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the wind from Zilar's blade as it narrowly missed him. Then he jumped avoiding the small shotgun sized explosion aimed at him.
Landing on his face he tried to get up and found that his right leg was stuck in a drainage pipe. Zilar picked Seth up by the neck Seth felt his leg break as it slid out of the pipe the wrong way. The pain shot up threw his thigh. He tried to scream in pain but his air way was cut off.
Tio charged up the stairs he saw the window. Yanking out his gun, he shot the glass out and leaped through the jagged hole. As he jumped out of the window he turned his body so that he would face the ground, and fired twice.
Seth was being held by the throat until the mans back exploded into two meaty craters. The shot ripped clean in one side and out the other into the concrete below. Seth fell onto the ground gasping for breath as his enemy dropped dead. Forgetting that he was falling, Tio landed on his chest and passed out after seeing Orwens office explode into what looked like a single blue explosion.

Somie heard gunshots from all directions. Another shot ripped through the metal that he was hiding behind. Damn sniper. Everyone one was under attack he assumed, and here he was, pinned down. The anger was in him, he knew it, and it was building. He didn't want to loose control, but he was already losing it. He was unaware that his hair was sparking and that his eyes had begun to flare like headlights. He had only felt this depth of anger once before and it had lead to several deaths. Another shot ran out and then that was Somie's limit. He stood up and a brilliant blue light that he was unaware of rose out of him. His clothes dissolved and the ground shattered below his feet. No control at this point. His entire consciousness was hiding somewhere in his mind. Pure instinct took control. And he was angry.
The mindless body brought his arm up as it surged with electricity. His body was an enormous lightning rod. Sixty-five thousand volts of power was at his beck and call. It sent fourth not even a ounce of the power it could have generated and it threw in the direction of the sniper. The building exploded into a remarkably bright blue fire. His body floated off the ground slightly like some kind of ethereal being momentarily before the glow subsided.
As sudden as it came, it went. Somie's body returned to normal as it collapsed naked and fell into a deep sleep.

* * *

"Well that didn't go so well." John tossed his report onto the floor. The papers scattered in random directions. "They didn't believe a word of it." Grendel leaned down and collected the report.
"Can you really blame them?" One by one he named off the impossible features, "The DNA for one, the brain size, body armor, parasitic breeding capabilities, and the incredible strength it possesses." He put the report back down on the desk. "Then that just leaves it up to us!"
"Leaves what to us?" John asked him inquisitively
"We can't just let these things run around the colony ripping people to shreds." He gestured aggressively at the pictures and diagrams of the beast they collected. "Those damn things are monsters. And as far as we know there is only one still running around out there, but the chances of that remaining true are diminishing by the hour!"
"But they won't help us. How are we supposed to stop it when we don't have any equipment?" The question was not irrelevant. It took a small army to kill three of them and they only managed to capture this single beast by chance and good timing. "Won't we be stopped, and just how exactly are we supposed to stop those things anyways?"
"I may have some things tucked away." John thought he saw a glint in Grendel's eye.
"You do?" What could he possible have? Surely he didn't swipe lab tools when no one was looking, that man was to honest for John to believe it.
Well whether or not they managed to get themselves or the beast killed, it seemed to call John. He felt as though he couldn't wait and yet he really didn't want to risk it. But, the lives of everyone on the colony were at risk.
"Ok." He didn't want to a massacre on their hands. Tossing their lab coats to the side they left the building. After going for a short ride in Grendal's vehicle they arrived at a small Four room house.
Gren quickly pulled out a key chain and found the right one. He slammed it in and twisted the door open.
"Follow me." Gren stepped inside and walked quickly into a room in the back. The room was unimaginative as far as John could tell, or at least it was until Gren lifted the mattress on his bed and pushed the button it was hiding. Three sections of the wall swiveled revealing gun cabinets. Bright lights revealed the slick metal surfaces of almost a dozen different kinds of solid ammunition guns. Among them John recognized a few M16's, AK47's, RPG's, and even a Bazooka.
"Good lord!" John jaw dropped when he saw a hidden trap door in the floor open up. A ladder waited in the opening.
"These are the ones just for show." Gren explained. "Just a habit of mine, but the real ones are down there." Gren slid into the opening and disappeared below. "What are you waiting for? Come on!" John heard the echo and shuddered before also descending into the depths.
The ladder was cold and he moved fast. It wasn't long before he was a large metal tunnel. Pipes ran along the sides and ceiling. The tunnel was almost as wide as a three lane highway. He knew where he was, this was the maintenance area of the colony. How did Grendal find this?
Finally his feet touched a hard surface. Gren was waiting for him. "It's just a little farther now." He pointed at what looked like a metal garage door on the other side of the tunnel.
They walked up to it and Grendal lifted the door with ease. John was unable to see in very far. Darkness enveloped the room. Gren stepped inside and clapped his hands. The lights blinked to life.
"What is that?" In the center of the room was some kind of vehicle. It had a gun emplacement attached to the back, and four three foot wheels. The machine didn't have a body, just a frame and a big metal grill that seemed to be baring its teeth. John saw six seats in the metal cage with wheels.
"I built it. For fun." Grendal stepped up to it and hopped in. "Ain't it great?" The engine roared to life, and just for fun he revved the engine. "Never thought I'd get to use it though."
Gren killed the ignition and hopped back out. "The gun works to." He tossed John a box of shells. "Load it, will you." It was more of an order than a question.
"I don't know how." He mumbled and stepped up onto the back. He sat down in the seat and studied the gun for a second. It was barely a minute before he figured it out. He pushed the metal stick and pulled the chamber up. Taking the end of the shell sheet he put it into place and locked the chamber back in place. "Well , that was easy."
Grendal was busy loading rifle and tossing them in the back seats. Suddenly he stopped, "Come to think of it, have you ever fired a gun before?"
"Just some pellet guns. I'm a scientist, not a cowboy."
"Right, should of known. Then I've got the one for you right around." He saw Gren sifting through a trunk. "Ah, here it is!" He produced a shotgun. "My sawed off beauty." He also loaded it and tossed it into the back seat with a bunch of shells.
"Don't you think that's a bit much?" John asked when he stepped off the gun and saw almost a dozen rifles in the back.
"Better to be prepared right?" Gren convinced him with that sole sentence.
"Yeah, but still." Out of nowhere he began to laugh at how this place looked like some super hero's hideout. He hoped in the passenger side and Gren jumped, slammed the key in. The engine roared to life. John contemplated that perhaps Grendals parents were right to name him Grendal. With all these weapons at his disposal he certainly could be a monster. However, under the current circumstances he was emitting an aura more like Beowulf the hero. Grendal slammed down the gas and they veered into the maintenance shaft. He turned the headlights on to full blast. He let out whoop of joy and the car jetted forward down the dark tunnel.
"Hope that's not to much wind for you, John!" Grendal yelled over the engine. It was, in fact, way too much, but because there was little he could do about it he wasn't about to start complaining.
"Nope, its fine." John's hair whipped back and forth across his forehead. The speed reminded him the shuttle that pulled him into space for the first time.

The aeronautical community had just released a new type of shuttle. As it would turn out it was also John first time heading up to space. In the new shuttle the seats came in three rows and sat above three feet above floor. You actually had to climb a short ladder to get into your seats. The reason for this was because the gravity generators sat just below the passengers and the engines actually took a lot of room.
He had the center isle and the waitress was drop dead gorgeous. Why she got into the flight attendant business he'd never know. All he knew was that her butt was smooth and round, and that she had just about the nicest set of melons he had ever seen. The intercom above him beeped and announced they would be taking off soon. His wife was on a separate flight, so he could look around and stare all he wanted. The people behind him kept kicking his seat, so he saw this as the perfect opportunity.
He called the beautiful attendant over and because the seats were seated so far up he had the perfect vantage point to glare down her shirt. "Yes, sir? How can I help you?" Many ways, he thought. "Uhh, yeah." He shook his mind clear for a second. "Whoever is behind me, they keep kicking my seat." He felt another kick in the back and grinned sheepishly. She had to have seen it that time.

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