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What is Romance?

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In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

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Read books online » Romance » All Signs Point to You Part Two by Navaura Campbell (uplifting books for women .TXT) 📖

Book online «All Signs Point to You Part Two by Navaura Campbell (uplifting books for women .TXT) 📖». Author Navaura Campbell

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her arms and legs, tired from such a long day. Then she went to her closet, pulled out night clothes, went into the bathroom for a shower.

Jordan was going to climb the tree and get her attention that way, but when he went past her house, there was no car in the driveway. So, instead, he parked his car three blocks away and then went to her door. He rang the bell. There was no answer. He rang it a second time, there was no answer. Sighing, he was about to turn and go home, but decided to try the door knob instead. When he did, it was unlocked. He pushed the door open a little bit. "Hello?" He called out.

There was no answer. The television was off, there were no lights on in the kitchen. He closed the door. He decided that he would drop off the gift to her and just leave, since obviously everyone was either asleep or gone. What he didn't understand was why the door was unlocked. Clearing his throat, he called her name again. There was no answer. Shutting the door behind him and locking it, he walked up the stairs. The shower adjoining Victoria's and Denise's room was running. He checked to see if it was Victoria, but she was in bed, he then went into Denise's room. She wasn't there, so he guessed it was her. Taking a deep breath to calm his nerves, since he didn't know how she would react to him being there without her permission, he took the silver oblong shaped box out of his pocket, placed it on her dresser. He took a few minutes to look around and was surprised that she still had photos of them together up on her desk. This made him smile. He glanced at all of them, even laughing until he came across a photo of a little girl with long pigtails. He stared, trying to figure out why he knew her. He ran over thoughts until finally, he remembered the park. How could Denise have a photo of a little girl he'd seen at the park? He thought hard, and then thought that the little girl must be one of the students she worked with at YAAL. Jordan couldn't believe that Denise was still working that same job after three years.

"Oh my God! Jordan!" She yelled, coming out of the bathroom. He turned around and came face to face with a toweled Denise. She had her hand up to her heart and her hair looked as if it had been run through a socket. He stared at it, a smile coming to his face. "Nice to see you too."

"What the hell are you doing in my house?!" She yelled.

"Calm down, you're going to wake up Victoria." He whispered.

"That girl can sleep through a tornado." She stated, non the less lowering her voice. "Breaking and entering is a felony!" She hissed.

"The door was unlocked." He stated.

"So, what, it's still a felony." Now what do you want. Tell me or I'm going to call the police." She whispered.

He rolled his eyes, "Yeah right, Denise. I brought you something."

Denise sighed, "Turn around, please."

"Why?" He inquired, knowing full well why.

Denise grabbed her clothing from the bed and went back toward the bathroom. Jordan grabbed the towel on her way in. She turned around, fuming, "You jerk."

For some reason the anger in her eyes turned him on. He snickered, "No use in being discreet now Denise, I already know how sexy you are." He pulled his bottom lip into his mouth. Despite her irritation, he didn't miss the reaction her body gave. The door slammed shut. He snickered to himself. One benefit of having sex was knowing how to turn her on and although she didn't admit it, him pulling that towel off was a definite turn on for her.

Denise let out a small smile. Every single time he knew how to get her. He always seemed to be one step ahead of her. His boldness never ceased to amaze her. She pulled on her underwear and night gown, and then the robe that hung on the door.

When she came out, she had the same expression she'd went into the bathroom with in place. He looked so good leaned up against her desk, wearing a muscle shirt and pair of jeans. She could have stood there staring all night, but pride wouldn't let her. Folding her hands over her chest, she cleared her throat. "What are you here for?"

He licked his lips, "Two reasons, to ask you to go to the prom with me, and then to give you something mom wanted you to have."

"Go to the prom? I thought you said you didn't want to go to the prom?"

"No, I said if you weren't going, I wasn't going, which means that if we don't go together, you're not going and I'm not going."

Denise sighed, “Have you been reading my thoughts?”

"No.” He smiled a tenderness coming over him at her feeling the same way. “I want to take you. Besides, it's the last dance we'll ever have together in school and when you go off to NYU, I can at-least say I danced with the most beautiful girl in the world." He teased.

"Why do you make it sound like we are breaking up? “

Jordan moved from the dresser to her bed. Sitting down, he watched her. "I thought we were already broken up. Denise smiled, “No. You didn't necessarily tell me we were breaking up you just stormed out of the house, so to me, this wasn't a break up. It was more a break from each other. I think that you and I can only stomach so much of each other to be honest Jordan.”

He smiled. “Are you saying we smother each other?”

“Yes, we do, but then when we are not together we need to be together.”

“That sounds like co-dependency to me.”

Denise laughed, “Ok.”

His tone became serious again as he got back on the previous topic. Look, I'm sorry about what I said to you about being selfish and how I behaved irrationally about you speaking up on my mother's imminent death. No one likes the idea of their mother dying.”

Denise sighed, "I only said it because you needed to hear it. Any you were right about me, Jordan."

“What, that you're selfish and sometimes want things done your way without any regard for others?”

Denise shook her head, amazed that even at times like this he could be so honest. She appreciated that. “Yes. However, I have some of my own news to tell you. I think you may be happy.”

“You're not going to NYU?”

Denise smiled, “You really don't want me to leave, do you?”

Jordan patted the bed next to him. Denise went over and sat down. That's when she noticed the box on the dresser. It was a silver colored oblong box with a note on top. “What's that?” She inquired looking at it. Jordan stood up and grabbed the box from off the dresser. Placing it in his lap, he sighed, “It's what I brought for you, something from my mom, but can we finish this first?”

Denise sighed, “Alright then. I wanted to tell you that I am requesting an extension for my scholarship, that way I will be able to go to school in January instead of August.”

Jordan glanced up at her, “What do you mean?”

“Well, I figured that you needed me so I am willing to take a semester off and stay until you are able to cope with the fact that your mom's dying.”

Jordan smiled at her and pulled her into his arms. “Coming from anyone else those would be some fighting words, but coming for you, a girl who's totally socially inept, I get your point.”

Denise laughed and playfully smacked him in the chest, “Hey I have friends ok.”

“And they are all just like you, socially inept.” He teased.

“Amerie is cool.”

“That girl's crazy. She ain't got it all.”

“There is nothing wrong with her, she's a real sweet heart.”

“You think that because you don't know her that much. Don't think I haven't done my research.

“What, you've been conducting back ground checks on my friends now?” Jordan laughed, “Don't I wish I could. Seriously though, Amerie can't even speak when around the opposite sex, always stumbling over her words and tripping over air when ever she's near a guy. She couldn't carry a conversation with a guy to save her life. The girl is just as socially inept as you are.”

“Well, it's nice to know what you think of my friend, Jordan Andre Williams.”

Denise sighed and turned her attention to the box in his lap. Reaching for it, she pulled the letter off the box. Opening it, she read his mother's handwriting. The letter had been written three months ago, on Jordan's birthday to be exact. It had been written on three sheets of stationary paper. She cleared her throat and began to read it.


February 12, 2000



I know that I will not live to see You and Jordan get married, have kids or any of the stuff that most grandparents get to see, but I just want you to know that I am grateful of the impact you've had on my son's life. No other young lady has ever made him go through as many changes as you have.

Maybe that's why I believe you two are meant to be together. You see, when my Patrick was alive, he and we used to be the same way you two are. Except we met in college. It's funny now to think about it, because it was so long ago, long before I became a born again Christian. His father and I were more than lovers, we were best friends. Always there for each-other, no matter what. We even separated a time or two, because of foolishness, same reasons as you two seem to separate. I think that's something all young couples go through.

Any way, I know what both of you are thinking, there's no way you two could possibly be meant for each-other, considering the fact that you're in high-school and there's no way I would possibly know. But...what if I told you that God showed me that you two would be together, have kids and stay together your natural lives? You probably wouldn't believe that either, but imagine my shock when I saw that. In a vision I did. Anyway, I feel that God knows what purpose my death will serve and he knows what will happen with you two, whether you believe it or not.

Denise paused her reading and thought, maybe six months ago that would have been hard to believe, but now as she went through her own thought process and was coming to terms with a few things on her own, it wasn't too hard to believe. She turned back to the letter.

I may as well get to the purpose of this letter. I have left you something of great value. A family air-loom I should say, considering that my step mother gave it to me, and instructed me that when my first born was to get married, I would give it to his bride. Her step mother had given it to her as a wedding gift. Two weeks before Patrick and I were engaged, she gave it to me and told me the same thing I'm telling you. Anyway, here's something for you to hold on to, to assure you through every single rocky time that you two go through that you will be alright. Everything will work out according to the Lord's purpose, it always does.

Jordan's going to need a lot of help when I pass away. He's going to need comfort and assurance more than anything. He's going to need the love and support that you've been learning to show him over these years that you two have been together.

Well, I must close this letter,

Take care,



Denise looked up at Jordan. He was staring at

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