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Read books online » Romance » Redemption-A Spec Script by Patrick Sean Lee (little red riding hood read aloud .txt) 📖

Book online «Redemption-A Spec Script by Patrick Sean Lee (little red riding hood read aloud .txt) 📖». Author Patrick Sean Lee

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cans of soda for both of them. Beside him on either side are reams of notes written in longhand on legal paper.




This is a wonderful invention, Mare. I think I'll need more computing power very soon, however.


Maribeth stares across at him. Hands him a can of soda.




It's Windows' latest, Marvin!




int. Brown Palace Hotel-night


Amy, dressed in a stunning, black evening gown, her hair fixed above her ears, enters the elegant old hotel beside John Sampson. Dozens of well-dressed political types mill around on the main floor beneath the dazzling stained glass skylight far overhead. Servers with glasses of champagne work their way through the buzzing crowd.


John leaves Amy and strides across the room toward two men standing in conversation. She is alone, nervous-looking. a group standing near the entrance comes alive when Richard Harris, Trish, and Maribeth enter. They make their way through the men and women, Richard shaking hands, stopping only briefly to talk to some. Maribeth passes by Amy, glances at her, and smiles before moving on.


The crowd begins to move like cattle toward the banquet room. Amy, obviously on edge, looks for John. As the crowd empties into the open-doored room, John reappears out of nowhere, offering her a glass of champagne.




Here ya' go. Sorry, had to talk to a couple of business associates. Banking stuff.




Thank you. I was beginning to wonder...


John cuts her off.




Let's go. Look, there's Mayor Copperfield and his hag of a wife. Jesus, that woman is a fuckin' mess. Strut your stuff, Amy. Lots of important eyes here.


Amy peers at an older woman wearing a garrish, pink evening gown, her shoulders covered by a dead-fox, 1930-ish fur neck wrap. Her eyes move back to John, who has laready begun to follow the dwindling crowd into the banquet room, downing the remainder of his drink. A few steps ahead of Amy, John raises a hand high above his head.




Mayor! David! So good to see you and your lovely wife again! Got a minute?


John is acknowledged by COPPERFIELD, and then he turns quickly, grabbing Amy's hand, urging her along. Copperfield greets him with a smile when they arrive. Glances leeringly at Amy. They walk in conversation into the banquet room. The mayor's wife seems not to notice beautiful Amy.




int. banquet room-continuous


Beneath a massive gold and crystal chandelier, fifty linene-covered tables stand. Maribeth sits below the stage with Trish. Richard approaches the lectern with the official Colorado State Seal emblazoned on it. John leads Amy to a white-draped table adorned with tall, thin bouqets in clarinet vases. Another couple is seated there; a well groomed middle-aged man in a tuxedo, and a gorgeous young woman about twenty-five years old with raven hair; pearls at her neck.




Jack, Emily, good to see you! This is my office manager, Amy Allinaro.


John, almost aloof, pulls Amy's chair out, and then seats himself and turns his attention to Jack. Amy finishes the job of seating herself, and then smiles across the table at EMILY.


Servers meander among the tables with platters of champagne.








Hello. So you're John's office manager?




Actually, I'm the office go-fer.








Are you Jack's office manager?




No, I'm his chief cook and bottle washer. We're married.




Oh. I'm sorry. I never thoguht...




That's okay. Five years ago I was sitting where you are.




What do you mean? You were here?




Not exactly in that chair, or in this room, but I had just taken my first job. In Jack's office.




Oh, I see.


Emily lifts her glass to Amy.




Here's to...




rich and upcoming attorneys, Amy.


Amy lifts her glass, clinks it against Emily's. In the background the muted voice of Richard at the lectern. Conversations ebb in the room.




int. Banquet room-later


Loud, boisterous conversations. Amy is leaning across the table, a glass of champagne splashing over the rim as she speaks with Emily. John and Jack continue conversing.




(slightly slurring her words, speaking low)


No, I really don't care for him. He made me come, you know. And I'd certainly never think of marrying him! Besides, I can't imagine he'd ever ask.






Truth be known, I didn't like Jack one bit at first, either. He was a good choice, though, but I had to work for it.


(whispering, her hand drawn to her face)


I do great sex. He does great money.




int. banquet room-later


John escorts Amy through the exit doors into the lobby, milling with people. Jack is at John's side, laughing. Emily is at Amy's side steadying her, giggling low. Amy glances at Emily with an inebriated smile, and then raises her head and eyes beyond her.




Hey! It's the mayor! I'm gonna' go say hi to him and his ugly wife!


John immediately turns his head to her; holds on to her as she begins to stumble into Emily.




Whoa, tiger, Not a good idea tonight. I think you'd better just let me get you to the limo.






I think you'd better see her home and right into bed, old buddy.


Amy doesn't seem to hear Jack as the foursome continues out among the crowd.




exterior-the brown palace-a few minutes later


John waits with Amy tucked close to his side. Limo's arrive; couples enter them, and then the limos depart. John's limo arrives. The driver hops out and opens the rear door for them. John carefully helps drunk Amy in, and then follows, sitting close beside her.




int. Amy's apartment-later


John steadies Amy as she half-stumbles past the entry, down the short hall, and then hesitates at a door. She places her right hand on the knob, looks up at John, her head swaying.




Thank you, boss. John. It was a great evening. I like Emily...


Amy's hand slips off the knob. She stares dumbly down at it. John reaches for the knob, turns it, and then holding her with one arm around the waist, takes her through the door.


slow fade


int. governor's mansion-night


Robert, with several female servants around him, speaks excitedly to Richard. Trish is beside her husband, a look of dismay on her face.




Yes sir, I finally forced the old man into his room.




Thank you, Robert. The old bastard is leaving. Tonight.




Calm down, dear. Let him sleep it off. Deal with it tomorrow. You've had a long night.




At least I'm sober!




Yes you are, and I love you, but let's retire. Let it go until tomorrow.


Richard scowls. Robert peers into his face questioningly. The other servants look on. Richard takes Trish's arm at the elbow and motions her forward toward the expansive main staircase leading to the second floor.




int. marvin's bedroom-morning


Maribeth is kneeling at Marvin's bedside, one hand resting on his chest. Marvin snores.




Oh Marvin, how could you have? Now what do we do?


Richard's BOOMING voice bursts into the room from the head of the basement stairway.




Maribeth, get Fuster and get up here immediately! We need to talk.


Maribeth spins her head. Stares dolefully through the open bedroom door for a moment, silent, and then turns again to snoring Marvin.




int. breakfast table-moments later


Trish, Richard, and Maribeth sit uneasily. Robert is standing at Richard's should, a carafe of coffee at the ready. He is smiling inconspicuously.




I don't care if it was a small thing. A little slip. I want him out of here before I get home. Do you understand me, Maribeth?




Yes Daddy, but honestly...




But nothing. Get him out.


Trish reaches beside her and places a hand on Richard's forearm. Maribeth lowers her fork onto the table quietly, then rises slowly and leaves the room.




Darling, you're making a mountain out of a moelhill. Really, I think you were too severe on her. She's crushed.




Crushed. She's crazy, and sometimes I think you're just as nuts. He's out.




int. marvin's bedroom-early afternoon


Marvin is a mess, standing at the small closet. Maribeth is behind him as he tries to reach in for clothes.




I brought this for you, Marvin. It's kind of small, but you can put Daddy's clothes in it I think. At least you'll have something to wear.


Marvin turns unsteadily, looks in dismay at the pink backpack Maribeth is holding.




It's pink!




I'm sorry. It's all I had. My suitcases are way big. I mean...well, here's some money, too. You'll need to rent a room I suppose. Someplace clean and bright. I took one of Daddy's old wallets.




(gazing past her to his desk piled with books)


Guess I won't need those anymore.




I'll keep them for you, Marvin. He'll calm down in a few days. Afterward you can come home. They'll be waiting. Just take care of yourself in the meantime.


Hand me that chartruese shirt. Those trousers.




Pink. Good God.




ext. an alley downtown-night


Marvin stumbles aimlessly in an alley, the pink backpack slung over his shoulder, a bottle in one hand. Nearby, three thugs eye him, and then approach.




ext. street outside the mansion-morning


Marvin stands propped against a tree. A man passes with a yapping dog on leash. He struggles to move on, staring at the drunk man and two police officers standing in front of Marvin. Marvin speaks in a very drunken slur.




I swear I'm her friend. I jus' need to talk to her! Don't get near me! Stay back, or I'll have the governor, who's my friend, too, throw your asses in jail.


Male cop


Easy, pal.


The female cop begins to casually circle around to Marvin's side. He begins to slip downward along the trunk of the tree.




int. Maribeth's bedroom overlooking-continuous


Maribeth is on her cell phone. She hears a COMMOTION outside her window, and walks to the window, pulling the shears open. She stares out, astonishment evident on her face.




I'll call you right back John. He's here! Oh God, he's falling down drunk! Get over here, please!


Maribeth tosses the phone onto her unmade bed, and then rushes out of the room.




exterior-sidewalk-moments later


Maribeth skirts by the man and his yapping mutt, and races to Marvin and the two cops, who have him on his feet, hands behind his back, ready to cuff him. Marvin is not co-operating.




Wait, officers! That's my friend. Please, don't arrest him, I'll get him inside.




Your friend? Who are you, anyway?




I'm Maribeth Harris. My father is the governor, and in case you didn't know, this is where we live.




Begging your pardon, ma'am, but you keep some pretty shitty company, pardon my phrasing.




Told ya'.




He's been missing for several days. Daddy's been worried sick, not to mention me. Please release him to me. I promise you'll never see him again. At least like this.


The two cops ease their hold on Marvin, glance at one another, and then shrug. Marvin sinks once again. Maribeth rushes to him.




ext. mansion porch-later


Maribeth sits beside Marvin, who is slumped over on her lap. A plain car wheels around the corner and screeches to a stop on the street below the. A passing car BLARES its horn when John Delilah cuts it off. John leaps out and runs to the porch.




Jesus. What happened to him?




Oh thanks you for coming, John! This is Marvin, the man I was telling you about. He needs your help. Oh please, John. Just for a few days until he recovers.




You can't be serious, Maribeth. This is the guy who's going did you put it? Conquer age?




I don't know, John. Of course it's crazy. I know it is, but what I've seen...You have to help me out. If Daddy sees him here, I just know he'll go for the gun cabinet.




(staring at Marvin fo a moment)


Christ have mercy. Okay, let's get him into the backseat. If he trashes my place...




He won't, I promise. He's so gentle, and I promise I'll look in on him constantly.


John and Maribeth lug insensate Marvin to the illegaly parked car and stuff him into the backseat. Maribeth hops in beside him. John gets in to the driver's seat. The car pulls away from the curb.




int. John's loft-day


A long, broad room, gleaming chrome and black granite. High, open-trussed ceiling. A doorway thirty feet straight ahead. A hall ten feet before it leading left. To the right, a sofa. Modern art everywhere. A floor to ceiling bank of windows dominate the mountains-facing wall at the right, an old industrial building visible through the open shears across the street. Maribeth carries an armload of books through the loft, turns the corner into the hallway. The door on her left is closed. She knocks with great effort, balancing

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