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Book online «Power Rangers Zeo by Heather Ray (free ebook reader for iphone txt) 📖». Author Heather Ray

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his head in disbelief. Kimberly Hart is the only person he knew who would answer a totally serious question with a light-hearted joke. "Are you happy here in Florida?"

"Yes," she answered honestly, "The work is hard, but I enjoy it here. The rest of the team is really nice, once you get to know them, and I have a few close friends. I get along great with my roommate, and I have a lot in common with the rest of the guys. I love the weather, and I talk to my mother and Billy all the time. It was hard for a while, but you get used to it, ya know?"

"You just got to get used to it, eh?" he asked her. He then stopped, and looked down at her. "Do you ever regret leaving the team, Kimberly?"

"Well, I don't regret leaving the Power Rangers. I mean, it's been my dream since I was seven that I compete in the Pan-Globals, and then in the Olympics! I have a chance to fulfill my dream, but I can't deny that I'll always view Angel Grove as my home. I miss everyone so, Trini, Zack, and Billy and Aisha, Rocky, and Adam. And despite what's happened, I miss Tommy. Alot."

"What exactly did happen?"

"Well, we used to be in contact all the time, writing letters and talking on the phone at least once a week. But, we still lived thousands of miles apart, and its not fair. I missed him so much, it actually hurt. So, I met this guy, who's sweet and kind, just like Tommy. I had to break up with Tommy, Jason! It wasn't because I met Trevor, we aren't really serious or anything. We're really good friends, for the most part. Its just that I left Angel Grove, probably for good. Once the Pan-Globals are over, I'll be starting practice for the Olympics, and then, who knows? College, maybe, or I may move to Paris. In either case, I won't be going back to Angel Grove. So I figured I'd end it, and get it over with. After I wrote that last letter, I tried to call him, and try to make him understand why I dumped him. That letter wasn't good enough, and I felt I owed him a better explanation than that. So I called him that Friday, but his mother answered, and said he went skiing with Katherine. Katherine can comfort him better than I can, given the fact that he probably hates me. He never tried to call me, so I stopped trying to reach him. He didn't want to talk, or else he would've called me. I guess I deserve getting the cold shoulder from him. I hurt him, maybe more than I'll ever know."

Jason leaned over and hugged the shorter girl warmly. Kim's eyes watered slightly, and she buried her face in Jason's black T-shirt. Jason felt horrible whenever Kim cried. He wished he could protect her from pain, her as well as Billy, Zack, and Trini. That was his responsibility, to protect them. But he failed.

"I'm sorry I brought up the subject," he whispered. Kim pulled away and smiled up at him, wiping her eyes with the back of her hand.

"It's not your fault," she said, "Besides, I think I had to get it off my chest. This whole scenario has really been bothering me for months."

The two friends continued their trek to the hotel. Once they reached the hotel, Kim kissed Jason gently on the face and went to her car.

"I'll see you tomorrow at seven!" she called, "Don't be late!"

"I won't."

With that, Kim pulled out of the parking lot, and Jason strolled into the hotel, waiting for the elevator to come.

I'm glad I got a chance to talk to Kim,

he thought, It feels just like old times! Now, all I have to do is muster the courage to talk to Tommy when I get to Angel Grove tomorrow. I don't think I can tell him my concerns about my demotion. I don't want him to think I'm mad at him for taking the leadership away from me. But I can't avoid Tommy, and I sure can't lie to him. He's just as sensitive as Kim regarding others. He's my bro, and he's gonna want to see me.

Chapter Four

It's ten o'clock in the morning, and the sun is pouring into the neat and busy Angel Grove Airport via the large windows. Sitting at gate 11A, a middle aged couple waits anxiously for the arrival of flight 345 from Miami, Florida.

"What time is it, Scott?" asked the brunette woman, glancing around the area.

"Its ten, Margaret," said the tall, black haired man, not looking up from his newspaper, "Only five minutes later than the last time you asked me. Calm down, Honey. The plane will be here any minute."

"I know, I know. I'm just so worried..."

"There's nothing to worry about. Flying is by far the safest means of transit. Jason'll get here in one piece."

"Scott, I'm not talking about the plane! I'm worried about Jason. When he called us and told us he's spending his vacation here, he sounded so... depressed. And why did he tell us not to let Tommy and his friends know he's coming home? One would think the first person Jason would want to see is Tommy. They're very close."

"Maybe Jason just wants to surprise them. And as for him sounding depressed, he was probably worried about his final exams."

"And I suppose Scott Lee, attorney at law, has an answer for everything, eh?"

"That's what I'm paid for, Maggie," he said with a smirk.

^Attention. Flight number 345 from Miami Florida now arriving at Gate 11A,^ said a woman's voice over the intercom. Margaret and Scott Lee stood up and walked to the gate, and watched as the VIP business men and women from first class exited the plane. Then, the other passengers began to pass through, and Jason was towards the end of the line.

"Jason!" shrieked Margaret, giving her only son a warm hug, "How are you, Sweety? We haven't seen you since we visited you last Christmas! We've missed you!"

"I'm fine Mom," he said quietly, returning the hug. When his mother let go, his father walked up to him and extended his hand.

"How've you been, Son?" asked Scott, shaking his son's hand in welcome, "How did your finals go?"

"Well," said Jason as the trio began the hike to the baggage claim, "I'll get my grades mailed to me in a few days, but I think I did pretty well. Physics was easy, but I had a little trouble with European History and Economics."

"Where are Zack and Trini?" asked Margaret, "They didn't come home?"

"Nah, they went to Greece."

"Why didn't you go with them?" asked Scott, "You've always wanted to visit the Mediterranean."

"I... I guess I felt homesick is all," he said quietly, "Let's get going. I'd really like to just be home."

Margaret and Scott exchanged worried looks. "I thought you'd want to go to Ernie's," said Margaret, "After all, you've practically lived there since you were a freshman!"

"I'll go some other time."

The family piled into Scott's black BMW, and began the short ride to their home. Jason remained silent throughout the trip, only answering his parent's questions. Once they reached their split level ranch, Jason took a single suitcase and went straight to his bedroom. Scott and Margaret brought the rest of Jason's luggage into the house, and Margaret approached Jason's locked bedroom door. Before she had a chance to knock, Scott placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Maybe we should give Jason some space, Maggie," he said quietly. Margaret looked up at him.

"What do we do? What's wrong with my baby? He's never been this quiet and recluse."

"Listen, I'm no psychiatrist. All I know is Jason has returned home, and he looks exhausted. There's something he's not telling us. Whenever he tries to hide something from us, he gets very quiet and pensive. But he's an adult, and we can't force it out of him. Jason will come to us when he's ready. In the meantime, let him relax and reflect. Alone."

"Maybe I should call Tommy," said Margaret, "After all, Tommy always managed to cheer up Jason when he's down, and vice versa."

"Let's not interfere," said Scott, leading his wife downstairs into the kitchen, "Why don't we start cooking dinner? I'll make the salad."

Margaret threw a grateful smile at her husband, and began searching the freezer for steaks.

Chapter Five

The next few days were rather quiet around the Lee household. Jason remained locked in his bedroom most of the time, practicing his katas and lifting weights. He is still very curt with his family, and hasn't made any effort to contact his friends. Margaret's worry escalates, and one morning, she quietly enters Jason's bedroom and takes a seat on his bed. She studies his sleeping face for a few moments, until he finally opens his eyes.

"Hey, Ma," he yawns, "What's up? Shouldn't you be going to the office?"

"My first appointment today is only a dental cleaning, Sweety, and he's not scheduled until ten. I have some time to talk, if you're interested."

"About what, Ma?" he asked, sitting upright in his bed. Margaret smiled and tried to tame his dark, curly hair.

"Honey, your father keeps telling me that you're an adult, and that you'd come out of your shell when you're ready. Well, frankly, I disagree. You may be eighteen, but you're still my baby boy, and I hate it when you act like this!"

"Like what?"

"What's bothering you, Jason? Don't tell me nothing's wrong, because I've been your mother for eighteen years, and I know how your emotions work! You're usually so active, but now, all you do is sit in your room. Why haven't you left the house yet? You never, EVER

spend this much time locked indoors, especially now, in the springtime."

"I... I just don't feel like going outside," said

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