Read Romance books for free

A big variety of genres offers in Today we will discuss romance as one of the types books, which are very popular and interesting first of all for girls. They like to dream about their romantic future rendezvous, about kisses under the stars and many flowers. Girls are gentle, soft and sweet. In their minds everything is perfect. The ocean, white sand, burning sun….He and she are enjoying each other.
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What is Romance?

Reading books RomanceReading books romantic stories you will plunge into the world of feelings and love. Most of the time the story ends happily. Very interesting and informative to read books historical romance novels to feel the atmosphere of that time.
In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

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Read books online » Romance » The Life We Live by Lexi Baker (best books to read for self improvement .TXT) 📖

Book online «The Life We Live by Lexi Baker (best books to read for self improvement .TXT) 📖». Author Lexi Baker

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most. I remember how I was in panties and clutching my shirt as he pressed an alcohol pad to my cut. I remember how I spasmed around his hand and accidentally closed my thighs around his palm. A flush crept up his neck and he hastily finished cleaning and bandaging my cut. I know he smelled my excitement.


I've been feeling these weird and new urges that I've never felt before and it was like being on a certain high that you never got off of. The closest I've ever felt to this was the furthest away from these feelings; a crush on Anna but there was never any lust.


I didn't know what it was but there was something there for me and Blake. I felt it.





"Fuck! Fuck baby, don't stop..more-harder!" I shouted encouraging him as our moans overlapped.


His thrusts were powerful and I did my best to lift my hips up to meet him. His lips were on mine; sucking on my tongue, hands all over my body and on my breasts occasionally teasing my nipples and-


A knock sounded on my door and my eyes snapped open to the sound; traveling over to the empty side of my bed.


"Lacy!" Isiah called out.


"What?!" I screeched. "You're waking me from my dream you ass!!"


He chuckled. "Be down in ten, I'm taking us all out to introduce you guys to my girlfriend."


"Fine." I sighed defeated; he ruined my dream.


Turning on my side, I glanced at my phone and saw three new messages; all from Anna.



I miss u.


Transplant left me sore, those bitches.


I gtg, message me soon. Getting ready to go on a date, meeting the familia :D




I was happy for her and that she met someone although I couldn't help the ping of my heart at the sight that she still wanted to talk to me. Me of all people.


I stood and plucked out an outfit at random before going to my bathroom and taking a steaming shower.


"Lets go meet this girlfriend of his." I said to myself.






We went to a five star restaurant. No surprise there; my brother probably wanted to show off. Blake sat on my left and Benjamin on my right. Katlin sat on the other side of Blake; holding his hand and smiling up at him. Ben sat next to his brother who sat next to Drew, who's girlfriend sat opposite him. Two chairs were left; one being pulled out by my brother who bagan introducing us to his girlfriend.


I could not believe my eyes.


There sat Anna, with her emerald eyes and curly red hair still hugging her shoulders.


I just stared at her; my eyes a maze of shock, hers the same. My brother noticed and froze before grinning.


"You guys know each other?" He sqealed; excited.


"That's so attractive Isiah, sqealing in front of your girlfriend." I played it off.


"Shut up Lace." His voice went back down to his normal pitch.


I smirked, avoiding Anna's eyes. The restuarant was very lively, including our table. Everyone was chatting and laughing about whatever. I took advantage of the moment and looked back at Anna, who was looking me up and down. I shook my head disgusted with her greedines; she caught the movement and looked up at me, blushing. I looked away and started ruffling Blakes hair just to bother him before Katlin whacked his head for letting me touch him. Although, Katlin despised me, we still had our laughs. We started cracking up at his pout.


"Why are you guys ganging up on me?" He asked cautiously.


"I don't know what you are-" I cut off mid-sentence.


A foot was teasing my leg.


"What was that Lacy?" Blake asked; concerned.


"Oh, nothing I was just saying that-"


The foot crept up my leg and slid between my thighs. I heard Anna's giggles from across the table as she bit my brothers bottom lip. She quickly looked my way in a way that only I would notice.


"Umm, I have to go to the bathroom." I said rushed and briskly walked away from the table to the bathroom. I gagged over the sink but nothing came up. Moving into a stall, I took out my switchblade and lifted up my dress; evenly making a cut along my stomach. I let out a relieved breath and took out an alcohol pad to clean it. I let out a gasp at the stinging sensation before bandaging myself and pulling my dress back down.


I opened the door of the stall and ran into Blake's chest. My jaw dropped but before I could speak, he said:


"The door is locked."


I nodded and looked away sheepishly. He began backing me against a wall.


"Where did you cut yourself darling?" He asked gently.


"I d-don't know what you are talking about Bla-"


"Don't lie to me hun."


"I'm not lying."


"Yes you are."




"Stop lying."


"I'm not lying."


Before I could move away, Blake reached out and smacked my ass.


Another gasp flew out of my mouth and I reached behind me to prepare for the next spank. I kept backing up but my skin touched the cool wall; causing me to jerk up and bump into Blake. I looked up at him; breathing becoming ragged.


"Um Blake you should really get back to the table because then-"


He wrapped his arms around my waist and slid his hands down to my ass again; teasing me. He trailed a line of fire down my neck and stopped at my collarbone; nibbling.


"Stop it." I let out in a breath.


"Where did you hurt yourself Lacy?" He whispered seductively in my ear.


His hands trailed up my legs and then over th hill of my ass and then up my waist, until my dress was bunched up at under my armpits. Lust filled his eyes, as eyed me up and down. His eyes lingering on my breasts. I could feel my nipples beginning to poke impressions on my bra. A moan was out of my mouth before I knew it and a smirk slipped onto his face.


He squeezed my ass with one large palm and circled the bandage on my stomach with one of the fingers with his other hand.


"Did you clean it?" Blake whispered into my ear.


I closed my eyes and nodded; pleasure raidiating throughout my body and pooling between my legs.


"Good girl." He spanked my ass once more causing me to jump before unlocking the door and walking back to the table.


I stood in a daze before quickly pulling my dress back down.





When I got home that night, I deleted Anna's number from my phone.


The next day I told my brother how I knew Anna and what she did to me in the restaurant. I have to be honest, he didn't look too surprised but he looked angry and thanked me for letting him know. He too deleted her number from his phone.


I sat in the living room on Ben's lap. I figured out that he really was gay. I played with his fingers and everyone in the room just stared at me; including my brother.


"What?!" I said a bit too loudly. "He's gay, he doesn't care."


Benjamin groaned. "Dammit, I wish I was gay right now so I could have Lacys round little-"


"Shut. Up." My brother said; cleary getting upset with Benjamins lack of respect.


"What? I was just saying that I would love to have Lacy's round little-"


"Shut up you dipshit." Katlin called out from Blakes lap.


Banjamin mockingly zipped his lips causing me to giggle. I slid Ben's hands onto my breasts causing April to crack up laughing so hard that she fell off the couch. Drew smiled, pleased to see his girlfriend enjoying herself.


Ben was seething and shook silently before getting up and sauntering to his room; slamming his door.


"What a child." I muttered.


"Yeah, yeah. That's enough Lacy, get Ben's hands off of you before I kill him."


Ben chuckled and removed his own hands before wiping them on his shirt.


"Seeeee!" I exclaimed. "Totally gay!."


"I think they get it sweetheart." Ben kissed my cheek.


I crossed my arms and made my way to the kitchen laying on the loveseat and taking a nap.







I awoke in my room to music being blasted downstairs. I made my way to my shower and took a long hot shower before changing into a grey skinny jeans and a tight long sleeved top with a black and white bikini top underneath just in case we went down to the beach; along with a pair of black stilettos. I wanted to feel beautiful tonight but I didn't want to feel slutty. I slipped my hair into a high ponytail and applied a small amount of lip gloss to my lips.


I made my way down the stairs to see the huge party Isiah threw. I knew this was his way of having a breakdown, I also knew that he was going to sleep with many women tonight. My brother didn't commit to a lot of things but when he did and it ended up screwing him over, he gets very sensitive and therefore projects unsensitivity to those who do not know him personally.


I walked into the kitchen to find Drew's head burried in April's cleavage; a beer in one hand, a fistfull of her hair in the other. I grabbed myself two beers and walked into the living room. My brother had really went all out, getting a live DJ and filling the place up with a majority of girls. I plopped on one of the couches but stood when I heard a cough. I looked down to see a guy with brown hair and deep brown eyes blushing.


"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry, I didn't even see you there." I said quickly.


The guy chuckled. "It's alright. I've always wanted a hot girl on my lap."


I nodded somewhat offended and popped open one of the beers; chugging it down in two gulps.


"Whoa there." The guy smirked. "Had a bad day? Want to climb back into my lap missy?"


I could feel the buzz slowly taking over and I nodded multiple times before opening my other beer and plopping down on his lap.


His arms encircled my waist and inched up my shirt while I drank the other beer. I looked around the room and saw my brother grinding with some girl. I smiled, happy that he was having a good time.


A gruff voice rang with authority but seemed far away. "Lacy get off of his lap."


I pouted.


"Get your own." The guy behind me mumbled.


"Now Lacy." I looked up and saw Blake.


I jumped up into his arms. "Blakeeeee, I've miss you so muchy." I slurred and forced wet kisses all over his face.


He wrapped

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