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replied - nothing. It made me wonder if she was going to turn up today, I kind of hoped she didn’t, I really did not want another thing on my mind to deal with. The number 33 and Brett were more than enough, let alone this Vampire clan. But then again a fight with the best assassinator in Inverse would really help me unwind. My excitement of my birthday died down when I got an IM from my friend back home:

From: Sam Deeley
To: Will Johnson
Wish you were back here mate, Yeah last night I was proper rat-arsed! I sent a card to you, let me know if you get it… I think I did right it.

Notice the word Rat-arsed, british slang for drunk, which I can’t do, well not legally anyway, I’m sure there will be an elaborate plan to get hold some but I knew there was no point in trying. Feeling a little bit homesick I dropped my laptop to the floor and turned on the TV to BBC news. The noise from upstairs started getting louder to the point where I had to turn up the volume, I felt like shouting to Randeep and Coleen to shut up but it felt wrong to interrupt their very, very loud sexy time. I kept my focus on the TV, trying to make out some stories about the growing terrorists in Britain and the reporter sounding too half-assed to talk about a potential all out civil war brewing, these news reports were more than mundane to her. Another bang came so loud it made me jump, but it made me realize it wasn’t coming from upstairs, it was coming from outside. I got up to walk towards the window, where another bang and flash of light made me jump again. I ran from the lounge to the front door, I gathered a ball of blue energy, a death ball, in my hand to prepare. Bursting open the front door expecting some trying to get in, maybe those damn vampires, or maybe whoever it was that trashed our house the other day.

To my surprise I had seen Ray and a young woman, around early twenties perhaps, slim and extremely agile, if she had used her own image, you could imagine her to be a russian gymnastic in the olympics. Ray had his jock stance on the go, broadened shoulders and a deathly look similar to a frustrated toddler. Another powerful boom burst through the silence, as Ray sparked a green death ball from his band. The young woman wearing tight black leather top and trousers - or pants, not quite nowadays what talk to use - she had a twin holster around her waist holding not pistols but long curved knives, oh shit, thats Amy Waddell! What the hell was Ray playing at!

“Ray! Stop!”
They both turned around to look at me, Ray looked stunned but Amy just did this kind of smirky smile, it looked kind of cheesy, but it suited her face well, she definitely fits the assassin look.
“Well, well, your picture on the profile doesn’t do you justice, your quite the looker aren’t you.” She looked deeply into my eyes, and this warm, fuzzy feeling started to fill my body, it felt so good, instantly I craved it, it was like all your problems drifting away, all I wanted to do was just fall asleep on her shoulder and snuggle in her arms.
“Will, why don’t you invite me in, we can talk about that email I sent you.” Her voice, soft, gentle, soothing my ears and any chance of a headache would of disappeared, if I had one.
“Yeah of course you…” That soft, warm and fuzzy had gone. The only thing that’s warm was the molten embarrassment feeling that flashed harshly on my face, you fool Will!
“Amy! You said you had a message but if you’re gonna play stupid games with me you mighty as well leave.” My stance was now similar to Ray’s. I had the death ball thought lingering in the corners of my mind ready to bring it forward and shoot one at her. She maybe fast, but I’m hell of a lot more powerful, maybe I should take that charm power of hers. She glared back with that sexy smirk, her facial muscles fighting back at the corners of her mouth from an outburst of mockery laughter.
“I’m sorry Will, I can’t help myself, not used to this, in-game talking business.”
“What the hell are two talking about? Will? Kill Erin before I do!” Ray shouted.
“Erin?” I looked back at Amy.
“Sorry, was warming up, Ray’s stocky build took my fancy for a bit of training.” She glanced back at him. Ray flinched into attack mode baring his teeth like a wild dog.
“Don’t look so confused Will. Charming power works very well to create any illusion, it’s called using your brain.” I felt a stab of insult but the way she said it didn’t seem to be insulting nor sarcastic, just stating.
“Come on in then Amy.” I welcomed. Before she followed to took another look at Ray, his stance softened like jelly and his eyes caressed Amy’s face. It was strange to be looking on the outside, I’d never seen this power before, Ray looked almost like a new man. A man filled with lust.
“Ray, your lips seem sweet, may I taste them?” Amy’s calm whispering voice seeped in the air like a mid-tempo melody.
I cringed from the weird scene as I watched Ray, move close to Amy and touch her arm like a long-term lover, but there was something very weird about it, like a poorly acted C-movie, Ray’s cheesy rom-com moaning made me cringe, you could tell this wasn’t real. They kissed for at least ten seconds before it occurred to me that Ray would probably want me to interfere.
“Amy, stop that, if you wanted to kiss him you should of just asked him.” Like Ray said earlier, he would cyber sex a pig. Amy pulled back and continued to follow me into the house whilst Ray followed behind, confused.

Most of the guild was here now, apart from Brett. After I got past introduction we went into the lounge, Coleen looked at her eagle eyed, not trusting. Ray was just quiet, staring at her blankly, not sure whether he was trying to repress the urge to pounce at her after the incident outside or he felt so embarrassed by it all - he was choosing to play cool.
“I got asked to do a job by this strange man, I couldn’t see his face, the room was all dark, dimly lit and seedy, not unusual, some people like the theatrics of it, call me old-school but I’m not one for it. What struck me the most was what I was overhearing. A lot of names being thrown about. Your name, Will, followed by this man saying how it wont be long till he has you on his side, that it was only a matter of time.” Possibilities showered through me,
The dragon master?
Dae Fu Lec?
A few more that had grudges with us, with me but surely they would of requested battle?
“It doesn’t end there, where is your other guild member Brett?”
“He’ll be here soon.” Rachel struck coldly before anyone else. She suddenly turned from a normal teenager to a defensive lioness. Eyes like claws penetrating Amy. Amy had a half-smile on her face as her gave flickered up and down Rachel for a moment.
“Brett’s name was mentioned, the man said that he is close to achieving his goal, the guild members wont be expecting it.”
“Bullshit!” Rachel blurted, before anyone could think. Rachel shone an aura of dark violet, the smokiness sent a small shock wave through the lounge toppling over a vase. Her eyes bright violet seemed strange on her smooth matte game-like face. She pounced harshly at her, Amy is fast, but not fast enough to dodge Rachel’s super form. Rachel powered up a punch in milliseconds, the violet smoke collected like a vent to her fist which she thrusted so hard, it sent a more powerful shock wave through the room. I tried to use my telekinesis to paralyze her but she was too fast in this form. Coleen pushed through to Rachel and used her inhalation power, with a swift swooping inhale, the smoky form of Rachel disappeared and transformed itself onto a now smoky yellow glowing Coleen.
“Bitch, give me back my power” Rachel screamed. Amy with fluid action pushed her off elegantly and slid back onto her seat.
“Calm down, Rachel.” Rachel relaxed but only for a moment, she pivot her gaze to Coleen.
“Don’t worry Coleen, I’ll wait till you can’t hold it anymore.”
“You’ll be waiting a long time.” Rachel spat. Her wrath of anger was normally sexy and sassy but this anger was a deeper one that I didn’t like, it wasn’t just angry banter, it was full on, I’m gonna kill ya! Kind of anger.

Randeep and Coleen held Rachel inside whilst I showed Amy out.
“If she crosses my path again she’s going to get it.” Amy muttered under her breath.
We got to outside and the sun was bright and twinkling on the sea.
“Amy, why did you tell me this?”
She took a moments pause before talking.
“Giving my choice of gaming style I come across a lot of plotting, but this seemed strange, there was something eerie about it. Especially with more and more of those strange battles going on, like the one that Moonstar lost. Someone is behind it all, and somehow I think it’s connected to your guild. This isn’t usual Inverse gaming Will. There is something sinister going on, rumors are circulating that Gespo members might be involved, and if I have to be honest, I’m not so sure that those people that I spoke to, weren’t Gespos’”
Gespo is slang term for those who use Inverse illegally, mainly terrorists groups and occultists trying gain following and spreading hate. I have been fortunate to catch one, a cult leader who thought that reptilian aliens were taking over the world, and we needed to appease them with real-life sacrifice. He was trying to seduce a young girl into joining, before I took him down and called the Antibodies.
“There has been more battles?” Ray said.
“Yeah Kratch this time, talks are in that the Pixies are next, their making their way around the big groups. I wont be surprised if your guild is hit soon.” Could the vampires be part of it? I mean it all seems a bit strange, and minors are normally the Gespo’s target, easily manipulated, an developed mind so easily corrupted.
“Why would any Gespos’ be interested in this, seems a bit trivial for them.” I thought aloud.
“I don’t know, but you can see my concern. Especially when your Forte is so desirable.”
“Well. Thanks Amy. Sorry about Rachel.”
“No problem, I’m sure her boyfriend will be alright.” Boyfriend? What? She was just sticking up for a friend wasn’t she? She knows how much of a player Brett is, he wasn’t her type.
“And I’ll see you later Ray.” Amy spoke in that tone again, Ray’s usual tense stature relaxed and she moved closer going to give him a hug.

If you blinked you would of missed it. Ray’s body glowed sky blue and disintegrated into tiny blue orbs, that floated into the sky, leaving only Amy inhaling some of the tiny orbs holding one of her curved daggers
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