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Book online «Power Rangers Zeo by Heather Ray (free ebook reader for iphone txt) 📖». Author Heather Ray

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/> "No," said Jason sternly, "I've made my decision. In the morning, I'm going to talk to the director and tell him I'd like to resign my position. Its for the greater good."

"So what're ya gonna do, Jay?" asked Zack, "Rejoin the Power Rangers? What're the chances there'll be an open spot on the team, just waiting for ya? Sheesh, we haven't even spoken to the guys for months! And we never talked about ranger business over the phone or in letters, for security reasons. You can't go back to being the Red Ranger, man. That's just part of your past."

"I know that," said Jason angrily, "I just...can't do this anymore! I'm gonna resign."

"Wait, Jason," said Trini, touching his shoulder, "Why don't you spend the week off in Angel Grove, and get re-aquainted with the guys. Then, if you really feel you belong there more than you do here, send the director a letter of resignation. Don't make any rash decisions, Jason. Its not like you."

"Alright," said Jason, "I'll do it your way. But I don't think it'll make a difference."

"We'll see," said Zack, "Now, in the meantime, let's grab a bite at the cafeteria, and then hit the books!"

Trini and Jason nodded in agreement, and the trio grabbed their books and headed out the door.
Chapter Two

A week later, Jason Lee steps off the airplane, a connecting flight from Switzerland to Florida, and then from Florida to Angel Grove, in southern California. Jason is spending the night in Florida, and is planning on spending a few hours with his friend since elementary school--Kimberly Hart. Kimberly is the only one that Jason feels comfortable enough to talk to about his insecurities. Kim is so sensitive, she can always tell when something's wrong. If anyone can understand me, its Kim,

thought Jason as he scanned the lounge for someone in pink. Sure enough, he spotted a short, slim young woman with a pink mid drift and white shorts, thick golden brown hair, and a twinkle in her eyes. She shrieked when she made eye contact with Jason, and immediately ran to him and wrapped her arms around his neck in a warm hug. Jason returned the hug, and then set her down on the floor at arms length.

"You look good, Kim," he said, "So, how's practice going?"

"Great. Coach Schmidt really has me ready for the Pan Globals in May, and he thinks I'm a guarantee for a medal in the individuals."

Kimberly grabbed Jason's arm and led him through the crowds towards the baggage claim. Kimberly continued to talk about her friends, family, and practice, while Jason stayed unusually quiet. Once they were in Kimberly's red Pontiac Sunfire, and pulled onto the freeway, the conversation turned.

"So Kim," said Jason, "how's the team? You left last July, right?"

"Yeah. Um, let's see...Rita and Zedd got married, the rangers went on a voyage to Phaedos to get the Great Power and the Ninja Zords, Rita's brother Rito Revolto made an appearance, and that's basically it."

"Oh,"said Jason, looking out the window, "So uh, how's Tommy?"

When Kim didn't answer, Jason turned to face her. He noticed her pallor became a few shades whiter. "Kim? What's wrong?"

"Well...I don't know how Tommy's been lately. I haven't kept in touch with him."

Jason was visibly surprised by this. "What happened?"

"I...I broke up with him. We're through."

"Oh," said Jason quietly. He could tell Kim was extremely uncomfortable with the topic, so he tried to change it. "So, what's the plan for tonight?"

"Well, I'm taking you to the Holiday Inn, so you can clean up and get settled, and then we can go to dinner. I'll pick you up tomorrow morning at seven and drive you to the airport. Sounds good?"

"Yeah. Sounds great."

Kim stopped the car at a red light and turned to Jason. "Are you okay? You seem a bit...distant. What's bothering you?"

Jason sighed. "We'll talk about it later, okay?"

Kim looked at Jason for a moment, and noticed how frustrated he seemed. She remained quiet for the rest of the car trip, and soon she pulled into the Holiday Inn driveway. Jason stepped out and took his luggage from the trunk.

"Need any help?" she called from inside the car.

"Nah, I got it."

"Okay, I'll be back at about eight, and we can go to dinner. Okay?"

"Right. See ya then," said Jason with a wave, headed towards the doors. Kim beeped the car horn in reply, and drove away. Jason watched the car pull away, with a small smile on his face.

She's so different, but she's still the same. She's more mature, more serious, more independent. But at the same time her eyes still shimmer with a love of life, and she's still so sensitive. I wonder if she regrets leaving the rangers. If not, than I'm the only one that does.

Chapter Three

Jason and Kimberly are seated at a Red Lobster a quarter mile from the hotel. They had walked to the restaurant, talking about current events. Jason has yet to tell Kimberly about his decision to leave the Peace Conference for good. Jason studies the menu while Kim watches his facial expressions intently. Jason feels her scrutinous gaze, and looks at her through the corner of his eye.

"Jason," she asked quietly, "What's going on with you?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, I can tell something's wrong. You're not...talking to me, like you used to. Something's bothering you. Something's lingering in your mind, and you don't want to tell me what it is. C'mon, Jase! You've always been a brother to me. You can tell me anything."

Jason sighed and smiled at Kim weakly. "Well, you're right. I've decided to leave the Peace Conference and move back to Angel Grove."

Kimberly's eyebrows rose, but other than that, she showed no reaction. "Really? Why?"

Jason explained his predicament to Kim, and she listened intently to his story. She nodded while he spoke, and really thought about his problem. When Jason finished, he looked at Kim questioningly, as if he was seeking her approval. Kim smiled and touched his hand.

"Jason, you've always been a strong and fierce fighter. A fighter, a protector, and a leader. You're right--you are more suited to being a soldier than a negotiator. I'm just surprised that you lasted so long at the Conference it this is how you really feel."

"I really hoped that I was wrong, that I could acustom myself to the new way of life. Zack and Trini adapted fine to being on the sidelines, but for some reason, I didn't. I didn't leave because I didn't want to quit. I'm not a quitter. But I realized not too long ago that all I was doing was lying to myself, and that the truly brave move to make is to be true to myself, and that means doing what's best for me."

"You're absolutely right, Jason. Sometimes, its hard to make decisions, and sometimes we make the wrong ones. Do you regret leaving the Power Rangers?"

"Well, I don't know. I really miss being the Red Ranger, but I must admit I've learned a lot and I've grown alot over the past year and a half. Besides, when I left the team, I was absolutely sure I was making the right choice. If I didn't go to Switzerland, then I would've always wondered if I had made the right decision."

"Is that all, or is there something else you're not telling me?" asked Kim, with a knowing expression on her face.

"I just can't keep a secret from you!" said Jason jokingly, "You're absolutely right. There's more."

"Do tell."

"Well, remember when Tommy first became the White Ranger?"

"Yeah," said Kim, chuckling, "and I fainted at the sight of him. It was pretty embarassing, you know."

"It was an experience. I was thrilled to see Tommy back on the team. He went through alot as the Green Ranger. But, to this day, I don't understand--"

"Why Zordon made Tommy the leader of the Power Rangers?" interrupted Kimberly. Jason looked up at her in surprise. She just smiled as innocently as possible.

"Am I that transparent?"

"No. Its just a perfectly rational question. I mean, Zordon just said 'This is the White Ranger, the new leader of the Power Rangers.' He didn't tell us why."

"I can't help but wonder if I was a failure as a ranger."

"Jason!" said Kim angrily, "Don't think that for one minute! You led the rangers through the most difficult challenges we've ever faced! Like when Zordon vanished, or when the Megazord was destroyed by Cyclopsis, or when Goldar had Tommy's powers on the line. Each time you stepped up, took control, and led us through tragedy. You were a fabulous leader, and a great hero."

"And what about Tommy? Is he a good leader?"

"Yes, Tommy is also a very responsible leader. But Jason, he learned how to lead from you! Before he joined the team as the Green Ranger, Tommy was a loner. He was completely withdrawn! He was so insecure about being the leader, especially once you left. He turned out to be a great leader, just as Zordon predicted, but you were always his example. He looked up to you from day one."

Jason looked at Kimberly for a moment, completely bewildered. She just smiled at him, and then went back to scanning her menu. They chatted while they ate dinner, and then they walked together to the hotel, basking in the balmy breeze of springtime in Florida. Jason was in a much better mood now than he had been in weeks, and he let himself enjoy the warm beauty of Florida, a drastic change from the chilly but picturesque Swiss Alps. But even though he was feeling better, he still had a question that plagued him. He turned to Kim, who was watching the sunset as she walked.

"Kim," he asked in a serious tone, "can I ask you a question?"

"You just did," she answered with a giggle. Jason just smiled and shook

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