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done it though. The boy had to be a genius, just had to be. Not just anybody could do so much in such a short period of time.
As the neared the shipyard, they heard the report of a gunshot. And that was no pistol they heard, it was big. Instinctively Seth broke into a run and Tio followed with his new gun bouncing up and down in his pocket.

* * *

Somie was getting tired of inhaling all the dust that was being kicked up. Not to mention it was almost unbearably loud in there. He needed a breather. As he emerged first thing he did was yawn. It had been a long day. And a lot of banging. Orwen was not gentle with those metal grates. He just took them and dropped them else where. He had asked him to be a little gentler and to shy away from so much noise but the man just wouldn't listen. He walked about for hundred feet and turned the corner. He could see Orwens office in the distance.
Cracking his knuckles, he noticed the spark erupt from his hand and grinned in spite of himself. Having fun he just extended his arm and watched it explode with electricity. He swung his arm again and again just watching the lightning crackle and grab wildly for the metal around him. This was just one of the benefits of not taking his medicine.
Something caught his ears and as soon as he heard it he also felt it. A deep hot fire drove itself into him. He jumped for cover and fell to one knee and grabbing his right leg. It was coming from near Orwens house, probably the roof. He peeked his head around the wreckage he was using as cover and heard another shot, and another, and another and another. It was silent momentarily and then heard a louder shot than before and saw a round chunk of the wreckage just above his head explode. A sniper obviously, but why? He was be a sitting duck like this.
If the bullets had been able to blow the steel apart like that, then he could only imagine what it would do if it actually hit him directly. He saw himself getting up and making a run for it only to get blown apart like a balloon getting stabbed by a pin. But didn't really have much of a choice.
Another shot exploded inches from him. Gotta think of something, anything!
Psylix heard the first shot and leaped over the railing back down to the first floor and ran out the door. Moumoru, Zeke and Orwen followed. Sarah was busy having a nap. Psylix ran outside and heard five more shots and started to run toward the noise. But before he got to far, he heard Moumoru tell him to duck. Doing it without question, he heard Moumoru fire his new twin guns twice.
Looking up he saw Haschel laying in front of him on the ground. "Nice shot."
"You think that's all it'll take huh?" It was Haschel. Even as he laid there with two holes punched in his chest, he seemed fine. As if to confirm this, he stood up. "I'm better than that." The veins on his arms suddenly stood out and exploded with his back.
Now that the skin on his back melted off they saw the wires crackling with power ran up his spine. "Oh, yes.This is going to be fun." The rest of his skin melted off leaving just his muscles and his hair. Blue tubes ran from his heart into the back of his head, and there seemed to be gaps were there should be certain organs.
"What that fuck is wrong with you?" Moumoru managed to ask with disgust. He was ready to throw up. It wasn't just the appearance of the skinned man before him, it was the smell. Like a pungent ethyl.
"Psylix." Orwen put his hand on his shoulder as if to comfort but it shook with terror, thus it lost its meaning. "Who is that?"
"Haschel." He glared at the screaming body before him and yanked the box off his side and broke the strap. He found the button and held it an arms length away. The sides extended into sharp points. "Just kill him. Don't ask questions, there won't be any time.."
"Right. But how do you kill something like that?" How do you kill anything? He felt it wasn't really necessary to ask. He doubted they knew either. "Just rip it to apart I suppose."
"Moumoru, you ready?" Psylix watched as it grew another arm.
"As I'll ever be."
"Zeke? What about you?" He was holding a metal rod that he yanked off the ground.
"So we just attack all at once right?"
"Close enough! Haschel! You traitorous bastard!" He yelled and Leaped into the air as Moumoru shot. Zeke charged and found himself tumbling heads over heels through the air. Psylix managed to stab Haschel in the shoulder and tear off an arm before he was also grabbed and flung at Moumoru.
Orwen got in low with an uppercut of metal knocking the thing on its back as it spurted blood. Not wasting anytime he aimed for the head this time and found it. But before he could strike, it grabbed him and chucked him back against the ship.
Psylix stumbled to his feet and yanked the spear out of it's amputated arm and used it to pole vault into its chest with a scissor kick. Again it grabbed him and this time it just held him with its massive bloody hand.
Zeke was regaining consciousness when he saw Moumoru jumping out of the way each time the thing tried to bash him. Its gray hair dangled in clumps on its head. It had an expression that resembled glee on its (human?) face.
"I always hated you, ya know that?"
"Yeah, I kind of figured."
"But you know what's even better?" It laughed as he ducked out of the way again, "It's how your other friends are also going to die! You damn coin tossing bastard!" This time he hit Moumoru hard. Moumoru was flung ten feet threw the air and landed on his back rolling over until friction managed to stop him. Haschel charged for Moumoru and was lifting its foot to stomp him to death.

Zeke chucked the rod as hard as he could and managed to hit it dead between the eyes. In both pain and surprise It dropped Psylix, grabbed its head, and gave Moumoru barely enough time to crawl out from under its foot. He saw Psylix' spear laying off to the side, he picked it up and ran it through Haschels back. The demons blood shot out both ends in spurts as it screamed in pain. His voice seemed to have morphed into a mix of his and something else reverberating within it..
Zeke felt a horrble sense of vertigo as Haschel picked him up easily and tossed him through the air like a ragdoll into the rusted ships. They collapsed into disarray on top of him.
Haschel knew that was two down and just two more to go. But where was Psylix hiding? He saw Orwen lying there, not moving, and Moumoru was definitely out of commission for a while but where was Psylix hiding?
Psylix flipped unseen off the top of a stack of ship parts and sent his tail into Haschel's head and hoped it hurt. It exploded into a fine spray of blood and pink chunks of brain. The headless body fell to its knees and slumped over. "You bastard." He didn't mean to say it, but he did mean it. "Best think twice about trying to kill us next time." He grabbed the imbedded spear and kicked Haschel off of it. He slid off with a moist crunch. "Moumoru, you ok?" Before he got his answer the ground shook and the second loudest explosion he ever heard went off.

* * *

As they approached the shipyard Tio could see a big man laying on Orwens roof aiming at something with a gun as big as he was. Seth saw him too and opened fire with a sub machine gun that he had hidden in his jacket. The shots harmlessly imbedded themselves just feet from the man on the roof.
"Seth, watch out!" Another man that seemed inhumanly strong had jumped off some other roof near by. Which one? He didn't care.
The man landed next to Seth and backhanded him into the ground. Seth took a second to get up, that second was all that the man needed to grab Tio's throat and squeeze.
"We just want the boy!" Tio kicked him a few times in the gut, the man just brushed it off effortlessly. "You probably would like to know the name of your killer, it's the least I can do after all." He grinned sadistically and squeezed harder. Tio felt himself start to get light headed. "It's Zilar." Tio saw Seth bring the but of the gun down on Zilar's head.
After feeling Zilar's grip lessen he wormed his way out of the mans hand. The man fell to one knee rubbing his head. "Ow." Zilar's left arm melted into a knife and his right arm bubbled down to what looked like an arm cannon. "Guess I'll just kill you both now."
Tio ran down an alley to his left and Seth stayed where he was. "Gonna have to go through me first!" Seth screamed at him while pulling another clip of ammo out of his jacket. He discharged the spent cartridge and slammed the good one in.
Seth heard another gunshot from the sniper, he would have to work fast. The others where clearly in danger and he was clearly the most experienced of them, at dealing with these sorts of situations. Tio had fled in fear to that left him to deal with this killer. He could of at least left the good gun behind, Seth thought to himself as he pulled a concealed knife out of his boot.
"Lets get this started then." Seth said grinning.
Tio knew it looked like he was running away, but he had a plan, He just needed a way into the building next to him. He heard Seth yell behind him as they stared fighting. He would have to hurry. Seth was past his prime and he had no clue just how long and man of his age could hold out against something like that..
"That thing." He turned the corner and almost slipped. He saw what he was looking for, kicked the door down and bolted inside.
Before Seth could even move Zilar vanished. This threw Seth into a kind of panic. He was there just a second ago, and now he's not. A sound, behind him. Ducking he felt

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