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Read books online ยป Science Fiction ยป "After Roswell" by A.H. Roberts (read books for money .TXT) ๐Ÿ“–

Book online ยซ"After Roswell" by A.H. Roberts (read books for money .TXT) ๐Ÿ“–ยป. Author A.H. Roberts

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the colors these humans enjoy. Such a shame they don't notice these things around them. I shake hands with the indian before departing. Giving him a warrior stance as I head back to my vehicle. I start the engine heading on route to my new location. Still waiting to see more structure beyond what I was around before. Soon the desert begins to show some monuments in the distance. It looks like a city with big buildings towering from the location. I take a path driving up to a sign reading the City of Albuquerque. Once getting closer to the city I view balloons taking off from the ground. I pull up to the fields. The whole area is filled with many onlookers watching the event. Shutting the engine off. I take visual memories of their human endeavors to reach the skies. After a few moments, I start the engine and continue my journey. As I'm driving through into the city. I can't belive how many people are walking around. I can only speculate about the acutal population. Some are talking near the corners. Others are entering and leaving different buildings. As I'm driving observing all these human interactions, my stomach starts to act up. Seems the human body doesn't hold nurishment for that long. So I pull up to a eating establishment. I enter this "diner" and watch as the small gathering forms around the counter. Tables are arranged in rows, with some bathrooms at the far end. I take a seat up front. I immediately, without looking at the selections, I order some eggs and bacon with a side of toasted bread. The person takes the order and summits it to the cook in the back. I turn around. Observing the different people in the diner. The man who took my order taps on my shoulder. "Excuse me. Did you want something to drink?" I put the cup under the pitcher and receive the coffee. I drink it, as I continue watching the other occupants of the diner. This environment is way different from the desert region of Roswell. I turn around to the sound of my plate touching the counter. I eat the meal fast but slow enough to absorb the flavor. Its becoming my favorite human food. With the plate cleared. I leave the diner paying the bill. I head out the door to find a place I can set-up my equipment. Maybe take the chance to explore around the city? I spot a location across the street. I enter this "motel" and approach the desk with a glass window. I ring the bell infront of me. (Ding, Ding) A man comes from the door behind the glass and buttons his shirt."How you doing stranger. What can I get ya?" I answer."One room please. I plan on staying in town for more than a day. Whats the cost"? He points to the board to his right shoulder. "Its ten dollars a night. But for you, thirty for the week". I agreed to the offer and pay the man for the weeks stay. I figure I have more than enough to spend on some valuable research. Lately on the road I was pondering in my mind about the feeling of being with a female human. How the experience was something learned. Some reason not understood. I crave the experience again.
I get my equipment out of the vehicle to bring inside. Might have some luck while I'm here to grab some useful parts. Entering the room. It has a more civilized taste than the living room at Hank's house. Clean beds, with perfect laid out sheets and pillows. They have no wear, meaning my neck might get some support. Set- up infront of the bed is a small stove with cabinets above. It might not be as big as Hank's kitchen but looks cleaner. I set the comm systems up near the corner pointing out the window. I feel this area has the power necessay that can supply the comm systems. With enough strength to transmit any kind of signal. I only have one bit of tranmission to deliver. Which means I have to give brief but detailed information through the transmission. I have ample time to let the comm systems configure itself. So I'll take a visit to the local bar and wonder around the scene. My disguise and character have mixed together well. Making me as human as possible. Now I have to act a little more stupid and not above the normal perspective. I have trouble relating to the fact I'm human. When I communicate with others this makes my intelligence overshadow my appearance. As I walk out of the motel and down the corner. I realize this place not like the Roswell area. Hank's town only consist of farmers and passer-bys. This city has more vibrant atmosphere. As their clothing has a way of bringing them out from the crowd. I enter the bar, squeezing through the door as people start to push out. I take a sit like usual near the entrance I came in. It makes me more comfortable knowing I have a sure way to escape. Then near at the other end of the bar. I see a beautiful red-haired women drinking her beer. At that moment I take the chance to engaged in conversation. I make a move toward the end of the bar to make a pass at her. I'm walking near the end of the bar, having no plan at this time. You have to take a risk just to evaluate your accomplishments or failures. I have to come to grips that not all women will make the first move. For a feel of the experience again. I must hunt for it. I'm against hunting for the sport but seems that women are like prey as well. A man must hunt down the right female or even one that he desires. Now I take my sit near the woman. But not entirely next to her. A little distance will do fine. I order a shot and beer from the bartender. With the motion of a professional. I take the shot. I muster up the strength and make the move. With the beer in my hand I approach her."Hi ya doing. My name is Lucas. I don't think I've ever seen you in here or in this city ". She replies. I'm not from around here. I was just driving through". I continue the conversation. Since she has told me this much. "Well let me buy you a drink". I slide her the glass of beer. She stalls the glass. She grips it, taking the whole beer with one sip. She slides her glass to the bartender. Throwing three dollars on the table. "Leaving early Susan. Thought we could talk and get to know each other". She looks at me for a moment. "Ugh....kind of got things to do. But thank you for the beer". She heads to the door and leaves the bar. I'm still trying to figure out if I did something wrong. Like she was offended by the offering? Looking confused, the bartender leans over and says. "I think the lady wasn't interested in the farmer type". I'm not sure what he meant by that? I forget it even happen and order another beer. I've never had it before. Hank never had any around. Or he probably just finish all the beers before I could discover them? Now I took a shot earlier. But I've decided not to touch the stuff. I take the sip of beer. A taste of something bitter. Yet still refreshing at the same time. Doesn't burn like whiskey. I drink some more. Finishing the glass, having the urge for another. Alcohol content is the same. From what I can taste? But effect hits you in a different way. The beer seems to make you little more social. I'm able to consume a little more of the beer than I was able to drink the liquor. I drink about five mugs of beer, feeling some effect. I take slow stroll, with a little stagger out the bar. Once outside. I store the visual memories of the surrounding area. These buildings are little bigger than the structures from Roswell. This city has been expanding for some time. I watch as this nightlife has a spark to it. If I keep driving from this direction. I truly believe there is something more out there. When taking a circle around the block. I feel tired from the walking around. Probably from drinking the mugs of beer so quickly. I just wanted to get a feel for the new city. But feel its better to get some rest. Soon I approach the motel. I go through the lobby and up to my room. I enter and go straight to research. Performing test and going over my recent data. I usually read a little before going to sleep. I might make some introductions with the locals tommorow? I'm finding some true promise here. There alot power sources nearby. Way more than Hank's place. This city has the an efficient amount of energy to run my equipment at hundred percent. Which makes me glad I pulled off the road. Finally finding something of interest. After my research. I pull a book that I had taken from the shop at the plaza. A story of Abraham Lincoln. What an interesting human this Abe Lincoln must have been? Reading deep into the book. Knowing about a man who stood for freedom and peace throughout. Even further in the detail like of this man I admire this individual. Soon I'm exhausted from the mental stimuli I had sponged into my mind. I fall back into the mattress. Unable to read no longer. I'm feeling the moment of comfort that makes my body absorb the firm bedding. Its like I'm floating on a cloud. My eyes soon become lazy and finally they close.
Last nights researching around gave good indication I'm on the trail to getting rescue. Also drinking the beer at the bar didn't effect my mood when waking up. I was drunk. But my body handled it well. In need for some fresh air I walk to the window. I open it to the sound of the morning crowd. Even in the day they seem to be a active population. Near the window. My check on the comm systems indicate that the power meter is fully charged. But a problem shows up on the screen. The satellite uplink is not working. I take a close up look on the device. Only to find out it has some damage. This will now profuse problems. Since this device is non repairable. Like Hank said before. There is anteni and radio equipment located on this world. Maybe even near this location? Those electronic devices Hank talked about earlier might be useful. If I can locate the source of the broadcasting? Since my way of transmitting a signal is useless to none. Those primitive transmission devices that Hank had in his house. They had to have been receiving the broadcast from another location. Somebody around this city might have something like it. I go downstairs to the lobby. Still tucking in my shirt. I take a look at the far wall. Right on target. Its a bulking radio that I seen back at Hank's place. I go to the device. Completely drawn on the anticipation if its works. A turn of the knob engages the power. I hear some static and tuning sounds as I'm operating the other knob to reach frenquency. Soon voice and song appear through the fuzz over the radio. Honing in on the point of clarity. I'm able to hear the bands instruments and the voice. I've heard of him before. Hank had a record of this very piece of music. Closing my eyes. I remember
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