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Book online «The Lexal Affair by DM Arnold (grave mercy TXT) 📖». Author DM Arnold

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a musical group from the local intermediate school here for a performance. Please follow me.”

Nyk followed Daya and Andra into a viewing box overlooking an auditorium. Mykko and Janna were seated. Janna leaned against her husband and they held hands. Nyk motioned Andra to take a seat beside Janna. Daya stood at the rear of the box. Below them the first three rows of seats were filled.

A line of children appeared on stage. Nyk estimated their ages were between twelve and fifteen Floran years. They were dressed in uniforms of yellow and white. Nyk leaned back and pressed his palm against Andra's. She laced fingers with his and leaned against him as the children presented a program of acapella songs.

“Those children were adorable,” Andra said as Nyk, Janna and she walked in the palace courtyard. A crescent hung in the western sky, illuminating the courtyard with orange moonlight. A flock of flying creatures darkened the moon momentarily.

“Thank you,” replied Janna. “We contribute to their school, and this was their way of thanking us.”

“What a brilliant moon,” Nyk said, “-- easily five times the size of Earth's. It must be as bright as midday when it's full.”

“That's Lexal Prime -- our sister world. It's an inhospitable place, with a crushing atmosphere and surface temperatures exceeding five hundred Celsius.”

“It's like Venus,” Nyk remarked. “Isn't it odd two planets could share the same orbit and yield such different environments?”

“It's the thick atmosphere that's to blame.” A searchlight from a watchtower swept onto them. The light paused for a moment, illuminating them -- then moved on. The three sat on a garden bench at the center of the courtyard near a fountain.

Nyk scanned the outer wall and regarded the sentries with their long arms. “Do you always have so many guards?”

“They're on special alert tonight. It's a precaution. Vellod has delivered another of his threats. Mykko and I don't take them too seriously, but our guard commander would rather play it safe.”

One of the flying creatures landed to slake at the fountain. The creature looked like a lizard, but with two pairs of wings and a single pair of limbs. It folded its wings and stood on the edge of the fountain, then bent over to drink. Janna pointed to the creature. “That's a flulaxera,” she whispered. “This species feeds on the mizhajen. They're very shy -- it's unusual to see one this close. They feed at night and sleep by day. It's quite a sight to watch them fly; the hind wings provide lift and maneuvering, the front wings supply power.”

The animal turned and looked at them. Nyk could see its face in the moonlight. “Do they have four eyes?” he asked.

“No,” Janna replied. “The lower structures are light-emitting organs, complete with focusing lenses.”

“A creature with headlamps!”

“On a moonless night one may see them, flitting above the lake, searching for their prey with those headlamps.” The animal spread its wings and leapt into the air.

“Janna, are you happy?” Nyk asked. She looked at him, her mouth open, for a long moment. “Are you leading the kind of life you anticipated when you enrolled at Vebinad Academy?”

“Happiness has nothing to do with it,” she replied. “I'm doing my duty.”

“Unu Deva Feti,” Nyk interjected.

Janna nodded. “Unu Deva Feti. No one enrolls at Vebinad, or any other finishing school for that matter, in order to seek happiness. I'm a figure to the people of this colony, I'm their princess. I didn't ask for that honor. They bestowed it upon me. To answer your question directly, I'm very happy to be the wife of Mykko Wygann. He's a good man, a good leader, and a loving husband. And I delight in Mykkoin. I do wish my duties left me more time to enjoy my family.”

“I'm surprised you have the time to spend with us,” Nyk replied.

“I'm more than happy to make time for Andra and her friends. I do appreciate your help, Nykkyo. Friends and their assistance often arrive at surprising times. We should retire indoors as the air is becoming damp, and the dampness will bring the mizhajen -- the little biting pests. You must be tired, Nykkyo -- the time change is always wearing on one.”

They walked toward and into the palace. Daya, carrying a portable vidisplay, ran up to Janna. “Princess, for you. Chancellor thought you should see this.”

Janna took the display and read it, then handed it back to Daya. “Our security forces have detained Rud Vadima. He was found attending a meeting of Zygon Vellod's forces. Our intelligence chief is supervising his interrogation right now. The result may explain where those Earth weapons have gone. I'll order a summary and we'll review it in the morning.”

7 -- The Double

Nyk slipped from his clothes, turned down the bedcovers and slid in. He switched off the room lights, laced his fingers behind his head and closed his eyes. Light from the searchlight seeped around the blinds on his window. He heard klaxons in the distance and the muffled sounds of troops speaking on communications devices.

The doorchime sounded. “Yes?”

“May I come in?” He recognized Andra's voice.

Nyk switched on the room lights. “Certainly.”

The door slid open and she walked in. “May I sleep with you?”

“Certainly.” He turned back the covers. Andra slipped from her robe and slid in beside him.

He put his arm around her. She kissed his cheek. “This feels good, Nykkyo. I miss you holding me.” Nyk stroked her fine, light hair. “Would you be cross with me if I told you I wasn't in the mood?”

“I'm not in the mood, either. It does feel good to hold you. It reminds me of our days together in Sudal. I cherish those days.”

“So do I.” She reached a slender arm across and pulled herself tighter against him.

“This world is so Earth-like,” he said. “It's cold here. I'm glad there are covers on the bed. I'd be uncomfortable, otherwise... I've enjoyed getting to know Janna. You two are more than twins in appearance. Her persona is almost a duplicate of yours...”

“I was very fortunate having her as my classmate.”

“ least, once she dropped her imperial veil ... after I bonded with her.”

“You bonded with Janna?”

“Yes, though I'll confess to manipulating her a bit in order to do so.”

“That you could manipulate her at all is no mean feat,” Andra remarked. “How did you?”

“I used our mutual love for you.”

Andra nodded. “You found an emotional chink in her armor. We were taught that emotions are the most vulnerable human trait. Impressive, Nyk ... very impressive.”

“It makes me wonder what other sorts of things you were taught at your finishing school.”

“Well... The core curriculum is similar to some of the boarding schools run by Central Admin -- the usual liberal arts program ... literature, history, math, science. In addition were three other areas called mensastuden...”

“Mental studies...” Nyk repeated.

“...korpastuden and praktikstuden.”

“The physical and the practical. What did you learn in these?”

“Praktikstuden taught us etiquette and protocol ... and, politics.”

“The tools of statecraft.”

“Yes, but also logic, deduction and analysis. korpastuden trained our bodies. There's a significant mental aspect to korpastuden, though. The muscles must be trained, but the mind controls the body and it must be trained, too.”

“It must be like yoga,” Nyk observed.

Andra shifted to cuddle closer to him. “Yoga? I don't know that word.”

“It's an Earth term for developing mental discipline through ritual exercise.”

“Yes, like that.”

“The discipline and muscle control must be what enabled you to learn so easily to shoot a firearm.”

“Probably,” she replied. “Janna was quick to master it also. The sex training was part of korpastuden. I hated that part of it. It was only tolerable because I could partner with Janna.”

“You two share a love as strong as if you were blood twins.”

“Stronger, in fact,” Andra replied. “We could trust each other with our bodies ... implicitly. I'm so happy we could renew our friendship.”

“What about the other one ... the mensastuden?” Nyk asked. “Your ability to selectively turn a blind eye toward your master's activity must be part of those studies.”

“Part of it, yes.”

“What else do they teach you?”

“I can't talk about that.”

“Bad memories?”

“Hardly. I just can't talk about it.”

“Why not?”

“I'm bound by an inviolable oath. I shouldn't be admitting such even exists. The mensastuden are Vebinad's most guarded secrets, and they're what make us in demand as ax'amfinen. It's not that I don't trust you, Nyk. I can't talk about it. Please trust ME and don't press me on this.”

“I ... I won't.” He kissed her hair and regarded her.

“What's that look for?” she asked.

“I'm enriched by your friendship, Andra...”

“As I am from yours.”

“... but, I realized that no matter how well I know you, there'll be something mysterious about you.” He stroked her shoulder. “Tell me, what does your ax'amfinen training tell you about the situation here?”

“It's all beginning to make sense to me,” she replied.

“What makes sense?”

“What Zander was up to -- the whole weapons plot -- it's beginning to make sense. Zander was helping Zygon Vellod's plan to seize the colony. Vellod has constructed an image for himself as a disgruntled crackpot, with a small but vocal following. I think he's more dangerous -- much more dangerous. He must be getting help from the outside.”

“We know Zander arranged for some operatives to have paramilitary training on Earth. Vadima was among those ... You're right -- our people are so unprepared for combat. Wygann might have guns and his guards might know how to shoot, but I'm sure they have no idea what to expect in an assault. I have no idea what to expect. I'd rather not experience it.”

“Nykkyo, I'm frightened. I know Janna's frightened, too. She's trying not to show it, but I can tell. I've heard rumors about Vellod's latest threats. It's become personal. He's vowed to target Janna and Mykkoin -- in order to hurt Wygann. For the past ten days Janna's been afraid to leave the palace. Mykkoin's an innocent little boy.”

“All the more reason for us to be on that morning packet and on our way back to Floran.” Nyk extinguished the lights. “Veska told me Janna's the real power behind Wygann -- she's the one who convinced him to suspend elections and declare himself chancellor- for-life.”

“I don't believe it for an instant. It sounds like typical anti- ax'amfin resentment. Many people believe us to be power-hungry witches. You see how much alike she and I are. Could you see me doing something like that?”

“Of course not. You're right, it sounds like something I'd have believed before I knew you as a real person. And, Wygann hardly appears to be the ranting, foaming-at-the-mouth megalomaniac some make him out to be.”

“THAT sounds like Altian and Deltan propaganda to me,” she replied. “Wygann named himself chancellor because it's what the people wanted. He's a beloved leader, and Janna's their princess. They call her that out of love for her.” She stroked his face. “Mykko has been very good for this colony. He's raised the standard of living and there's a waiting list to immigrate here. It's a real success story.” She clutched him. “Listen ... the guard's been put on full alert. Vellod's sure to know Vadima's been caught, and he's likely to assume, interrogated.”

“And, he's likely to assume Wygann assumes he'll try something out of desperation. If there's to be an attack, it'll be when Wygann's guard is down, not when he's on full alert.”

“I have a bad feeling, Nyk. I think something's going to happen, and soon.”

“Let's try to get some sleep. We must be up early to catch that packet. Nyk kissed her forehead. “Good night, my kindred spirit and friend-for-life.”

Nyk escorted Andra to the dining room and helped himself to a breakfast buffet. Daya entered. “Princess will join you shortly.” She looked over the buffet table. “I'll have them bring some more tea.”

Light from the Lexalese blue sun streamed into the dining room. “That sunlight's so harsh, but this place is so cold,” Nyk said. “It is a beautiful world, though. I think I could grow to love it. Have you spent time on any other of the colonies?”

“No,” Andra replied. “I would like to spend some time

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