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Read books online » Romance » All Signs Point to You Part Two by Navaura Campbell (uplifting books for women .TXT) 📖

Book online «All Signs Point to You Part Two by Navaura Campbell (uplifting books for women .TXT) 📖». Author Navaura Campbell

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were so cute, she'd immediately softened toward them.

Taking a deep breath, Denise went to the bus stop. Once she got there, she sat down and pulled out a book she'd started reading about two days ago, because it had been on her list of things to do, from her book bag. She flipped it to the page she'd left off of and began reading.

Jordan flipped the switch on the radio. There was a song by Tupac Shakir called Brenda's got a baby playing. Although he didn't like the way Tupac usually dissed women in his lyrics, he loved the flow of the young man's voice. He could make words come alive, jump off the pages when he wanted to. Turning the volume up on the dial, he listened as he sang about some girl getting knocked up while living in the projects. Jordan couldn't relate, because he'd never lived in the "hood," and didn't want to from the way Tupac was rapping. He'd eaten lunch around third hour and was still thirsty. Reaching for the glove compartment, he twisted the small lock, it fell open and he searched around for a some change. He kept his eyes in between the road and the compartment. Pulling to a stop for a red light, he shuffled the papers around. When he came to an envelope, he pulled it out. Along with it, came a photo on top. He grabbed the photo and envelope together and looked at the picture. He rolled his eyes with a loud groan. It was one of he and Denise together. She was holding him around the neck, getting ready to place a kiss on his cheek. Despite an over extended annoyance that occurred, he smiled. Her eyes were so vibrant and life like, that he felt a lump form in the base of his throat. Swallowing the lump, he put it back into the compartment and then shut it.

Denise closed her book just as the bus was making it's way to her. She put it inside her bag, and grabbed her bus pass from a side pocket. She waited till the bus pulled up to her stop, and then jumped on it. She was relieved. She'd had to walk a mile toward down town, before she could catch a bus there, going to Brinkwood, a small suburban area, which would take her to a town called Riley, where she'd get on the bus there and then continue from there to Richmond. The total time to get there would take two hours, but she figured it was worth it to be able to talk to her mom. She swiped her card, heard it clear and then found a seat in the back of the bus. She laid back and decided to rest till she got to Brink wood.

Brink wood was only thirty minutes from Hampton, which caused her to be gleeful, because she was now one quarter of the way there. When she caught the bus from Brinkwood, to Riley, she discovered that Riley was a very small town. So small in fact, that it didn't have a bus system connecting it to the city. Denise sighed, agitated. She really needed to talk to her mother, desperately. She put her face in her hands and sank down on the sidewalk where she'd been let off.

"Need a ride?"

Denise looked up. A smile came to her features. "Oh my God, Lasaire, how'd you get here?"

Lasaire shrugged, "Ya like my new ride, De?" Although her accent was still native to her land, she'd adopted some of the connotations they'd used here.

Denise laughed, "It's clean." She referred to the exterior, while running her hands along the body of the car.

Lasaire laughed, "Thanks, I got a job this past October and saved up for it."

Denise raised both brows, "Look at you doing your thang,"

Lasaire giggled, "Get in and I'll take you where you need to go."

Denise sighed, relieved that she wouldn't have to beg a stranger, got up and grabbed her bag.

When she got into the vehicle, Lasaire reminded her of the safety rules; seat belts first. After buckling herself in, Denise sighed, "I can't believe this," She stated, still in shock over the turn of events. Lasaire sighed, "Yea, maybe God knew you needed a ride, so he sent me along your way."

Denise nodded, "I sure do appreciate it, because I didn't know how I was going to get to where I wanted to."

Lasaire laughed, "The Lord always provide Denise."

Denise looked over at her. "You're a Christian?"

Lasaire nodded proudly, "Yep. Since I was six years old."

"Impressive. So, how did you get out here?" Denise inquired as the car left the curb and went back into the trickle of traffic.

Lasaire shut off the music she'd been listening to, so that she could answer Denise. "Well, I was going out to the lake, planning to do some ice skating."

"What lake?" Denise wandered, staring at Lasaire confused.

"Lake -" Lasaire replied.

"They have a lake out here too?"

Lasaire nodded, "Aren't you taking Geography this year?"

"Well, yeah, but I never pay attention." Denise admitted while leaning her head back comfortably in the seat.

Lasaire laughed, "Well, maybe you should."

Denise sighed, "You know Lasaire," She began, switching topics.


"I thought you hated me too." Denise told her.

Lasaire sighed, patting Denise on the head. "No one hates you, Denise."

Denise nodded, "Tanya won't even talk to me because I broke up with Jordan. He's so angry with me, and then my sister thinks I'm stupid." Denise sighed.

"Ah, I believe you two are just taking a break."

Denise paused and glanced over at Lasaire. "What?"

Lasaire sighed, "I believe you two are just taking a break. You'll get together again."

Denise laughed, "No we wont, he has a girlfriend."

Lasaire came to the town's only stop light, three blocks after their only bus stop. The stop light was located three feet from two roads that led into a wooded area. Denise stared, wondering what was beyond the point of the light.

Lasaire made a left when the light turned green, continuing on their way. "De, Jordan, no matter how much he tries to deny it, still loves you.”

Denise shrugged, "What's that got to do with anything? He's got a girlfriend." She emphasized the girlfriend part.

Lasaire laughed, "Jordan didn't tell you about the Gregory men did he?"

Denise sighed, "What do you mean?"

Lasaire sighed, "The Gregory men are very noble from where we come from. His dad's dad was a Gregory."

"That makes Jordan a Gregory?" Denise wanted to know.

"Yes. Jordan's dad was a Gregory as well, till his father was adopted when he was a young lad. His dad took on the name Williams after his step father, Scott Williams back in Ireland."

"Really?" Denise was surprised.

"Yes. That's how Jordan became a Williams. Anyway, the back to the Gregory men..."

Denise cut her off, "Wait, how can you be a Gregory too?"

Lasaire laughed, "My mom's English, and my dad's Irish. Dad came to England to visit and while there, he and my mom fell in love. A few years later, they married."

"So, then how'd you end up in Ireland?" Denise pondered, her hand on her chin.

"Ya sure are inquisitive." Lasaire noted.

"I'm sorry if I'm getting too personal." Denise apologized, sitting her hands in her lap.

Lasaire looked over at her, surprised. It was not like Denise to apologize.

"It's alright," She finally spoke to her friend. "My family goes back and fourth between Ireland and England. During three months of summer, they send me to Ireland with our Aunt Bess."

Denise nodded, "Ok, that makes since."

Lasaire sighed and stopped at a stop sign, where she made a right, "Anyway, the Gregory men are passionate for what they want."

Denise sighed, "He's got a girl, Lasaire."

Lasaire shook her head, "He doesn't treat her with nearly as much love as he showed you."

Denise swallowed guiltily, "That just proves I broke his heart." She whispered.

Lasaire stopped the car and turned her attention to her. "No, it just proves that you have your work cut in for you."

Denise moaned, "He has a girl Lasaire."

"She's just there because he's mad at you. When you show him that you really want him back, and that you're serious about commitment, he'll come to you."

Denise shook her head in denial. "No.”

Lasaire put a hand on her shoulder, looked her in the eyes, her gaze not wavering. "Don't be like that, Denise. Learn how to take advice."

Denise stared, shocked at the intensity of her gaze. "I'm just stating a fact."

Lasaire shook her head, "No, you're being pig headed and stubborn, that's what got you into this mess in the first place. You say it was because of those doubts that Sherry placed in your head. Denise..." Lasaire inhaled sharply, "I may have known you only for six months, but I already know how you are. "You're very intelligent, independent in your thoughts and actions, so for something that Sherry said to get to you, actually crumble what you and Jordan have, you allowed it to. You refused to deal with the real issue."

Denise folded her arms. How many times was someone going to tell her about herself in a single year? "What was the real issue?"

"Fear. Fear of loosing your heart." Lasaire stated as though that was a fact.

"Fear of loosing my heart?" Denise was open now.

Lasaire sighed. "Yes. Obviously you never noticed how you two responded to each other. You guys had a real chemistry that is very rare these days."

"Oh really?" Denise tested.

"Yes. I bet you the way he made you feel confused your heart and mind. Your heart was loving it, but your mind was getting all irrational."

Denise sighed, "Alright, if that was the case, what would you be suggesting?"

Lasaire cleared her throat. "Well, the Gregory men are known for their passion and any time it's been stomped on, the best way to light the fire again is to actually pursue them."

"Pursue the guy?" Denise was surprised.

"Yes, if you truly want to know whether Jordan loves you as he say he does, go after him."

They stopped at another red light, not five miles outside of where Denise was dropped off at.

"What will that do?" Denise was confused. Wasn't the guy supposed to go after the girl?

" darling, will tell you if he means it when he say he loves you, because at first, he'll be hard to withstand, because the more he loves you, the worse it'll be for you. After a while, you'll see him beginning to weaken, till finally he gives in."

Denise stared at Lasaire as if she'd lost her mind. Lasaire smiled, "I know, it sounds stupid, but that's the way it is with the Gregory men, you either when or loose. Which ever comes first."

Denise groaned inwardly. How was she supposed to do this? Go after the guy she loved, especially when he had a girl?

"David, schedule the nine o'clock appointment with Mrs. Winters for three o'clock on Monday afternoon, and please restock the fridge in here, it's getting bare rather quickly." Renee commanded of her secretary as she stared down at the last proposal she was writing.

"Yes ma'am," David responded through the intercom. A few seconds later, the intercom was buzzed again, "Mrs. Garrette." David called through.

"Yes," She responded back.

"There's a Denise Calloway out here to see you..."

Renee didn't even allow him to finish, before she told him to send her in. When she came in, Renee looked up at her daughter, seeing her own image. "What's up baby?"

Denise sighed, and sat down in an empty chair. "I need some advice, but first I want to talk to you about some other stuff."

"In regards to?" Renee inquired as she continued her work.

"I need your full attention mom." Denise stated, her tone firm. Renee looked up and put her pen down on the desk. "What's wrong?"

Denise inhaled a sharp breath, then exhaled, and then proceeded to explain to her exactly what was going on in her life.





Chapter Thirty Three: Mother and daughter Talk


Renee sat there, listening to her daughter, completely

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