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Read books online » Romance » Anger (Hell's Heaven #1) by K. Green (ebook reader 7 inch .TXT) 📖

Book online «Anger (Hell's Heaven #1) by K. Green (ebook reader 7 inch .TXT) đŸ“–Â». Author K. Green

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if they walk 10 minutes under the strong sun! Why it has be so hot too for fuck sakes!? I should move to some colder country, like Sweden or maybe even Finland! England is a good choice too, because of the rain
 At least in the cold weather you can always go somewhere to warm up
 but when it’s hot
 nothing helps against it unless you are under the cold shower, or in a pool and sea.

When I said pool, this reminds me of a pool party
 and from that to our party tonight. The long day I was waiting for. I just needed to sneak into my father’s office and look around the PC. Only problem is how I’ll be supposed to sneak in, without anybody to notice me. If I disappear they will see it soon or later
 or maybe I should let them see me doing it! There’s plenty of bedrooms in the house anyways. Problem is with who. I just need a victim.

“Hey Liese!” I frown and turn around and when we talk about boys, here is the perfect one. Alec. I nod for greet “Going home?” I nod again and start walking again when he reaches me. “Good training, and you are good in that.”

“Not really, just the anger helps me, otherwise I’ll be just easy target.”

“Anger? What do you mean?” Geez, fuck sakes are you stupid or some kind of shit?

“I have anger problems” I said annoyed.

“Doubt it.”

“Why do you think I am lying to you?”

“You seem innocent.”

I snorted loud, smiling bitterly “Doubt innocent girl will fucking send the Principle in hospital.” He looked with shocked expression. “Anyways, I need the help of yours.”


“There’s party tonight at the club, and I need them to see me going upstairs with somebody.” He looked with me surprised “I got some shit to deal with.”

“Yea sure.”

“Thanks!” I said smiling, he smirked and pulled me by the shoulders towards his body.

“What’s the friends for!?”

“I wonder too”


I unlocked the front door leaving it open. I go straight into the kitchen, I open fridge.

The house is quiet, nobody’s home. Yay!

“Want something cold?”

“Water” I take the water from the fridge and I throw the bottle against him. He opens it and drinks from it and leans on the countertop front me. I lean on the sink’s side towards him

“Why you need my help anyways?”

“Long story, and it’s complicated.”

“How we should do that anyways?”

“Party starts at 7pm, which means around 9 pm people will be tipsy enough not to pay attention to anybody, so this will be our time to do it.”

“Can’t you just sneak upstairs?”

“Problem are Prospects around, who are not allowed to get drunk at parties, plus always somebody is after me.” I saw his questioning face and I answered before he asks “Because I’m President’s daughter.” Rumble of a bike stopped front the house “As you can see”

He nods and drink from the bottle again. “Sucks to be you” he says and I laugh quietly. “Nothing you can do though” I nod biting my lips. “Nervous?”

“Everything can fuck up, you know. Plus I got just few minutes to do that.”

“We’ll do it don’t worry.” He stepped forward closing the space between us until he was completely front me. “Plus
” he leans towards me and I move back “We’ll convince them, that we have another thing in our heads. Don’t you think?” he whispered looking down to my lips. I look him into his eyes then his lips

“I am sure of that.”

He leaned more and placed his lips on mine. They are soft and warm, literally welcoming mine. I feel like I need them the most right now. I return on his kiss without hesitation, my lips moved towards his accepting him. He deepened the kiss, with one hand he removed the hair tie from my head and trusted his fingers in my hair. I gasped and he took the advantage to take control over me. He trusted his tongue in my mouth. I hate people to take control, or to act as a dominant over me, but right now I couldn’t care less. In this case I liked that. My hands moved on his bare chest, making my shiver under my hands. We are both heavy breathing, but not stopping, doubt any of us want to. My nails trust in his chest, while my tongue played with his. Ours sweat bodies are against each other, like puzzle pieces, which need each other to finish the picture. I could feel and his males parts towards my lower belly. Shit, this just make feel horny and aroused.

Loud cough came from the door and our lips ripped apart from each other.

“Too early for this kind of things, don’t you think?” I heard somebody saying. I look at Alec’s eyes while he is looking at mine. It’s a long second. I turned my head towards the door. Alex was staying here with surprised sleepy face. He was half naked. Well I can admit his body is good. Then he made a fake smile. Then he walked inside with disgusted look opening the fridge.

“Its 1pm” Alec said smirking and gave me quick kiss on my lips. I giggled. Oh shit did I just giggled sweetly? Ew!

“Whatever” He murmur taking the juice and drinking from the bottle. “What you’re doing here anyway and did your father leave?” I shrugged not caring. Why would I care where he is anyways? He’s a big man he knows what he’s doing.

Alex frowned thinking about something, then he looked surprised. Oh hun don’t tell me you just realized something really nasty
 truth hurts!

“Did you realize something Alex?” I asked smirking, he looked at me swallowing the juice.

“You need to explain me some things. Such as your attitude towards my mother.”

“She deserve it. She’s a whore.”

“Watch your words”

“Or what?” Alec other guy said

“Seems like nothing. Have some respect.” Alex said later         

“I won’t have respect to a woman, who goes into my father’s bed, because she’s desperate from her life” I said shrugging again. “You know Alex
 I am not fan of people who comes into my father’s life just to hurt him again...” Now I am getting annoyed, why don’t this bastard realize already that his mother is just one of the sweet butts aka club whores in the club? Lawyer or not she’s just hanging around the club doing nothing? Not like I care, but for million times I say that she’s around my father and I don’t like that. He went through enough pain in past 2 years, I don’t need another breakdown of his. “Your mother did it once. His 2nd wife ‘the whore’ did it too
 ” He narrowed his yes towards me. “Now your precious mother came here again!” I raised my voice against him.

Alec hugged me gently from the shoulders. It doesn’t work for me. I need to hit something.

“This is what pisses me off” I said hissing towards him “I don’t care if I am going to be happy, but I want my father to be, and your mother can’t give that happiness to him. So better tell her, to stop her games.” I will dig down. I’ll dig deep down, until I don’t ruin his bitch’s reputation as a lawyer. I promise you that.

“Liese calm down

“I don’t know your past, neither I want to know your miserable future, but stay away from us.”

So naïve people, thinking just because I am young, I can’t use my own brain. Most of all, I won’t let those trashes go near my father. He had enough trashes in his life, he doesn’t need more of those.


After I chilled my nerves with another battle with Alec in the backyard everyone left, but Dante in the living room as usual. He haven’t found anything useful for me yet, which really plays with my patient. Maybe he just don’t want to do it, so I guess I should remove him from the whole picture. Disgusting pig.

It was 5pm and it’s time to call Wesley and Emilyn, to come by. I haven’t spoken to them since few days, and I really need some fun around me. Not some emo bitches ruining my mood with the same topic over and over again.

After fifteen minutes they walked into the house without to knock, they never did. Too much walking to the front door you know
 I am lazy person. They opened my bedroom door and walked in. Wesley as usual is with back clothes, while Emilyn, with white dress and big bag on her shoulder. Why they have to be so different in appearance?

“Going to party tonight?” Em said throwing her bag on my bed, I raised one of my eyebrow with the expression ‘Are you serious right now?’ “Okay stupid question” she laughed

“What’s new with you?” Wes said “and why the whole house smell of a boy’s perfume”

“Miranda and her son are staying in the house. My father and the bitch left this morning leaving me alone with him for two weeks.”


“Plus another thing. I got plan of finding my mother’s killed.” They both looked at me amazed “I’ll need you as helpers.”

“Why would you do that?”

“Because they are hiding way too much of their ‘club business’. She’s my mother, dead or not. I need to know the truth. I’m not a kid anymore” I leaned back on my elbows on the bed

“What’s your plan then?” Emilyn said without hesitation. On that I call awesome friend.

“That’s what she said” Wes said after her sitting leaning on the desk.

“As far as I know, or at least what Dante told me, we had a club war with the Black Knight’s Hell.”

“We know that, what else he said to you?”

“There’s new leader, young, around 15-16 years old. He’s not controling the club because he’s too young. The old club leader was his father. Nick aka Jacker. He’s dead.”

“He was the one killing your mother, right? If he’s dead why

“That’s not the full story. I need to dig Wes.”

“What are you going to do then?” Em asked making a circle on the spinning chair.

“New guy in town will help me.” she stopped spinning looking at me confused.

“New guy?”

“Alec Shawn” I said “He’s in our MC gym training boxing, I am forced to train with him. He will help me sneak upstairs so I can go into my father’s office and take everything I need from his PC.”

“You know that’s hard to be done”

“That’s where your part comes Em. I want you to stay around the stairs. After me and Alec go upstairs, I want you to stop the Prospect who will follow me. This will give me at least 5 minutes”

“You sure this would work?”

“Yes. And Wes, you should distract Alex. He’s looking after me.”

“This weak gigolo? Easy as fuck.”

I nod satisfied. “After I go downstairs, we all leave. That’s the plan for now, at least for tonight”

“Sure thing! Let’s get ready for the party!” Em said happily clapping her hands in excitement.


After two hour of preparations we were ready to go into action. It was 7;30 pm when Alec came with his car. Me,Emilyn, Wesley and Alex sat inside the car.

We were in black. Emilyn borrowed my black dress. The top had a heart shaped corset made from satin, the bottom part is a small balloon made from few layers the lace. Her hair is on top of her head tied on a pony tail. Her make wasn’t that
 dark. Just an eyeliner and red lipstick. She had her vest of the MC.

I am in my ripped dark skinny jeans and my usual red shirt tied around my waist. Red tank top and my vest too. My hair is tied on a pony tail too, same make up as Abby.

Not big difference from the boys on the front seats. Black jeans, and shirts. With a chains on their sides and sneakers. Just Wes had his vest on his back.

I have no idea but I was really enjoying that
 or maybe just call it excitement.

We left the car.

The night was hot

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