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Book online «Inverse by Mikey Luke Mitchell (beautiful books to read .TXT) đŸ“–Â». Author Mikey Luke Mitchell

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to stable myself and pivot around to watch the rest join. Randeep came too fast and fell flat on his face, obviously the pain wasn’t intensive enough for it to be funneled judging by the wincing on his face. Coleen held him up with one shoulder. I noticed Ray’s eyes go wide and his face tense as he gazed past me.
“What has happened?” Rachel screeched.
I turned around to be faced what they had been staring at. The doors to our beautiful get away, now smashed through, it looked like some had used a sword to completely splinter it, and knowing Inverse, it probably was a sword. The pillars had been defaced with black spray paint branding it “Warning”.
“What in the hell!?” I shouted in anger, knowing full well the facial expression I held was far pleasant.
We all ran in, by this time Randeep had been healed. Inside it used to be a silky cream thick carpet, antique like decor and deep terracotta plastered walls in the hallway, met by grand stairs leading to the bedrooms and bathrooms. To the right of the hallway was a matching living room with a 60inch plasma TV, and a four-piece black leather suite. But now it was a smashed bits and pieces on a black stained carpet with the grand stairs falling apart and slashed sofa’s with a sword.
“The plasma!” Randeep shrieked.
“The plasma? Seriously, what about the grandfather clock, and my swarovski set in the uber expensive cabinet.” Coleen argued. Her beloved set is visibly scattered among the rubble, sparkling under the light.
“I’m more interested and how this or these bastards got into this place?” I said looking around and that’s when I noticed him. Brett. Shying away at that comment, too quickly, very strangely and very very guilty-like as if he had just been grilled by a very pushy lawyer that just hit the sore spot of an alibi. It couldn’t be him? Could it?
Being late all the time, personality change, and the weirdness of cruise ride. I couldn’t help but notice Brett’s sudden extremely suspicious ways.
“Dude why are you staring like that at me? I didn’t do this.” Brett said defensively, a bit too defensively.
“I never blamed you for anything, you got something to hide you seem a bit defensive.” I tensed slightly feeling my body take over in a strong developing anger.
“Will, calm down your shaking, Brett couldn’t of done this.” Rachel grabbed my shoulder, it wasn’t helping, her touch just sent another shiver threw me.
” Randeep said over the murmurs of Ray and Coleen.
“Take a step back you’re looking pretty scary, Brett wouldn’t of done this.” I instantly calmed, with a huge sense of regret, that anger was out of character, it felt similar to the panic-like attack I was having at the cruise. My head started to spin with fear.
“Like I said, I never blamed him for anything.” Looking more convincing but the fear was apparent in my voice. They all stared at me grimacing.
“Dude, you’re freaking me out, stay away from me for a while OK.” Brett said as he walked away stepping over the rubble on the floor. I was going to go after him, or shout an apology, but I didn’t quite know what I was apologizing for.

“Come on let’s look at the surveillance and contact with trouble shooting.” Rachel said placing her arm back on my shoulder leading us into the kitchen. Her touch felt a lot warmer now, my heart sped up, out of a different kind of fear.
Surprisingly the kitchen was as spotless as we left it. Untouched. The granite counters looking like new, the fully stocked fridge still humming away softly, the yellow walls and matching cupboards and draws still perfectly unmarked. I grabbed the house netbook which is always left on the kitchen counter and booted it up to the Inverse help screen.
“I don’t understand how they would bypass any of the security.” Coleen said shaken with distress. Randeep comforted her with a cuddle, I instantly thought about Brett’s comment about taking this seriously. I was concerned of course but not nearly as shaken as I would be if this happened to my actual house.
“Don’t worry Coleen, we can do a restore, once we send the images to the help desk, you will get your stuff back.”
“I know but it is obviously some kind of plot to get at us.”
“Your right, things haven’t been adding up, the vampires, my emotions, this.” I voiced my thoughts.
“Your emotions?” Rachel asked now she was concerned.
“Did you not just witness it.” Ray answered for me.
“Yeah but what is it Will?”
“I don’t know, it’s like I’m not controlling my avatar, or, someone is controlling me. Maybe it could a small glitch.”
“Or a hacker?” Ray said, almost pleased with himself of thinking of a possible cause.
“No way, Inverse is more tightly sealed than area’s 51 documents. No computer in the world could hack it.” Randeep explained, ruining Ray’s expressed to a now impatient.
I kept typing away at the email to the help desk uploading pictures, before checking th surveillance to upload it.
“Maybe just a small glitch, you should report it Will.” Rachel said now fully wrapping her arms around my shoulders resting her head on the back of mine I was searching through the surveillance. I could feel her hot breath on my neck sending a weird tingling down my spine to the end of my toes. Is this some signal that she likes me? She never does this in real-life? Maybe she’s like me, more confident in this place. I was thinking too much before I realized that I had missed part of the surveillance.
“Shit look at this guys.” Everyone -except for Brett- huddled around me staring at the screen. The house is completely fine till about twenty minutes before we boarded the ship. The screen went black for literally no more than two frames and the house was in it’s state that it is now.
“I don’t know about you, but that looks like a hacker to me.” Rachel said, I gave a grunt in acknowledgment.
“I don’t know how that’s possible though, if someone was hacking it were talking an extremely skilled hacker, or the creator is messing with us.” Randeep expressed, he was shocked by what he was seeing, of all people Randeep could diagnose anything, engineering problems, health problems and especially computer problems, he was even offered a job to work for Inverse help desk, and even he couldn’t diagnose the problem. It sent a bigger worry through me, a worry that well and truly should be there. Maybe I am taking it too seriously.
After a quick restoration the house was back and everyone seemed better from the events of today. I was alone in the kitchen staring out onto the gray beach, catching my eye on Coleen and Randeep. They playfully ran after each other until they ended up fallen onto the sandy floor kissing. I thought about how I wanted that, the intimacy, the closeness, the love. The thought of the word love made me wince, I was never the romantic type, I might even had some strange fear of love. The concept of it seemed too grown up, I couldn’t be doing with love, love is when you grow old and settle down and have kids. Call me cynical, but I never believed that two people my age could be in love. I often convince myself that my lusting over Rachel was nothing more than me being a horny teen-boy who just needed a shag but that was exactly what I was doing wasn’t I, just merely convincing myself of something that’s not true. I did have deep feelings for Rachel, maybe not love, but definitely borderline obsessive. I turned my gaze back onto the couple which then made me grimace and shut the blinds, let’s just say, it was ‘play time’ for Randeep and Coleen.

“Dude, you OK?” Brett came into the kitchen as I was purchasing items for tomorrows battle, his presence hanged onto awkwardness, but I tried to shake it off.
“I’m sorry
 About earlier.”
“No, really I should say sorry. Your not the only one getting random mood swings. Like I told you earlier sometimes things just kind of click, I don’t know how they do or why they do but I get this sense like I just realized something, something big, then I uncontrollably panic.” He took a glass from the side and poured himself a glass of water from the sink.
“I was just about to send a troubleshoot.” I said to him as I put my eyes back onto the screen to do so.
“Don’t bother, you will just get the same bullshit reply I did, ‘Take four days off the game and if symptoms persist see a psychologist.’” Such a generic email, and of course, Inverse Inc. never blame themselves.
“How long have you had this for Brett? Have you tried taking time off?”
“You and I both know it’s not our mental health, and yeah I’ve had this for about a month.” A month! I knew something was up with him, but he should of shared this with us, it’s unlike him not to.
“Why didn’t tell us?”
“Didn’t think it was important.”
I heard the sudden clonking of Rachel’s high heels speeding to a halt at the kitchen door holding... hang on, Brett’s laptop?
“Look what I’ve just found Brett, in fact firstly, have you two cleared things up?”
“Yeah we have.” Brett smiled at Rachel, and she smiled widely back straying a behind a pause, not a short pause either. My heart sank, you’ve got to be kidding me, no, not Brett and Rachel, Brett wasn’t into classy girls.
“So?” I asked getting slightly annoyed.
“Bring up the news Will, on your laptop, have a look at the newest post.”
I turned to my computer, thinking it was kind of trivial and unnecessary, I was half expecting a stupid post on a new shoe line. What I really wanted to find out was what was Rachel doing in Brett’s room, or vice versa. Maybe I’m just wrong or over thinking things, here comes the feeling of rejection anyway.
“What’s going on?” Ray asked as he walked in.
I brought up the news and read the headline.

Moonstar, victim of a mass plot, Forte Power stolen.

The story was Moonstar, one of the strongest leaders of the medieval guilds and a friend of ours, had been attacked by a coalition of guilds in a lower rank than him, obviously planned. I was taken back as to why Moonstar hadn’t figured out earlier. He had obviously lost the battle losing his Forte Power, a characters strongest power, one of the few reasons why you do battle, one of the reasons why most likely the vampires want to battle us.
“Moonstar lost the battle!” Brett reconfirmed what we were reading.
“Moonstar is known for a bit arrogant, he was probably head over heels in himself that he thought he could take them on.” Ray added kind of happy, he was never a fan of Moonstar, major personality clash between them.
“But that’s not the end of it, the person that took his Forte was then killed shortly after, thus having it taken off of him.” She said as if to suggest something, but this happened all the time.
“Rachel, by the sounds of it he got the forte by sheer luck and he is in a much lower rank, he was bound to lose it
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