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Read books online ยป Science Fiction ยป The E-Cobantal Hit by Cleveland W. Gibson (e reader manga txt) ๐Ÿ“–

Book online ยซThe E-Cobantal Hit by Cleveland W. Gibson (e reader manga txt) ๐Ÿ“–ยป. Author Cleveland W. Gibson

Death followed the acceleration. The meteor, skipping through space, made for impact. At 16,000 feet per second, the game ended without survivors. Earth ceased to exist. But when...? When?

Previously Julius Caesar built the Roman Empire not aware of his approaching death in March. Then arose the volcanic disaster of Pompei, the ultimately collapse of Roman civilization. But people survived.
In 3040 AD a rogue meteor from the galaxy E-Cobantal moved off its lazy orbit. Kick started by an internal nuclear explosion it moved at speed wiping all life from the Earth, erasing vegetable matter and reducing the balance of Earth to black dust. Finish.
Though warning signs existed human nature tended to ignore that which cannot be understood. If only somebody had read the 'Stones of Destiny' correctly....
Tough Roman soldier Sitanius entered the bedroom; looked at his dying father. The old man groaned, lackluster eyes focused on his son. A flicker of recognition, then the slow tears down the hollows of his face. Death raised a finger.

"Son... remember... My vision...Be kind to ...she, who will die..."

In dying the old man dropped the Stones of Destiny, shocking Sitanius with their forecast of the end of civilization...

Years later Sitanius still puzzled over the words 'she, who will die,' even as a witch was due for execution. Immediately he threw the stones; looked for guidance.

The vivid red- green -yellow sequence of the destiny stones sprouted sweat on his face and hands. Especially when, in his mind's eye, his father's shining face haunted him.

Moving quickly Sitanius set events in motion: he ordered Aureenni brought to his villa.

"You are lucky-the stones and my father's words saved your life," Sitanius told her. "Can you cook?" The dark eyed witch smiled.

"Yes master. But it's your life; I am a poisoner."


Five years later Aurrenni electrified listeners with her tale of how Sitanius was sucked up into the sky by a strange blue light, never to be seen again. Kidnapped by alien beings, perhaps. Aurrenni prayed to her God, a prayer that 'must' be answered.


The Roman Empire crumbled away. Next in 3040 AD a colossal meteor from the galaxy E-Cobantal hit, devastating Earth. Civilization ended as forecast by the Stones of Destiny.

But Aurrenni's prayer was received and actioned by St George who managed to get Sitanius returned to Earth. Sitanius was Mankind's only hope; a man used to propriate the gods.

St George, England's worthy, determined to save England in its darkest hour.


Sitanius opened his eyes on an endless sea of black dust. Suddenly the swirling smoke cloud in front of him parted; a man walked through.

"I, St George, charge you and your "Guardian Angel" to save England and Mankind. Good luck, both of you. " George's spirit faded away.

Voices in Sitanius's head chattered away. Impatiently he viewed the Stones of Destiny.

An unusual sound drew his attention as he met his Guardian Angel.

The twenty-year-old samurai, dressed in white, carried a double handled sword. The tie knot glistened on his head.
"I am Japanese. One Mushashi, best sword saint from many centuries ago- but to you I am your Guardian Angel. "

Sitanius saluted, at the same time noting how Mushashi's feet floated a few inches above the Black Dust.

The two soldiers related to each other immediately; living by the sword created a bond. In silent contemplation they gazed across the vast area of black desert devoid of grass, trees and any sign of life. A desolate ache thrashed through Sitanius; his soul craved a new life.

Mushashi laughed and joked as he withdrew the great sword 'Xching' from its sheath across his back. Suddenly he uttered the famous Kyoto battle cry and ended by driving his sword into the black sand. Sitanius did the same with his "gladius." As the sun gleamed on the blades the men saw the swords quiver as if forged from spring steel.

As the two swords pulsed a bright purple light surrounded them. The intense light seemed to attract famous people from history. First King Arthur, then King Alfred, Alexander the Great, other worthies, saints, holy men like Vincent of Saragossa and Emperor Constantine.
Sitanius heard them urging him to succeed. As the visions faded, rocks a few yards away split releasing clouds of steam. Next came the sound of running water followed by clouds in the sky. Rain fell and next morning the first green heads of vegetation burst through the black sand. The voices urged him :"More! More! More!"

From then on Sitanius and Mushasi never rested in rebuilding Earth, their efforts reaping the reward of changing charred dust to virgin soil. Each day brought the magic of something new. Plants grew, rivers appeared and then the birds and the insects arrived out of the ether.

One day that inexplicable sound. They stopped in their tracks. Both warriors crept through the bushes and trees to investigate.

As they stole forward they saw a man and woman in primitive clothing. But it was the baby in the woman's arms that captured their attention.

A warm glow of pride in humanity filled each warrior's heart. No words were needed to explain their work was now complete. Mankind would live again. Life was hope. Civilization reborn.

The Japanese warrior washed his sword in spring water, saluted Sitanius before returning 'Xching' to its sheath.

"Follow me!" Mushashi ordered, his eyes shining as he looked upwards.

The Japanese warrior turned on his heels and walked over the edge of the cliff, walking as if on air. This indeed was a "dear companion" to the Roman soldier who watched.
Even as he watched Sitanius felt old, tired and apprehensive. He too drew his 'gladius', washed the sword and kissed the naked blade. Now where was his "dear companion"?

There was no drum roll as he marched towards the cliff edge. He kept his head high. Here was a disciplined soldier who carried a calm glow of faith and satisfaction on his face.

Suddenly he paused and fingered the Stones of Destiny. What would they say? The stones fell from his grasp. The future lay arranged before him in the stones.
In that same instant scales fell from his eyes as he heard St George's voice. It was a warm, friendly voice full of compassion and good cheer.

"Rest. My friend. I thank you and your "Guardian Angel" for saving England."

Sitanius marched on towards the edge of the cliff aware the voices in his ears had multiplied by many thousands. They belonged to a dense host of angels thronged around him. True he fell but there was no pain as they carried him aloft. His head felt the softness of a cushion.

Someone held a book with his name written in gold, and then he became aware of his oneness with God.

The End


Publication Date: 05-27-2011

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