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Book online «The Ecstasy of Tral-Gothica by Victor Hadnot and Amanda Travis (surface ebook reader .TXT) 📖». Author Victor Hadnot and Amanda Travis

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Copyright © 2012
Victor Hadnot and Amanda Travis
“She dances the dance of ages, that sensuous witch of Valgra, to which the dance enthralls.” The Burning Tales

1. The Cottage on the Glen
2. The Hand that Feeds
3. Divide and Conquer
4. The Witch’s Way
5. Seek Those Things
6. The Red Skies
7. For Love of Profit
8. The Natives of Tral-Gothica
9. With Spells and Bells
10. The Dandelions of Tral-Gothica
11. Epilog


I’m sorry babe for the long wait
The things we do to make it all work
You sink into me and I feel your life
Take my pussy and I give you my show
I’m ok with that my babe
Just do it slow so I can feel it all
You take my asshole and I feel the pain
I let you because you say you need it
I feel it as it grows
But I'm ok with that too because I love you
And I want you to love me back
I kiss your head and it enters my mouth
I feel your throb as I love you
Babe I can enjoy you even with that
But my dear I just can't swallow

“Deep in the brightness of thy skies.” William Cullen Bryant

It was a transitional time for Stella as she leaned over a large wooden bucket, washing some of her things. A few of her rather finer items of clothing, might not be deemed that way, but, to her, they were the very nicest that she had. Her long orange-red hair tied back, and the sleeves of her blouse pulled back, she scrubbed away. It was a warm day, unusual for that time of year, a trickle of sweat crossed her perfectly formed rectangular face, while her bright green eyes glanced up as a distant craft crossed the slightly clouded skies. She stopped from what she was doing for a second, realizing that it had been quite some time since she had seen a spacecraft racing across the sky. Long time ago, when colonization was beginning, it wasn’t unusual to see all sorts of manner of craft, darting about, busy going about their business. After awhile, as people settled in and the work began in earnest, there was less and less of travelers coming from the sky.
Stella straightened up, her back hurt just a bit from all that bending over the laundry. She was tall and well proportioned. The dress she worn might have been mistaken for rags in some other context, but for her, it was comfortable and durable, and that was the key to it all. On Tral-Gothica, that which worked is that which is kept. The old folks used to utter to the youngsters. It was strange, growing up on a planet that was a hundred light years from Earth, in a newly discovered solar system that had not one but three planets that could support human life. Tral-Gothica happened to be the one that held the most promise. The planet was slightly larger than Earth, but it’s core was less dense, which made for the gravity being similar to Earth. It took six months for the planet to orbit around it’s primary star, a secondary star was far enough from them to appear at night as only a sparkle in the sky. The planet enjoyed three moons, which were named the Three Sisters. She took her clothes on to the clothes line and hung them. When she finished she went on into the cabin where supper was cooking slowly and her aged father and mother sat listening to the colony news of the day.
Stella stopped at the entrance to the kitchen, they looked so cute, sitting there, each one telling the other one what seemed important in relation to the day’s news. Colonization on Tral-Gothica hadn’t been easy on either one. They came with the first group, before any transdoors had been built. The first colonist as they were considered were in many ways revered and held in esteem, because without their hard work and perseverance, there wouldn’t be any colony. Stella went on into the kitchen where an old broken down robot named Patty was busy fixing supper.
“Stella, are you still planning to attend that town meeting this week?” The robot asked her, but was also reminding her.
Stella nodded as she grabbed a bowl and began to assist the robot. “Yeah. I think I will. Thanks.” Domestic robots were indispensable appliances on Tral-Gothica. Colonization could not have taken place as it did, without them. While humans did work very hard, specially in those early years, when it all began, decades later, it was safe to say that mankind had a foothold on the planet. And it had a great deal to do with the fact that robots could work around the clock, if called upon to do so, and they were, in those early days.
Tral-Gothica’s orbit around the primary sun took six months and there were about six days in a week and six weeks in a month. The planet was the sixth planet from the sun, with two more orbiting that could maintain human life. Mining was the primary source of income for most settlers. The super-corps which they were called, the businesses that financed ninety percent of the space exploration, seeking ever greater gain and profits, only sent people that were willing to make the planet their permanent home. They needed a civilization to carry out their strategic plans. While the government regulated all extraterrestrial colonization, it was up to those super-corps to implement the actual colonization. Population on the planet started out not being watched that closely, in the beginning, as can be imagined, the goal being to colonize the habitable areas of the planet. There were all sorts of obstacles to overcome, not withstanding, on Tral-Gothica, the planet was basically free from disease. Mankind brought with him a whole host of biologically un-welcomed guest, even with close inoculations, humans were a very dirty species. In the virgin environment of Tral-Gothica, some bacteria and virus’ flourished, mutating in the alien ecosystem. The new settlers had to overcome all that as well as weather that they were not used to. The tilt of Tral-Gothica was less than that of the Earth, which meant that while there were seasons, they were not as severe, however, weather isn’t just caused by the tilt of the planet’s axial rotation. Atmospheric composition, the electro-magnetic fields of the planet, along with a host of other factors, both subtle and large, all contributed to the planet’s character, as Stella’s parents liked to call it.
After dinner, Stella decided to take a long bath. She laid out a fresh clean robe for bedtime. There was one poorly lit lamp in her room, as she went about her pre-bath routine, she undressed in front of a large vanity mirror. Letting her dress drop to the ground revealed an ivory skinned young woman, very beautiful. She let all of her orange-red hair down, as some of it draped across her voluptuous breasts. As she moved about, they seemed to dance with each other, their movements complimenting one another. She got out of her undergarment, revealing her hourglass waist, firm tummy and well rounded hips. As she turned, her nipples were perked up, as she inspected her butt and thighs. Years of hard work had rendered Stella in excellent shape. Her buttocks was tight and firm, rising above her long thighs, which led to her well formed calves. She put on her robe and took her bath kit into the bathroom, where Patty had already ran her water. She proceed to set her things out and took another look at herself in a smaller mirror in the bathroom. Stella held her stomach for a moment then pulled out an enema kit. She’d had been feeling slightly constipated over the last few days and decided that while she was taking her bath, she’d enjoy a nice anal cleansing. This was something that she did, maybe once or twice a week. Some times out of necessity, and sometimes out of pleasure. She filled the bulb with warm soapy water, connected the bulb to the six inch shaft, then lifted one of her legs onto the edge of the tub and began to insert the enema into her tight pink asshole. The lubricant allowed for it to slide into her butt smoothly. She liked the feeling as each inch made its way into her ass. Her big boobs dangled as she adjusted herself, sliding every inch of the enema syringe into her body. Once inside of her, she squeezed the bulb, releasing the warm soapy mixture into her ass, it felt so wonderful. Stella liked a good anal cleansing from time to time. It was her private time, to just relax from a hard day’s work. She could hold four of them in her lovely curved butt, but tonight, she only repeated the ritual twice. After cleaning everything and putting it away, she gracefully got into the tub of warm water and began to soak, holding the essence of her enema as her butt cheeks contracted. She settled in and closed her eyes. Her insides feeling the sensations of the enema as she enjoyed each and every sensation. Finally it was time for her to get out and she immediately went to the toilet and sat down on it. She waited for it, contracting her butt hole and then relaxing it. Finally a flood of shit came flying out of her body. Oh, that was the feeling that she liked, She loved taking a shit, specially, it was her quiet time, when she could just think, her insides being loved and cleaned, the sensations of her bowels passing out of her with such force. Oh, oh, she just loved the feel. So nice. The shit...
After having a nice bath and a sensual bowel movement, she gathered her things, put on her robe and proceeded to her room. She passed her mother headed for her parent’s bedroom.
“Night, mom.” Stella whispered.
“Night, dear. You have sweet dreams.” Her mother told her as she entered into her bedroom where her father was already inside awaiting. Even at their age, they both had a happy and healthy sex life.
Stella passed by Patty. “You are all finished bathing, Stella?”
“Yes, Patty. Please take care of everything in there.”
“Did you enjoy you bath?” The robot enquired.
Stella had a crooked smile on her face. “Oh, yes. Yes, it was just what I needed to unwind.”
At that, the robot proceeded towards the direction of the bathroom. Stella went into her bedroom and de-robed for bed. Once in bed she turned on some quiet and soft music and began to roll herself some homegrown that she had gotten from a neighbor, the next farm down. Simon and Stella had grown up together. Their parents, like most of the people, were friends, having to depend on one another during the trying times. Life could be hard in a new settlement and people had to know how to work together in order to survive. She finished rolling the joint and then began to smoke it, taking small puffs, resting back in her bed. Then, the call-all sounded and she sat up, placed the device on her bed and a holographic image of Simon engaged.
“Hi.” Stella uttered.
Simon seemed to be somewhere where there was lots of talking and laughter and music and drinking, going on in the background. “Oh, did I wake you?”
She shook her head and smiled. “No, babe. I just

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