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Book online «Star Wars v.s. Classic Battlestar Galactica. by John Damocles Smith (best life changing books .txt) 📖». Author John Damocles Smith

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his lightsabre and he turned to see Orion standing upon the landing pad from 25 feet away. The hilt of his weapon held at his side but not activated. Even his Jedi Starfighter was there behind him and must have appeared there while still landed.
"What do you want to do Draconis? I accept that you have no wish to come back to the light, but will you allow me to at least take you into custody?"
Lord Draconis felt like the Council had it in for him and his anger always got the best of him which resulted in his expulsion from The Jedi Order. The council believed he had too much anger and fear in him. For Draconis, anger and fear was his ally. He wanted the dark side of The Force, he felt free from the ethics he had to endure from his former Masters from The Council.
Orion ignited the gardian blue blade of his lightsabre as soon as Draconis assumed his attack stance. This second round of their fight within the same place somehow felt a lot different. If Orion were to think about it, it was the realization that his twin Brother would never accept the light side of The Force voluntarily. He had no choice other than to fight him due to the fact that he was all too adamant about his chosen path. This time Draconis made no attempt to escape, Orion would find him again sooner of later. He decided to deal with his Jedi Brother there and then, whether if he kills his twin or vise versa, he'd be free of Orion either way.
The fight was long, intense and they didn't exchange a word for almost an hour's worth of lightsabre clashing and force techniques. Orion had pushed Draconis back against his converted Jedi Starfighter, sabres locked, and Orion pushed back far enough to burn part of his face and cheek bone. His shout of pain would have been heard throughout the abandoned base had there been any personnel left.
Both stopped their fight and moved away from each other, even deactivated their lightsabres by the time they stood 20 feet apart. Draconis relieved the pain by trying to force-heal the wound.
Orion stayed silent and waited for Draconis' pain to ease before uttering his first word after the fight.
"Draconis my brother, you may have chosen the path of the Sith, but you still have compassion deep down and I feel a conflict but as your brother I cannot turn you in. Let's make an agreement, I'll let you go and not seek you out anymore, however you must never show your face in the galaxy again for our parent's sake." Unlike most Jedi, the twins had the privilege of knowing their Mother and Father's identities.
Still with his hand over his scar, Draconis nodded, while he still concentrated on the healing. Orion sensed the sincerity of his agreement through The Force.
"How will you explain my disappearance?" He asked Orion, still puffing from the shock of receiving the injury although the pain itself had disappeared.
"I'll think of something, I know I will. And allow me to say, that I'm glad that I didn't need to kill you." Orion stated with the genuine care for people he always possessed.
It seemed to Draconis that Orion was about to leave so he immediately said:-
"Take this, say that you got it from me after our fight." Lord Draconis used his free hand to telekinetically retrieve an object from out of a compartment within his starfighters' cockpit. It floated toward Orion Knight-Star's waiting hands.
"I'll keep it safe." The Jedi Knight's final words toward his twin Brother before carrying the Sith holochron to his fighter. The very same one Draconis had found years earlier and used to learn the ways of the dark side of The Force.
Watching Orion's Jedi Starfighter disappear into the sky the Sith twin was alone once again, he rested and eventually returned to repairing his starfighter and then make plans to honour his agreement. But the reason Draconis went into hiding was because of the huge scar inflicted by his brother during their final fight.
Nevertheless, disappear Lord Draconis did.

"Epilogue II -Aftermath."

Darth Bane became the only surviving Sith Lord 1,000 years before The Battle Of Yavin. He established "The Rule Of Two" for all the future Sith after himself and his Apprentice Darth Zannah. The experiences he had outside his timeline and dimension lead him to research past events of similar phenomena and recorded it into the holochron which he eventually constructed two years later. One day, it would land into the hands of Lord Bruticus himself, leading him to attempt to capture the technology to travel through time and parallel dimensions, resulting in the entangled events which occurred.

Grand Jedi Master Seaco Buroc established the first Jedi Temple on Coruscant after The Rebel Alliance reclaimed the planet. The New Republic era began from then. Grand Jedi Master Delpa Gival lead the new Jedi Council under Seaco Buroc's wise direction. Gival established a sophisticated program to search for candidates for Jedi training resulting in the re-establishment of The Jedi Order. By then, they had already met with the Jedi Master Luke Skywalker who became a member of the new Jedi Council and devised training techniques with Seaco Buroc so that others may learn from the benefit of Luke's personal experiences.

Master Damocles became a trainer for the next generation of many Jedi who specialized in lightsabre-to-lightsabre combat on his home planet of Coruscant after the establishment of The New Republic. His skills in military strategy evolved even farther with the gift from the great Commander Cain, skills which aided The New Republic in reclaiming many other worlds who wished to secede from The Galactic Empire but were unable to. The New Republic Star Destroyer Kenobi

contributed to augment the power of those strategic techniques and bring moral and hope to those who sympathized with The Rebellion.

Jedi Knight Orion Knight-Star became a wise and powerful Jedi. He always showed compassion and love for people. He became the liaison between The Jedi Order and his home world of Alderaan.

Sith Lord Draconis kept the agreement he made with his twin Brother. He emptied the contents of his three hideouts and used a transport he "procured" at one time to bring all his possessions to his fourth hideout where he eventually set-up a permanent, self-sufficient residence and remained in isolation for their parent's sake.

Snowtrooper TS 4142, was given temporary leave sometime in his career and went back to visit his parents. It was while back on Coruscant he found the light saber which belonged to his great uncle Orion Knight-Star in an old trunk in his parents home. No-one knew that he had the force talent of psychometry. As he touched it The Force called him to fight for the rebellion so he went AWOL and joined The New Republic. Forsaking his Snowtrooper designation, he became known as Xandor Knight-Star.

Ari'eshna found herself in a refugee camp on Naboo, never to see Lord Bruticus again since she was native to the main Star Wars timeline. She would eventually establish an organization of like-minded people to help free slaves outside of, what eventually became, The New Republic shortly thereafter.

Lord Bruticus, Darth Shivilow and Admiral Targeta were brought to trial for their various war crimes and sentenced to spend the remainder of their natural lives. Each of them in separate specially designed prisons.

President Adar of the Battlestar Atlantia

would lead a delegation of Colonials to the Cimtar Peace Accord. Little did the President of The Council Of Twelve know that the peace treaty with the Cylons would be the precursor to the biggest attack by the Cylon Empire against the entire Twelve Colonies.

Lord Baltar (A.K.A Count Baltar) would eventually conspire with the Cylons to destroy The Twelve Colonies Of Man four yahren after the threat by Lord Bruticus' Imperial fleet. Using the Cimtar Peace Accord as a ruse, he would manage to build the humans' excitement for the treaty as well as give the Cylons what they wanted-the eradication of the Humans. The false peace treaty would result in a battle which became known as "The Battle Of Cimtar." Karibdis greatly assisted Lord Baltar's plans for domination by disabling the defensive equipment on Caprica, thus allowing the Cylon holocaust to occur without at least some defensive action. He would become responsible for the death of a million Capricans. Left unchecked, the Cylons decided to wipe out everything, leaving Karibdis in a precarious situation. During the chaos he bartered his way into the fleet that Commander Adama had instituted by bribing Flight Sergeant Ortega.
He took on the name Pallon and managed to hide himself among the refugees from The Battle Of Cimtar. No one knew of his existence, as he managed to keep himself out of the public eye in the fleet as a waiter on the Rising Star.

Flight Sergeant Ortega would survive the Battle At Cimtar. He would be assigned as a pilot aboard the Battlestar Galactica.

His immaturity, aggression and engagement in illegal activities would make the Colonial Warrior unpopular among his piers. During the Battle At Cimtar, he processed people for the loading of the Rising Star,

three people bribed Ortega for places aboard the starliner-places reserved for children and their caretakers-Among them, Karibdis.
Having enough of Ortega's continual blackmail, Karibdis eventually resorted to murdering him with the use of Starbuck's gun, pinning the blame on him and almost getting away with his crime.

Commander Adama, after The Battle At Cimtar, which would result in the destruction of The Twelve Colonies Of Man at the hands of The Cylon Empire, would lead what was left of the Human race who prospered in that region of the Cyrannus Galaxy. Their goal, to find the long-lost 13TH Tribe of humans. Under his leadership, The Colonials would flee the Cylon tyranny, Adama commanding the last Battlestar, Galactica,

on a lonely quest-a shining planet...

...known as Earth.


Text: Star Wars and related materials are the properties of Lucasfilm and Universal Studios own the rights to Battlestar Galactica and Glen A. Larson is the creator of Battlestar Galactica.The "Predator Mark I" heavy fighter, that's my own invention for one of the characters.
Images: John Damocles Smith
Cover: John Damocles Smith
Publication Date: 10-06-2011

All Rights Reserved

This is fan fiction only. This story has not been endorsed by Lucasfilm or by Glen A. Larson the creator of the original series of Battlestar Galactica or by Universal Studios. The author of this fan fiction is not affiliated with any of those previously mentioned. This work of fiction consists of three separate timelines and parallel dimensions. The first being the "Main Star Wars Timeline And Dimension." This refers to the universe conceived of by George Lucas

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