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Read books online » Romance » Griffin by Rahela Ferarri (best books for 8th graders .TXT) 📖

Book online «Griffin by Rahela Ferarri (best books for 8th graders .TXT) 📖». Author Rahela Ferarri

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is work, and she should learn to cope with it. C.E.O.’s began to enter the room in their fancy and expensive suits. They were laughing, exchanging jokes, gossiping. And I spent the entire night preparing these damn things and worrying. I thought of her. I didn’t even talked to her directly after the interview. I couldn’t. Something was stopping me. I wanted to, countless times, but I didn’t. I was nervous and I couldn’t stop it. I barely fell asleep last night. Then she entered the room. I couldn’t help but notice her figure. She was very attractive. I tried to focus on the papers and to look indifferent. She is nervous, but she is cleverly hiding it with a smile. Good girl. Nobody paid attention on her presence. Nobody but me. She approached with a polite and shy smile.


Mia:       “You wanted to see me?”


Griffin:   “Yes, please, have a seat.” – I was trying to ease her tension. She sat to an empty chair next to me. My eyes were still on the papers, but her presence inflamed all other four senses. My palms were sweating, and I wanted to open the topic as fast as I could, so I opened the discussion.


Griffin:   “We have a serious problem. Our supervision team has discovered a flaw in our document security system. It seems that one of more of our branches provided us with false data and tampered with authority reports. As you are aware, this is a serious offence, and it requires a detail and confident internal control analysis, with several solution propositions.”


Mia:       “How can I be of your assistance?”


Griffin:   â€śOur supervision team have found several reports which indicate that this kind of breaches may occur, with pre-calculated risk and probability analysis.” – I didn’t want to sound overly involved or enthusiastic of her accomplishment, and I continued with a small lie. “As my team has informed me, those reports were made by you, am I correct?”


Mia:       “Yes, I handed them over a month ago.”


Griffin:   â€śAre you capable of performing an internal audit in two of our branches? I will understand if you say no, since you don’t have many working experience, but we need someone of confidence who can determine the level of damage, and the report you wrote on the matter is brilliantly done. I just can’t believe that none of my well paid C.E.O.’s recognized it’s importance and relevance…” – I emphasized the sentence, and raised my voice, now addressing directly to the C.E.O.s. I was furious. I think they understood how pissed I am, and silenced. I continued.“I cannot accept the fact that this company pays the five of you, more than 10 times bigger salary and bonuses than anyone of the staff, and that none of you had the brain or interest to notice this large security issue, and that I had to find out about it from a simple employee.”


I regretted the word the second it parted my lips. I was trying to make a point to these idiots, and the word just slipped my mouth. She was sitting, focusing on the table. I was looking at her, trying to assess the damage I made. Then her eyes met mine. They were blurry and she was trying to remain calm and self-confident, but she failed. God, I was such an asshole. She is still young. Instead making her the most proud person in the room, I managed to do the opposite. She just pulled back to her shell. She was on a verge of breaking, and I wanted to stop the torture, and leave her some dignity.


Griffin: “Miss. Petrov, please, take your time and think about what I asked you. Come back tomorrow with a reply. You can go now!” – She silently nodded and left the office. I was refraining myself to go after her, but I knew that this was not a good idea.


The meeting was long and difficult. We still had to figure out what to do with these findings, but all the time, she didn’t leave my mind. How stupid I was. How insensitive. It was half past five when we finished, and I was hoping that she’ll still be there before I go. I didn’t have the time to come up with a proper thing to say, and I was just hoping she didn’t leave. I was rushing down the stairs, and still saw light in her office.


She was still there, about to leave herself. She turned around, aware of my presence.


Griffin:    â€śMiss., forgive me. I wasn’t thinking.”


Mia:       “No, it’s ok, I understand that….” – She was shutting me out.


Griffin:    “No, I made a mistake, and I came to apologize.”


Mia:       “Thank you.” – she barely whispered.


Griffin:   â€śI want you to know how much I appreciate what you are doing for this company. And that I am well aware of how good you do your work. I read your every report, and in no way I see you as a simple employee. I just try to pull out the best of you.”


She couldn’t hold back anymore, but only a single tear fell down her cheek. She was ashamed, trying to look aside and avoid me noticing it. I instinctively reached my hand toward her and moved her chin. Now we were staring each other, face to face. This fragile creature allowed me to look at her for the first time. Her guard was down, and this was the only time she exposed this vulnerable side to me. Her skin was so gentle and soft, and her blurry eyes full of warmth, craving for affection. I wanted to hold her, but all I did was wiping the tear off of her face. There was this huge tension that filled the space between us. I struggled desperately to remain under control, and not to overstep the line.     


Griffin:    â€śCome on, I’m taking you for a drink. We both had a tough day, and I’ll try to buy myself out.” – I really wanted to spend more time with her. Besides, I couldn’t let her go alone like this.


Mia:       “No, thank you. It’s very kind of you, but I have some previously arranged obligations”- She smiled, and try to lie her way out of it. Maybe she just thinks I feel sorry for her. God, how wrong she was. I needed to be around her longer. I wanted to know more about her. She was not aware of how I see her, which was actually good.


Griffin:  “Do you have a ride home?”


Mia:     “Well, no, but...”


Griffin: “Then it’s settled. You’re going with me.”


Mia:     â€śOkay.”


I tried to hide the excitement. We are actually going for a drink.

Chapter Six


Griffin: “So, what does Miss. Petrov do outside the office?” - I craved to know more about her. She just appeared in my life out of the blue, and I was absorbing her every move like a sponge.


Mia:     â€śWell, nothing much, really.” – She was trying to give out as less as she could. She continued. “I’m trying to pass all exams for my expert license, so I don’t get much of a free time.” – Also ambitious. I like that.


Griffin: “Look, I apologize once again for what I said. It was completely inappropriate. But one thing was true, I do want you to do the audit. I believe in you. You had a lot to show in these past months, for my surprise, to be honest.”


Mia:     “I’ll do my best not to disappoint you.”


Her phone rang and it was clear that she became very nervous. A boyfriend maybe? Why do I even care? I wanted to ask who it was, but I knew better than to compromise myself this way.


Griffin: “Won’t you answer the phone?”


Mia:     â€śHmm…rather not. I’ll get it later.” And she silenced the phone. I liked that she gave me the full attention. Well, whoever called got lower priority on her list than me. I tried to find out more about her.


Griffin: “So, where did you go to college?” –Again, she is hesitating. Why is she doing that?


Mia:     “Right here, on state university”


Griffin: “I used to lecture there before I joined the company.”


Mia:     “Yes, I remember you. I was your student.”


What?? No way. I would remember her. I mean a lot of attractive students almost fell into my lap, but I would have remembered her. She really took me by surprise.


Griffin: “Really? Why didn’t you tell me? What grade did you get in statistics?”


Mia:     “Nine.” – Wow. Impressive.


Griffin: “Congratulations. You must have been a good student then. Only a few students got nines. Petrov…how come I don’t remember you then?” –I still couldn’t explain myself how can’t I remember a girl like this, who got the best scores in my class.


Mia:     â€śI had the best scores, and I came to see you in your cabinet and check out my paper.”


Griffin: “We spoke???” – Now I was really in disbelief.


Mia:     â€śYes. You said I did great work and congratulated me. I came to ask you if I could postpone oral exam, because I bought a first concert ticket on that day.”


Griffin: “And what did I say?”


Mia:     â€śYou asked which concert was it. I said it was Deep Purple, and that if I had to choose, I would pick the concert and have another written exam all over again. Then you said I could take oral exam anytime, and mentioned that I should bring you back the photos.”


Griffin: “Well, did you?” – I smiled provocatively.


Mia:     â€śNo.” –She was sharp.


Griffin: “Why?”


Mia:     â€śI came to see you later regarding some literature problems, and you addressed me to your younger colleague, and exited in a rush. I never saw you later, as I passed the exam, so I moved on.”


Griffin: “…I must had been in a serious rush then…” – I couldn’t think of a valid reason for my behavior. She figured me out. Yes. She was gloating. I mean, she has every right to. I was still in shock.


Mia:     â€śI guess so.”


That damn phone again. Somebody was very persistent. I don’t blame them. I would be interested to know with whom she was at this hour. She silenced it again, and it relaxed me a bit.


Mia:     â€śWell, I should be heading home. Thank you for the drink.” – Yes, it’s a boyfriend. Definitely.


Griffin: “Wait, I’ll take you home, it’s pretty late right now.” – I wanted to see where she was, and if there will be someone waiting for her. Probably some boy her age, with whom she held hands and took a long walk.


Mia:     â€śNo, thanks, I’m just two blocks away, I think I could enjoy a walk.” – Again, she was shuting me out.


Griffin: “If you insist.” – I gave in, reluctantly. I didn’t want to impose. Anyway, I will see her at work. She is there every day. And we still have a job to do. The thought gave me some comfort, and I changed the subject, in a more relaxed note. As we walked out I said “Think of my offer while you walk. I’m expecting an answer by tomorrow. Have a good night”


I was not in a rush to get into my car, and I wanted to see where she is going, but she was smart. She was waiting for me to leave. Well, what the hell. Tomorrow is a new day.


I drove straight

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