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Book online ยซ"After Roswell" by A.H. Roberts (read books for money .TXT) ๐Ÿ“–ยป. Author A.H. Roberts

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you across the bar and thought I introduce myself. My name is Margot". She puts her hand out. Which I take with firm, serious grip. "My name is Lucas McDermont and its nice to meet you". She gets the bartender to order another round of shots. I sense she is getting comfortable talking to me.
After many drinks and conversation. She starts to put her arm around me. It arises a feeling I've never felt before. I do the same, not making her feel awkward. She gets closer and kisses my cheek. She then whispers in my ear for us to leave. "Hey you want to get out of here and go somewhere. Like maybe a place more private". I realize this is a moment of personal connection. Like she wants more than caressing and kissing. So I suggest such a place to her. "We can go to my house. It's not to far from the town, just down the dirt path". She likes the idea. Slowly putting her arm through mine to lead her out of this place. We exit the bar heading toward my vehicle and I feel the effects of the alcohol. My body leans from side to side unable to walk straight. She ask me for my keys knowing I can't drive. "Hey I'll take us back to your place. You seem not in the best shape to drive. Don't drink much do you"? I hand her my keys and try to get in the vehicle. I begin having some trouble getting my body in the seat. A few more times I finally scoot in the passenger side. Heavy eyes as I try to keep myself awake for the ride home. She is drunk, but probably has done this on numerous occassions. While hopping in the driver's seat she begins to have a difficult time putting the keys in the ignition. Soon the woman gets the vehicle started. We drive down the path back to my house for a first time experience. Which I have some idea want it could be. We finally arrive to the house as I slip in and out of the drunken state. I don't know if the alcohol has any effects. A human attraction utters to thought. I can see she is a beautiful women. Not only a visual perspective, but a physical one as well. I think I'm ready for human courtship. The alcohol might be the factor why I'm so comfortable right now? This human body has connected well into my cortex. Devouring me into a translucent state of unawareness. We then enter the house as she has my arm over her neck. With her help, I'm lead upstairs to Hank's room. With a possibility for sexual intercourse.
This will be my first sexual encounter with another species. But felt I've read enough to prepare me for this event. She puts me into the bed, taking my shoes and pants off, exposing my underwear. She starts to take her clothes off as well. We kiss and caress one another to get the mood right. Then I get a human erection. I knew this would happen, wasn't really prepared for how it would feel. Hormones and sweat course through my body as I'm nervous if I will even satisfy this female. She doesn't really care of my experience as she is comfortable doing most of the work. She sits ontop of me putting......well you get the picture from here and the intercourse begins lasting about a hour. It feels great and releases lots of stress. I'm was so caught up in the sexual emotion that I passed out from the euphoria..... and being drunk. She realizes I've passed out and puts her head on my chest falling asleep after time goes by.
Once again the sun shows its face beaming radiance on my eyelids forcing me to wake up. With eyes still adjusting I feel for the female named.........I can't remember and realize she isn't in the bed. I lean over. Barely unable to slip my shoes over my feet. I'm half asleep and awake, trying not to make any effort of a productive day. I've came to the solution that I'll try another type of alcohol that works for me. Can't keep waking up like this. I make lazy approach to the bathroom to take a much needed clease of the body. In hopes that it would make a difference. I sit in the tub for about thirty minutes absorbing the smooth warm water around my body. It releases the toxins inside of me. I get out of the tub to dry myself off and get dressed. Taking a look in the mirror I notice my face needs a shave. But you know want I think I'll let it grow out. I'm heading downstairs to take a look around. No trace of the woman at all. It flashes to me that she has my keys to the vehicle and might have tooken it. I burst outside to find the vehicle still there with the keys in the ignition. I'm mistified if the sexual encounter even happen. Yet I still have memory of it last night. How did the woman get back to town or for that matter her home? I open the vehicle's door grabbing the keys and return back inside. Where she went doesn't matter. I still enjoy the experience and plan on doing it again. Once inside I notice something. A aroma that I've sense before. On the stove with steam rising from the pot I realize its coffee. She must have made some before she left. Hank drank a few cups after a night of drinking. I've heard drinking this stuff gives you a rush of alertness. I take a sip of the coffee feeling the rush. Its stimulates a jolt of energy up my body. Drinking more begins to ease the hangover. I start to feel a little better. Still my head continues to pound from within. After getting motivated I begin the new day trying to find a better way to get out of this entire location. Reading and researching the maps to reach a bigger city. It seems that Roswell is not prime territory for such information I require. Also potential knowledge of real estate has surface infront of me. Hank's property is worth a considerable amount of money. Recent accounts with a individual to the property try to offer Hank cash in hand for the land. But good old Hank refused. If that happens again I might take the offer in behalf of Hank. Thinking he would want me to have the money. Making my way out of the house a vehicle is approaching in the distance. After staring at the vehicle it was the man that came knocking for Hank. I was hungover and didn't anwser the door earlier when the man came yelling for him. He drives up to the house as I back toward the porch. Slight fear keeps me distance from the man. He notices my timid reaction and stops short of the porch.
"Hey fella how you doing? I'm Sanford. Is Hank home. I haven't seen him in the bar for weeks". He puts his hand out to mine for a casual introduction. Having this in mind since the transformation, I reply. " Hank died about a week ago. I'm his son Lucas". I shake his hand as he is trying to remember any topic relating to a son. "I didn't know old Hank had any kids. I know Hank from a times back. We worked in the mine together". I pull my hand away staying posted infront of the house. "I was in the army and just got back a week ago. When I enter his room is when I found him dead in his bed". I memic some kind of emotion. Pretending the belief I'm Hank's son. He continues on with his being here."Well sorry to hear about your father. I was a good friend of his. He didn't have many here in Roswell". He takes out a suitcase containing some documents. "Look your father is sitting on a gold mine out here. This land is good real estate for anybody looking to make some money out of it". He is right about the property. I'll take my time to accept the offer. I don't what to look desperate."I've heard my father mention you but might have to sleep over night on a final decision. A chance to look things over. I don't plan on staying here much longer." This man has a small flare in his eyes. He must have not like my answer. So he hands me the documents. "I understand. I won't take to much of your time. Sure yer got some other business to handle. So here let me give you my number and address to reach me at". He hands me a business card and the documents containing the deal for the land."I'll look these over later tonight and give you call." We shake hands after I take the business card and documents. He enters his vehilce and politely tips his hat." I hope to hear from you soon Lucas. Sorry about your father". He drives back down the dirt road. I return back into the house to look over the documents and make preparations to leave Roswell for good. While looking over the material, this land could provide me the funds necessary to relocate anywhere. At least near a more stable power grid, containing a larger population. Need to observe and encounter more interaction between humans. I will wait several days before calling Mr. Garfield. During that time I'll gather supplies to leave the property and begin a new exploration.

Chapter 5
"The Journey Starts"

A week and some days pass by. I pull the business card out to make the call about selling the property. Below the name on the card there is no company or description of job title. It appears to just have a name, address, and phone number with nothing else of suggestion. I pick up the phone and make the proper connection, hearing a few rings. Soon someone anwsers the other end. "Hello this is Sanford Garfield". I hesitate. Since it's my first time using the primitive communication device. "Yes this is Lucas. Hank's son. We talked earlier about the property". He responds. But for a moment forgot about the prior conversation. "Excuse me Lucas who? Oh yes Hank's boy. Yep I remember. Its been awhile, have you thought about the deal". I look at the paper work again making sure I'm right about the decision. "Yes I think the offering is a fair agreement for the property. Would you be paying in cash. Since thats the only way I accept the offer". With sure attitude over the phone he answers. "Of course. I wouldn't have it any other way. I'll see you in a couple days to finalize the deal". He hangs up the phone before I could respond back. This Sanford Garfield character seems a little shady. He could be organize with a group I rather not encounter. But I'm glad just to be leaving from here. I take a second look to make sure equipment and other belongings are ready for the move. I secure and organize the things that will be coming along with me. I have no reasonable direction or location picked out for the move. This money that I will receive is want I need to get away from this location. Everything else will be a spontatenous decision. Some have mention in a magazine that California is beginning to develop into something big. Certain locations might prosper. One thing is for sure it can't be any worse then Roswell. I don't see much of a future or reputation developing here. Researching the California area reveals that it has the resources that
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