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Book online «Inverse by Mikey Luke Mitchell (beautiful books to read .TXT) 📖». Author Mikey Luke Mitchell

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in the position that Ray’s stomach would of been. Instinctively I shot a death ball straight at her, she deflected it with her dagger and tried to fly away. A quick flash of opaque violet came at the side of me and suddenly the yellow glowing Coleen jumped twelve feet in the air and grabbed Amy’s foot and swung her in the air so fast that by the time I could channel my focus I was hearing the residual reverb of Amy hitting the floor. I put my telekinesis into action and held her there.
“I told you!” Shouted Rachel from behind me, I couldn’t be bothered with her weird mood, the her and Brett imagery still reminiscent in my mind it made me feel more angry towards to Amy who put it there. Maybe she knew I liked Rachel? Another part to her plan just to carry out a job.
“You seriously went to all that just to assassinate Ray and steal his forte?”
Amy’s head and body held tight only her eyes could dart to mine.
“No, I’m telling the truth. You know damn well I didn’t need to do that, my reputation isn’t based on theatrics.” I was in awe of trust issues right now that logic seemed to blur. I was finding it difficult to trust Brett. But for some reason she made sense.
“You seriously believe her don’t you!” Rachel blurted again. I ignored it.
“Who sent you?” I shouted, shuddering afterwards as the anger gotten worse. We need Ray’s Forte for the battle, this couldn’t come at a more annoying time.
“She wont tell you.” Coleen spoke, the glowing started to fade. I envied Coleen, she always happened to be calm. My uncontrollable anger bursts hadn’t surfaced yet, but I could feel it deep down. I was trying my hardest to fight it.
“That’s a lie, I would always tell if asked, but no ones ever gotten the chance to ask before.” Was she really boasting her reputation in her position? Pinned up three foot in the air by my telekinesis. I’m surprised she hadn’t just logged out.
“Well? Who was it?” I almost forgot Randeep was around.
“Joel The Dragon Master.” Who else... One of many of Ray’s enemies, the only one that would pull a stunt like this, he’s ruthless and has developed no respect for himself, just an idiot who prays on stealing newbie money. I let go of Amy; and Coleen stopped glowing, she had lost Rachel’s power, sending it straight back to her. By the time Rachel could pounce Amy was gone, she sighed a harsh pant and another flash of violet passed and I could see Rachel in the window inside the house.
“What is with her?” Coleen muttered.
“Will! Antibodies are coming.” Randeep pointed to the faint twinkling metallic chrome figures in the distance of the sea.

“Fantastic… What now… ” I breathed.

Chapter 6: The Antibodies

Stood seven feet tall, all four of them looked down at us. The light stood steady off of their metallic chrome figures, wrinkled as if they were rusting but without the sign of the brownish tint, they were unusually broad from the shoulders which thinned down to a normal build waist and divided into two strong bulky legs. They come across as male, yet they were naked and sexless. Large eyes bulged from there bold heads, a crystal blue iris floating on a deepest black of an eye ball. The feeling they emitted prevented anyone to come to anger. When they stood around us the sounds of the sea covering our little island suddenly become known, it was like being on a deserted island in the middle of the canary islands, all your troubles washed away at each swish of the tide. Antibodies served a high purpose within Inverse, computer generated helpers when you experienced technical difficulties, they will deal with problem you have like an automatic troubleshoot and those problems that can’t be dealt with by automatic means are reported to a moderator or administrator. They also served a different purpose and emit a completely different emotion, a side of Antibodies you would not want to meet, it was close to feared by all players.

“Will Johnson, ID number 08109595, you reported abnormal behavior with your character correct?” One of the Antibodies said, their voices sounded like two people speaking in unison, electronically altered and unreal. It walked towards me and towered over me. I felt it’s eyes on me and it was like I could speak all my troubles to it. It was a need to confide in it, like it was my best friend in the world. This was unlike Amy’s charm power, where you just felt lustful, trusting and completely overwhelmed, no, this was more, calm and collected.

“Yes. I have noticed an increase in temperament, sometimes it’s hard to control.”

“I will assume you have adhered to the rules of Inverse and have been logging out yourself every six hours of real-time gaming. Has there been any upset with the time limit?”

“I do not understand. Rephrase please.” I spoke clearly, I’m sure the antibodies would know what I have said before I say it, they can connect to the raw messages of our digital cognitive connection, see the raw communication going on between the headset and our minds, but I still felt the need to speak clearly, as if it were voice recognition.

“Have you ever gone over the six hour real-time limit without automatic log out or warning?” Even though they seem so peaceful like this, there voices still had a stern tone to them.


The sky blue orbs that Ray disappeared into gathered in the place where Ray was killed. Orbs appearing faster and faster rushing to create a blue shining figure which flashed brightly like lighting into Ray.
“That! Stupi-” Ray shouted as he just logged back in, the effects of the Antibodies affected him almost immediately and the look on his face was like a dog that stopped defensively growling.

“Antibodies?” Ray questioned with no tone to his voice.

They shot him a look but returned their gaze on me.

“I will inspect your character and connection for any bugs. This is a normal procedure and nothing to be afraid of. In the rare event that anything goes wrong I assure you, your mind is completely safe from harm and you will be logged out immediately. You may choose to continue or cancel, however it is vital for Inverse to perform this procedure to ensure best playable experience. May I remind you if you wish to cancel, Moderators and or Administrators will review your report and may see it fit to delete or restore your character and it’s profile. Do you wish to continue?” All the long winded legal stuff seemed a bit worthless as you definitely swayed more towards continue, especially in this state, made me wonder if it was done on purpose. Like a pop-up advert that never let you close it until you clicked on ‘buy now.’

“Continue.” I spoke loud and clear but there lingered some doubt in my mind, a thousand thoughts bolted through my mind, one quite clearly stayed. If the Gespos’ are involved who is to say that the Antibodies are truly safe. My mind told me. No one knew what kind of power the Gespos’ possessed, these aren’t usual gamers, some of these people have real-life and strong power, it was like candy to a child for the conspiracy theorists.

The Antibody took a step toward, it’s metallic crooked hand raise above my head.

“Look into the palm of my hand and keep your focus there.” I did as I was told trying hard to keep my eyes still on his wrinkled palm. A slow moving light haze surrounded my body, engulfed and then -

“A…” Short second burst of imagery burst so fast in my mind it barely registered.
“wa…” Another.
“ne…” And another.
“hel…” Convulsion took my physical body.
“VIRUS THIRTY THREE!” A woman screeched and my body stopped convulsing.

It is all black, nothing else. I am not breathing but it isn’t uncomfortable. Did something go wrong? After questioning the situation, a face appeared out of the darkness. The light filled my mind, it formed before one of the medieval worlds, the violet stained sky and the burning castles in the distance. The dream I had last night, when Brett attacked me. I was in the same spot, the luscious green turning into the same nasty crispy brown where I stood. I searched around pivoting my body, and there was the same figure, I walked towards it slowly the blurred figure slowly coming into focus.

“Sound proofing, once any type of sound goes over a certain decibel, it’s blocked. Were equal again Will. I urge you to try your forte, see how loud it can go.” The same words but not the same voice, there was a slight accent to it, but not all the way still kind of americanized. I stopped myself in my tracks and whoever he was walked towards me in long strides.

“Wha…” I tried to muster. Again another repeat of the dream. I said the exact same thing.

The only thing that was different was him a face, pointed, squared jaw, with noticeably dark brown eyes on his pale face. Hair that was light brown, tidy and gelled back like a wave. I have never seen this face before and there was a feeling that urged me to recognize him, like his name hung so devilishly mischievously at the tip of my tongue.

My body gave way and I slumped to the ground. I tried to focus, tried to force my Forte into action, in anyway possible that could break me out of this dream, or whatever it was. I just wanted to be free of it!

“Can’t do it? Always boasting your Forte Will, but even though I now have the same Forte, I wanted to make this fight fair, let’s see your hidden powers Will… I dare you to fight me.” The man spoke again with an acid malice.

He came running at me in normal speed, I braced myself what would come next, the kick in my face -

I sucked in a breath as quickly as possible inhaling in it all in. I felt like I was floating, I tried to open my eyes but they couldn't focus, I was in my room surrounded by dark shadows, which then flickered to a palm of the Antibodies hand.

“What’s happening, the Antibody is going crazy!” I heard a familiar voice speak but I found it hard to picture their face or come up with their name.
A tingling sensation filled me head to toe, my whole muscles were paralyzed. The panic in my breathing became apparent, rasping noises left my mouth as I tried to scream or shout or make any noise possible! The harder I tried to move something, even just a finger the fast the flickering of my bedroom and Inverse came. The dark shadows in my room moved in different places every flicker. Their presence was pure evil and it felt like one was on top of me, sitting on my chest pinning me down, paralyzing everything. The tingle came rushing making it more uncomfortable, forcing me to panic more I couldn’t bare another second.

Then it stopped. Like nothing happened in the first place, no side-effects, no residual feeling, the only thing left was the panic beating

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