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Book online «Dreamer-in by Cielo (popular novels TXT) 📖». Author Cielo

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This really sucks

, Kimberlyn Garza thought as she walked through the rain and towards her school. She had missed the bus, again. At least it can't get any worse

, she thought with a sigh as she wiped some of her curly brown hair out of her face. Just before a car came by, and drenched her head to toe in water.
Today was not her best day, but it got a little brighter when a voice behind her said, "Need an umbrella, mermaid?"
Smiling, Kimberlyn turned to see Jonathan Vilas, her best friend since the fifth grade, holding a spare umbrella out to her. "Thanks," she said as she gratefully accepted the umbella. "I didn't expect it to rain this much, or to miss the bus."
"Well, I, like always, am prepared." Jonathan said with a mocking smile.
"Ha, ha. Who was it that forgot to wear pants on the first day of school?" Kimberlyn said laughing, as she remembered their first day of freshman year.
She had been very excited, and had worn her best outfit. She walked to Jonathan's house, because it was their tradition; on every first day of every school year, they would walk together. When she reached his house, she rang the doorbell, and he came out, a nervous smile on his face as eh said, "Ready." Laughing, Kimberlyn had pointed down, where his pants should be, and Jonathan blushed tomoato red before quickly going back into his house, and returning a few mintues later in pants, the last remains of his blush still visable on his cheeks.
"That doesn't count. Besides, you liked what you saw, so just stop fooling." Jonathan said, a smirk on his face.
Kimberyln's only response was to push him into a puddle as they passed it, turning his dry outfit as wet as hers. He stood up, still laughing.
"Now we're both all wet. But I brought an extra pair of clothes just in case I got surprised. What do you have Mr. 'Always Prepared'?" Kimberlyn said teasingly.
"You know what? Maybe I should just take my umbrells back." Jonathan said, a mischivious glint in his eye.
"If you do, you won't live to make it to school." Kimberlyn warned.
"Honey, if you tried anything, I could easily take you down." Jonathan said confidently.
"Why do I hang out with you again?" Kimberlyn asked retorically.
"Because you simply love me." Jonathan said, with one last mocking smile, before he started to run ahead of her yelling, "Beat ya there!"
Without wasting anymore time, Kimberlyn took off, right on his tail, determined to beat him. The odds were about fifty-fifty.
"I win!" Jonathan said victoriously as he reached the steps of Henry Potter Prepatory High School first.
"Only because you cheated and started before me." Kimberlyn said defensivly.
"Sometimes ya gotta think fast, girl." Jonathan said before walking into the building, and to his first class.
Kimberlyn walked in and went into the bathroom first, to change into dry clothes, when she ran into Britney.
Britney was the popular girl cliche if there ever was one. She had flowing golden hiar, bright blue eyes, and a thin, but not sickly or unsightly, build. She wore all the designer brands,and was followed by at least five people twenty-four seven. When she saw Kimberlyn, she stopped to smirk at her. "Get caught in the rain, black cat?" she asked sarcastcly.
"No," Kimberlyn snapped back, "Get caught under a face stretcher?"
Britney glared, before she and her group of worshipers left the bathroom.
Kimberlyn hated it when Britney called her 'black cat'. She had gotten the nickname when she started to wear black as the main color in her wardrobe, and Brintey, preppy Britney, taunted her for it,
Kimberlyn hanged her clothes, then took a good look at herself as she stepped out of the bathroom stall. In the mirror, she saw a girl standing tall at about 5'6". She had bright green eyes, and sharp, angular cheekbones. Her mouth was almost a perfect light pink oval, and her skin was a light peach, almost tan, color. She had on a black skirt with ruffles that fell about an inch or two above her knee, and a black t-shirt that had intricate rinestone swirls on it. On her feet were black hightop converses, and her brown curly hair fell in delacate swirls, to frame her face.
She knew the only reason Britney hated her so much was because she was actual competition

. Kimberlyn knew she could rule the school just with her looks alone and just as well as Britney. The only thing that stood in her way was her use of the color black. But Kimberlyn had always preferred to stay in the backgound, being heard, but not seen. She was shocked out of her thoughts when the first bell rang, signaling that she had five minutes to get to homeroom. She quickly turned away from the mirror, and walked to her classroom.
Kimberlyn walked into her homeroom classroom. The teacher-Mr. Evara-started to tell the class about a new school project. It was a writing contest, to see who could could come up with the most possible end-of-the-world story. Kimberlyn thought this was a stupid assignment, because who would want to know when the world was going to end, and how? Why would anyone even want to try to predict that? But the class seemed excited. Everyone except Kimberlyn.
Kimberlyn was glad to get out of homeroom, because the whole end of the world thing had gotten out of hand. Everyone had started talking exctiedly about possiblities, and ideas. It made Kimberlyn uncomfortable, and she couldn't understand why. What was the big deal if some people had very big, very disturbing imaginations? All she knew was that being in that room with all those people talking about the end of the world had made her twitchy. As if she knew something, but didn't know what she should know.
Kimberlyn went through the classes up until lunch, trying to block out the chatter about the knew school contest.When she entered the lunchroom, she was glad to find Jonathan at a table. Normally he ate outside, and Kimberlyn hated going outside because she had terrible allergies. She quickly went to go sit by him, "What's up?" she asked. He was writing busily in a notebook.
"I'm trying to get a head start on that writing contest. Someone told me that the school was going to do this every month, and that the end of the world prompt was only the first. Some have heard that next month's-" he started, but I cut him off.
"Wait, wait, wait, you're actually going to do that stupid contest?" Kimberlyn asked with disbelief.
"Well, yeah, why wouldn't I?" Jonathan asked, confusion on his face.
"Because, it's wrong to think about things like that!" Kimberlyn said, a little harsher than she had intended, but upset all the same.
"Lyn," the nickname Jonathan gave her because everyone called her 'Kim' for short, and he wanted to be different. "You're overthinking this contest," he continued, "Like you do most things," he muttered under his breath, earning him a kick in the shin from Kimberlyn under the table. "This isn't real, Lyn. It's just for fun, nothing majorly important, and nobody's thinking that any of these made up stories are going to happen, so calm down. It's just a contest." he said.
"Right, right, it's just a contest, sorry." Kimberlyn said, flushing slightly.
"It's ok.Why were you so freaked out anyway?" Jonathan asked.
"I don't know," Kimberlyn admitted, "there was just something...wrong about it. Like maybe this contest meant more, but how could that be, right?"
"Right," Jonathan agreed.
"So...what are you going to write about?" Kimberlyn asked Jonathan.
"Like I'm going to tell you! You just want to steal my idea!" Jonathan accused.
"I won't, promise." Kimberlyn said, holding out a strand of her hair. It was something they had come up with when they were in the sixth grade. Instead of the pinky swear, or spitting on their hands before clasping them, when either Kimberlyn or Jonathan made a promise to each other, they gave the other a peice of their hair. They had always thought it was more binding than any of the other promise making methods, and that hadn't changed as they got older.
Jonathan took her peice of hair, and threw it behind his back, over his right shoulder-another part of the promise making ritual. "Fine. I was thinking that I would write about how all the anteaters die, and since there's nothing to eat the ants anymore, they take over the world, and we all die from giant, poisonous ant bites." Jonathan said, seeming to get excited at the thought of writing his new story.
"Ants? Are you serious? Why ants?" Kimberlyn asked.
"Because most people, if any, have never thought about it!" Jonathan said energetically.
"I guess...." Kimberlyn said, unsure.
"You'll see, when I win, you'll understand." Jonathan said.
"Jo," Kimberlyn's nickname for Jonathan since most people called him 'John' for short instead, "I'm not sure if anyone can ever understand everything you think and say and do." she said, chuckling slightly.
"Maybe not," Jonathan admitted, "But of everyone at this school you will get closest, so you should mostly understand." Jonathan said, shrugging. "Are you going to do the contest?" he asked her.
Kimberlyn thought for a second. "Hmmm...yeah, I think I will." she said. Unfortunatly, she had no idea how right she would be.
The bell that signaled the end of lunch sounded soon after, and Jonathan and Kimberlyn walked to the only class they had together-biology.
"Ok class," the teacher, Mrs. Moreno, said, "We will be studing global warming, and weather patterns, to go with this month's contest prompt." she said, and most of the class cheered. Kimberlyn didn't hate the contest anymore-not after her conversation with Jonathan-but she didn't exactly want it to follow her to every

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