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“If you don’t give me that rifle now, were zombie chow!” my sister Ginger yelled in my face.
“Blah, blah, blah, seriously” I nagged, “It’s only a simulation,” I leaned forwards and pressed a large blue button, instantaneously, the cardboard zombies stopped moving forward. Ginger gave me a stern look. She put down her dagger.
“If dad was here he would make you train.” Ginger snapped, “But, he’s out with the other zombie hunters.”
“Sheesh,” I said “Calm down won’t you? He isn’t here, so we can go to our cabin on floor 7, eat whatever we want, and talk to some V.Z.O.B.C. people.” Ginger rolled her eyes and picked up her dagger.
“The Viral Zombie Out Break Center people are boring,” she complained. “I’d rather train.” I let out a large sigh.
“Fine.” I picked up a dagger from the weapon wall. Ginger’s blue eyes glittered.
“Begin!” she exclaimed. She leaned forward and tried to put the point to my throat; which I avoided by a side step. After ten minutes of the same thing Ginger began to become irritated. “Piper!”
“I do train remember?” I explained. “I just don’t think it fun.”
“I’ve always been a better fighter than you, even though you’re older, I’ve been raised during this war and I’ll see it through.” I said.
“I’m hungry.” Ginger admitted.
“I’m too.” I agreed. “Let’s go get pizza.”
I was walking down the stairs when my phone vibrated in my pocket. I took it out, took a little look at the title of the caller and the number. It was my dad; so I answered.
“Hello?” I called.
“Hi Piper,” My dad exclaimed. “While around the old car wash, we found a girl…”
“What kind of shape is she in?” I interrupted. My dad sighed.
“She’s a little bruised up, but she’s not infected.” He said. “She’s waiting out in front; get her before the undead do.” Now I was on the 1st floor and almost to the kitchen.
“No prob, dad” I insured. “I’ll get my bow and be right out”
“Good luck,” My dad said. Then, he hung up. I ran back up to my room and grabbed my bow and arrow. I ran down the stairs, for the 3rd time in 30 minutes, and made my way to the steel metal doors standing in between the 10 feet of land before the large, impressive electric fence. As I lifted the barricade from the door, I thought of the little girl, imagining her in my head.
“Poor girl.” I said to myself. No person should ever go through this war, no person. Finally, I lifted the last scrap of wood. Then I opened the door, and ran to the electric fence. As I looked past the tightly woven steel of the fence, I could see a girl no older than eight. Her dark red auburnish hair framed her small face that had elfish features. I ran to her side; where she gave me a huge bear hug and started to weep. Her hot tears made a clean mark down her quaint face. “Hello sweetie.” I cooed to her, but she only cried harder. “What’s wrong?” She lifted up a finger a pointed down the street. Slowly, but determent, six zombies. I let go of the girl and grabbed my bow. I put five arrows on the string and aimed at the brains of five of them. I shoot all the five in the head meanwhile; the girl was saying ‘Get ‘em in the head, get ‘em in the head!’ I had one left so I just shot it.
“Awesome!” she yelped. “When do I get to do that!?”
“Shh,” I whispered, “you’ll attract more.” She nodded and I brought her in. “First things first, this is the V.Z.O.B.C.”
“Okay,” She said.
“And you’re in Fresno California” I explained. “And welcome to world war Z!” Her dark green eyes were clever in a way, like she knew all this already. “Now, to put you in zombie save hair and clothes, oh and a weapon!”
“Got it! By the way, I’m Cleo.” She said politely.
“I’m Piper.” I smiled a little but it quickly faded, “Come along Cleo.”
Cleo followed me to a room where I braided her hair. Another where I dressed her in tight clothes so it would be hard for a zombie to grab her, something you don’t wanna happen. Finally we went to the weapon broom closet. For a closet, it was pretty big. “Remember,” I explained, “I choose bow and arrow, but you might want something else.” Just then, Ginger walked in.
“I went to the kitchen, and you weren’t there.” Ginger said. “What’s up?”
“Got a phone call from dad, killed some undead, and I’m giving a weapon to an eight year old, nothing special” I exclaimed.
“I want a dagger, this one please,” She chimed politely, as if charming a bird; trying not to startle it.
“Nice choice,” I said. The dagger was pretty but covered with dust as if it was ancient. There was two, large dusty jewels on each side of the handle. “But you’ll need a backup weapon.” Cleo shrugged and looked around the 9 by 9 room, which with Ginger, was very snug now. Cleo looked up to Ginger, finally acknowledging her presents. Both let out a large sigh. My sister reached to the top of a shelf pulling down a small set of bow and arrows.
“Here” She said smiling as she looked in the girl’s pleasant face. “They fit you perfect, try shooting one.” Hearing this I quickly grabbed a shield and helmet.
“Ready,” I said, “Hit me with your best shot, Little Red Robin Hood.” She drew an arrow and tried to line it up. It was very clear it was hard for her because she couldn’t pull the bow back all the way and the arrow was faced the wrong way. “No” I laughed, “No, I’ll help.” I showed her how my father did when I was her age. Telling her to hold it like a light feather, but respect it like you would your family. After that, she had no trouble at all. As I went back behind the shield, Cleo pulled back her string. What I didn’t notice was, Ginger was behind me putting an apple on top of my head. Cleo shot the arrow and it hit the tiny stem of the apple hoisting it backwards hitting the dark, hunter green wall. We all stood there, amazed at what this young girl had done. She had done a shot only an expert archer would even attempt! Finally, Cleo said, “Who wants food?” Ginger and I both raised our arms.
As we entered the dining hall, I spotted my friends.
“Hi Pipes!” They said over the muttering and chatter from the people and waiters. My friends and I are all junior zombie hunters. I had four friends on this base. Max; he had dirty blond hair and always wore red, Jamie; she has straight brown hair and olive skin and was the rebel of the group, Michel and Carol; they were twins but Carol was the clown of the group.
“Who’s your friend, Piper?” Jamie asked charmed by the little girl who was trailing me like a shadow. Then, her face became sour. “, Is she infected?” She hid behind me. I giggled.
“No,” I confirmed,” Her name is Cleo,” Max ran to the kitchen and came out holding two plates of pizza.
“Bona pâté!” He exclaimed as he plopped down the thin metal plates. As soon as Cleo saw the pizza, she came out of hiding and stared scarfing down pizza.
“How long has it been since you’ve eaten?” Carol asked with a warm smile.
“Three days, I think, I’m not really sure.” She said. Hearing this, Max ran to the kitchen and brought out another large piece of pizza. She said to max through a large, grateful grin something about his hair. She went at that piece of pizza till all that was left of it was crumbs.
As we were all going to bed, my phone rang. It said it was my dad but it was a different number. I answered and quickly put it on speaker phone. “Hello?” I asked.
“Hello silly girl.” Said a high pitched, cruel voice that was not my dad.
“Who are you?” I asked, “And where is my father?”
“I am Queen Zumba,” She said, “And you will know where you dad is in good time dear.”
“Tell her now!” Jamie said with a slight pitch of confusion. Jamie always thought she had to be the tough person in the group, the person who knew everything. Then Queen Zumba sighed.
“Anyway…” Queen Zumba said not even having a change in her voice, “I’m Queen of all Zombies,” Now I thought she was kidding me. I rolled my eyes, and so did everybody else, but Cleo. Under her breath, the Queen mumbled something about her having to do this every time. “One day, I will kill you.”
“You’re lame.” Ginger said. , “I can already tell.”
“How’d you control them, strange-o?” Jamuie asked sarcastically.
“I bet she dresses in bones.” Max laughed as he did the robot. I pushed him and he rubbed his shoulder.
“I bet she got that from Lady Gaga.” I said biting my tongue. Jamie pushed me, amusingly.
“Silence fool!” Queen Zumba yelled. , “I am giving you 96 hours to retrieve your father.” Hearing that, I almost dropped the phone. Four days, I couldn’t learn to drive in four days. Good thing Ginger can drive safely. Let me rephrase that, she can drive legally. Taylor elbowed me and I came back to the situation. Queen Zumba screams something on the other end. Something about needing a new phone.
“What? With your cranky voice, you don’t need a phone just yell!” Jamie laughed and took the phone. I took it back and made sure Queen Zumba was on the other line still.
“Silence! Seriously, you guys talk a lot.” The queen sighed. Max took the phone hurt.
“What’s the Catch?”
“The catch, Zombie Breath!” Max screamed into the phone. Max always had a slight temper. I took it back.
“Calm down.” I heard Carol coo in the back ground. Mitch and Carol never really talked a lot.
“Fine, any longer than 4 days…. Your father might just, become my pets dinner. No promises. But your father will meet his demise.” Queen Zumba said as if she was getting bored with us. , “You might find some obstacles in your way. Think of them as little presents saying ‘Remember me.’” I scoffed at the comment.
“You’re sick.”
“Thank you.”
“That wasn’t a compliment.” I spat back. Queen Zumba yawned.
“Goodbye.” She cooed. We all tried to ask more questions but for some reason my phone memory were deleted. Four days. Idiot Queen.

Chapter 2:

The next morning I was going through the mail when I found an envelope I had never seen. At VZOBC we only sold white envelopes, this one was blue with Q.Z. written on the front. I sneered as I opened it.
“Hey, Joe!” I yelled as I put it down. , “You’re a great mail guy…” He blushed. At VZOBC, we

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