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Book online «Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie by Heather Ray (best color ereader .txt) 📖». Author Heather Ray

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evaporated, the spell began to disappear along with it. She then gripped her scepter with both hands.

"Hold still,"

she ordered, touching the vines with the scepter. One by one, the vines released their grip, allowing Tommy to land on the ground. Immediately, he wrapped his arms gratefully around Kim, who continued to cry onto his chest. He rested his chin on her hair, and gently swayed her back and forth.

"Achem," came a bitter voice from across the room. Both teens looked up, and were shocked by the red light filling the chamber. It was the light of Lord Zedd's fury.

"Zedd," Tommy muttered, glaring once again at his captor. He didn't let go of Kimberly, whom he could feel shiver in his arms.

"Get your hands off my wife," Zedd threatened, tightening his grip on his scepter.

"She's not your wife!" Tommy yelled back, releasing Kim. She looked up at Zedd, her own eyes displaying anger.

"And I never

will be, either!"

she finished.

Zedd roared angrily, and pointed his scepter at Tommy. A blast of white lightning scorched Tommy's chest, throwing him clear across the chamber. He smashed into the wall, barely maintaining consciousness.


Kimberly cried at the top of her lungs, running to his limp form. He was still conscious, but dazed. She then looked up at Zedd, her eyes flashing with fathomless fury. Zedd returned the gaze with a flash of scarlet anger, watching as Kimberly lifted her scepter, with the Heart of Darkness attached to its crown. She rose to her feet, and approached Zedd, holding the scepter like a lance.

"Like Tommy said earlier,"

she muttered, "you're not

getting away with this!"

Chapter Sixty-Five

Goldar growled, pointing at the four Turbo Rangers with his golden sword. Then, the dozens of Putty Patrolers sprang into action, charging the rangers fiercely. Adam, Kat, and Tanya all took defensive stances, preparing for the onslaught. But the Blue Ranger lingered back slightly, a little uneasy in his fighting stance.

"Uh, guys?" he asked, "What're those?"

"They're Putties, Trevor," Katherine responded, plowing her toes into one's chest, "Aim for the 'Z', and you'll be fine."

Trevor nodded, and ducked as the first Putty swung at his head. He responded by cartwheeling to the side, and punching the creature mightily on the Z plate. To his surprise, the creature exploded, and its clay pieces quickly vanished. Grinning beneath his helmet, he met the other oncoming Putties head on.

Katherine easily fended off the Putties. Her anger and fear over Tommy's situation fueled her strength, allowing her to unleash her emotions on the lifeless magical creatures. With a powerful snap-kick, one Putty flew clear across the room before crumbling. Tanya continued to block and dodge the Putties' attacks, allowing them to back her towards Zedd's throne. She turned around to deliver a spin-kick, and to her surprise, she saw the red Turbo Morpher, sitting on a stone pillar beside the throne. She kicked the Putties as planned, and then approached the Morpher. But a golden sword stood as a barrier, and then its blunt end plowed into her stomach, throwing her backwards. She shook off the pain, and glared at Goldar, who was towering above her.

"Tut, tut," he mocked, "Trying to steal what isn't yours."

"Not like it's yours," she spat, rising to her feet to meet Goldar's gaze, "Where's Tommy and Kimberly?"

"Oh, the Queen is surely with her fiance," Goldar drawled, "and as for the former Red Ranger...he's probably being prepared for the wedding ceremony. Didn't you hear? He's going to be the main course!"

Tanya frowned with disgust, and took a fighting position. Goldar grinned at her, and thrust his mighty sword at her. She backflipped out of the way, and rose her hands to the air.

"Turbo Star-Chargers!" she cried, as her weapons appeared at her call. She then returned to Goldar, blocking his swing with one Star-Charger, and plowing into his stomach with the other. From across the room, Adam saw Tanya fight through the corner of his eye.

"I've gotta help her!" he decided, throwing his elbow into one Puttie's chestplate. He then broke away from the others, and leapt into the air. His speed built enough momentum, and so when he flew through the air foot first, he struck Goldar in the back, throwing the mighty warrior to the ground. Adam somersaulted off Goldar, landing near the Turbo Morpher. Goldar roared angrily, and reached for his sword, but a blue and white boot stepped on his hand, pressing down hard. Goldar winced, and looked up at the Blue Ranger, baring yellowed fangs.

"I wouldn't, if I were you," said Trevor, pointing to the left. Goldar followed his gesture, and saw the Pink Turbo Ranger standing tall, her Windfire bow aimed carefully. Goldar growled inwardly when he noticed every single Putty Patroler was gone. "Useless," he muttered to himself.

"Guys," said Trevor, "I think this monster's had enough. What do we do with him?"

"We make sure he doesn't get in our way," said Tanya, approaching. She lifted her right Star-Charger, and slammed it into the back of Goldar's head. He groaned in pain, and lost consciousness.

"That should keep him out of the picture for awhile, at least," said Kat, lowering her bow, "Where to now, Adam?"

"We find Tommy," he answered, turning to the pillar, "Kat, where would Zedd hold a prisoner?"

"The dungeon, in the basement," Kat answered.

"Do you know the way?" asked Trevor. Kat nodded.

"Great," said Adam, "Hopefully, we'll find Kimberly too. But first, we need the Red Ranger."

As Adam grabbed the red Turbo Morpher, he gasped as the entire palace began to quake. He balanced himself on the pillar, and glanced at the other Turbo Rangers. Even though their faces were masked my their helmets, it was obvious a wave of fear hit them all. They could only guess what mighty force was rocking the palace.

Chapter Sixty-Six

Below, the dungeon rumbles with power. The shaking was enough to stir Tommy, who was against the far wall of the chamber. He looks up, and his eyes widen when he sees two beings of immeasurable power, dueling with all the fury each of them could muster. As he watched the bright silver scepter clash with the golden one, sparks of energy shot out, filling the chamber with a magical light much like fireworks. On one side, his visor still glowing with energy, stood Lord Zedd, the universally despised and feared Emperor of Evil. This villain had destroyed countless civilizations in his time, and has ruined billions of lives with his cruelty and tyranny. But his opponent, the latest victim of his ruthless manipulation, has been given by destiny the opportunity-- and the power-- to fight back. That opponent is Kimberly Hart, who, once upon a time, was a typical human girl, with dreams, goals, love, and friends. But Zedd stole them all from her, leaving an empty shell where a fun-loving teenager used to be. That void was filled with anger, hurt, and most of all... power. And that power is being thrown back upon the being who bestowed it upon her. It is the classic struggle of the created against the creator.

Tommy watches, completely mesmerized, as Lord Zedd swings his staff in a downward stroke, as if it were an ax chopping firewood. But rather than become kindling, Kimberly quickly sidesteps the attack, her flowing gown not inhibiting her movement in the least, and retaliates by striking Lord Zedd in the face with the heel of her own scepter. Her eyes, still pulsing with red energy, display the anger and hurt raging through her mind as she counters each attack expertly. The scene unfolding before Tommy's eyes was so dramatic and intriguing, he couldn't bring himself to move. He just stood against the wall, watching. While his face didn't display it, he unconsciously realized the irony of the situation.

Lord Zedd gave her absolute power, to allow her to help him rule the cosmos. Now, she's turned that power against him. And it looks like they're evenly matched.

Tommy was shaken back to reality when he felt small pebbles falling onto his head. He glanced up, and noticed the ceiling was splintering under the vast amount of power being released. Instincts kicked in, and he moved to the corner, hiding behind a podium of stone. He prayed it would be enough to shield him from any stray attacks. No matter how much he desired to help Kimberly, he knew he would only get in her way if he involved himself. Without his Turbo Morpher, he had no power to counter Lord Zedd's magic with. This time, Kimberly had to face her enemy alone.

"Give it up, Kimberly," Zedd huffed, ducking a swing aimed at his head, "you can't defeat me! I gave you that power! Without the Heart of Darkness, you're nothing!"


she cried, "I'm a human being, with feelings, hopes, aspirations, joys...and everything was taken from me

! I won't let you use me!!"

"You can't destroy me," Zedd announced, catching her arm, "Don't you understand? The Hart of Darkness had bonded to your life force, allowing you to tap into the bottomless well of energy that I draw from. If you destroy me, you destroy yourself. You've come to rely upon the power, Kimberly. You will die without it!"

Kimberly's ruby eyes softened a bit, as the realization struck her. She looked at Zedd, and then back at her scepter. She didn't notice Zedd start cackling cruelly, cementing his victory over her. Kim stared at the scepter, and the red gemstone upon it. She then realized the consequence of accepting Zedd's gift of fathomless power. The price was her life.

Tears began to well in her eyes, as she slowly turned her head to Tommy. In his eyes, she could see the fear he was experiencing. She knew that he wasn't afraid for himself. Rather, he was afraid for her. There was no way out of the bargain she struck with Zedd. Except one.

Kimberly turned to Zedd, casting an icy glare upon him. He immediately stopped laughing, and stared at her quizzically.

"I've sinned,"

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