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A big variety of genres offers in Today we will discuss romance as one of the types books, which are very popular and interesting first of all for girls. They like to dream about their romantic future rendezvous, about kisses under the stars and many flowers. Girls are gentle, soft and sweet. In their minds everything is perfect. The ocean, white sand, burning sun….He and she are enjoying each other.
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What is Romance?

Reading books RomanceReading books romantic stories you will plunge into the world of feelings and love. Most of the time the story ends happily. Very interesting and informative to read books historical romance novels to feel the atmosphere of that time.
In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

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Read books online » Romance » Girl In A Boy's School by Jade Blue (best book club books for discussion txt) 📖

Book online «Girl In A Boy's School by Jade Blue (best book club books for discussion txt) 📖». Author Jade Blue

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and bit his lip. I sighed. I got up and walked out of the class.

He shut the door behind us with a bang.

Matt was leaning on the wall, laughing. 'Did you see his face? It was worse than Miss Rain's!'

I ignored him and walked to the bench. How dare he act like that? I was trying to be on my best behaviour and he ruined it for me.

'CeCe!' Matt shouted behind me. I ignored him and sat on the bench.He sat with me on the other side of the bench. 'Are you mad?'

'Of course I am, Matt!' I shouted at him. 'Your ruined it. You ruined it all!'

'What?' Matt said, surprised by my reaction.

I looked at him. 'Did you expect me to laugh with you? Because what you did might have ruined it for me.'Matt came closer to me.

'CeCe, its not your fault.'

I laughed coldly. 'I know that, you idiot.' I walked away. He followed behind me.

'Chill out, he won't do anything.'

I rolled my eyes. 'I promised myself that this school would be a fresh start. I would not get in trouble. But look what happened.'

'I'm sorry, Cece.' He said, putting his hand in his pockets. I looked at him. I was so angry.

'I just hate it, okay?' I said, feeling annoyed. He looked at my closely.

'What do you hate?'

I sighed. 'I hate it when people shout at me. It gets me so angry.

'He smiled. 'I get that.'

'How can you? You get shouted at all the time! And whenever you do, you just shrug it off!' I shouted at him. 'But I can't. I can't let a guy raise his voice at me.'

He tried to put his hand on my shoulder but i just shrugged it off. I was angry right now. I knew it. I haven't been angry for weeks and now it all just builded up inside me. I tried my best, I really did but I just can't seem to let my anger go.

'CeCe, I'm sorry.' He said, putting his hand through his hair. I didn't want to look at him, I just feel so angry and annoyed. He came closer to me. 'Look, CeCe I-'

'Just go away!' I screamed at him. He moved back, scared at my voice.I looked down. Oh no, he's scared of me. A tear fell down my cheek. I can't believe this. I quickly hid my face in shame and ran away. He really thought I was going to hurt him. I wouldn't... would I?

He didn't run after me this time and for some reason, I wasn't happy about that at all.





After the incident with that teacher and Matt, I stayed in my room most of the time.

It was Saturday and most people were out in the field playing while some people went home to meet their parents. I sighed. I was bored and I couldn't leave because I felt embarrased.

What I did to Matt was so mean. I let my anger control me and now he must think I'm some kind of mad freak. I looked up at the ceiling. Why does my life suck so much?There was a knock on my door. I sighed before opening it.

It was Dad with a cup of coffee. He smiled. 'How you feeling, Celia?'

I smiled. 'It's CeCe and I'm good.'

He looked at the floor. I knew he wanted to say something.

'What is it?' I said, letting him in. He sat down on my bed and i sat next to him.

'I'm sorry.' He said, looking at the cup of coffee in his hand.

I frowned. 'You don't need to-'

'I do.' He said, looking at me. 'I left you all these years and I don't understand why.. i just-'

I smiled. 'Dad, its fine. I thought i would be fine without you but i really need you.' I looked at him. 'We wil get through this, won't we?'

He nodded.We sat there for a while in a comfortable silence.'Celia, is everything okay here? There was some complaints.' He said.

I bit my lip. 'Yeah... don't worry about it.. it was nothing.' I said, hoping he would just not talk about it.

'Celia, i don't know whats going on but let me tell you one thing.'I looked at him.'If there is a problem, instead of avoiding it... face it.'

I smiled and nodded. He kissed me on the forehead and left.I sighed. His words kept on spinning in my head. Face the problem.I looked out the window and could see all the boys playing at the field.

Then I had the most amazing idea.I smiled before running to the drawer and getting out a paper and a pen.I bit my lip. Okay, I'm going to write a letter and leave it under Matt's pillow. This is a great idea! Why? Because I won't need to say anything about it face to face.

It was a great idea since everyone is at the field. I could sneak into his dorm and go to his room. I knew his door number was 21B because he told me a while back ago. He was sharing it with Finn. The problem was what was I going to write.I looked at the blank piece of paper.


After 10 minutes, i wrote everything that seemed to explain the incident that happened yesterday. I told dad that I was going to go help Miss Rain in the staff room. I know I shouldn't have lied but I can't really tell my dad that I'm going into the boy's empty dorm room, could i?

So i made my way to the dorm without getting caught from any teachers going past. When I got there, I checked to see if the dorm room was opened. When I knew it was, I crept in. The dorm was massive. There were 5 floors and on each floor there was massive corridors with doors on each side. I made my way to Matt's dorm. I kept quiet and stopped at every sound. But there wasn't much. I got to the door and put my ear on the wood to make sure there wasn't anyone there. Nothing.

I opened the door. I can't believe they don't lock their rooms. I mean, any guy could get in here.I sighed, seeing that no one was here. The room was small but it looked spacious for two boys. There was a window in the opposite wall. The window was in the middle and there was two beds on each side. One side of the room was tidy. I walked up to the desk that was near the tidy bed.

It had a frame of two little boys who looked exactly like Finn and Matt. They looked so happy. I smiled, looking at a boy who looked just like Matt. Matt looked so happy and carefree. This made him seem different from what he was now.

I sighed. There were a couple in the photo too. They were the couple i saw with Finn in the aeroplane. I smiled.

'What are you doing here?' I turned back to see Matt standing there, staring at me.

My eyes widened. Oh Shit.


'I asked you something, CeCe.' He said.

He looked angry. I looked down. What was I doing here again? I forgot. I put my hands in my pocket and I felt a paper. Then I remembered. I was supposed to give this paper to Matt to explain.I looked back at him. He was dirt on his forehead and shirt. He must have been playing football.

'I'm here because...' I said, trying not to seem weird. Matt raised an eyebrow.

'Go on..' He said, coming closer.

'I wanted to ask Finn something.' I blurted out.

He frowned.

'Erm, Finn told me to come here to help him with school work.. You know that he kind of struggles in Art and since I'm quite good at it, I thought why not help him?' I said, smiling.

Matt stared at me. He didn't look like he believed me at all.

I smiled,trying to act normal. 'Anyways, since he's not here. I'll come later.' I said.

I looked down as I made my way to the door.A hand quickly grabbed my arm. I looked to see Matt looking at me, softly.

'You're lying.' He said, softly.I took his hand away from me. 'I don't like getting touched.' I mumbled.

'Sorry.' He said, facing me. 'But just tell me the truth why you're here.'

'I told you the truth.' I said, angrily.He looked down, thinking. I rolled my eyes. I put my hand on door knob and opened it.

Matt quickly threw his hand at the door and closed it with a bang. I quickly looked back. He looked angry.I quickly went back and hit my back on the wooden door. He came closer and put his one hand on the door, near my head.

'I don't like being lied to.' He whispered.

'I wouldn't lie to you.' I said, trying not to get angry. 'I told you the truth and you can ask Finn if you want.'

I didn't really lie to be honest. Finn did need help but he didn't ask me to come here.I looked back at Matt. He was staring at me again. I hate it when he has that look. Like he's searching for something.

He came closer to my face. We were just inches away from eachother. I tried not to look at him but I couldn't help it. I looked at his face and then everything changed.I felt something in my heart. I don't know what. He looked so perfect. His beautiful eyes, his jawline and then his lips. Them lips that looked so... so... kissable.Then I did something, which I couldn't believe. I moved towards him and kissed him softly on the lips. It was a light kiss but it was enough for me to feel alive. I have kissed other guys before but this was the first time that it felt so right...I looked at him, waiting for him to get angry and explode. But no, he just stared at me. And if i wasn't mistaken, it was like he wanted it too. I quickly moved away from him and put my hand on the door knob, ready to go.

He put his hand on top of mine. I looked back at him. Before I could speak or say anything, he crashed his lips on mine.The kissed sent butterflies into my stomach. He put his hands on my waist to put me towards him. The kiss went faster and I could feel Matt getting hungrier for me. But I couldn't stop, I didn't want to.

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