe wouldn't hear.

"Come on Autumn," Zoe said yanking on my arm, "Were gonna be late if you don't move," she contiuned on.

I tried my best not to flinch when she grabbed my arm, but it was no use cause Zoe noticed and automatically let go and starred at me confused.

Her smile turned into a frown, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to grab your arm like that."

I took a deep breath trying to smile back, "It's ok. I'm just not used to being touched by other people besides my brother or my Aunt Kelly. It'll just take some time for me to get used to being around other people."

Zoe nodded her head and smiled back at me, "I understand Autumn and I'll try to be more careful next time."

I was glad when she didn't ask questions about why I felt this way and I was greatful for that.

"I'm ok now and thanks for understanding Zoe. It means a lot to have a friend like you," I laughed slowly linking arms with her.

When I did that Zoe smiled the biggest smile I have ever seen.

We walked the rest of the way to class this way.

As more kids crowded through the door I froze.

Zoe must have realized that I was a little afraid of crowds.

Unlinking our arms she told me, "I'll go grab us seats in the back and let the teacher know that you went to the restroom. This means you don't have to worry about any crowds as you're trying to get to class."

I felt relief flow through me because she wasn't trying to make me do something I felt uncomfortable with.

"Thanks Zo. You really are the best friend ever," I hugged her quickly.

"Ha ha! I knew that already,"

With that she walked off leaving me alone in the hall.

I took a few claming breaths telling myself that everything would be ok and there was no need to freak out.

Feeling more relaxed I headed towards the classroom knowing there was no reason to have a panic attack.

Well at least that's what I thought until I ran into someone's hard chest.

I braced myself to keep from falling to the ground, but soon realised that I hadn't moved at all.

I could have sworn that I ran into someone.

Then I noticed that two warm hands were holding me by the waist keeping me from falling.

'Just breath Autumn' I told myself.

I slowly looked up to see who had saved me.

When I locked eyes with him I all of a sudden felt safe and secure.

Then I realized that this guys was the same guy I had seen this morning when I had met Zoe.

"So you must be Autumn? Well I'm Hunter and it's nice to finally met you," he said smirking.

CH. 4 Can't Run From Your Past

{Hunter's P.O.V.}

After I told Autumn my name I slowly leaned back up and let go of her waist.

I noticed that she didn't freak out about me touching her like she did when Zoe grabbed her arm early.

When she had locked eyes with me I saw them go from a pale green to a bright emerald green.

I knew she was trying to keep herself from freaking out cause she kept taking slow deep breaths.

I could tell that Autumn knew that she had no reason to worry about me hurting her.

As her eyes had locked with mine I saw that Autumn's body had relaxed because she knew that she could feel safe and secure with me.

The sparks that flew through me told me that she was my true mate.

The only thing that I couldn't figure out was why she was so afraid to be around other people and also why Blake didn't like me asking about her.

After letting go of her waist I took a small step back, "So Autumn, I see you have met Zoe already?"

"Umm... Yeah I did," Autumn said quietly.

"Well Zo's a great friend to have around and I know that she's going to ask you to come sit with us at lunch too," I told her with a smile.

It was true. I knew Zo would ask Autumn and Blake to come sit with us at lunch.

I've been friends with Zoe for almost four years now.

Since I knew that Autumn was my mate I was going to help her feel safe again.

{Autumn's P.O.V.}

For some reason I felt safe around Hunter like I did with Blake, but with Hunter it felt different.

I headed off towards 1st with Hunter following behind me.

As soon as I entered the classroom I saw Zoe sitting in the back with two etxra seats to the right side of her desk.

Dropping my bag down to look at the floor I took my seat next to Zoe.

Zoe smiled when I sat down next to her pulling out my notebook and pen as we got ready for class.

The room around me started to feel smaller and smaller. Just sitting in a classroom full of kids I didn't know was making me freak out.

My breathing started to become faster and my heart was beating loudly in my chest.

I thought that if I sat next to someone I knew then my panic attacks wouldn't be as bad, but I guess even sitting next to Zoe couldn't help the memories from coming back.


The enemy pack that had taken me also had killed my family.

I didn't know what day or month it was, but from what I had been able to pick up on was that this enemy pack had taken me for a reason.

I had learned that I was the first female wolf to born in over a thousand years, but I wouldn't shift until I was 18.

I remember being locked in a small dark room that only had one tiny window that was to high up for me to reach.

The beatings came everytime I tried to escape or if I refused to do something the pack leader wanted.

Toby was the one that had joy out of beating me any chance he got and to him that was often.

To him I was just his human toy that he beat on, but that would change once I turned 18.

{End Of Flashback}

I sat in the chair knowing that I wasn't really having a flashback, it was more of just the memories of me trying to force the flashback out of my mind.

I didn't even notice Hunter sitting in the seat next to me.

Soon I couldn't take it anymore, I grabbed my things before my flashback become a vivid nightmare in front of me and ran out the room.

CH. 5 Trying To Feel Safe Again
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