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What is Romance?

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In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

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Read books online » Romance » The Life We Live by Lexi Baker (best books to read for self improvement .TXT) 📖

Book online «The Life We Live by Lexi Baker (best books to read for self improvement .TXT) 📖». Author Lexi Baker

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his one of his arms under me, supporting my weight and his other across my back so I wouldn't fall.


"No more kissing." He muttered, so I kissed him some more and then once on his lips. His body tensed and he kissed me back. I wrapped my arms around his neck and suddenly the buzz wasn't there anymore. It was just me in his arms and him in my arms and in that moment we were one.


"Get your fucking lips off of Blake, you slut!" Katlins voice rose with each word.


Blake and I broke apart shocked at the interruption.


Blake put me down gently but I still stumbled backwards until I hit something; Isiah's chest. He picked me up and carried me to my room. I laid in bed for a while, wondering what was happening downstairs. My door suddenly opened and Blake walked in; sitting on the edge of my bed. I thought he might touch me if he thought I was sleeping so I tried to fake sleep and turned on my side, pushing my ass out for him to see.


"I know you aren't sleeping Lacy." He chuckled.


I turned over to see his face. He looked horrible; bags under his eyes and a sad expression on his face.


"What's wrong Blake?" I asked gently.


He looked into my eyes and spoke:


"I can't save everyone."



It took me a long while to understand what Blake was saying. He curled himself into my arms and started weeping. I held him until his body stoped wracking. I wanted to cry with him but I knew I had to stay strong for him. As he cried, I tossed what he said around my mind and I slowly realized that Katlin must of had some problems herself, maybe a drug addiction but something.


I stroked his hair; the buzz officially gone. Eventually, he looked up at me and whispered his thank you.


"Blake honey, one of the most important lessons in life is learning that you're not superman. Everyone gets hurt and everyone is vulnerable. At some point, people need to stop relying on others and do their own dirty work....clean and bandage their own cuts." I told him; still stoking his hair and putting a gentle kiss on his forehead.


He looked at me and then captured my lips with his. He softly licked my bottom lip and then bit it causing me to gasp and give him entrance. His tongue explored my mouth and teased my tongue before sucking on it. I released a moan into his mouth as he lifted his shirt over his head and moved between my legs. His strong arms rested on either side of my legs and I began sliding my hands down his chest; feeling his hard body. His stomach was defined; just as his arms were. He began rubbing his crotch on my thigh, showing me how he felt about me. We moaned in unison and I broke the kiss, lifting my shirt over my head before bringing my lips back to his. He stopped kissing me and leaned back to look at me, slowly untying my bikini top and tugging down my jeans followed by my panties.


He was still looking at my body so I moved to cover myself before he grabbed my wrists and licked and sucked down my neck; moving over my soft spot and causing me to let out a gasp.


"No need to hide yourself from me. You're beautiful." He spoke against my neck and then sucked on my soft spot again; smirking.


I let out a loud moan and whacked his shoulder.


"Stop it, you jerk."


He chuckled a deep chuckle and continued down my neck until he reached my breasts. His hot breath causing my nipples to rise. He took notice and gently wrapped his lips around one of my nipples, while rolling the other between his fingers. I had never experienced anything in my life that felt so amazing and as he touched me slowly and expertly, I knew that tonight he would take away my innocence. Heat pooled between my legs, my wetness making a warm trail down my legs. I knew he could smell me because he looked down and although our heavy breathing was the only noise in the quiet room in contrast to the loud party still going on downstairs.


"So wet." He muttered; his voice husky.


My breath hitched as he gently rubbed my clitoris; teasing but respectful.


I laid completely on my back and spread my legs wider for him; allowing him to continue.


He scooted back and laid on his muscled stomach before me, slowly lowering his lips to my sweet spot. My moans filled the room as he began to tenderly prod my clitoris with his tongue. He sucked on me so gently that I thought I would explode then and there. The sensation was like nothing I've ever felt before.


"More please Blake." I cried out; pure lust audible in my tone.


"I want you to beg for more." He growled and pinned my arms above my head with one of his hands.


I struggled to get free, beginning to get frustrated but then he slid a finger into me and I settled for rocking myself on and off his finger until he smacked my sweet spot. The pain mended well with the amonut of pleasure I was feeling. In that moment, we were perfect; no distractions, no reality; just us.


Before I knew it, I was begging and he let me go, sliding a condom onto his love stick...and then we began making love.





Out of breath, we laid in each others arms; tired out from our activities.


It was him this time who stroked my hair; his other hand on my ass occasionally giving me a playful smack.


"What happened to Katlin?" I blurted, instantly regretting it when I saw his face crack and then quickly recover.


"We broke up." He said briefly.


"Why?" I tried to will myself to stop talking but I couldn't help it. He looked down at me.


"I wanted to be with you Lacy." He said genuinely before we fell asleep in each others arms.


I awoke in my bed. I turned to see an empty bed and I immediately starting hyperventilating. Did I dream up that whole entire encounter. I jumped up and started pacing; relaxing instantaneously when I spotted the condom he used iin the waste basket.


I made my way downstairs, not wanting to wash away his touch just yet. Surprisingly, the place was already cleaned; spotless. Everyone sat around the island, drinking cups of coffee; eyes closed except my brother that is. He stood leaning on the counter; eyes on my glowing face.


He kept glaring at me. "Why are you so happy?" He finally let out.


"Huh? Oh nothing, I just...I just got my period today. Relieved that I'm not pregnant yet is all."


He kept staring at me untl he nodded slowly and looked away; content with my answer.


Drew and April were leaning on each other, looking dead. Ben and Benjamin were annoying each other as usual. Ben would flick Benjamins nose and Benjamin would throw a piece of cereal and so on. Katlin wasn't here as expected but where was Blake?


"Where's Blake?" I asked nonchalantly.


"Outside on the porch." April said; her voice an emotionless void.


"Thank you zombie." I said smirking and made my way outside.


There was a slight pounding in my head from the two beers but it wasn't anything too bad. I could handle it. I walked to the front of the house barefoot; swinging open the porch door. There Blake sat in all his glory, a girl beside him; his arm around her shoulder.

To Be Determined (Author's Note)

Heeeey guys! It's Lexi here! I hope u guys are enjoying the book. I want to see how it goes with just this but if you guys want more plz let me know. The more people that want me to continue, the better. I really just want to see if you guys like the story or not, if so; I will add more :)




Publication Date: 08-16-2014

All Rights Reserved

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