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Book online «Star Wars v.s. Classic Battlestar Galactica. by John Damocles Smith (best life changing books .txt) 📖». Author John Damocles Smith

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Imperial ship while Master Damocles busied himself to eliminate their turrets. The Rebel Transport cruised above it for another bombing run.

Captured Cylon Basestar.

Jedi Knight Orion Knight-Star and Commander Kronus witnessed the next Star Destroyer exploding in an even bigger blast by the same Rebel Transport.
"Are we within range of The Death Star yet?"
Before Orion could check his scanner, the fourth blast came from the enormous battle station. This time hitting a converted transport. Evidently The Empire spread word about the advantage one of the two Rebel fleets had.
"We're not within range now but Caprica will be in one centon.

" Orion made sure he used the Colonial term for "minute." Both he and Commander Kronus knew that meant one more to approach the prominent Colonial planet and another two to recharge. Although it meant that the captured Basestar would also be within range by then, the two knew very well that Caprica would be the next target.
Perhaps they'd be targeted afterwards.
Orion stretched out with The Force and decided upon the next target. The Rebel and Colonial craft within that area didn't appear to be in trouble but he sensed imminent danger which needed to be prevented.
"Commander, target Star Destroyer in grid Sigma, 17, section 4."
The gunners computed their aim and then a warning from one of the crew within the Control Center.
"Commander Kronus, incoming TIE Bombers, 50 of them under escort of 100 Fighters, 80 Interceptors, 40 Skiprays and 25 Lambda-Class Shuttles."
Kronus switched to his scanner. He could see that their heavy numbers would approach within half a centon

. He alerted all gunners.
"Ready turrets, great numbers approaching from 30 degrees."
"Commander, request permission for me to leave the Control Center. I feel I must bring aid with my Jedi Starfighter."
"Granted, go." Kronus recognized the need all too well, hoping that Orion's Jedi powers would help preserve their fighter numbers as he turned his attention back to the tactical information upon the main viewing screen.

Commander Cain came out of light speed at last, the moon-sized battle station came into view. Based on the time delayed, the tactical computers extrapolated The Death Star's position in relation to Caprica. The error in calculation resulted in the fleet of 25 Battlestars and 75 Colonial Destroyers lead by the military genius 60 kilometres away from their gigantic target-a mere 20 too close.
"Full speed over to the superlaser." Cain ordered the first phase of his strike plan into action. According to the intelligence one of the Rebel fleets had provided Commander Cain, the interior of the crater-like area of the Death Star's superlaser had very few turrets, that was where he planned to order their fighters to launch. The capital ships his Battlestar Pegasus

lead fired upon the surface as they sped over to their target areas, taking out as many turrets as they could along the way.
Communication came through.
"Commander, Commander Adama reports that The Death Star is in range of Caprica and will fire in two centons."
Already directly in front of the superlaser, Cain gave his next set of orders.
"Launch fighters, initiate phase II."

Lieutenant Sheba flicked up a couple of switches to their "on" position, pressed the buttons marked "Turbo 1," "Turbo 2" and "Turbo 3" in succession. The engines of her Viper hummed to life. She pressed the "Turbo" button of the yoke and the sudden G-forces of her fighter's acceleration through the launch tube forced her back into her seat. Lieutenant Bojay launched next, followed by the rest of Silver Spar Squadron and Bronze Spar Squadron from the opposite pontoon.
Out in space, Grand Jedi Master Delpa Gival's orange Jedi Interceptor joined them. His fighter had to launch out of one of the Pegasus'

pontoon entrances since his craft could not fit through the Viper launch tubes. The capital ships under Cain's command adjusted their courses as The Death Star moved closer, Delpa Gival followed the Colonial Vipers' lead, flying behind Sheba and Bojay. The fighters spread across the superlaser crater in all directions and commenced taking out all the anti-missile turrets they could find from the edge of the crater and outwards, Battlestars and Colonial Destroyers moved in reverse in order to fire their Mega-Pulsar cannons-which only faced forward-upon The Death Star's surface. Their light and heavy turrets concentrated upon the Imperial fighters launched from the Death Star itself, lead by Sith Lord Draconis. He and his forces were already approaching rapidly.
"One centon until The Death Star is in range of Caprica." Came Commander Adama's voice throughout the communication systems utilized by Commander Cain's strike force.
Delpa Gival shot down laser turret after laser turret in defense of Sheba and Bojay as they blasted the anti-missile turrets. Had Cain's strike force arrived earlier as planned, their Vipers and Bombers would have had more time to take out more of The Death Star's defenses. With the battle station too close to Caprica, all squadrons were ordered to move away from the mighty sphere and engage the Imperial pilots.


Core Command.

With no time left, The Death Star about to fire in half a centon, it's squadrons heading for his separate attack force, Commander Cain announced that they would have to make do with the defenses their Vipers took out with the little time they had available.
Everyone within the 25 Battlestars and 75 Colonial Destroyers prepared themselves for phase III of the military genius' plan.
"Fire." Commander Cain ordered.
Each Battlestar launched it's four nuclear missiles and Colonial Destroyers providing supporting fire with theirs. They streaked toward each area where an aperture for each division of the superlaser was as their Vipers engaged the Imperial craft well out of the blast radius of the earth shattering missiles. Delpa Gival and the Colonial fighters preventing the Imperial craft from shooting them down.
The crater-like area of The Death Star's superlaser started to get obscured from view by the nuclear explosions tearing the outer hull of the immediate area. The last of the missiles destroying the vital areas underneath rendered The Empire's ultimate weapon useless. All that remained was a circular area exposing the areas underneath.
With Commander Cain's successful defense of Caprica came great morale for the Coalition Forces. And gargantuan fury from the brutal one.

"Part #16 - Close Quarters."

-Alex McKeel as Orion Knight-Star and twin brother Sith Lord Draconis.

-Sean Connaughton as Grand Jedi Master Seaco Buroc.

-Patrick Delieto as Grand Jedi Master Delpa Gival and Admiral Targeta.

-Colleen Driscoll as Darth Shivilow.

-Joe Mignano as Darth Bruticus.

-John Damocles Smith as Jedi Master Damocles.

The rage felt by Darth Bruticus filled his entire Sith Meditation Sphere. The loss of the superlaser was the last thing he expected to happen in this, or any other, battle.
"Shivilow, help even up the odds. Get to your fighter and join Lord Draconis." The enraged dark lord transmitted to the Death Star's command center.
"Yes, my Lord."
Then Bruticus continued his transmission to The Death Star's command center. "...Admiral Targeta, move The Death Star closer to Caprica's red moon. Force them to defend The Sorgarn, my ship's monitors found them there. Send a heavy strike team to capture and detain them within."
"As you wish my Lord."

Core Command, Battlestar Pegasus.

Commander Cain Transmitted a pre-recorded message to the fleet commanders as he concentrated upon the remaining ships in the battle at hand.
"Attention Coalition Leaders. We apologize for the delay. This was due to sabotage by supporters of Sire Minos. The facilities were rigged with solonite and damaged so badly that we had no alternative other than to seek more fuel elsewhere. As a result we had to settle with half our fuel capacity in order to make it in time. However, I believe it will be sufficient to last for the duration of this battle."

Core Command, Battlestar Galactica.

Upon hearing this transmission after the mighty superlaser's destruction, Commander Adama turned to Colonel Tigh to relay the next set of orders for the battle plan.
"Commence attack upon The Death Star. Use nuclear missiles to cover as much of the surface area as possible in order to knock out their turrets starting with the equator and polar regions."

The captured Basestar suffered a constant pounding by TIE Bomber ordnance. Although the Battlestar Galactica

stationed beside the upper port side and Battlestar Atlantia

at the upper starboard side remained and provided exceptional support, it was not sufficient to eliminate the huge bombers after their fighter support got taken out with the time they had available. And despite The Battlestar Columbia

-which was stationed beside the Basestar's lower port side-directly below Galactica

and Pacifica

below Atlantia,

they were unable to provide enough cover fire since their opposition struck from above the top saucer-section of the Basestar. The supporting Colonial Destroyers for the above Battlestars gone by the time Commander Kronus gave the order to abandon the Basestar.
Orion Knight-Star's Clone Wars-era Jedi Star Fighter escorted Kronus' shuttle to the Galactica.

The last of the TIE Bombers got eliminated soon after. The Basestar, although rendered too unfit for personnel to enter, remained half-intact due to the fact that it was more hardy than a Colonial Battlestar and an Imperial Star Destroyer combined. With it's Mega-Pulsar Cannons out of commission as well, Commander Kronus ordered it's last-resort usage. The mighty Cylon Basestar accelerated toward the numerous fighter craft which came from within The Death Star's armada and detonated the nuclear explosives installed within. The titanic blast radius destroying five capital ships and over 4,000 fighters, leaving Sith Lord Draconis with two-thirds of their forces at his disposal.

The starfighters belonging to the four Jedi Masters and Colonial Vipers from the Galactica

and Pegasus

reunited over the red moon of Caprica. The fighting became quite intense as the remaining 120 Star Destroyers with the Super Star Destroyer Dominator

in the centre of their spherical formation of ships moved ever so close. AT-ATs and Scout Walkers had been dropped upon the surface toward the Sorgarn facilities. The Battlestar Hydra

approached the cavalry of 20 four-legged and 20 two-legged walkers, after blasting the Star Destroyer which dispatched them, with it's heavy Mega-Pulsar Cannons. The aforementioned Jedi and Colonial warrior squadrons witnessed that the Hydra

never fired a single shot at the Imperial ground forces because it was too badly damaged and as a result, the 50 Imperial fighters which maintained their attack were more than sufficient to blast it into fragments which fell to the immediate lunar surface area below.
"We're the only ones within the area to deal with them, Jedi, Blue Squadron, Silver and Bronze Spar Squadrons, I have a plan."
Captain Apollo explained his strategy with as few words as necessary in order to conserve time during the more intensified stage of battle. He ordered Starbuck, Boomer, Greenbean and Jolly to follow him along the terrain toward the AT-AT in the lead as Bronze Spar Squadron forced the ones at the left flank to concentrate their fire upon them. Blue Squadron did the same against the left flank. Silver Spar Squadron took out any TIE Fighter giving the walkers support.
"Approaching the leader." Apollo said.
Delpa Gival spoke next.
"Remember that AT-AT armour is too strong for blasters. Aim for the legs and the viewing port on the head when at close range. Try to hit the neck whenever you have the chance, it's the weakest spot."
"What about the guns?" Said Starbuck.
"Still too strong, only a lucky shot would take those out without missiles."
"10 metrics and closing." Apollo announced. That being the cue for Seaco Buroc, followed by Lieutenant Sheba and Lieutenant Bojay to dive toward the leading AT-AT's port side and Master Damocles, followed by Flight Sergeant Ortega, to dive toward it's starboard side. Seaco's B-Wing fired it's powerful cannons at the neck as Damocles did

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