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Read books online » Romance » All Signs Point to You Part Two by Navaura Campbell (uplifting books for women .TXT) 📖

Book online «All Signs Point to You Part Two by Navaura Campbell (uplifting books for women .TXT) 📖». Author Navaura Campbell

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place and that's just the bottom line of it.”

Amerie furrowed her brow, “What do you mean? What have you guys gone through?”

For the first time, Amerie listened as Denise spoke over what happened with Jordan's mom and how he'd been handling it and then she spoke on what happened with Chuck and also his reaction to her going out of state to school. Amerie sat their listening to Denise's condensed version of the story for forty minutes and then when she finished speaking, she gave her own input. “Why not try to get an extension on your enrollment, see if you can enroll with a full scholarship that January instead of August?”

Denise's eyes lit up, “Oh my God, Amerie, that's the best idea I've heard you come up with yet.”

Amerie giggled, “Well what are friends for. I mean, I can see why you and Jordan are joined at the hip now. The only person he trust is you. I can see how his fear of loosing you would cause him to say some of the things he said to you.”

Denise sighed, “Yeah, I guess you are right.”

Amerie laughed, “I know I'm right. If his mother is really dying then Denise, he needs you now more than ever and I can see how he would feel as if you wouldn't care. How ever as a fellow woman, I can also understand how it feels to not want to give up your hopes and dreams because you want things to go better for your future, but correct me if I'm wrong, didn't you say that ten years from now, the only thing that will matter to you is the love you and he shared? What if you guys could be married ten years from now with your degrees and kids and you know, the whole works?”

Denise brought her hand up to rest underneath her chin. “Yeah, what if...”

Amerie sighed, “I think anything is possible to happen ten years from now, so I think that the right decision would be for you to stay and help him through the toughest period of his life right now. I mean, we don't know when his mother is going to pass away, but at-least give him some time to adjust to the changes that your relationship will definitely go through.”

Denise smiled at her friend, “Thanks Amerie. Do you want to spend the night?”

“On a week night?”

Denise sighed, “Why not, just let me ask my mom.”

~ ~








Chapter Fifty

Denise threw a pillow at Amerie as she lay there wrapped in a blanket on the floor. Amerie laughed, "I can't believe you got your mom to allow me to spend the night on a school night." She commented, putting the pillow underneath her.

"Me either," Denise stated with a giggle. "Lights out now."

Denise reached over and pulled the cord on her lamp, shutting off all light within the room.

"Night, Denise."

"Night, Amerie."

Amerie slipped underneath her pallet and went to sleep. Denise stared up at the ceiling, wondering where Jordan was and how he was doing.

~ ~

Jordan stopped outside her house. He saw the porch light was still on, which meant someone was up in the house. Checking out the window in the corner of the house, by a tall oak tree, he saw that the light was still on. He sat out there in his car, watching her window, wondering how to go in and tell the one person who's opinion actually mattered, that he apologized.

"Whack!" The sound of a rolled up newspaper hitting his roof, woke him up from dreary sleep. Jordan woke up, eyes red, hair standing up in a mess over his head. He startled awake, wondering what was going on. Looking around, he saw that he was in Denise's neighborhood. He bent his head in frustration. Why did he enjoy torturing himself so much? Was that one of his deep wishes? He looked over at her house, just as the door opened and a girl came outside. She looked his way, he recognized her face and then remembered that he'd look suspicious being in this neighborhood so early. He glanced down at his shirt and smirked, in the same clothes as he had on the day before. Looking up, his gaze went to the door. Both girls were gone.

He stared, knowing they couldn't have gotten that far. Where were they? He sighed and then turned the key in the ignition and started the car. Just as he was getting it into drive, a knock on his window startled him. He looked over. Amerie was sticking her face up to the window. He reached over and opened the door. Amerie got in the back and Denise sat in the front and then closed the door.

"Thanks, Jordan. We got up pretty late this morning."

Jordan turned to Denise, " For how long did you guys know that I was out here?"

Denise sighed and looked at the window. Amerie looked at him, "Seriously, we got up late this morning."

Jordan laughed, "Yeah, right. Denise has never once woken up late for school since she moved here."

Denise continued to stare out the window. Jordan put the car in drive then drove off to the school parking lot.

When they reached the school, Denise opened her car door to get out. Jordan stopped her with a light hold on the wrist. "I want to talk to you, De-De." Denise pulled her arm away. Without speaking, she got up and let Amerie out of the car. "I'll see you during second hour Amerie."

"Yeah, see you...guys later." Amerie stated, walking to the school.

Denise got back into his car. Shutting the door, she glanced over at him. "Ok."

He didn't say anything, he just grabbed her and pulled her face to his. His mouth covered hers in the most delectable kiss she'd ever gotten from him. This one actually made her toes curl and her body stand completely at attention.

When he broke the kiss, he said, "I love you."

She swallowed, trying to get past the kiss. “I love you too.”

"I'm sorry and I want to talk to you, but I can't figure out how I want to do that just yet."

Denise nodded, “I understand.” She thought about telling him about the extension she's planned on but

He sighed, "I will and when I do, I'll be over to talk to you, ok?"

Denise just nodded. Jordan got out of the driver's side and pulled both their books out. When she finally got out of the car as well, he walked her to homeroom.







Chapter Fifty One


Two days later.


Jordan kissed his mother on the cheek. "How are you doing, ma?"

Mrs. Williams smiled at her grown son. "I'm good baby, how are you doing?" She was still hooked up to the breathing machines, so her voice was still choppy and sounded as if she had run a marathon. Jordan fluffed her pillow and then tucked her back into the bed. Today was one of her good days. She'd been going in and out of sleep sixteen to eighteen hours a day. The first time this had happened a week ago, Jordan had called the doctor, afraid that she was already gone.

The doctor had rushed over and then after staying for a couple of hours, asked him if she'd done this before. When he'd stated no, he asked about her appetite. Jordan had told the doctor that she'd dwindled down to two meals per week, and the rest of the time seldom drank any fluids. The doctor had assured him that this was a part of the process. She would eventually stop eating and drinking. Along with that, her ability to talk, and then her body would begin to deteriorate on the inside and then once that happened, she'd eventually be reduced to a comatose state, in which one day, she'd stop breathing altogether.

"Mom, do you need anything, do you want me to read you anything, or anything?"

"No, baby. I'm just tired. I want to go to bed."

Jordan leaned in and kissed her cheek, "I love you mom."

Mrs. Williams swallowed, although this feat seemed hard for her. "Jordan, I want you to take something to Denise for me."

"We're not together anymore, mom."

"You will be soon enough. I have a box that I want to give her and I need you to take it to her."

"Mom." Jordan's voice strained. He didn't want to go over to Denise's. He felt embarrassed enough as it was about kissing her. Now, to take something his mother wanted her to have, was too much.

"Jordan...please..." She took a deep breath, inhaled from the mask for a good five minutes, before finally speaking again. "I...don't have..." Another breath through the machine was taken and then,"... much time left...with my voice...It's leaving too." She stopped and took more breaths through the breathing mask. Jordan said, "Where is it?"

Mrs. Williams began to speak, but even as she was talking, her speech became drowsy and she went into a deep sleep. Jordan laid down on the cot he'd made by her bed. He'd sleep now, and when she woke up, he'd ask her what it was she wanted him to give to Denise.

The following night, at Nine pm., his mother awoke finally. Her skin had begun to pale as soon as she went into the long sleeps. Her lips were constantly dry. Today was no different as she awoke and asked for water to quench her thirst. When Jordan sat her up to drank from the cup, he sat it on her desk.

"" She rasped. He nodded, "You're welcome."

A gleam caused her to look over on her desk. She saw a silvery box, with a note attached to it. "What's that? Is that for me?"

Jordan smiled at the irony of it. That must have been what she'd prepared for Denise some time earlier.

"No, mom, just take a rest, ok?"

Mrs. Williams looked up at him. "Thank you, baby." She stared at him through beautiful innocent gray eyes. One thing he could say about his mother was, she could be dying and still manage to look beautiful. Especially with eyes as life like as hers were now. This offered him some comfort. Jordan laid her head on the pillow.


Chapter fifty Two

Denise closed her Geometry book and gathered her clothes to take a shower. It was now nine thirty and she needed a shower. It was her routine to come home, watch an hour of television, eat dinner, do home work and then get a bath before bed. She stretched

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