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Book online «The Ecstasy of Tral-Gothica by Victor Hadnot and Amanda Travis (surface ebook reader .TXT) 📖». Author Victor Hadnot and Amanda Travis

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totally drilled for cum and struck the mother load. And the nice sticky creamy goo was what she was mining for, as she rocked back and forth, on his cock. Kevin by now was moaning so hard and loud, that Stella was almost suce that they were going to get caught. But, to hell with it! If she was going to be discovered, she was going to have something to show for it. All the while that turd was moving ever so slightly out of her butt. She really didn’t notice it at this point. It was the cock that held all of her attention, as the dick rose to the point, that she was sure it was going to blow up. Kevin’s cock was so hard that you could hit a home run with it. Batter up! Stella thought. Her mouth taking in dick like there was going to be a serious shortage on cock on the planet. This dick was hers now, she owned him and he was being naughty. Stella knew that Kevin should have cum by now, he was trying everything he could to defy her. That bastard! I dare you defy my womanly ways! Stella thought. Then it was time. It was in the bottom of the ninth. Three runners on base. Stella was now the designated hitter. Either this man had superhuman strength, and could control his cumming, or he was just one hard nut to crack. But, crack his nut she was determined to do. Then it began to happen, as his cock convulsed, with him trying to delay it. But, Stella has tasted victory. He finally began to cum! Oh, it started out with just a little stream. Maybe a trickle. But, then, he moaned so loud, as his cock gave in to Stella’s womanly ways, as his dick just let all that sticky goo flow. The poor thing was actually crying as his cum flowed with explosive convulsions, inside of Stella’s wanton throat, as she drank it all. Then, she discovered that he was a massive cummer. There was now too much cum firing inside of her throat, she was choking from all the goodness. But, she was determined, and she drank it all. Just then, that naughty old turd flew out of her asshole, and she just began to shit all over the place, as cum went in, and shit came out. She was in ecstasy and so was he.

“A gracious coach, the root of an old oak, whose branches yield it moss and canopy.” William Gilmore Simms

The rain was pouring down fiercely. In the distance the sound of an engine, aerojet engines, as they powered an airskiff which was racing over the jungle canopy of Tral-Gothica. There were all sorts of native animals living below. Alien exotic birds and other sorts of creatures hovered close to the top of the giant canopy. It was really a wonder to behold, the diverse life that was original on the planet, but was now in danger of being wiped out, all so that the super-corps could make a profit. Was The Take Charge Movement so wrong, to want what was best for the planet? Did mankind have the right to go out amongst the stars, and pillage the galaxy? Look what had happened to poor Mother Earth? Once the crown glory of her solar system, rendered poison and polluted. So much so, that Mars actually looked better, with its on going colonization over the last century or so.
The airskiff finally landed at a facility, deep within the jungle. The hatch opened and out walked Stella in full uniform, she had recovered from her injuries nicely and on her shoulder, she bore the rank of captain now. She had been promoted, because from her superior’s point of view, her bravery and obvious cunning, managed to kill the so called terrorist, poor Aunt Jenny and her group, and save a whole bunch of civilians, which the government could exploit, to their advantage. In short, they thought that Stella’s quick thinking, gave them the propaganda they needed. Touting Stella as a hero, so they could say that the paramilitary, one of their young officers, risked her life to save a group of hostages. They made a big deal of it and gave her a promotion. Now Stella was being courted by a sector of the government paramilitary called Rule 37. As she entered the facility she was met by a tall good looking man named Ewin.
“Welcome. It is a pleasure to have such a famous patriot visit our humble facility.” Ewin said.
It was an understatement. The Rule 37 facility was the biggest on the planet. It was a processing facility which turned out product better than the other facilities of its kind. “I came to get a first hand inspection of what goes on here. These are my orders.” And with that she transferred her orders to the right person.
They then began the long walk down a maze of corridors. Littered about them, was all sorts of machinery and advanced technology. “You are free to inspect any area of the complex.” Ewin told her.
“What is the primary purpose of this facility, Ewin?” Stella started off.
The man glanced over at her. “We slaughter the intelligent natives of Tral-Gothica. Process their flesh for consumption, and ship it off to various planets. There meat is considered a delicacy. It is actually quite good. Tonight, in honor of your visit. Because we really don’t get many visitors at all, specially of your caliber and fame, amongst the Pro-Tolerate, so we’ve prepared a special feast of all the best parts of the natives. Their flesh taste specially good. Best meat in this sector of the galaxy.” The man had a proud expression on his face.
So, this was why Aunt Jenny was fighting and this is why she was killed? She must have known all along, that the super-corps, brought the colonist to Tral-Gothica, not just to mine and pillage the planet, but to enslave it’s indigenous intelligent population, and to add insult to injury, slaughter them like life stock, and cut them up into pieces, then sell them to other worlds, as meat product. The thought almost made her throw up right then and there, but, she kept it together. Stella was determined to finish what her Aunt Jenny started with her, to somehow, draw attention to the horror and crimes against sentient beings. It was like crimes against humanity. There were no Statutes of Limitations on such crimes. And then, the obvious genocide that was taking place on the planet. Stella couldn’t believe what they were so willfully showing her. The pride that she saw on everyone’s face, like a work well done.
Stella finally said. “You must be making billions.”
Ewin smiled. “Try trillions. The government, super-corps, found this planet about a century ago. While it has lots of natural resources. The most lucrative resources are the indigenous population. They breed very quickly. Grow rapidly, and their flesh is some of the finest tasting. On some planets, their bones are considered an aphrodisiac. So, you can see the gross value of our colonization. With what we have set up, we can go on forever, breeding, corralling, slaughtering and selling. The processing of meat is the big business on Tra’Gothica.”
Stella couldn’t help herself. “What of the moral issues? The Natives of Tral-Gothica are intelligent. Some might even say advanced?”
“Ah. But not as advanced as the super-corps, who have colonies all over the galaxy. They have managed and acquire technology, one way or the other, from every planet that they have colonized.” Ewin expressed.
“You mean, they have gone to war and stolen what they could.” Stella spoke out, perhaps unwisely, because it made some of the officials with her uncomfortable. But, what could they do, she was the golden girl? And Stella intended to used her new fame and power, to her advantage.
They went into another area of the facility, and it was even more heavily guarded by paramilitary infantry drones. She glanced up and spotted a few Snoops passing by. This was an all out top secret facility. Perhaps, the government didn’t want the civilian public getting wind of what they were really doing here, on Tral-Gothica? After all, the greater majority of the population were good moral people, no matter what they believed in, they surely wouldn’t put up with this. It was immoral, by anybody’s standards. All, but the military.
Stella headed off tour, towards a different area. “What is this section?”
Robotic guards quickly overtook her. Ewin caught up. “Sorry, Captain. This area is restricted.”
What in the hell could they be doing that was more horrible than killing and eating sentient beings? It was as if the super-corps were killing and eating people, humans. It would not be tolerated. “I have top security clearance. I’m with Tral-Gothica Intelligence. You already have my orders.”
They all looked nervously at one another. Finally Ewin said, “I’m sorry, Captain. I have my orders, too.”
Stella didn’t want to push it. She turned about, taking one last glance at the sealed area. Whatever the hell was going on in that section, was far worse than what they were willing to admit to her, which was an abomination and an affront to everything moral and ethical and sane. If the general public ever found out about this facility and what the super-corps were really doing here on Tral-Gothica, there would be an all out revolution. Stella said, “Ah, there is so much that I need to see and inspect. I suppose I should be glad that I don’t have to inspect that.”
And with that, they all laughed, the tension quickly dropping back to the level of excitement, in having a celebrity visiting their humble facility. “We are just glad to have you here. Make sure to tell Headquarters that we were very accommodating, please Captain.” Ewin spoke.
Stella nodded. “Oh. I am very impressed!”
In hearing that, everyone relaxed and showed her all sorts of top secret things. Machines and inventions and all sorts of apparatus. Finally, Stella was shown to her quarters, where she settled in. At the dinner, there were all sorts of people roaming about. Mostly all military, dressed in dress uniform. It was like they rarely got a chance to unwind and celebrate anything, so they all were very happy to get out and just party, to the best that they could, within the limitations of military protocol. Stella appeared at the event, which was in her honor, wearing a dress white uniform. She looked very beautiful and professional, all at the same time. As the events unfold, something unexpected happened. She was approached by a civilian attendee.
“My name is Finch. I’m a lab scientist here at Rule 37.” The man was young and good looking.
Stella noticed that he seemed a little apprehensive. “Nice to meet you, Mr. Finch.”
“It is Dr. Finch. And I work in the area that they wouldn’t allow you to see.” he whispered.
Stella didn’t react at all, she had been well trained, and tested under real civilian combat. “Now that is very interesting.” Stella laughed, as if the man had told her something funny. Overhead, Stella noticed a Snoop taking an interest in them. “So, Dr. Finch. Would you like to dance?”
The young man was obviously not an operative. He seemed confused by Stella’s performance. But, decided to go along with it. “Yes. Yes, I’d love to dance. I don’t get much chance to dance with a woman as pretty as you are, Captain.”
Stella smiled. “Well now. Don’t you have a silver tongue.”
And with that, they began to take to the dance floor. They didn’t say anything about the top secret area at Rule 37. Stella kept an
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