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A big variety of genres offers in Today we will discuss romance as one of the types books, which are very popular and interesting first of all for girls. They like to dream about their romantic future rendezvous, about kisses under the stars and many flowers. Girls are gentle, soft and sweet. In their minds everything is perfect. The ocean, white sand, burning sun….He and she are enjoying each other.
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What is Romance?

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In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

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Read books online » Romance » Anger (Hell's Heaven #1) by K. Green (ebook reader 7 inch .TXT) 📖

Book online «Anger (Hell's Heaven #1) by K. Green (ebook reader 7 inch .TXT) 📖». Author K. Green

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Chapter 4

Liese's P.O.V


It's raining outside. A lazy day for most people. You have to just to lay down in bed and read a book. Or just sleep. The raining noise really makes me sleepy, and stupid me n instead of being in bed, I am sitting in a café with my babysitter Dante.

We are inside the café, next to the large French windows. Everything outside is wet and hidden. The streets are flooded with water, making rivers. The stray animals are hiding in front of the doors of the shops or any dry dirty hole. The rain is falling hard on the crowns of the green trees and grass. I even see some dead flowers already in the small gardens. No people outside either and if there are any they will be just walking fast or running, so they can go somewhere on dry and warm.

Me n Dante are sitting inside at warm n dry place smoking. I am wearing the same clothes as today at school, and of course I am missing the match, because this bitch here decided to call me at the most inappropriate time! 

"Got something or not?" I said pulling from my cigarette "If not, don't call me here just to hang out." I narrow my eyes to his tattooed face.

"The most amazing thing is, that barely someone talks about the accident" And of course he had no information for me. Why I have to do everything alone?

"What do you mean by that?"

"Everything is in secret, nobody talks. That's what I mean"

"Did you even try?"

"Yes I did. As far as I heard around, they had a war with the neighbor MC. Black Knight's Hell."

"Big information. I have the whole story now!" I roll my eyes

"Well I looked around about it. Seems like they have new leader of the MC."

"New leader?"

"Yeah, really young, around 15-16? He has no experience, so he's not doing anything. Other people control it."

"This is interesting. Names?" I pull from the cigarette

"Yeah I know. None. They are hiding everything."

"Location? Old name of the leader?"

"Nick, no surname known, nickname Jacker. North from here, next town."

I nod, that's something. It's going to be interesting trip, if I even make one.

"That's all I know, and I should get going. See you later"


It's time to go back to the school, and see the match, hope I am not late..



Alex's P.O.V


"So you're interested in anybody?" Stacy asked me.

"Yea kind of" I say

"So there's a girl?"


"Who is it?" I roll my eyes and I look around.

Liese still not here. This is disappointing.

And also, the fucking rain. The whole field is flooded like a pool, and we are slipping awful on it. The huge flashlights are making the dark and rainy field bright. Making the rest of the nature to look creepy as hell. I have the feel that somebody is hiding in the bushes and shoot us all.. well yeah i have big imagination. Most of us are all wet, covered with mud. Two of my teammates are already sneezing, which means they will be sick. Rain or not, the schools didn't want to postpone the match for tomorrow or any other day. The crowd on the rostra are with umbrellas, hitting each other, a lot of complaining and yelling at each other.

On very front bench are sitting all the girlfriends of the team, wearing their jerseys. Only one spot is empty, and that's mine. And meanwhile Stacy is pushing herself into me which pisses me off.

"Hey what I missed?" I hear familiar voice behind me

"1-1 so far. The rain is awful!" another one complained "My hair!" she cried

I turn around and see Liese on 2 benches above me. She was all wet. She's still with her skirt and leather jackets. Her hair is all wet and sticky. And she has no umbrella with her.

"Why they play under the rain?" she asked looking around

"Fuck me if I know. Aren't you cold like that?" Em said

"Kind of, but I am fine. Soon going home. "

"Where's your puppy."

"Sent him to do his job." Liese looks at me and I keep her look. She smirks

She's even cuter when she does that, and that dimple on her cheeck, oh shit. If I keep watching her soon i'll get boner which won't be a pretty view. And what is this warm feeling inside my chest? Shit. "Where's Wes?" she adds still looking at me.

"Went for drinks" she nods again.

I turn around and I sit on place and drink my water.

I don't know what is worse. To watch her all getting soaking wet under the rain, or that I can't place get myself between her thighs. I want to taste that cold and salty skin of hers, and her scent of sea is just... intoxicant. I thought today at class, I'll get high or something. I got dizzy.

Only problem is, if I should really should go after her... if she get to know me, she would hate me. My family is one of the worst.

My father didn't bring anything good in our lives, but death and threatens. He was part of a gang. I remember when we had shit loud of motorbikes waiting outside of our house. They followed us everywhere we went. I don't know if it was stalking or just protecting.I was scared, they had guns, knives, always wearing black... My mom was always getting pissed about it. They had a lot of fights, which at least eighty percent of them finished with hitting each other. When she gave birth to me, my mother was afraid of him , because she was young... around nineteen- twenty. And of course things got complicated each month.

Real scary fights followed. Few times we were sleeping in hotels, or friends. It was hard for my mother because she was working and studying in the same time, add and taking care of me. After she graduated, she started to work for Hell's Heaven MC for a lot of years. Everything became really good. Everything was balanced, until my mother said that my father cheating on her with some whore in our home. That passed the limit. And once again, we left the house, and now they are divorcing. Not like my father was part of my life either. I won't feel the difference.

"What do you mean by no?" I heard Liese around again. I have the feel her voice is chasing me. Like it wants to drag me to her and protect her. How can this tiny little voice to be scary at the same time!?

"Why would we do it, they are fine"

"Will you be fine if I cut your dick off?" she hissed "Postpone the match for other day."

"Who do you think you are? And why you do think, just because your father has money, you can do whatever you want?"

"Well if you want to send your people into a hospital, doesn't mean I want mine there. So fuck off."

"She has a point!" Glen yelled behind me. "I'm freezing here! Also all the people here."

"Postpone it!" Em yelled "Postpone it! Postpone it!"

"Postpone it!" the crowd started shouting. "Postpone it! Postpone it!"

The blond man looked Liese with narrowed eyes.

"We are leaving" he said.

All players from the other team started packing their things. One by one they started following their coach to the bus. People on the rostra started to leave also.

Take my water and towel and put it in my bag.

"Let's go Em" Liese said looking at me. I chuckle and start walking

"Thanks" I say when I pass her.


That's something new. I didn't thought she would do that. I mean come on, all know her with the bad attitude. Fighting for small things, spit into people's faces, and nobody even expect her to do something for others. Oh well, maybe she did it for herself because she don't want to stay under the rain. But on the other hand... she could just stay at home. Or maybe the third thing is that she wanted to fight with somebody!

However, in all ways... she always gets something in her advantage.



Liese's P.O.V


Am I stupid or something? Oh God, please tell me I am. Why did I do this? The view was awesome, and instead of enjoying it... I did something stupid again. Fuck.

His hair is wet, tied on small pony tail on his head. His sport suit is soaked, I could see ever muscle in his body. Every time he drinks water and I could see his Adam's apple move. It gives me goosebumps, and want me to kiss it so bad...

"Thanks" he said passing me


I look after him. Shit, somebody slap me.

"Sup with you?!" Em says


"You did it for him, or what?"

"I suppose" I say and shrug then turns around and leave her behind.


I walk along the empty road in the rain. I don't need a ride to home. I just need to think a bit, for my further steps. Is it still worth it to get my mother's killer? I suppose yes? Everything is in the past, I can't bring her back from the dead. I'd like one sweet revenge like bombing their MC, but would I feel how I want to? Now when I think about it, I won't. I should get back to myself again. But the problem is I can't... it feels like I'm dancing with the devils.

The anger is always here, the annoyance too.

I look up from the ground to my house. There's two cars. Military one. Why are they here on first place? I run towards it and stop. USA Military Special Forces. There's a driver in the car looking at me on the small side window. Two soldiers on the door too. I go to the door and they stop my way to enter

"You can't go in" One of them say, looking straight in the nowhere and one hand front me.

"In my own house?"


"By?" no answer followed.

I turn around and go down the porch's stairs. I put my hoodie on my head and go down the road. When I pass few houses and I go around one of them and go in the backyard. I jump over their fence and run through the small field, then jump again the over fence. And like that until I don't reach my own house's backyard. I climb the tree next to the house. I move on the huge and thick branch front my room. I open the window and go in quietly.

The water and the mud instantly goes on my black carpet... I should clean my room later. I go my gun's corner, I get my double holster with my AutoMag pistols and few bullets. I take the AK-47 rifle in hands and another bullets. I open the AK's fuse and I take deep breath. I have no idea why am I doing that, but since some strangers are in my house, and not letting me in. It's time for a fight? I won't let this thing go. I open my door quietly listening. They are down in the living room, I can hear them talking. I make my way down the stairs, leaving wet spots from my shoes and clothes.


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