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What is Romance?

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In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

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Read books online » Romance » AUTUMN ROSE by Lisa Ann (latest books to read txt) 📖

Book online «AUTUMN ROSE by Lisa Ann (latest books to read txt) 📖». Author Lisa Ann

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{Autumn's P.O.V.}

As I ran out the room I didn't even bother calling Blake.

I ran down the hall and out the doors towards the track outside.

Luckily there was no one out here as I tried my best to keep the memories away, but I couldn't.

I burst into uncontrolable tears as I sank down in the grass outside the track.

Pulling my knees up to my chest I wrapped my arms around myself and continued to cry.

{Flashback From Before}

Everyday Toby, who was the pack leader, would come tell me that I was going to be his son's mate.

Toby wanted to combine my father's pack and his pack together by me marrying his son Max.

My father refused because he didn't want to force me to marry someone that wasn't my mate.

That's when Toby showed up at my house trying to reason with my father, but that day only turned out to be one of my worst nightmares.

I was laying in the dark room that Toby kept me in waiting from my next meal.

The door opened and I felt the warm sunlight shine on my face, but it quickly disappeared when the footsteps got closer.

I looked up to see Max crouching down next to me. He and his father were the only two people out the entire pack that haunted my dreams at night.

Max then reached down grabbing my arms yanking me to my feet.

I knew what was going to happen next and it was something that I didn't want to relive again.

Before I could stop the memory from poping in my head it flashed in front of my eyes.

Slapping, hitting, kicking, punching, anything that could cause me pain Toby and Max did to me.

It's because of them that I'm afraid to be alone with a guy, that I flinch at someone's movement if it's too fast, that I'm afraid of the dark and don't like it when I'm in a locked room.

Even if I can over come those things in my life, it's trusting someone again that will be the hardest thing because you never know when they will try to use your fears against you.

{End Of Flashback}

Once my flashback had gone away, I sobbed even harder into my arms just wanting to disappear from this cruel world.

There was no point in even calling Blake becasue my panic attacks where something that not even my brother could calm me down from.

I just had to let them pass on there own. Then I heard footsteps from behind me and automatically shrank back.

"Autumn, it's ok. I'm not going to hurt you in any way. All I want to do is help you," I heard Hunter's soft soothing voice say.

For some reason I felt myself calming down as Hunter came closer to me.

{Hunter's P.O.V.}

As soon as Autumn ran out the classroom I knew something was wrong because I could feel it in my chest.

After about ten minutes I left the room and followed the scent of my small scared mate.

Her scent led me all the way out to the track where I saw Autumn in the grass holding her knees to her chest.

She was sobbing quietly, but I could still hear her.

Slowly I walked towards her and as I got closer I noticed Autumn shrink away from me.

"Autumn, it's ok. I'm not going to hurt you in any way. All I want to do is help you," I tried to say in my most calming soothing voice.

Autumn pulled her head up and starred at me with tears still falling down her face.

I had dark blue eyes and long straight black hair that had a hint of blue to it with bangs that hung over my left eye.

To most people I was intimidating to look at and compared to Autumn I was much bigger.

Autumn watched me as I slowly sat down in front of her on the grass.

"Do you mind if I sit out here with you until you feel better Autumn?" I asked trying to get her talking.

Her sobbing had stopped and she slowly sat up straighter, "No it's ok."

I smiled that she didn't mind me staying with her.

"Are you ok? Would you like me to walk back inside with you?"

I stood up and held out my hand for her to take. If she took it then I knew that she trusted me enough to touch her and be around her.

CH. 6 Trusting Him

{Autumn's P.O.V.}

I watched as Hunter stood up and offered me his hand to take.

For some reason I still felt safe around him. Slowly I lifted my smaller hand and put it in his larger one.

As soon as my hand touched his I felt warm sparks jolt through my body.

Hunter pulled me up softly from the ground not letting go of my hand as he lead the way back to the school.

Normally I would have flinched at his touch because of all the memories, but his touch was different.

It was gentle not brutal like Toby and Max's.

Before we got to the door to go inside, a small group of guys walked out.

Seeing them walking towards us I shrank closer into Hunter's side clutching the back of his shirt.

Hunter noticed what I was doing and gently pushed me half way behind and put wrapped one of his arms protectively around my waist.

When one of the guys saw me next to Hunter her grinned down at me.

I felt Hunter stiffend next to me as his let out a low growl.

"So Hunter I see you've met the new girl? How about after your done with her you pass her on to us?" the guy said.

"Back off James unless you want your ass whipped!" Hunter growled again.

James stepped closer to us, "Come on Hunter. We just want to have some fun."

As this was going on I tried not to have a panic attack. For some reason being around Hunter made me feel safe, but I still couldn't help the fact that deep down inside I was scared.

Why did I have to be so broken? Why couldn't I feel safe and secure without having my horrible memories haunt me around evey corner.

All I wanted was my old life back. To be able to go to school without having a panic attack, or be able to leave the house without fearing everyone around me.

I just want to be loved and to be able to trust people again especially guys.

"If you don't back off then you'll regret it James," Hunter threatend him just as the bell rang.

James backed off and left with his group following behind.

As we walked through the doors I saw Blake coming our way with Zoe right next to him.

"I want to go home right now Blake," I almost cried out as I took a step away from Hunter.

Blake's smile went away and he frowned at me, "What's wrong Autumn? Are you ok?"

I tried not to cry because all I wanted to do was to get away from here and go home.

"Please, I just want to go home," I whispered as I felt a tear slide down my face.

Before Blake could say anything I headed out towards to the parking lot.

Blake turned to Zoe and kissed on the check saying bye and then looked at Hunter before walking off.

By the time I got to the car I couldn't hold it in anymore. Slowly I let myself cry quietly in the car.

I heard the driver's door open and the car start up. I didn't bother to look up or to even open my eyes.

When the engine turned off I opened the door and ran inside the house start upstairs to my room.

Throwing my bag on the floor I crawled onto my bed and curled myself in the corner wrapping my arms around knees.

While I was crying I thought about how much I wanted my old life back.

All I wanted was my family back, but I knew that was never going to happen.

Even though I have my brother and my Aunt Kelly I still feel like there is something missing inside of me.

I want so badly to tell Hunter about my past, but I'm afraid to trust him with what is left of my broken heart.

CH. 7 Feeling Safer

{Hunter's P.O.V.}

I still can't get the image of my small mate, Autumn, running out the school almost in tears.

It's been two days since I've seen Autumn at school and me and my wolf are going crazy because we haven't seen or heard from her.

I know that Zoe has been giving Blake Autumn's school work to take home to her.

From what I could tell just by talking to Autumn those couple of times that something must have happend to her in the past that has her acting the way she does around people.

After my last class I made my way to my locker and noticed Zoe waiting for me with Blake standing next to her.

"Hey Hunter!" Zo screamed cheerfully.

"Hey Zo! Are you ready to head home?" I asked closing my locker back up.

Blake looked at Zoe with a confused face.

"Wait? Ya'll live together?"

Zo smiled sheepishly at Blake, "Umm... Yah, Hunter's my half brother."

Blake took a moment to let what she said sink in.

His eyes widen in shock, "So.. Does that mean you know what he is?"

Zo grinned, "Yah I know what Hunter

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