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A big variety of genres offers in Today we will discuss romance as one of the types books, which are very popular and interesting first of all for girls. They like to dream about their romantic future rendezvous, about kisses under the stars and many flowers. Girls are gentle, soft and sweet. In their minds everything is perfect. The ocean, white sand, burning sun….He and she are enjoying each other.
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What is Romance?

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In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

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Read books online » Romance » one stroy two souls by Vanessa (english readers .txt) 📖

Book online «one stroy two souls by Vanessa (english readers .txt) 📖». Author Vanessa

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of school, meet any new friends” My mom asked finally something I wouldn’t mind listing too, I anticipated for her answer. She sighed with a quite huff. I could tell she didn’t like the idea of every one looking at her which is hard to understand because every girl I knew, love any and all attention they could get, whether they were good or bad.
“My first day of school was… good” she boded her head up and down it looked like she was trying to convince herself more than anything “and I did meet a couple of nice students” she looked back down to the strands of hair she was playing with between her finger.
“ I hear from your mother that you are a wonderful student, and that you want to become a doctor is that right?” my mother pushed. Aria smile and nodded to answer her question.
“ How about you Grayson?” I knew her words had a double meaning, the only reason she asked me was to sound polite in front of all her guest and that felt like being punched in my gut. Aria looked up glad that her portion of show and tell was over and that mine was just about to start.
“ It was good” I lied the only good thing about it was getting way from this house… and meeting Aria but I couldn’t thing about her now, obviously I’m not her type. She had goals and dreams all I had was rich parents. It was as simple as that, I was the bad boy and she was the good girl. No amount of wishing and hoping could change that so I should stop thinking about why she wants to become a doctor or why she doesn’t like people to give her the attention that she deserved, because all I wanted to do was gaze at her and I didn’t care if she didn’t want me too.
When dinner was over, everyone once again entered the sitting room to chat about old times but I just wanted old times to stay where they were, in the past. So I walked up the stair to my room trying to do my homework form English until I hear a soft knock at my door
“ Hello is this the bathroom, is someone in there?” Aria asked as she knock again but this time a little louder. I opened my door she looked genially surprised to see me so I laugh, as I look at her shacked face. Why was she so surprised this was my house she is bound to see me some where. Her shocked face quickly transferred to a glare taking my laugh the wrong way.
Whoa I quickly put my hands up before she turns away.
“I wasn’t laughing at you” I told her with a smile “I was not expecting to see you. Let alone you with your eyes almost popping out of your head” I laughed again. She didn’t find it at all funny, as her cheeks glowed red she was about to walk away but I stopped her by holding her wrist, her skin was so soft almost like silk beneath my touch.
“ I’m sorry if I hurt your feeling” I apologized for what, I didn’t know but I knew this was she wanted to hear “I can be a jerk sometimes” I say playful now, she laughed and the sound of it make me laugh along with her.
“ some times?” she added sarcastically she looked around beyond my shoulder.
“Do you want to come in” I was glad Mary cleaned my room because if she didn’t it would have made that question almost imposable for me to ask.
“I do have a bathroom in here if you still need one” I quickly regretted asking, because even to my own ears it sounded weird, to ask a girl I barley knew in to my room. Wanting her to say yes.
“There is also another one down the hall two doors down”
“ Um no I’m fine thank you” she said quietly “ I should go back downstairs, my mom is probably… wondering where I am.” I blew it I knew I had no chance. “ See you around school.” she smiled before turning to walk down the stair.


As soon as the door was shut, and we where home again I realized that I had a good time going to dinner and meeting the Rams family. The dinner was delicious and they weren’t as snobby as I thought they would be. But what surprised me most was seeing Garson, he was like a lost puppy I feel like he is following me around everywhere I go, of course I was just being dramatic. I was the one who came to his house so would that make me the lost puppy?
“Aria I forgot to tell you that your dad called…” my mom started to close the distance between use to see the reaction on my face .
“ Why did he call?” I said between my clenched teeth “ what he wasn’t done ripping our family apart, so he called to see if he missed anything that needed crushing?” All it took was those few word to make me wanted to hide from anything and every thing that would cause me to lose control of my emotion and show my weakness.
“ He was just remind me that he gets you girls this weekend. And you have to go this time no if and buts about it,” she said as she put her hand up to touch me, but I moved away quickly
“Honey your father loves you,” she tenderly held my shoulders with both hands as if she some how knew that I needed it. “he wants to see you. It’s not fair for him…” I ripped away from her touch “ NOT FAIR FOR HIM! What about us? Did he ever thing that his decision was fair for us!”
I ran to my room afraid to see what my moms face looked like, it wasn’t her I wanted to hurt but I couldn’t help but feel like I chipped a piece of her all ready torn heart.
I need to relax so I grab my sketching pad and my pencils and plopped them on my desk before I changed for bed. I haven’t drawn in such a long time. I feel it escaping me along with the Aria I once was. I’ve noticed that my drawings lately have been darker in shade and in meaning but I was doing less and less of it so I hardly care. Tonight I drew a heart bleeding in the dark with a long and deep cut in the middle and the only thing keeping it together was the hand that was squeezing it.
It was hard to fall a sleep that night all I could think about was having to go to my dads house over the weekend and how much I wasn’t looking forward in seeing his face.
I woke up to a warm bed, I pushed the heavy blanket way form my body it falls to the floor make a swooshing sound as it rubs against the tall bed I just laid there un able to get up from my own bed I was mentally and physically drained.
I sat in my desk cringing from all the voices that seems to get louder as the time passes, I tried to ignore them but my head had its own heart beat it felt like my brain was being pushed out though my ears.
“Hey Grayson” the girl that was also in my world history class walked to our desk with her low cut v necked shirt. One look at her and you can tell that she’s been around if you know what I mean. Even thought I had a killer headache I couldn’t help but listen to their conversation.
“I was wondering if you would like to come over to night… I’m having a little party with a few friends.“ she leaned in, closer to him “ So what do you say?” she said pushing out her chest a little, raveling more of her already exposed chest. I couldn’t believe what I just saw, how do women degrade themselves like this. I felt even sicker than before I can hear a bubbling from the pit of my stomach.
“ I have… other thing I have to do tonight.” wow this surprised me. This girl was practically throwing herself at him and he turned her down. Maybe there is more to him that what is on the out side. Don’t get me wrong he could be a male model if he wanted to, with his dark drown hair that waved because of its length and his icy blue eyes that would have any girl melt, at the sight of them. I know guys that look like him act like big jerks. I should know Darcie has only dated those types of guys and I have always have been there for her after it end badly. I told my self I would never fall for someone that would end up causing that much pain.
“ Like what other things?” she said backing off from his personal space and crossing her arms at her chest and gave him the died eye. A face the is so intimidating and scary it makes you wonder if she practices it ever night to get this full effect. Even though the look wasn’t amid at me I could feel its power from where I was sitting.
“ Look Courtney, you’re the one how ended it with me so I don’t get why your invited me to your party.” he said in a voice plane as day.
“ Fine then don’t come I didn’t want you to come anyway I was just… trying to be… nice.” she turned away before she could embarrass her self any more than she already had. I felt sorry for her.
“hey I forgot my book at my house can we share yours.” he said a few seconds after his one on one with his ex.
“ sure” what was I suppose to say no because you’re a player and people like you make me feel sick to my stomach.
I laid the book between us he scooted his chair closer. I really wish he didn’t, because all of the sudden my nose was filled with his cologne and he smelled so good it was hard to concentrate on any thing. I couldn’t stop breathing him in.
“ Aria!” Grayson said smiling waving his hand up and down in front of my face. “ Earth to Aria”
“ Yeah what?” I ask shaking away my thoughts of him and how mouth watering he smelled. “your starring out to space” he said amused I can feel my face get hotter from the attention he was giving me. And I could tell by the way his grin got wider from my reaction to his answer, that he knew it too.
“I m glad I amuse you.” I said sarcastically. How embarrassing he probably thought I was freak but I shouldn’t care of what he thought of me, because weather he was good looking or not I wont fall for his charm. Period.
During lunch I sit with a this really nice girl I met yesterday her name was Jade, she reminded me a little of my best friend Darcie the way she said what was on her mind and the way she
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