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Read books online » Romance » one stroy two souls by Vanessa (english readers .txt) 📖

Book online «one stroy two souls by Vanessa (english readers .txt) đŸ“–Â». Author Vanessa

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noticed that she was sitting in Shane table. All of them look so fake. With smiles plastered on their faces. Obviously they live in la la land because if they where in the real world they wouldn’t be this happy.
I sat down next to her dreading this feeling of being different.
“why are we sitting here?” I ask quietly enough just for her to hear.
“what do you mean?” she asked she looked furious. This is not what I wanted, to push away the one friend I had here.
“I just wanted to know why the change in seats?” I asked hoping to change the mood. She started to laugh this weird and fake laugh, just like everyone around. She wasn’t what I thought she was she was defiantly nothing like Darcie.
“Aria you are sooooo funny!” she said louder than necessary looking around to see if she had gotten anybody’s attention.
“Because Shane asked me too.” she said batting her eyes as if that was the answer to everything. I had to get out of here before lose all my sanity. I sprinted away, not looking back, not care what they thought about me because they weren’t important.
I ran faster once I reached the doors that lead me out side. Once I opened the door the air crisp and cold replace the hot stems that filled my lungs. Like surfacing after holding your breath a minute longer than what you could. It helped numb my mind. I barely feel my leg move agents each other as if they didn’t know any thing else besides running. Once the cold wind hit my face I closed my eye. Wishing I was alone. I didn’t care whatever happened to me, but I was going to run away from anything and everything that made me feel.
Some thing hit me hard knocking the air out of my lungs forcing me to fall on the lumpy ground. I still haven’t opened my eyes. Could you get hit by a parked car?
“Aria why did you tackle me down?” a voice from under me asked confused. I couldn’t breathe let along answer his question. I didn’t have the power to get off of him. I wished that I would have hit the parked car rather that be on top of Grayson right now, that would have be less embarrassing, less explanation.

Aria finally let out a hard breath, opening her eyes wide with shocked. I wasn’t mad at her for forcing me to the ground I knew she didn’t do it on purpose. I saw her running from a distance but I thought she would have stopped in front of me, or would have gone around me. I guess that her running over me didn’t come to my mind until that second she was within my reach her eyes closed charging towards me with all her might and even then I didn‘t flinch away. It was kind of funny an a weird way that maybe I wanted to be tackled to the ground by her. I know one thing for sure, it felt nice to be so close to her. I could smell her hair as it wiped my face, sweet and flowery. the feeling of her hearting beat against my chest it felt so natural and right that I wouldn’t have mind if we stayed that way until we fell a sleep to the sound of our hearts syncing to the beat of the other.
“ Oh Grayson
 I m so sorry! I didn’t mean to hit you I swear! Are you okay! I so sorry!” Aria looked frantic
“Yeah I m fine. How about you?” I was lying I was more than fine.
“You should tryout for the football team” I said reassuring her that I was fine as I rub my back playing with her and form the way she smiled I knew that every thing was alright. at this moment anyway.
“ Maybe I should.” she said doubtful looking at something in the distance then shook her head as if answering a question that hadn’t been asked.
“Look Grayson” her voice serious and hard with a hint sadness in a way I’ve never heard someone speak before. She closed her beautiful eyes, such vivid shades of green so unforgettable. That my heart ached to see them. My heart also ached at what she might say next.
“ I don’t know why but it feels like we’re being pushed together. Ever since I started school your everywhere I am, maybe it’s a sign. Maybe not but
” her voice softened and trailed off in the ending. I don’t believe what I’m hearing right now it wasn’t just me feeling this.
“But what?” I said not even thinking of what I had just asked but the urge of knowing how she felt about me, even if the chances were slim I wanted to know
 there’s still hope to a hopeless man. She parted her lips as if to answer the question then quickly locked them closed not wanting to speak another word. Do I really want her to answer the question, would it only lead to something that could bury me with words?
“Aria?” I wanted her to end my hope like everything else. I wanted her to make me forget about her. Everything about her.
“ All I could ever be to you is just a friend.” her eyes were pledging me to say yes but her voice, her voice wanted me to leave. But her eyes had the power over me, being just her friend I don’t know if I’m strong enough to resist thinking of her as more than a friend but I will endure because even though I barely knew her I already felt that I needed her.
“ Then a friend I will be.” I half forced a smile on my face I hoped it looked convincing. I was happy that at least we where some thing, friends would be good enough for me.
“ Thanks Grayson. You don’t know how much I need a friend right now.” she tucked the lose strands of hair behind her ear and smiled and being her friend I smiled back.
“ So
 now that we’re friend can I ask something?” I said quietly she raised one of her perfectly arched eye brow and nodded slowly.
“What are you doing running around tackling people to the ground?” I asked teasingly
“ What? that’s not the way you say ‘I want to be your friend’ over here. Weird I thought it was the international sign for friendship.” she said sarcastically
“ No really?” I asked again
“I needed fresh air.” she didn’t look convincing but I thought that if she didn’t feel like sharing than I wouldn’t push her. It was now that I noticed that we were still on the ground. It was nice talking to her, I forget where I am and how I didn’t have to force to smile at the appropriate time. I could be just me, she didn’t expect so much from me because she barely knows me.
“ Well can I ask you something
 since we’re friends and all?” she asked with a hint of smile in her voice.
“ Sure” I could help but smile back.
“ what are doing here? I mean you asked what I was doing running around hurting people but why are you here out side alone
 an easy target for someone like me.” she asked not looking at my eyes but something beyond them.
“I needed fresh air” I said quoting her. The truth was I liked to be away form the big crowd when ever I had the chance. They all seem so happy so unreal it made me feel so alone. Outside I could think without a thousand of voices chirping in the background. I could breath without the smell of everyone crushed together in one room. Outside I didn’t have to answer peoples pointless question, I didn’t have to fake a halfhearted laugh to please others around me, outside I could me just me and be content.
“ Fresh air huh?” she asked questionably
“ Yes as fresh as it gets. And it free too.” just then her stomach grumbled so loud you couldn’t help but notice. Her cheeks turn rose red as she bowed her head in embarrassment. She let out a quite nevus giggle .
“ Are you hungry?” I asked dumbly
“ My stomach seem to think so” she said as she patted it with a smile.

When Garson and I walked in the cafeteria together all eyes where on us. it didn’t help that there was only ten minutes left of launch and there wasn’t anyone standing in the lines or entering the room besides us. I glanced at Grayson from the corner of my eyes he didn’t seem to notice or care that everyone had their bug eyes glued to our face. This was a bad idea, I didn’t know how bad until now; the very moment I looked around and realize that look on peoples faces was pity most of them any way some were smiling at the gossip that this would bring and some had a smiles on there face as if this was a joke. I stood there caught up in my thoughts of the pros and cons of what I let happened. of course everyone would be looking, that seemed like my luck lately but I wanted to yell at them the kids that were gawking at us We are just friends! So stop looking at me like that. But I didn’t.

Publication Date: 03-26-2011

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