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Read books online » Romance » Redemption-A Spec Script by Patrick Sean Lee (little red riding hood read aloud .txt) 📖

Book online «Redemption-A Spec Script by Patrick Sean Lee (little red riding hood read aloud .txt) 📖». Author Patrick Sean Lee

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a syringe in the other. He smiles down at Maribeth. She is visibly upset; shaking.




Please don't do it, Marvin. For my sake and yours.




Now, now there, sweet girl. I'm certain the temperature didn't affect the goodies adversely. It's done, at any rate. Now it's time to let it do its work.


Maribeth steps away as Marvin plunges the needle into the vial. He withdraws it, squirts a tiny stream into the air, and then pushes the needle into his arm. He injects the entire amount, and then lowers the vial and syringe onto the bar top. Maribeth begins to weep softly.




Done. Now, lovely Maribeth, I retreat into my humble bedroom and wait.


He rubs his arm and begins to walk toward the bedroom. He stops and turns.




Maribeth. Dear Maribeth. You know how much I've grown to love you. Without you I couldn't...well, thank you. Don't fret. I'll be fine. Let your father know I've returned...


I'm not 100% certain just how long it will take. Anyway, love you. Goodnight.


He turns again, enters the room and softly closes the door. Maribeth stands statue-like, staring.




(softly, underbreath)


Love you too, Marvin. Love you...


slow fade


int. basement bar-two days later


Maribeth sits in a plain chair facing Marvin's bedroom in vigil. Her eyes show weariness. Robert quietly enters the room. Approaches his mistress and places a hand on her shoulder. She looks up.




Maribeth, you must rest. Please go upstairs. I'll wait here. If anythin' happens, I promise to fetch you immediately.




I'm fine, Robert. Thank you anyway. I'll stay.


Robert steps back apace. His facial appearance shows deep contemplation. A moment passes.




Miss Maribeth...I...there's something I must say. I'm deeply sorry for what I've done. I spied on the two of you. I planted the bottle on the bartop where Mr. Fuster was certain to see it that day. I informed your father of things that weren't altogether true concerning...


I did it all...I must confess, and it pains me to admit. I've loved you since you were a child. I am so sorry. That was not my place, but so it was. I couldn't see you...and him...together. Forgive me for what I've done. I did it out of love. I am a fool.


Maribeth reacts in shock. Sits bolt upright, her mouth open.








I suppose you must inform your parents, who I love as dearly, though nuch differently. I...I will be asked to leave, no doubt. There, I've said it. Go now. Rest. I swear I'll stay. I'll call when...when something transpires.


Maribeth jumps to her feet and runs to Robert. She throws her arms around him and buries her head in his chest. Robert reacts in shock.




Oh dear, dear Robert. How could I have known? I...


She raises her head and places a hand on his cheek.




My parents will never know, dearest Robert. And I'm not in the least offended by your confession. I'm flattered and honored, in fact. I forgive you for whatever you've done.


Robert gulps a deep breath.




Go then, Miss Maribeth. Rest.




Yes. Yes I suppose. You promise to call if...?




I do. I have my phone. I will surely call. Rest.


Maribeth releases her hold on Robert, and then slowly trudges across the floor toward the stair hallway.




int. basement bar-five days later


Maribeth sits in her chair outside Marvin's bedroom. Robert is at her shoulder looking at the door. LOUD noises suddenly erupt from inside the room. Footsteps. A chair overturning. Other strange voices; not Marvin's.




Oh Lord. My hair is falling out! My's melting!


Maribeth leaps to her feet and races to the door. Pounds on it. Robert is at her side.




Marvin? Marvin? Are you all right? What's happening? Open the door, please!


Silence for a spell. Maribeth locks an ear onto the wood surface of the door.




That you, dear Maribeth?




Yes! What is going on? Your...face? What?






I'm just fine! The formula seems to be doing something...well, dramatic. But you must wait. Not long now.


No, Anselm, you needn't bother with that...what?


Maribeth removes her ear from the door. Looks with confusion at Robert, whose eyes are stretched wide open in confusion.




Who is this Anselm person, Misstress Maribeth?




It's kind of hard to explain.


The stereo inside comes alive. Soft Classical Music. Seconds pass.




(near the door, softly)


He says I must lie down for a spell. Oh my dear one. I...good gracious, more hair!


Yes, yes, I'll do as you say, Anselm.


Mare, are you there?








I must retire for a bit. I'll open the door...what, Anselm? Ah, yes. In a few more days, he says. Oh, it's frighteningly amazing! Goodnight for now, then. My physician demands bed rest.


Both Maribeth and Robert are visibly in states of shock. She backs slowly away from the door, looks at Robert, back at the door. Robert again.




I'll try to explain everything, Robert. You won't believe it, but it's true. Oh God, I hope that angel...


She grabs Robert's hand and ushers him along behind her.




I suppose we'd better tell Momma and Daddy. He'll scream bloody murder. Oh God.




As you wish, miss.


They turn the corner to the hall.


Robert (V.O.)


What do you mean angel, miss?




int. breakfast table-five days later


A LOUD series of noises. Maribeth, seated, drops her fork onto the plate in front of her. Robert, standing at Richard's shoulder, drops the carafe he holds. It shatters on the stone floor. Richard slams the morning paper down onto his plate of bacon and eggs in surprise. Trish whips her head in the direction of the noises. Loud music from the basement. Maribeth is first to bolt down the hallway, Robert close behind.




int. the basement bar-continuous


Maribeth comes to ascreeching halt a foot away from Marvin's locked door. Robert is right beside her. Richard and Trish arrive within seconds. From inside the room loud laughter and the music of Marian Makeba--Pata Pata. VERY LOUD. What seems to be dancing footsteps on the ceiling. Marvin singing. Other strange voices in chorale.




What the devil?




Oh dear...






Oh Mamma! I think he's done it!




Done it? Done what? Is that Fuster in there, Maribeth? What in blazes?




Yes, Daddy. I'm sorry I...listen!


Richard bursts past his daughter and begins pounding on the door. Maribeth throws her arms around Trish's body at the shoulders in obvious joy.




Marvin, open this door immediately! What the hell is going on in there?




Is that you, Rich?




Yes! Goddamit, get this door open. Now!




Everything is, my goodness, peachy. Please wait a bit. I'm entertaining.


Pretty good, Anselm. Not bad feet.


Hang on, Rich. Another hour I should think.






Robert, go get me an axe. Hurry!




As you wish, sir.




(leaving Trish)


Daddy, he said to wait. I think you should. It's probably not finished.




What the hell are you talking about? What's not finished? The music?






Well, that too.


She turns to Robert, who is approaching the corner.




Wait, Robert.


Robert stops on a dime, smiling back at Mistress Maribeth.




Goddamit, Robert, do as I say!




I don't believe I can, Governor. I do apologize, sir. I do believe we are all in for some sort of miracle here.


The music and noise inside the bedroom increase for moments on end. Richard continues to rail. Maribeth stands close to the door, staring down at the knob. Waiting. Suddenly the knob turns. Turns farther. The music softens to a low background murmur. Maribeth steps back, raises her eyes to the door. It swings open slowly. A young man vaguely resembling the ancient Marvin stands grinning. Trish faints. Robert rushes to her. Maribeth slams both palms onto her mouth.








Hi, Rich. It's me, your old friend. I didit!






As Robert attends to Trish, fanning her face with an open hand, Maribeth bolts forward and throws her arms around young Marvin, hugging him hard.




You did it! You did, Marvin! Oh Lord, how could I have doubted you?


You're alive!


slow fade


int. breakfast table-later


Marvin, Maribeth close at his side, seated, Richard and Trish still in obvious shock, sit. Robert has a fresh carafe of coffee in his shaking hand, standing with it at Marvin's shoulder.




Had I known...




It is as it was meant to be, Rich. What would you have done had Maribeth or Robert told you I'd returned? Throw me out again? Perhaps ruin the plan forever? Besides, it's all your beautiful daughter's fault. Without her...well.


Marvin takes hold of Maribeth's face, turns it full toward his. Kisses her forehead lovingly. Afterward, Maribeth in apparent rapture, he returns his attention to Richard and Trish.




All her fault. What a jewel you have. But now, it is time I finish my work. Find her.


Maribeth reacts with a shiver. Her eyes fall. Her mouth drops.




Write a book? Lecture across the world? Oh dear.




Oh no. Not this week, anyway. No. I must leave, go downtown, and wait for Amy to appear. Now she will see me as I was meant to be seen. I intend to win her heart at last!


Maribeth whips her head sideways, looks at the windows for an instant, and then rises. She bolts from the kitchen.




Oh my good gracious, what could have so upset her do you suppose?


Richard and Robert stare at her retreat. Marvin stares straight ahead, his countnance fallen. He rises slowly.




ext. the gazebo-later


Maribeth is sitting stoically, her eyes swollen, red. Marvin sits downcast in a chair beside her.




But you knew from the beginning, Mare.




Don't call me that.




But you did. I can't thank you enough. (stumbling for words) You brought me lemonade. Cookies. You held me up whenever I faltered. Lifted me when...




Lemonade? Go find her. Finish your dream. Why should I care? I don't. I helped you. Go finish up what you started. I'm fine with it.


She rises abruptly and walks back toward the house. Marvin sits, staring after her.




int. hallway, second floor-day


Trish and Robert stand outside Maribeth's door. A tray of food, untouched, sits on the floor at one side.




Darling, you must open the door. Please. It's been days, and you haven't eaten a morsel.




Please, miss, do as your mother asks.




Go away.




Darling, you can't do this to yourself...








Trish turns herhead to downcast Robert. He shrugs in defeat.




int. dinner table-days later, evening


Richard and Trish sit as Robert and two maids place China plates filled with food in front of them. Marvin, glum-looking, is seated with them.




Try knocking one more time, Robert. She has to come to her senses and come out.




(setting a plate down in front of Richard)


As you wish, sir, but I don't think it will do any good.




She's devastated.




She's headstrong, that's all. Go, Robert.




Yes sir.


Robert walks away from the table. The maids wait for any command. Marvin picks uninterested at the green beans on his plate.




Oh dear, I'd totally forgotten in the madness here. Richard, dear, we received an invitation three days ago from an old acquaintance of yours. A party of some sort for an artist at his loft. This evening! How could I have neglected to RSVP it? Well, under the circumstances I don't suppose...




From whom?




A man by the name of John Delilah. Yes, I think that was his last name.




Uh. Yes, I know the guy. No, don't want to go. Have Robert call him, tell him we're sorry. Maribeth is gravely ill or something. What time was this shindig, anyway?




It begins at eight, if I remember correctly. Oh dear me.




Christ, too damned late to get ready anyway.


Marvin sets his fork on the table. Sits more upright in thought.




I know John well. Would you mind if I went in your stead. Either of you?




Of course not. You know him? But how will he




Long story, Rich.


Robert returns, shaking his head no.




int. a warehouse-night


A man, smoking a cigarette, forces a stubborn window sash upward, cursing. At his feet stands a sturdy box beneath the window. Beside is lies a closed case. He finishes with the window, and then opens the case, glances across the street at a tall bank of windows in the building there. Inside, a milieu of laughing bodies streaming in and out of view. He smiles, lifts a rifle out, screws a silencer onto the end of the barrel, and then lowers it onto the box.




int. John's loft-evening


Marvin inconspicuously as possible, enters the loft. Loud music fills the air. Well-dressed men and women mill about in conversation. A young, raven-haired woman carrying a tray of drinks and pates, works in and out of the crowd. her fiery-red dress is high on her

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