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What is Romance?

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In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

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Read books online » Romance » 내 첫 사랑 che cha sarang by Varaidzo Melissa Chidzuu (classic novels for teens TXT) 📖

Book online «내 첫 사랑 che cha sarang by Varaidzo Melissa Chidzuu (classic novels for teens TXT) 📖». Author Varaidzo Melissa Chidzuu

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make his choices alright but not until I sort out this little problem which is steering him in the wrong path,” she said in an uncanny voice. “What are you going to do?” Josh felt uncomfortable all of a sudden. “All that it takes to make sure that Nyarai stays out of our lives,” she clenched her fist.

















Chapter four

“Truly, I’m impressed. She’s nothing like any other girl I’ve seen before. I used to think of you as a crazy person but I now strongly believe you should stick to her. For the past month she was here, I’ve never seen such a helpful and supportive girl,” David complimented August after a session on Monday mid-morning. “How is she?” August enquired with a smile. “She’s everything your song says about her. She’s like a picture, with bright dark eyes and a warm smile; she’s a real angel. You’re a real winner August. I think you should marry her some day,” he patted him on the shoulder. “I really want to do something special for her, may be one weekend. You could like invite me to a party or something of that sort and you could take us out somewhere beautiful for the afternoon. I don’t know where exactly but you can think of a place, can’t you?” August squeezed David’s arm. “Of course I can, how about this coming weekend? I know of this great place and…”

All of a sudden there was a cough followed by a knock on the door. “How strange, I didn’t hear anyone by the staircase?” David whispered. “It’s John, I’m here for Mr. Young,” the intruder revealed his identity. “How long have you been here? We didn’t hear you come up the stairs or talking to Elsie,” August enquired angrily. “I think about five minutes sir. I’m really sorry if I gave you a big scare and…” August cut him short, “go to the car, Mr. Langley will help me downstairs,” he ordered John who practically galloped down the stairs. “Do you think he was eavesdropping?” David asked anxiously. “Yes, I think he has been there listening to our conversation and if he hadn’t coughed, he’d have stayed longer. There’s something strange going on and I think my mother is behind it,” August answered in fury. “Do you think she’s trying to find out if you are still seeing Nyarai?” David sat beside him. “She knows I am; something just gives me the feeling she does. What I think she is attempting to do is to find out about my plans for her and discover whether you are helping me. Since we caught John today, there’s no turning back on what we are planning because she will suspect that we found her spy. I’d like to give her the benefit of a doubt, so just call her and ask if I could come to your house on Saturday,” August stood up and made his way to the door. “I have a terrible feeling about this. Don’t you think we should divert our plans? What if something horrible happens?” David spoke with so much concern as he opened the door for him. “Nothing will, she wouldn’t want to make her moves too soon,” he assured him.


“A special delivery for Miss Gorgeous, I think there’s a mistake somewhere because…”

“Cut it out pretty face, who was at the gate?” Shuvai continued to study her new image in the mirror. Alan had said that she looked better with a bald head so she was inspecting what the barber and make-up artist had done to her. “A delivery guy, this came in for you,” Netsai her little sister handed her a box. “To Miss Gorgeous with love,” she read the little card with a smile. Quickly, she opened the box to reveal a beautiful chocolate silk Chinese collared dress with a matching small purse and matching pencil heel shoes. Beneath was a bottle of Chanel 5 perfume, some lingerie and matching stockings. “Wow! Put them on right now Shuvai,” Netsai practical began to undress her elder sister. “Hey, I can do it myself since you refused to help me when I came back from the salon earlier on,” she pushed her out of the room. “If you could excuse me for a moment,” she closed the door in her face.

Netsai examined the box which she had evacuated with from the room. She could not help noticing how foreign and luxurious it was. “How did Shuvai manage to hook such a man?” she seemed to ask herself because as far as memory lane could take her, Shuvai was far from eligible and was embarrassingly identical to her twin brother Tendai. The girls in her class were raving mad about her before they discovered she was female. She never dreamt of such things occurring in her family; especially to Shuvai. “How do I look?” Shuvai disturbed her thoughts all of a sudden. “Tendai in a dress,” she answered without looking. “Look at me Netsai!” Shuvai pestered her sister who looked in awe. The bald hairstyle really suited her and the short Chinese dress revealed her attractive though a bit masculine legs. She appeared feminine for the first time in history; the make-up artist had really done her job and she stood tall and extremely slim in the pencil heels. “Like French model, good clothes can really change people,” she was impressed and tried to hide it but it was clear that she was overwhelmed.

All of a sudden there was a hoot at the gate. “That must be Alan, you can spray yourself to death if you like,” she grabbed the small purse and walked out of the house to the sight of curtains slowly moving by the windows of the houses that surrounded theirs. She knew that her neighbors were watching and with great curiosity. It was about six thirty in the evening and Alan was taking her out for a double date with Josh and his fiancée.

Netsai stood by the door and watched the whole scenario unfold. Out of the black vintage car stepped out the cutest guy she could only imagine seeing in her dreams. He was tall, slim and bathed in money with a smile that almost made her faint. She watched enviously as her, not long ago ugly sister, waved at her with a smile and disappeared in the car.

“You look ravishing, totally out of this earth,” Alan complimented not hiding the fact that he couldn’t stop admiring her. “Thank you, after all you’re the one who decorated me,” Shuvai smiled shyly. “I have something for you,” he said excitedly taking out a small box from his jacket. Opening it he revealed a peal choker with a diamond in the middle and matching earrings. “Put these on,” he said helping her. “You shouldn’t be doing all these things for me. You know that I can’t repay you because…” Alan put his finger on her lips. “Shh… how many times should I tell you that I understand? I’m not in a rush anyway. Listen, I just want us to have a good time tonight without any regrets, ok?” Alan whispered. Shuvai nodded with a smile. “That’s my girl!” he kissed her on the cheek.


“Muffles come back here! Don’t go to Gargamel otherwise he’ll tear you into pieces!” Little Monica shouted at the disobedient kitten as August entered the big living room. The afternoon with Nyarai had been more that he had expected and all he could feel was overflowing joy. “Do I smell a smurf in here?” he snarled his voice. “Good evening August,” Monica said coldly. It was clear that she wasn’t in a playful mood and August sensed that it was because he had not been nice to her the past month. “I’m sorry Miss Smurfette,” he began in a low voice. Monica just ignored him and continued stroking her kitten, she could be stubborn like their mother sometimes. “I could get John to drive us out for some ice cream if you like?” he attempted bribing her. Slowly Monica slid from the couch and dragged him across the room to where she was seated. “Sit down,” she ordered in her small bossy voice, August did. “Mom and dad went out to dinner with Uncle Alan and his new special friend. I wanted to go with them but mommy said that it was a grown up thing and told me to stay here and play with muffles instead. I tried calling Deborah but Felicia wouldn’t allow me saying it was too late. What do they expect me to do? I’m bored,” she began complaining; her stylish way of suggesting that they should turn into rebels. August assessed the situation and tried to think of a tactful way to trick his not so easy to trick young sister. “Don’t just stare at me like a zombie, say something!” she demanded for an answer. “Let’s go and get ourselves big sundaes which mom won’t allow us to eat and go catch a movie afterwards!” August squealed with excitement as if reciting a war cry. “Yeah!” Monica responded in the same tone. “Run as fast as you can! Go and get John we don’t want to waste time,” August clapped his hands in encouragement. “Why don’t we go with David instead?” she suggested all of a sudden. “Why? John isn’t busy, is he?” he asked surprised by Monica’s recommendation because she was literally scared of David. “John almost pushed me off the stairs this afternoon,” she answered in a frightened tone. “And why would he do that?” August asked softly in a low tone. Monica leant over his ear and whispered, “Because I caught him in your room looking for something in your drawers.”


“I think I saw Alan’s car parking outside whilst I was talking to the chairman. Now be nice and reserve your comments,” Josh said as he sat down next to Alice who just nodded as the couple they were expecting approached their table. Alice put on her best welcoming smile and stood up; not only to hug and kiss their guests in salutation but secretly to have a better analysis of Shuvai. She was not what she had expected although she looked like a lighter version of those dark French models that posed for magazines or terrorized the catwalk. Without any make up though, she could easily be mistaken for a pretty teenage boy judging by her mannish frame.

“You must be Shuvai, I’m Alice,” she spoke zealously. “Nice to meet you Alice,” Shuvai responded shyly. “You’re like an angel tonight,” Josh winked at her as he passed her a compliment. “Thank you Josh. I hope you’re doing well yourself,” she responded with a smile. “So how’s work?” Alan looked at Alice with the regular dull look “Fun as usual and you?” she ignored the exasperating look. “Not as devastating as before since I have some thrilling things to do after work nowadays,” he smiled as he imparted a naughty look on Shuvai. “Is that so? Tell me Shuvai, how did you manage to attract such a difficult man like Alan? I hope he hasn’t turned you into a slave,” Alice turned her attention to uncomfortable Shuvai. “I guess with her sophisticated nature and exotic beauty,” Josh threw his fiancée a brief glare as he rescued the unsuspecting young woman. “Enough you two, how was work Shuvai?” Josh took up the steering wheel. “The same as everyday, there’s really nothing new to do,” she spoke quietly avoiding eye contact with Alice. “You sound as if you don’t like your job. What do you do for a living?” Alice pretended to be concerned but it was clear that this was the opportunity she had been waiting for. “She’s a Physical Education teacher at a local school although I’d prefer her as my personal trainer,” Alan said proudly with an annoying smirk on his face.


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