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Book online «Power Rangers Zeo by Heather Ray (free ebook reader for iphone txt) 📖». Author Heather Ray

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of days now, and no one can figure out who he is! At first, we suspected Billy. But that didn't quite work. Now that I know you're back in town, it all makes sense! How did you get this new power, Jay?"

"Tommy," said Jason seriously, "I honestly have no idea what you're talking about! I've never even heard of the Gold Ranger before. Trust me, its not me."

"Oh," said Tommy sheepishly, "Sorry about that, bro. I was so sure... wait a minute! If you're not the Gold Ranger, why are you leaving the Peace Conference?"

Jason sighed. "I decided that I couldn't hack it as a peace representative. It was tough for me going from the field of battle to the forum of peace talks. I tried for a long time to acustom myself to my new assignment, but I never did. I finally decided it wasn't my nature. So, I quit."

"You quit

?" said Tommy incredulously, "I... I don't believe it! Wow, bro, it must've been pretty rough on ya, to make you leave like that. But still, I'm glad you're back."

"I'm glad to see ya too, bro. Sorry it took me so long to get out there--I've had lots of thinking to do."

"I can understand," said Tommy, "I mean, you're talking to the man who went to his uncle's cabin every other week to sort out problems. Sometimes you just need a little privacy. Say, me and the guys are going to the movies tonight. Ya wanna come?"

"No, I don't think--"

"C'mon, Jay! You can meet Tanya and Katherine, and get re-aquainted with all your friends!"

"Some other time, maybe. Go ahead, bro, and have fun."

Tommy looked at Jason for a moment longer, and then shrugged and walked to the door.

"Jason," he said as he opened the front door, "remember that whatever problems you're going through, you can count on me and the guys. We're a family, Jason. Brothers and sisters. No matter how many of us leave and how many of us come, we'll always be rangers where it counts. Here."

Tommy pointed to his heart, and then waved goodbye, closing the door behind him. Jason sighed and sat on the couch in silence, a slight frown on his face.

"So, I'm a Power Ranger in spirit, eh? Then how come I don't feel like one, Tommy?"

Chapter Eight

Jason devoted the next several days to unpacking his belongings. He left the house more often, pleasing both his parents a great deal. However, he managed to avoid contact with the Power Ranger teens. He hadn't done that on purpose, but he made no effort to see them. He didn't visit their houses, or call them, or anything. He went to the Juice Bar every day for lunch, and he reaquainted himself with Ernie, Bulk, Skull, and some other old friends. But Tommy, Adam, Billy, Rocky, Tanya, and Katherine were never in the Juice Bar. Except for one occasion, when Katherine was practicing ballet and Tanya was watching. He was sure they noticed him, but they wouldn't recognize him as the former leader of the Power Rangers. He decided not to approach them, and minded his own business. Finally, over a week since he first got back to Angel Grove, Tommy dropped by. It was early afternoon, during seventh period in school. When Jason heard a distinctive knock on the door, he knew something was going on. He knew instinctively that this time, there was ranger business to attend to.

"What's going on, Tommy?" he asked as he opened the door.

"We've got a situation, bro," said Tommy, entering the house. He closed the door and looked around cautiously. "Is there anyone else here?"

"My parents are working. I'm home alone."

"Good. Okay, I'll get right to the point. Jason, remember a couple days ago, when I accused you of being the Gold Ranger?"

"How could I forget?" asked Jason with a smirk.

"Well, the Gold Ranger finally introduced himself. He is Prince Trey from the planet Triforia, and he has come to Earth to help the Power Rangers. However, he has a problem that won't allow him to continue being the Gold Ranger."

"Is he sick or something?"

"Sort of. You see, Triforians are three personalities combined into one. Prince Trey's three personalties have split apart, and he has to rejoin his three personalities to be the Gold Ranger."

"Wait a minute. Are you saying there are three identical men in the Command Center?"

"The Power Chamber."

"Excuse me?"

"Nevermind. Listen, Jay, the reason I'm here is that, we need someone to assume the Gold Ranger power until Trey is whole again. Now, we first thought to give the power to Billy, but the power doesn't agree with his bio-chemical makeup. Something about negative protons. So, there's a spot open on the team, and I was wondering if you're interested."

Jason stared at Tommy in surprise. "Are... are you sure you want me

on the team?"

"Of course!" said Tommy in disbelief, "You were probably the best Power Ranger I've had the privilege of working with! I'd love to have you by my side again. Besides, I could use your help with leading the team. I mean, there've been some incredibly tough decisions to be made, and I was the one to make them. Once, I had to decide whether or not to surrender the team to Zedd in exchange for Kimberly's life. That was not

an easy decision. Leading is really tough, bro."

"Don't I know it. But Zordon made you the White Ranger for a reason. You're destined to lead the Power Rangers. Oh, by the way, are you still the White Ranger, or am I missing something?"

"Actually, we're the Zeo Rangers now, and we all have new colors. I'll tell ya on the way there."

Both young men stood up and approached the door. Before they left, though, Tommy pulled a trenchcoat off the coat hangar, as well as a bandana. He threw them to Jason.

"There's no doubt in my mind that the Machine Empire will be watching us walk back to the Power Chamber. I don't think they'd know who you are, but just to be on the safe side... "

"I got ya," said Jason, donning the coat and bandana. He then put on a pair of dark sunglasses, "Lead the way, bro!"

Tommy smiled, and they both ran down the street, headed towards the mountains outside Angel Grove. Excitement filled Jason's whole being as they moved swiftly through the small town.

I just don't believe

it! I'm gonna be a ranger again! Everything's gonna be fine. Of course, things'll be very different. The team is totally different--new colors, new members, new powers, new home base, new allies. But, just like Tommy said, no matter how many changes the team goes through, it'll always be the Power Rangers. And deep down, its the same. The same goal. The same kind of morphin power. The same kind of selfless, brave teenagers, willing to put their lives on the line for the preservation of our society. I guess I really always was a Power Ranger. Its just that now I'm an active ranger again. What's really important is that I'm a ranger here.

Jason lightly put his hand over his heart. Tommy glanced back and saw Jason clutching his chest.

"You okay, bro?" he asked with worry.

"Never been better, Tommy," he responded honestly, "Never been better."

Character Thesaurus

Zeo Rangers

One fateful day, Master Vile used the Orb of Doom to reverse the rotation of Earth and turn back time, reverting the Rangers into powerless children. While the Alien Rangers and a restored Billy defended the Earth, the children went to different points in time to retrieve a piece of the Zeo Crystal, which was shattered and scattered throughout time by the Rangers themselves. Upon their return, the Zeo Crystal was reassembled, and its power was used to restore the planet back to normal.

Their victory did not last long. Rito and Goldar infiltrated the Command Center and stole the Crystal, just before the explosive device they had planted earlier went off, leaving the Command Center in ruins, and the Rangers without a headquarters. While searching through the wreckage, the Rangers found the Zeo Crystal, apparently dropped by the two villains, and then fell into the underground Power Chamber, their new base of operations, where Zordon and Alpha-5 retreated to during the explosion. While celebrating the defeat of the Power Rangers, Zedd's palace is attacked by the Machine Empire, who wants to take over the Earth as well, causing Zedd, Rita, and the rest to evacuate and head for the M-51 galaxy to live with Master Vile. Using the power of the Zeo Crystal, Tommy, Kat, Rocky, Tanya and Adam became the Zeo Rangers, Earth's last hope against the Machine Empire.

Mondo's plan to divide and conquer was working, and for the Rangers to succeed, they needed help from the Gold Ranger, Trey, who travels to planets where evil needs to be defeated. With the Golden Power in danger of being lost, they were given to former Red Ranger Jason, who joined the team as the sixth Zeo Ranger until it was time to return the powers to Trey.

To travel to Muranthias and go up against Divatox and Maligore, the Rangers had

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