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Read books online » Romance » PENALTY by Annika Sturm (love books to read .txt) 📖

Book online «PENALTY by Annika Sturm (love books to read .txt) 📖». Author Annika Sturm

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matter if you jeopardise your career?' 'Oh for God’s sake.' Tom grunted angrily. Marco gasped for air. 'Because if it is then I will try to accept it.' Tom stared at him. 'What?' He muttered, surprised by his brother's words. Marco took another deep breath. 'I'm not going to lie to you Tommy. I struggle to get my head round all this, this whole gay thing. And I know mum and dad do too.' 'He makes me happy.' Tom intervened and looked at him intently. Marco nodded. 'Okay. If it is what you want, then I have no choice but to learn to accept it. Because I just can’t lose you Tommy.' He looked at him with tears in his eyes. ‘What?’, Tom forced a laugh, 'do you really mean that?' He asked him nervously. Marco cast his eyes down and nodded. Tom hesitated. He hectically turned around towards Alex and was looking for his eyes. His friend stopped feeding Max and gave him an anxious look. Then Tom turned back to Marco and very slowly approached him. He carefully opened his arms and gently pulled him towards him. Marco clung onto him. 'You're my little brother. For God's sake man.' Marco mumbled and squeezed him hard. 'What about mum and dad?' Tom asked him. 'Leave them to me, I'll work on them.' They both started laughing quietly as they kept hugging each other tightly.

Alex walked over with Max on his arm. He smiled relieved and pleased at the boys' embrace. 'Looks like you have another uncle, baby.' He said quietly and kissed his son's cheek. Max looked at him with big eyes. Alex chuckled and kissed him again. Tom turned towards Alex and stretched his arms out towards Max, who wiggled on his father's arm, desperate to be passed over to him. Tom grabbed him and hugged him with a sigh of relief. 'This is Uncle Marco,' he whispered in his ear as he was looking back at his brother, 'he's not as cool as your Uncle Tommy. But he's alright really,' the boys laughed. Tom smiled at Alex lovingly. He took his hand, 'remember Alex?' He asked Marco cheekily. 'If you punch me again, I'll have to defend myself.' Alex joked. Marco took a deep breath. 'I'm sorry Alex.' He smiled at him nervously. Alex stretched his hand out towards him. 'It's good to see you man.' He said gently and Marco laughed and shook his hand firmly.
Chapter 10


Finally. The tournament was about to begin. After months of hard work, training and preparation, the German team was ready to take on the world's best clubs in the fiercest competition in football. Alex was excited and overwhelmed by the whole experience but he was most thrilled about the fact that Tom had succeeded in recovering in time and both boys were going to be part of this together. They were delighted to be back with their team mates and friends, especially Felix and Kai, and spent as much time as possible catching up with them in-between training. Alex and Tom knew they were going to be watched particularly closely by the media but their whole team was on their side and they knew they could rely on their support.

Only days before the first group match, anticipation was rising and confidence levels were high in the team. It was a hot June afternoon and the boys were relaxing in the pool after training. As they were play-fighting with their team mates, Winter walked towards Alex and stood over him by the side of the pool. 'Alex, I need to talk to you and Tom for a minute in private. Now please.' Winter's voice was calm but assertive. Alex stopped and looked up at him. He squinted and had to cover his eyes against the sun. 'Sure sir,' he was looking for Tom and could see him with Kai on the other side of the pool, 'I'll get him.' Alex swam towards him and gently hugged him from behind. 'Hey,' he said quietly and Tom smiled at him happily as he turned around, 'Winter wants to talk to us Tommy. It sounds urgent.' He nodded towards their manager, who had started making his way back to the hotel. 'What's that all about?' Tom frowned at his friend and Alex shrugged his shoulders.

The boys got dressed and joined Winter in his office. 'Take a seat boys,' Winter said. Alex and Tom started to feel uneasy but silently sat down in front of him. Their manager took a moment to collate his thoughts, 'I have some bad news.' He was looking at them intently. 'What happened sir?' Tom asked worried. 'I wish I could spare you this,' Winter shook his head and leant back in his seat, 'Markus has decided to talk after all. He is due to publish an article in the newspapers in Germany tomorrow about your relationship and his view on homosexuality in general,' his face was serious, 'and it won't be a very friendly article I tell you that much.' The boys looked at each other anxiously. 'Timely. Good work.' Alex mumbled sarcastically and Tom took a deep breath gazing at his friend. Then he looked back at Winter. 'It's unfortunate that he doesn't seem to be able to let this go,' he laughed sadly, 'but he can't harm us anymore sir. This is exactly why we came out when we did. It's old news now surely.' Winter sighed and nodded. 'You're right to a certain extent Tom, but my worry is that it will stir things up again for you, just when you both need to be one hundred per cent focussed. Ultimately he's trying to distract you from playing your best football,' he paused, 'it's a huge risk.' Alex stared at Winter. 'Sir, you are not suggesting that you won't play us now, are you? We have worked so hard to get here. This is our dream. Please.' His heart was racing with stress. Tom frowned as he started to grasp where Winter was going with this. He looked at his manager with begging eyes. 'Sir, I nearly wasn't able to join the team again and the fact that I am actually here is close to a miracle,' he gulped, 'please don't let him spoil this for you, for us. Don't let him win this after all. Please sir.'

Winter looked both boys in the eyes. They could tell he was weighing up his options. 'You know how much I rate you both. You are my first choice of players in your positions. And you know that I support you and your relationship,' he took a deep breath, 'but it will be hell out there for you. You will get burnt at stake. I always knew it would be very difficult for you but Markus' story will fuel the flames and all I need at this point for the whole team is concentration and focus.' He banged his fist on the table as he was getting more and more frustrated. 'And that's exactly what you'll get,' Alex said determinedly and couldn't help but grab Tom's hand, 'we have a job to do here and we won't be distracted. You have always believed in us and we will make damn sure that you were right to do so all along,' he gasped for air, 'if you just give us that chance sir.' Tom smiled at Alex sadly. 'We've already been through hell and back in the last few months. They won't bring us down now. Not us.' He added defiantly and Alex gently squeezed his hand.

Winter had leant back in his chair as he listened to the boys' plea. He took a deep breath again. Then he nodded pensively. 'Okay. I hear you,' he paused, 'if you think you are mentally strong enough to cope with this then I will support you and play you as planned,' the boys exhaled quietly with relief, 'but listen boys, if it gets too much out there and things get out of hand it is also my job to protect you from the mob. In which case I may reconsider my decision and take action. Have I made myself clear?' 'Couldn't be clearer.' Alex muttered and nodded. Winter smiled at them gently. 'Now go and enjoy your afternoon. I'll re-iterate to the press that this latest wave of homophobic nonsense won't throw us off our tracks.' 'Thank you sir.' Tom whispered and the boys gratefully smiled at their manager.

The team went on to comfortably win the first group game and whilst the mood was celebratory in general, Alex and Tom had had to put up with verbal abuse, whistling and booing throughout the whole match. Despite dealing with it professionally on the pitch, Tom and Alex were shaken by the sheer scale of it. That evening they had retired early as a result. They were lying on the bed in Tom's hotel room and tried to digest the whole experience.

'You did well.' Tom whispered into Alex’s ear as he was gently massaging his back. Alex had his eyes closed and moaned. 'Those twats. Makes me so angry,' he mumbled, 'those are the sorts of people that won't hesitate to ram a knife into you.' Tom kissed his cheek. 'Yeah, it was pretty bad today.' He sighed. Alex turned onto his back and hugged his friend, pulling him close to his chest. He kissed his lips and looked into his eyes. 'I was more upset about them booing you. I didn't really care when they did the same to me.' Tom laughed and stroked his back. 'Same here,' he smiled at Alex, 'we just have to try and ignore it, shut it out somehow.' He said quietly. Alex nodded. 'I reckon the further we get in the competition the more they are likely to shut up.' 'And remember we can't afford to make any mistakes,' Tom said and looked at him seriously, 'we'll forever be the scapegoats. We have to play for our lives Alex. Literally.' He kissed his friend and the boys held each other tightly.

As the competition went on, Winter's trust into Tom and Alex was paying off. The boys and the whole team fought and worked tirelessly in every match. Tom and Alex were determined to show their value to the world, even more so because they had to suffer through continuous grief on the pitch. They played sharply and faultlessly and Alex scored more goals than he had ever done in previous competitions. Match by match the boys' confidence grew and they slowly managed to turn the mood in the stadiums in their favour. They were winning hearts and minds but above all respect from more and more fans and the international press became increasingly fascinated by them.

No-one could quite believe it when Germany had won the semi-final and were now facing Holland in the final of the World Cup. Whilst the whole team celebrated, Winter also managed to keep them focussed urging them to keep up the good work. They were so close now.

'Mr Winter, your team has reached the final of the World Cup. Given the difficult circumstances and pressure some of

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